The Arrival
The city was a kaleidoscope of light and dark as the clouds broke up sending pillars of life down on the colorful city. They had been circling the Harmony City for about five minutes as they waited for the storm departed now that it was the view from up in the airplane was stunning. The city was massive compared Auradon Central and the Isle of the Lost which stood like an island in the middle of a forking river that poured into the ocean.
"From that pier all the way the hill is the French Quarter." Ben said pointing to an area with pretty buildings and miniature gardens that led into the larger part of the city. The young king said pointing out another recognizable district of the city he had already brought to her attention like, New London with its replica of Big Ben standing like a dwarf among tall glass buildings, and the historic district filled with schools and museums that catalogued the lives of average people from the dark ages even further back in time.
"This is amazing it's like when I flied as a dragon," Mal smiled in amazement at the new play she could Explorer once the plane landed "but this time everyone can share the view." She said looking back at her boyfriend and around the plane at the group of her friends.
Jay and Carlos and Evie had fallen asleep either from becoming too bored or two uncomfortable being cooped up so high above ground they did whatever was necessary to pass the time. Jane on the other hand was busy studying for her role at the ball checking schedules for the arrival of her mother's wind that had to take a separate airplane due to security reasons. Then there was Chad who decided to hitch a ride in order to surprise his family for arriving early for the event his parents hosted something apparently, he never did. Then in the back snuggled with a drawing pad and earbuds jabbed into her ears was Audrey's tragically jewel drawing away as sorrowful droning music filter ears.
"I don't know why FG allowed Audrey to come along?" Mal said with a hint of irritation Chad at least had an excuse and she couldn't really argue with that.
Audrey on the other hand had popped into their travel plans the moment the Fairy Godmother gave the okay for them to leave early to help the Harmony City police force from potential vandals like the ones that attacked the school. Even though FG expected the few extra days to be working on either helping the ball or investigating Mal and the other VK's side as potential extension on their vacation.
"Come on Mal, she has a stake in the investigation." Ben shook his head at his girlfriend's attitude "The video with the matching magic signature was a song cover of Once Upon A Dream,"
Mal blinked a flickering image of her dream vision crossed through her mind before she answered innocently "I actually haven't watched the video."
"She just wants to be there when we catch them, besides that she'll be at the spas and shops all day." He comforted her before leaning back in his seat.
There was a chime of the plane's speaker before the voice of the stewardess came online "Attention all passengers, we are descending in to Two Rivers Airport for Harmony City." The chipper voice explained "Pleases buckle your seat belts as we will experience some turbulence as we land."
"Finally!" Chad said loudly fist bumping the air to no one's amusement not even Jay who was startled awake by the sound.
After a more than comfortable landing the group of AK's and VK's got their bags from the airport and went to a secret exit for royalty which is made so that the city paparazzi wouldn't create a traffic jam taking pictures of celebrities who entered and exited the metropolis.
"I see the driver." Carlos said being the first to notice a limo driver holding up a sign that said 'King Benjamin and company.'
Audrey pulled out an earbud and looked over to the sun to Cinderella "Um, Chad?" She looked at the rest of the group hesitantly "I don't see your folks or a driver waiting for you."
Chad shrugged his smile never faltering "Nah, I'm sure they're just stuck in traffic." Despite his comforting attitude he slowly pulled out his cell phone to check his messages.
Audrey look to the rest of the group who gave each other surreptitious glances before moving to head to the driver. The Princess relented putting earbud back in and went off to join the group and the limo which left the airport without Chad Charming.
The drive through the city was a pleasant one with welcoming business signs and architecture from a free city from around the world. The sky was a rainbow with reflective glass in bright lights that continue to glow even during the increasingly sunny day every part of Harmony city seeming to scream 'Be happy!' Or offering a way to make someone happy.
"Oh no!" Jane who was scrolling through her phone let out a nervous shriek.
"What is it?" Carlos said trying to comfort his girlfriend deeply concerned of what had made her scream.
"Oberon." The daughter of the fairy godmother said panicky "Oberon is coming to the Autumn Moon Ball."
Carlos held his girlfriend's hand but looked around at the others in the limousine "uh? Who's that?"
"I think I saw that name in the fairy history textbook." Evie giggled knowing that she couldn't say more because she didn't care much for the subject.
Mal ran a hand through her hair trying to recall the name "My mom cursed his name a few times, put no clue."
Audrey turned off her phone and removed her earbuds for the final time as she began to explain "Oberon is or was the Fairy King, before the dark ages he, and fey kind lived on an island called Avalon." She said smugly "Though after King Arthur's and Merlin's expedition to Avalon, he sent all the fairies that were living on the island to live among the rest of the world. Some fairies changed to help the environment like the ones in Neverland while others like Jane's mother, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather dedicated their magic to helping people."
"Then there were those like my mom, who went absolutely evil." Mal cut her off not wanting to give the daughter of the sleeping beauty any satisfaction of saying it.
"He's an old fairy with old fairy habits, he probably can resist all the parties that go on in Auradon." Ben continued the explanation noticing the tension between his old friend in his girlfriend "But he's also very tricksters and hard to please. Any help he gives comes with a price or unintended consequence."
"So there's just another important person coming to a party where everyone's invited, there's nothing to worry about." Jay said not seeming to internalize any of the information that was said.
"Jay is correct about that; he is just another guest. Though if you do your mother part in the Ball perfectly, I might be able to start peace negations." Ben said to the still jittery Jane "My father wasn't able to get Avalon to join the USA, but don't feel pressured." He backtracked of a nervous grin "I wouldn't be a very good king in I couldn't handle diplomacy on my own."
The drive went on a tall building started to get smaller and smaller as gardens grew and opulent mansions of every size and color started to appear. Jay and started to calm down by pointing out which celebrity owned which mansion or were being reserved for the day that the AK's would have to move out of their castles and make their own lives in the larger world.
"Here it is, 1991 Ever After Avenue. Home away from home." Ben said as the limo slowed in front of the largest of the mansions with brilliant blue and gold trimming and large windows that revealed the elegance within its walls.
"Uh, Audrey do you want us to take you to your family's place." Evie said remembering the stream of names the daughter of the fairy mother had mentioned "It was that big pink one that we passed down the street."
"No thank, I'm sure there's enough space for everyone." Audrey said as nicely as she could to the daughter of the evil Queen before getting out of the limo and heading for the door of the mansion leaving her baggage to be picked up by the mansions staff.
The rest of the group made quick fool work of unloading their bags and making themselves at home in the mansion. "Looks like there is enough rooms for all of us to have two if we wanted." Watching Mal unpack in her chosen room "I'm going to miss bunking up with you."
"This our vacation, let's have fun." Mal set of a smile getting used to the city and its differences can paired to the parts of Auradon they were used to.
"Don't forget that most of our time is doing busy work and investigating for a crime we didn't commit." The daughter of the Evil Queen pouted "I feel like I've been made a hunting dog."
Mal put down her stuff and went over to her friend "We're still going to have fun, imagine all the things we can do here with no teachers breathing down our next to be there version of good."
The two girls giggled noticing for a brief moment their roles had been reversed with Evie being the downer and Mal being the one that needed to tear someone up. They hugged happy that they could share another adventure no matter what the circumstances, they were there to make the best of the situation.
"Mal!" Then shouted coming up the hall stopping slightly to let the girls stop their hug "I have to show something to you." He said to Mal.
Waving goodbye Mal followed her boyfriend it to a balcony that face the city there she could see a tall tower with a roof that resembled a pyramid man out of crystal that shone like 100 rainbows in the sunlight. "Is that the Skydown tower, it's beautiful." Looking in amazement at what she had learned was the only building in the entire city to be made with magic as a type of performance art. Like the name implied the building was built from the sky down starting with a massive crystal ballroom and then on words to floors that were reserved for shops or whatever people could afford to put there.
Ben said with a smile as he watched his girlfriend lean on the balcony rail to stare at the tower "In a couple weeks will be dancing up there dancing under the moonlight, just the two of us." The smile in his voice faltered as his eyes started to the ground.
"Ben, you seem nervous." Mal turned to the young king "Do you believe in that curse stuff."
Ben's face became serious and took his girlfriend's hand "Mal, you're my true love no curse or villain is ever going to rip us a part" he kissed her wanting to put the thought of anything that could ruin their time in Harmony city far from their mind.
Tucked behind the balcony door just out of sight of the couple Audrey covered her mouth as she silently wept. Something in her chest like a dread or the worst type of fear filter and she knew that it was loneliness but it was a loneliness that ached for someone that getting care for her or would never exist. She turned as fast as she could and went down the hallway to the guest bedroom that she made her own the whole time gripping a small rose shaped of vile of liquid that she was secretly keeping on a ribbon around her neck. She rubbed her thumb along the glass of the vile and imagine the night of the Autumn Moon Ball when she could get rid of the feeling forever more.
(AN: Here an update, staring classes so there may be awhile before I can post another update. Leave a review if you have any thoughts, feeling or suggestions. Also, big thank you to everyone who has followed and favorited it's so nice to know that people are interested reading this.)