AN - Ellooo and welcome back to the lemony Cringefest of insanity also known as Powerlust!

For the "antifanboy"? While I can tip a hat for not hiding behind a Guest account, but all you did was make a major dick out of yourself. Criticism? Lol, sorry pal, but the shit you wrote wasn't criticism. That's literally just you being a prat with an attitude problem. Don't like the story? Don't read it and move along, simple as that.

"Evyplayz121": Your words certainly had been much more constructive compared to this previous guy, and there certainly have been many points I shall take your word upon. And admittedly the previous chapter, even to me felt kinda rushed at various points, where even my standards in grammar had dropped considerably.

Enjoy the chapter and please Follow, Favorite and leave a Review or I'll summon the Great Red on yeh! ;)

No seriously; Reviews are the only thing that keeps an Author motivated!

All mindless flames will duly be ignored (like all immature shits (Trolls) of the community should be), but constructive criticism is highly welcomed if it means we could potentially improve the quality of our story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool DxD it belongs to its respective owner.

I only own the SIOC… well, the mental part of him more of...

Speech: "What"

Thoughts(3rd POV) / Inner speech: 'What'

Telepathy: "What"

Demonic/Distorted voices: "What"

Ddraig Speech: [What]



STAND PROUD by Jin Hashimoto


=Part 1=

=Screwed Over Messenger=

-Kuoh Academy, Class 2B-

"I see you've finally decided to grace your presence in one of my classes, Hyoudou Issei..." My homeroom teacher, Himawari-sensei, made a highly sarcastic note aimed at me the second she realized I happened to be partaking her class for once.

Perhaps not the bests of first impressions since my start here.

Currently we're in the middle of our first class of the day (the homeroom) and right now Sensei was in the middle of the daily roll call to get a check on the attending students. And her attention locked onto me like a bird of prey, the very moment she noticed how my seat wasn't vacant as it usually turned out to be...

In case you were wondering; Himawari Sakuya, the homeroom teacher of my class (Class 2B), is a beautiful fair-skinned woman in her mid-twenties with dynamite body, steel blue eyes and wine-red hair with parted bangs and shoulder length strands framing both sides of her face, while in the back her hair is tied upwards with a black hairband. And as far as her daily wear goes; purple button-up blouse (that's barely keeping her assets in check) with its sleeves rolled up to her biceps, black pencil skirt, stockings and finally high heels as a fine finisher.

In other words; Ten out of ten, would totally bang. However since she's a teacher, one of my favorites in fact, here in this Academy. So it was with deep heart, that I decided against making any moves on her (for now), since I don't wish to give her any trouble and risk her getting fired for being frisky with a student just because I couldn't keep it in my pants. I'd no doubt be safe from being expelled, since the Devils would very likely intervene if the person they had their interest in were to suddenly be at risk of leaving, before they even got the chance recruit me into one of their Peerages.

I then gave the teach a jovial grin. "But of course, sensei~, I wouldn't miss your classes to the world~" That didn't stop me from flirting with her however.

"You've already skipped nearly half of them within your first month, Hyoudou..." Sensei deadpanned with a twitch of her eye.

"But you must understand, Sensei…" I began with faux downtrodden tone of voice, placing a hand over my heart in further emphasis. "with how lovely your teaching voice is, especially with your accent during English classes; I have to be very careful with my approach, lest I—" I made a dramatic pause, giving the teacher a predatory look. "-lose control of my urges, you know… You're incredibly desirable woman after all."

Which funnily enough is not a complete jest, except it'd more likely happen in an opposite order with the teacher herself being the one losing control if I end up exposing her too much to my pheromones.

My smirk only widened when Himawari-sensei suddenly became beet red at my very lewd insinuation. "P-please be serious for once in your life, Issei-kun!"

Ho-ho? Issei-kun, eh~? I wasn't aware we were already in the first-name basis~. My oh my~ where did that sense of professionalism go, Sensei? Though while amusing it didn't seem the teach herself was aware of her little slip-up, but for once I decided to give her some slack by not capitalizing on it.

For this time that is.

After all, it wouldn't be practical (nor fun) to use up all the ammo you have in one setting~.

"But I am serious, Sensei… with how attractive you are… I may just want to… eat you all up, when you least expect it~~"

"Y-y-you—" She sputtered wildly before she recollected herself (at least tried to) by taking in a deep breath. "J-just shut up, please and I'll finish the roll call…" She grumbled out with red cheeks, giving me an occasional glance as she went back to calling out the students' names to see everyone else were attending..

"Inoue Maki!"

"Over here, Sensei!"

"Kagura Tsubame!"


"Kiryuu Aika! Ah, right. Kiryuu-san had been called in sick today… Next up; Mikogami Kojiro—"

My face shifted in some concern. Aika's sick?

Now that she mentioned it; I never came across her this whole morning… Subconsciously, my gaze wandered to my right on the other end of the classroom or more specifically; towards Aika's assigned seat, which surely enough was currently vacant.

[Cold perhaps?]

Could be… Maybe I should go for a visit to see how's she's doing after school…

[Issei, if she's actually sick then what she needs is rest, NOT sex...]

I rolled my eyes at Ddraig's dry remark. 'You know full well I'd never take an advantage of a girl if she's feeling ill or isn't in the mood for it.'

[Not in the mood? Are we actually speaking of the same female here?]

Right… Roses are red, violets are blue, Aika Kiryuu, always in mood…


Hey, it fits though!

From there on; I more or less toned down the background noises as Sensei proceeded with the roll call in favor to stare out the window and simply sit there and daydream.

It wasn't until her next words, was I brought back to reality however.

"Also, could somebody please explain to me why I received a report earlier this morning how the Pervert Duo—" I snickered a bit at that, considering how even our teachers were calling the two by their school title instead of their surnames like they professionally should. "—both had a Shinai sticking out of their asses, when they got brought into the infirmary 5 minutes ago!?" Himawari-sensei, questioned in a highly incredulous tone, with a deep embarrassed blush in her face.

I let out a loud snort and quickly slammed a palm against my mouth to prevent myself from starting laughing my ass off in the middle of the class. Though even that was mostly a futile effort with my uncontrollable snickering, mirthful tears escaping and shoulders shaking.

T-those girls actually freaking did it!

[HAHAHA~~! This is fucking priceless! HAHA!]

It appears I now have to go and see which two girls came out on top as the victor and gets to reserve me for a day, when I visit the Kendo club later after school.

Promise was a promise after all.

[Heh, I bet my scales those Kendo captains were the ones, who pulled the Finisher on those two]

Ddraig's remark was enough to force a spit-take outta me, considering how he gave me the mental image of shinai wielding forms of Murayama and Katase (both wearing evil smiles) standing over the prostrating forms of Pervert Duo (their asses sticking up), with the referee from Mortal Kombat giving the loud exclamation of "FINISH HIM!", before the girls shoved their respective shinais where sun doesn't shine, that is soon followed with "FATALITY!".

-Kuoh Academy rooftops-
-Lunch Break-

"Man… despite all the hectic activity this morning, things sure had been uneventful since then… I mean none of the Devils had even approached me yet for… the talk, to put it in simple terms." I mused out loud, seated on one of the wooden two-person benches (that the roof was practically littered with), while taking a bite out of my bento, all handmade, courtesy of Murayama Yui herself, who gave it to me prior the lunch period before heading out with her club members. Another perk from being the player that I am? Free meal nearly every day at school from the girls, mainly from the members of the Kendo club.

Though the meals Yui makes are always exquisite~ even now, while the contents of her bento may not seem anything special at a first look, with the typical set of rice, sausages, karaage, vegetables etc. the taste however… Bueno~ 5 stars!

Yui would definitely make a lovely wife one day~.

[Then just take her into your hoard. You're a dragon now after all]

"Hmm, you know… not a bad idea Ddraig. I think I may just go and do that. Hanako-chan as well while I'm at it, since those two literally belongs in a single package. Not like they'd ever go for other guys at this point anyway." I quietly exclaimed, while picking up one of the cute looking fried octopus-shaped sausages with my chopsticks. Call me arrogant if you will, but as Ddraig pointed it out earlier; with the way things are going, with my cheat pheromones and all that, it is very doubtful for the girls would turn the other way, once they've gotten the taste, so to speak.

Speaking of taste; Goddamn this stuff is delicious! Yup, that settles it; I'll definitely bring Yui and Hanako into my hoard, once I decide to make my plans for harem more official! Oh crap, I nearly had another boner for imagining Yui clad in naked-apron, cooking meals for me, while shaking that shapely ass of hers for me invitingly as she stood before the stove.

[Mind off the gutter for now, Issei. You have plenty of time to fulfill your fantasies later. But I believe you mentioned something about the Devils?]

'Meh, nothing major really, but it's just that I find it kinda weird how neither Rias nor Sona had taken any actions to confront me yet… I mean if the Kitten had truly told them everything she saw (and heard); they should all be more than aware of me by now... Well there was Sona this morning, but I doubt that one really counts.'

[True, though I think the Devils here are only being cautious over how to approach you. Especially if they're aware how you handled your little Crow incident and the way you asserted… domination on her two days ago]

That's… definitely a valid point.

Well since that has been covered, now to come up with a way to settle my boredom…

[It's literally only been like 4 hours since the school started, Issei…]

'I know that, but you're well aware I'm very susceptible to restlessness, lest I have a pretty woman held in my arms and a pair of fine tits to fondle!'

Ddraig gave an amused snort. [You know, I kinda have the feeling you and the original owner of this host body would've gone along rather well, partner]

'Yeah… We probably would have wouldn't we…' I admitted with a hint of a smile, chewing on a piece of karaage. I mean sure there would've been a whole bunch of times, I'd rather shoot myself in the kneecap with a nailgun than deal with most of his more... open minded shenanigans, but otherwise Issei seemed like an okay guy to hang around with. So long aneurysm doesn't get me first, that is.

Once I gulped the piece of fried chicken down, my lips fell into a straight line and my brows scrunched up into a frown. 'If it had been my former self that is... If the real Issei and I were to ever meet now, I doubt we'd ever see eye to eye with each other… He'd no doubt blow a gasket on me in jealousy for achieving things he would've only dreamed of at this stage. Hell, he may even see me as a second Riser!'

And I wouldn't really hold it against him if he did, since in a way Riser and I (the person I've become) are fairly similar to one another in a way… I may not like it, but I can at least admit that much...

We're both incredibly prideful, shameless playboys, each with a massive ego to boot. Though I suppose the main differences between us is the fact that I do not look down on people indiscriminately and whenever I decide to make any advances on a new girl; I at very least have the decency to check for their consent first before getting overly handsy with them. Unlike Riser who just went and straight up started caressing Rias' thigh upon his first arrival with complete disregard over how uncomfortable (read: disgusted) the latter was from the act.

Though with my Harem Protagonist Cheat Codes on; I have yet to experience any rejection from the girls… Luckily though; with my dragonic senses, I'm easily capable picking off any fear and anxiety from a person through smell alone, giving me the perfect warning when I should be backing off in case a girl isn't interested at the time.

On a sidenote: Raynare doesn't count, since she DID try to kill me at first, so the blatant molestation I put her through by my hands during our date was more than justified.

I was then brought out of my musings by the sound of Ddraig scoffing. [Knowing him; Issei, the… canon one, would've probably started worshipping you like a God, kissing the very ground you walk, while begging you to take him as your apprentice and teach him the ways of Harem every damn minute...]

That... premonition was way too bloody accurate that I can literally see that happening...

[Anyway; don't think too deeply into it, partner. What happened has happened, there's literally nothing to do about it. Nor should we. But let me tell you; not once have I ever come to regret the day you took over]


[And if even half of your memories about him were anything to go by… I'm not even sure how I would've lived it down with a partner like that! I mean; powering up by poking the nips of that Gremory witch!?] Nicely rhymed there. [Utterly preposterous! My pride and reputation as one of the two Heavenly Dragon would be in complete tatters!]

I let out a chuckle. 'You were definitely heard crying a lot each time canon Issei pulled that shit to come out on top against his opponents.'

[So! You said you were bored?] I rolled my eyes at Ddraig's blatant attempt to change the subject away from his more embarrassing moments, even if they were the ones that only his canon-self went through. [How about we find someone to fight then?]

I rolled my eyes at Ddraig's suggestion for a second time in row, while sighing. 'It's still in the middle of school hours, Ddraig. Besides; what good does it do to fight a bunch of weaklings here at Kuoh, who can be defeated by simply spitting at their general direction? Besides, the whole battlenut shtick? That's Vali's thing. I on the other hand prefer the good ol' love over war approach, if ye catch my drift?' I told the ancient entity, while I wiggled my eyebrows inwardly at him in a highly suggestive way.

Ddraig sighed. [Aye, I hear you. But now that you're the strongest Boosted Gear wielder of all generations, at such a young age at that! I can't help but feel all that power is going to waste if we're merely sitting around, doing nothing but twirl our thumbs…]

Or in my case; chase the tail, which Ddraig left unmentioned. 'Right back at you, Ddraig; don't think too much on it. There will be plenty of opportunities down the line I'm sure. Besides as long as Whitey is the one getting REKT by the end of it; I hardly doubt you'd care all that much for the rest, am I right?'

[Heh, guilty as charged! By the way, just wondering…]

I rose a brow in curiosity. 'What is it?' I asked while setting down, the now emptied up, bento box on the adjacent, vacant seat next to me. I then pulled a small carton (strawberry flavored) juice box out of the pocket of my blazer jacket (I really like the sweet flavor, so I tend to often carry a few of these on me), before I leaned back against the backrest and duly started drinking the carton's contents through a straw. Sitting back and relax, enjoying the sweet beverage while I stared up at the clouds in peace.

[Is the option to raid the heaven still on the table?]

I blinked at the sudden question. 'What do you even— ah…!' Then it clicked. 'Gabriel's tits?'

[Damn straight, Boi!]

It was a good thing I paused with my drinking earlier, lest I'd have spat the contents out, when I broke into boisterous laughter at Ddraig's response and actually had to hold onto my stomach for how hard I was laughing. If anyone were to see me now; they'd no doubt look at me like a crazy person.

It took a solid minute of me laughing like a loon, before I finally calmed down and was now wiping the corner of my eyes from the mirthful tears.

'You know, with your obvious crush on Gabriel; I think I now have a fair idea why Tiamat is—'

[HELLO! You have reached Y Ddraig Goch, unfortunately I'm not available right now. Please hunt the White One down or just leave a bloody message after the following beep. Beep!]

I rolled my eyes, snickering softly at Ddraig's antics and the way he just cut the connection between us for the time being. But in the end I merely shrugged and placed the straw of the carton juice between my lips again.

"A-anoo? H-hyoudou Issei-san, I presume?" I blinked (and pausing with my drink again), when an unfamiliar feminine voice called out to me, so imagine my surprise when I actually recognized the girl in question, when I turned to face her direction...

Reddish-brown hair tied in twin pigtails with swept bangs on front? Check.

Heart shaped face with cute button nose and brown eyes? Check.

And lastly; petite, but highly athletic build with high B-(or low C-)cup breasts and firm bootay? Also a Check.

Tomoe Meguri (I believe she was called), the Knight piece of Sona Sitri's Peerage.

This was a pleasant surprise for sure, considering how in the anime the most screen time she (and the high majority of Sona's peerage) ever got was basically during the dodgeball match between Rias' and Sona's Peerages. But I gotta admit; seeing her in person was a quite fine contrast compared to seeing her somewhere in the background during the show.

She was cute, almost Asia Argento level of cute if I were to be honest, though she clearly lacks this certain innocence that easily made the nun in question one of the most adoring characters in the entire series.

But seeing that she was waiting for my response; I put the juice box away for a moment and gave the redhead a small smile, something that she returned good naturedly (seemingly on an instinct), albeit with a mild blush.

"That's me, how may I help you, cutie?"

I couldn't help but grin slyly, when the redness around Tomoe's cheeks darkened. "C-cute!? A-am I really—!? Ah... ahem!" She cleared her throat, to get her bearings, before she faced me a bit more confidently and placed a hand over her very modest chest.

"My name is Meguri Tomoe, I'm here on the behalf of the Student Council and would like to invite you over to our quarters. Our President, Souna Shitori-Kaichou, would like to have a word with you." Her confident demeanor then shifted into a bit more nervous one, if the way the girl started playing with one of her ponytails was anything to judge by. "I hope it won't be a bother… B-but Kaichou really insisted..."

I ignored her nervous rambling, in favour of roaming my eyes over her toned, athletic body and I suddenly find myself moistening my dried lips with my tongue as my grin slowly widened.

I think I just found my ticket to relieve my boredom with~.

And needless to say… I'm quite eager to find out how a Devil with petite and tight-looking body such as hers differs from a buxom Fallen the likes of Raynare~.

-20 minutes later-
-Meanwhile at Student Council-

"What is taking her so long?" Sona asked out loud in a mildly annoyed tone, giving occasional glance at the clock hanged on the wall other side of the room, all the while she repeatedly tapping her foot against the floor impatiently as she sat behind her desk.

It's already been more than 20 minutes, since she sent her Knight to retrieve the darn playboy!

"You don't think something happened to her, would you?" One of Sona's Bishops; Momo Hanakai asked in concern for her friend.

Tsubaki was the one who responded, inclining her head in negative. "Tomoe is skilled enough to look after herself and knows full well when to pull back if needed. Besides, while Hyoudou-kun is indeed a huge playboy and quite a pervert to match; he however held no malicious intent whatsoever towards us when we confronted him by the gates this morning. And judging what we heard from Toujou-san last weekend—" She along with the her King felt their cheeks warm up in a form of blush, from the memory of Koneko's rather… illicit mission report, that Tsubaki and Sona also ended up to be apart of when they were visiting ORC at the time. Tsubaki then gathered her bearings and coughed into her fist, to proceed with her piece. "J-judging by that; Hyoudou-kun was definitely already aware of the supernatural. So without a doubt; that'd include us, the Devils, as well. With all that being said, so long Tomoe doesn't intentionally try to provoke him; there shouldn't be really anything to worry about."

What Tsubaki had just said, may at first sound like she's only making assumptions, out of a mere hunch if you will. However what many may not know, is that as a Devil, a creature of Sin; she like most Devils (mainly the mid-class and above) has an inherent ability to sense specific emotions in a person (as long as they're non-devil, since the Sin detection has been proven ineffective towards her fellow kin), emotions that are directly connected with the Seven Sins. Hyoudou for example; once he came into direct (skin) contact with her, Tsubaki managed to sense a variety of Sins from him at the time, with the most evident ones being Lust (and boy there was a lot of it!), Pride, mild Greed and even some Gluttony (though it was heavily connected to the Lust somehow...). And if Issei indeed had harbored any ill intent towards her and her kind; she would've at least picked up on the Sin of Wrath from his person, but not even single spec of Wrath was felt. Even the Lust she felt, had no malicy in it.

So as far she's considered; Issei's in the clean.

Sona was about to give a nod in acknowledgment to Tsubaki's words before she paused, blinking as she recalled back on how her Queen behaved around the playboy in question earlier this morning. Needless to say she narrowed her eyes at her right-hand woman in suspicion.

"Please, don't tell me you're going to gun for him as well..." Sitri heiress asked this with a hint of trepidation, although it was heavily overshadowed by the sense of exasperation Sona felt...

Tsubaki smirked in open mirth, much Sona's dismay (confirming her suspicions). "Maybe~" She said in a coy, playful way. "I mean, that showcase of bravado is kind of cute~ and I do like men with confidence…" The ravenette, said with a small giggle, before her cheeks went slightly pink and her eyes gained a bit more faraway look to them. "And then there's that power of his… You felt it too didn't you, Sona?" Tsubaki inquired in serious tone, focusing her spectacled eyes on her King and even disregarded Sona's respectful titles to further emphasize the matter.

"The moment Hyoudou-kun's lips brushed our fingers… That endless pit of power within him, hahh~ " Tsubaki let out a shuddering sigh, before she closed her eyes and hugged her body, wrapping her arms around her buxom form in a highly sensual manner, her cheeks litting up into far deeper blush. "The sensation I felt from him that time… that power… that intense aura… it was so… so exhilarating~! And dare I say; addicting!"

Sona instinctively swallowed down some of her saliva, her cheeks too gaining a pinker tint. "Y-yes… I felt it alright..." She quietly admitted, pleasant tingles running through her spine at the mere reminder and she even had to place a hand on top of her trembling right hand (right where Issei had kissed her earlier) in an attempt to hopefully settle the shaking down…

The tidal wave she felt flowing through her being when his lips brushed her knuckles… It was honest to Go— Ahem! Honest to Satan wonder, that she didn't lose the control of her legs right then and there, much less keeping straight face the entire time! (ignoring the fact how she DID lose her composure for good couple of seconds at first, from being caught off guard. Both from the power flow and Issei's daring actions!)

While she managed to calm down after a while, once Hyoudou was finally out of sight; but the encounter left a lingering feeling of Issei's energy within her... haunting her…

Tsubaki wasn't kidding when she said Issei's power, his dragonic aura, felt very alluring… As a Devil, Sona was not ignorant of the fact how her race (the females especially) all have the tendency to get very easily attracted to strong individuals. And Sona, despite her stoic demeanor and serious attitude, was not an exception to this racial trait.

It was honestly a major shock to her, for how someone with such amount of raw power has been living right under her nose this whole time without anyone noticing until Koneko had physically bumped into him by a mere chance alone, couple weeks back… This only speaks of the sheer skill Issei Hyoudou has over the control of his power, considering the fact how he can appear practically invisible to everyone.

Speaking of which; the aforementioned mascot of Kuoh Academy has been acting quite odd as of late… She recently seems even more withdrawn than usual, gets temperamental at random times and avoids Issei Hyoudou like a plague… Perhaps Koneko witnessing Issei bumping uglies with the Fallen had scarred the petite girl more than she has initially thought?

In the end Sona decided to shrug it off. Concerned she may be, but ultimately Koneko's wellbeing is Rias' responsibility and it is under her jurisdiction to deal with accordingly.

For right now… Sona has set her sights on more important matters… Namely the recruitment of Issei Hyoudou into her Peerage.

While Sona honestly feels bad about going back on her promise with her best friend by letting the redhead get the dips on the Hyoudou boy, but after what she felt this morning… The Greed of her Devil heritage had been stirred awake, big time! The sheer amount of potential… this was NOT something she could just pass up!

'I'm sorry Rias.' She inwardly apologized to the redhead, as she adjusted her glasses with a finger. 'But this isn't something I'm willing to turn a blind eye towards... But I promise I will make it up to you later.'

Although at this point she only had one valid concern to think of... The fact whether her remaining pieces will be enough to resurrect Issei to her Peerage or not… If it's the latter, she may have to settle with that arrogant and egoistic boy, Saji Genshirou, instead, who's also confirmed to be in a possession of a dragon-based Sacred Gear... Albeit one far lesser in quality compared to whatever the heck it was what Hyoudou has… But whatever happens, happens and she's willing to take it with a grain of salt, even if the outcome doesn't turn out to be the one she had desired.

But regardless the Sitri heiress couldn't help but wonder… what exactly is her Knight doing right now and what is taking her so damn long?

-Back with Issei-

Well that turned out easier than expected…

What you may ask?

"Ahh! Haahhn~~! Ise-Mhmm~❤! I-Ise-kuuun~ M-more~❤!" Sona's Knight moaned wantonly in absolute bliss, eagerly riding my cock in reverse-cowgirl position, twerking her hips back and forth in reckless abandon. Her hands were atop of mine, which were holding on to her wide hips, assisting her movements for deeper penetration (much to her vocal approval). Tomoe's legs were spread wide open (her thighs rested on top of mine, with her feet dangling a bit above the floor), so if anyone were to suddenly barge in through that one door that was also the sole entrance leading to the rooftops; they'd get one spectacular front seat view of the area where our nether regions were getting well acquainted with each other.

And right now as far as Tomoe's current state of clothing goes; the shoulder cape and the corset were the first parts of her uniform to be tossed aside (now resting on the backrest of the bench, that is presently utilized in our fornication). The front of her dress shirt had been pulled completely open, exposing her heaving modest-sized naked breasts to the world. The shirt was also pulled down enough so her shoulders were bared and the sea green bra that used to cover her chest prior; too was unhooked from its front (which was convenient design), its straps resting on her biceps. Tomoe was still wearing the skirt, but it remained hiked up and lastly her panties (that matched her brassiere) were hanging on her right thigh.

Tomoe had been rather interesting case. Once she was done with her self-introduction and the whole invitation to the Council thing; wanting to... get to know the girl a bit better (being the sort of guy that I am), I gestured her to come over, much to her confusion and some curiosity. She admittedly seemed a bit hesitant at first (no doubt being wary of me), but after a small moment of inner debate on her side; she visibly shrugged it off and approached me. And things sorta just escalated from thenceforth.

Everything went off fairly normal, once she had taken a seat next to me out of my insistence (I even offered her one of the juices I had, but she politely refused), we then more or less just initiated with some small talk, like how's our day, how's the school yada, yada, which soon somehow turned into this... competition of sorts, where one tried to outflirt the another… Which to be honest was quite fun.

For a while (just like with Raynare) Tomoe didn't seem to be all that bothered the close proximity between us, other than the mild blush the pigtailed redhead got on her cheeks, whereas a mundane human girl would've turned into a horny mess within matter of seconds due to the pheromones' effects. But all in all she was being pretty cool with it, as we continued on with the little game of ours.

Admittedly not much was known of the members in Sona's Peerage, but I could definitely see that Tomoe was a very energetic and playful individual (if the playful smile she had going on the whole time was any suggestion). Something I find very enjoyable in any girl.

Anyhow it basically went on like this for good few minutes with us just throwing random flirts and teasing remarks back and forth; but the major turning point occurred when I decided to step up my game and got a bit more physical with her. Not in any overly inappropriate manner mind you. All I actually did was simply brush some of her reddish-brown hair framing her face aside a bit, as I was complimenting her hair and cute looks, but as I did that; my fingers consequently end up grazing her cheek, making a direct skin contact… Her demeanor went through a dramatic change almost immediately...

When my fingers touched her cheek, Tomoe became incredibly tense, practically froze on the spot. Seeing her reaction, I was going to pull my hand away and see what was wrong with her. However before I could do so, Tomoe's hands snapped up (at speeds befitting of her Knight piece) and grasped onto the retreating limb, trapping it between her hands in a firm hold... Then after a moment of suspension (and awkward silence), she gently led my hand back over to her face, so that my palm was cupping her cheek this time...

Admittedly at first I was a bit confused at this full 180 turn in her behaviour, but I soon got my answer the moment she tilted her head up so that our eyes met...

Flushed red face, heavy breathing, clouded eyes gazing up at me in open desire and submission… The very same expression Raynare had by the end of our little date.

The Mating Frenzy.

This was something that I honestly had to raise an eyebrow over, considering that this time around I didn't even try to leak any of my aura out to get a reaction out of her.

And if Ddraig's words from earlier were anything to go by; both Fallen and Devils should be rather resistant from falling into Mating Frenzy. Though in case of the former; my pheromones apparently acted like a makeshift gasoline that was ignited with my Dragon aura to trigger the aforementioned phenomenon in Raynare.

But in Tomoe's case it was... kinda different…

Back during the date I had with Raynare; I can shamelessly admit that I was outright molesting the woman throughout the whole event, so frankly there were a whole plenty of times where skin contact got involved as well. But despite that, it didn't trigger her Frenzy at any point no matter how horny she got at the end, until I deliberately fed some of my dragonic energy into her system.

And considering I've been observing Tomoe's behaviour this whole time; I know for a fact that there was nowhere enough time for my pheromones to properly affect her yet. Even with Raynare it took at least few hours before the symptoms were starting to show and were more apparent.

So with all that being said; the only feasible conclusion I can come up with this is that Devils (or Tomoe in particular) are far more susceptible to my dragon's aura rather than my pheromones, something which Tomoe seemingly picked up on via the single accidental skin contact between us...

Well, either that or my dragon aura somehow managed to drop her body's natural defenses down entirely, allowing the pheromones to seep through and jump start their effects in her system, which in turn triggered her Mating Frenzy in the matter of seconds after exposure.

So basically the same thing what happened with Raynare, except in complete opposite order of things.

It's not completely implausible speculation, if you really think about it. I mean Devils (such as Rias) are capable of healing other individuals more efficiently through skin to skin contact (the more skin exposed the better obviously) by transferring their magic into the patient. So perhaps this also makes them more sensitive (or vulnerable) in detecting magical energy residues (even hidden ones) in a person as well once the skin contact is initiated? (1)

If this presumption turns out to be somewhat correct, then the only plausible reason why Tsubaki and Sona remained pretty much unaffected, when I laid a kiss to the back of their hands earlier this morning, was simply due to the fact that each of them are considerably stronger compared to the remaining members within their Peerage. Then there was also the part with Sona being a legit full-fledged Devil unlike the rest to consider...

So yeah, there's that.


Oh well, I believe I've already spent enough time with my non-stop inner ramblings; time to focus on more important things, such as fucking the recently deflowered girl on my lap silly~!

So with a grin, I leaned up a bit in order to nib on the ridge of her left ear with my teeth. "Ohhh~ I-Ise-kuuun~❤" And judging how her walls coiled around my length in response, her ears were clearly one of her weaker spots.

"So~ how does your first cock taste for you, Tomoe-chan~?" I asked of her playfully while I kept teasing her ear, brushing it with my tongue every once in a while.

"Ahn~❤! I-it's good! It's so gooood~❤! Your d-dick is making my pussy feel so good, Ise-kuuun❤!" Tomoe cried out, lewd smile plastered on her face as she eagerly bounced up and down on my lap.

"Mhmm! You too Tomoe-chan~, you feel incredible. You're so fucking tight!" I huskily growled out.

"Mhnyaah~ T-thank you, I-Ise-kun… I-I'm happy you're feeling good with my body~❤ Mhm~ S-so good!"

I then got an urge to tease her a bit. "Just imagine what your President would think when she realizes just what one of her trusted council members is doing behind her back? During school hours no less~." I asked with a smirk, as I playfully bit her ear again.

Tomoe's pussy immediately tightened up around me like a vice, no doubt feeling equally mortified and turned on by the suggestion I made. "I-iyaahn~! D-don't tease me Ise-kuun~! P-please don't speak of K-Kaicho when I- Ahh! F-fuuuck~~❤! I- I think I'm gonna— I'm gonnaaaahhh~~!"

"You're cumming, Tomoe-chan?" I finished her sentence in an inquiry.

"Yeeeess~~❤ I- I'm cumming, Ise-kuuun~❤! P-please, make me cum~❤ I'm so close~!" She pleaded in a whimper (completely dismissing or forgetting my earlier teasing about Sona), before she craned her neck to the left to face me properly, giving me the full view of her lustful, adoring expression. "N-neh~ Ise-kuun~? C-can you kiss me? I want to be kissed while I— Mhm!? Mhhmm~~❤❤" I cut her off mid-sentence in favour of capturing her lips in mine, with one of my hands cupping her face in a tender manner (if she pleads in such manner, how could I deny her?). In response Tomoe whimpered cutely, before she closed her eyes in bliss and reciprocated the kiss fullfold, our tongues coiling around each other in a heated duel. Tomoe then snaked her own hand around my head (caressing my hair tenderly between her fingers), deepening the kiss even further.

"Mhmm~! *Kiss* Nhah~ I-IseeMhh~❤ I- I'm cummi—" She managed to utter out between the kisses, and with how she worked her hips I could tell she was really close to the edge. Deciding to help her out a bit; I discreetly moved my right hand off her waist and down towards her groin… and proceeded to intensively rub her hardened clitoris with my pointer and middle finger.

"MMMHHNNN~~❤❤!?" Tomoe's eyes went wide open immediately, her spine arched and her thighs instinctively snapped close (trapping my hand between her legs) in shock from the overwhelming stimuli and let out a very high pitched wail which was fortunately muffled by my lips or else the whole academy would've no doubt heard her. She did try to break away from the kiss in order to cry out loud, but I kept her firmly in place, grinning in mischief and kept on attacking her clitoris with extreme prejudice, prolonging her orgasm, even when Tomoe's other hand weakly grabbed onto my wrist between her closed legs in desperation.

Soon enough the pleasure was getting too much for Tomoe; seeing how her eyes slowly proceeded to roll into the back of her head, her entire body shuddering while her pussy spasmed and tightened around my cock deliciously from the sheer intensity of the orgasm.

"Mhmmmh~!? Nhooo-Hnmmm~❤!"


And from the sound of it; she's bit of a squirter~!

After orgasming for a solid 4 minutes straight, her body finally went slack against me (twitching every now and then) and I took that as my cue to broke off the kiss, giving the poor girl some breathing room. I smirked when her tongue darted out after mine, as if desperately reaching out after its lost lover.

For the next few minutes, Tomoe just laid there in my arms, her head resting against the crook of my neck, gasping for air almost desperately with flushed face, still riding out the high of the aftermath of her orgasm. Then finally; Tomoe's eyes fluttered open, her matching brown orbs meeting mine in a half-lid gaze.

"That… t-that whas amashing~❤" She breathed out in sultry tone, staring up at me with dazed look full of lustful wonder.

I couldn't help but smile at her awed expression. "You doing alright, Tomoe?" I asked the girl in a soft tone, giving her small peck on the temple, while I caressed her hair from the opposite side.

Sona's Knight gave a content moan from my ministrations, leaning into me further like a house cat searching for warmth of its owner. "Y-yeeshh~ I- *pant* I've neveh felt sho good befohe~❤" She sighed out with a dopey smile.

"Love to hear that, Tomoe-chan. Now then, ready for round two?"

Tomoe blinked owlishly at me. "E-ehh?"

I smirked at her devilishly (no pun intended). "You see, my dear~ I haven't cum yet… I've yet to be fully satisfied myself~" As I said that; I simultaneously re-adjusted myself in my seat a bit by lowering my hips and repositioning my feet on the tiled floor, before I grabbed onto her toned legs just behind the knees in order to spread them out again, making them slightly more aloft. She gave no resistance, either not noticing through the daze or simply too exhausted to do so.

Soon my words seemed register with Tomoe, since her eyes finally gained a bit more focus in them while her expression shifted into an interesting mix of both trepidation and lustful excitement for what was to come. "W-whait~❤ I- I jusht came~, I just came s-sho I'm still sensitiveeeeeeehhhh❤❤!? Oohh! Ah! Ahhhh! N-nhooooo❤❤❤!" She squealed out in delirious pleasure as I now took the initiative and began plunging into her pussy from beneath with strong and firm thrusts, making her moans increasing in volume each time I hit her cervix.

Sorry, darling but I'm too greedy and too impatient individual to be blue balled by waiting for you to recover your stamina back~.

"OOHH!? Oh G-gaaaaaawd~! Whaith! W-wait pheashe, I-Ise-kuuuun!? Y-your cock— y-your cock is k-kisshing my womb~❤❤! I- I'm goingh cwazyyy~~❤❤!" Tomoe cried in ecstasy, her tongue lolling out like a dog in heat. And on contrary, despite her pleads for me to stop; (despite the limited movement) she was eagerly pushing her hips back to meet my thrusts~.

"Then go crazy~ Tomoe-chan!" I growled into her ear in a husky tone, layering her neck and shoulders with playful bites.

"Ayeeehhh~! I- I will❤! I will go crazy for youuu, Ise-kuuuun~❤! Jusht fuck me pleaashe~❤❤❤!"

[Okay what did I miss— What the hell partner!?]

'Oh hello, welcome back Ddraig.' I casually greeted my tenant as I kept up with my thrusts into the pigtailed girl's honeypot.

[I look away for like one minute and you're already fucking a new girl!? Damn son, this has to be like a new record!]

'She's a Devil by the way.'

[Yeah, I figured as much. That dark magical signature of hers was pretty much a dead giveaway there. If I recall; she's one from the Sitri's group right? Out of curiosity though; how the devil did that happen?]

My lips quirked up slightly at the pun Ddraig pulled. 'Nice one. Anyhow, I think it'd be faster for you to simply look through my memories instead having me explain it from the start.'

[You make it sound so easy... considering how the inside of your head is like a damn porn gallery these days… Though knowing you; I bet you somehow managed snag this Devil by just a touch or something]

Huh… Right on the money…

[In any case, since you clearly got things under wraps here, I think I'm going to settle with a nap now. Though wake me up if anything of interest happen… only if it doesn't involve you fucking around, literally...]

'Even for Gabriel?'

[I'd smack your shit, boi!]

I barely held back from snorting out loud. Ddraig's change in attitude and the yankee-ish way of talking that comes with it, whenever Gabriel gets mentioned honestly never gets old.

'And Tiamat?' I prodded the entity with a smirk.

[*Beep* *beep* *beep*]

D-did he just hang up on me?

How the hell did he even set up the actual sounds of cut phone line?

Eh, screw it… Less reasoning, more fucking!

With that thought; I once more placed my full attention back to the redheaded Knight, whose pussy I've been reshaping into my cock's shape for the past 20 or so minutes during the lunch period. And at some point during my short talk with Ddraig; I've pulled Tomoe into a different position, where she's bent over against the caged fence, that surrounded the whole rooftop. Her fingers were hooked through the gaps of the fence as she desperately braced herself against it for support, while I mercilessly pounded into her hot cunt from behind in a standing doggystyle with my hands once more occupying her hips beneath her skirt (keeping it hiked up, exposing her ass to me entirely).

"Ah! Ahh! Yes! Yeesh❤!" And with my each thrust into her; Tomoe's taut ass rippled and let out very lewd slapping sounds, echoing throughout the roof.

It was indeed one very lovely ass. Nicely shaped and firm with just a correct amount of elasticity~.

*Smack!* "Hyaaaaahn~~❤❤!?" Tomoe threw her head back and let out a high pitched squeal as I smacked her left asscheek.

And with the way Tomoe's pussy started spasming around my cock in reaction and how her legs shook; I could tell she's going through a miniature orgasm from the act.

In that case; lets give her another one~!

*Smack!* "Oooohh~~! I-Ishe-khuuun~❤❤!" She mewled through the orgasm and I let out a pleasured grunt as she tightened even further, when I slapped her ass for the second time.

I then let out a hiss and grit my teeth as I finally felt myself reaching the peak of my first orgasm of the day. So I roughly grabbed her onto her perky asscheeks for leverage and truly started hammering into her and with her current position, bent over against the fence; I easily reached the cervix of her pussy.

"Ahhh❤! Ah! Ah! Ah! I-Ise~~! S-sho- so rouuugh~❤❤! You're fucking my poor cunny senseleeeess~~❤❤!" Sona's Knight screamed out in pure euphoria.

"I'm about to cum, Tomoe-chan. Where do you want it? Tell me and I shall deliver~."

"Ahhn~! I-inshide~❤! D-do it inside! Ahn! P-paint my pussy white! Markh me as youuurshh~❤!" Tomoe mewled out in a slur, her brain slowly being turned into mush from the sheer pleasure.

"As you wish!" Hearing her response I let out an almost bestial growl, before I hooked an arm around her left leg and lifted it off the ground and rested her leg on my right shoulder and from this position I got the full view of her face that currently had the best impression of a fucked stupid woman, with her flushed cheeks, crossed eyes and the lolling tongue.

This girl was certainly good as mine now~!

Well then; time for last spurt! With that thought I once more began jackhammering into her cunt in a standing sideway position, with my cock stimulating her innards in a whole new angle.

"Ohhh~❤! F-fuck! Fuckfuckfuck-fuuuuuuck~~❤!" She cried out, tears of pleasure trailing her cheeks, before one of her hands reached down to her groin in order to stimulate her clit with her own fingers this time, leaving only one hand supporting her weight against the fence.

"Cumming! Iseee~~! I'm cum—" Before the girl got to finish her sentence; remembering how much the girl loved being kissed as she came; with her left leg still resting on my shoulder, I took a step forward, wrapped my arms around her slim waist and the small of her back respectfully and pulled her up and pressed her naked chest flush against mine (quite a showcase of her flexibility), before I leaned in and stole her lips again.

And with that I plunged as deep inside of her as I could… and bust my load right on the entrance of her womb. "MHMMMMHHH~❤ I-Ise-ku-Mhmm~~❤!" And Tomoe's climax followed immediately after, hard. She squealed and whined into my mouth, as her pussy spasmed uncontrollably from the sheer intensity of her own orgasm, as if in delight with her womb being filled to the brim with my seed (though there was no way her pussy could contain all of it, so it came to no surprise how my jizz started to flow out from her quim). Tomoe then closed her eyes and quickly wrapped the arm, that she used to stimulate herself, around my neck and tried pulling me in even closer to deepen the kiss.

For a good moment we simply stayed like that, maintaining the tongue filled kiss the entire time as we waited out for our respective highs to finally settle and dissipate. Although even after our respective orgasm having long ended minutes ago; we still kept fully at it, simply enjoying the liplock and let our tongues lap at each other in sloppy patterns, while our hands caressed the bodies of one another non-stop.

And at some point we decided to get more comfortable, so we changed our positions once again so I was seated on the tiled floor cross-legged and had Tomoe straddling my lap with her legs wrapped around me, my cock still firmly lodged inside of her creampied pussy.

Our moment was interrupted however by the sound of the school bell ringing... signaling the end of the lunch break… And it was due to this that I gently broke from the liplock (string of saliva bridging between our lips), much to the girl's dismay, judging by the displeased mewl she made.

"Welp, the break's over… I suppose we should be heading back to— Tomoe-chan?" I blinked in curiosity when the girl on my lap quietly took a hold of one of my hands and brought it up until its palm was pressed against her right breast. I instinctively gave a small grope as my palm made a contact with the soft flesh, to which she let out a pleased sigh.

When Tomoe looked up and met my gaze again... Needless to say the hungry look she gave me, packed with the sultry grin and heart-filled pupils; right then and there, I knew for certain I was going to be late from class once again…

I can only hope Himawari-sensei won't be too mad at me...

-Much later...-

Tomoe was wearing a silly, but blinding smile as she trotted along the Academy hallways with a clear spring in her steps, all the while she kept humming a cheerful tone.

Tomoe's whole form was practically glowing, getting a lot of people's attention towards her, despite the redhead being one of the more mundane looking girls (unlike the two great Onee-samas of the school, that are basically celebrities of the school), she now seemed much more attractive and dashing for many boys all of sudden.

And for how dazzling her smile was, Tomoe was now turning heads left and right of all boys she came across with, all of them wearing small blushes whenever she passed by one of them.

Too bad for the said boys however... After what Tomoe had just gone through; she'd never even consider giving any of them the time of the day. For all intents and purposes; Tomoe now belonged to someone else.

'Ise-kun~ Ise-kun~ Ise-kun-kun-kun~~❤ ' She sang the name of her new beloved in her head. Just the thought of him made her break into another fit of giddy giggles.

And before she even knew it; she was already standing in front of the door leading into the Student Council. She took a hold of the knob and practically slammed it open.

"Yahhooo, everyone! I'm baaaaack~!" She cheerfully proclaimed her arrival.

"Ghh!? M-mabushi! (T-too bright!)" The whole Council exclaimed in perfect tandem. To them it felt like an Angel suddenly stepped into the room for how bright the hyperactive redhead's aura was!

"O-oh my, you're certainly in good spirits." A brunette with twin braided hair, Reya Kusaka, remarked in a curious tone with a hand placed over her mouth.

If anything Tomoe's grin only widened, all teeth. "Try fantastico~~!" She energetically offered, giving a V with her fingers.

"I take it something good happened?" Momo asked in an amused, but highly curious tone.

This time Tomoe's cheerful demeanor became slightly more subdued. Heck, the girl was practically swooning now as she placed her hands against her rosy cheeks, smiling prettily all the while. "Y-you can say that, Momo-chan..."

'She didn't...' Sona and Tsubaki thought in unison, former having a deadpan expression with the latter looking on in mild incredulity, as they both had a fairly good guess over the reason for Tomoe's lateness and about her… literally sparkling mood...

Sona let out a deep sigh, already feeling a headache forming. So she took off her red-rimmed glasses and cupped the bridge of her nose between her fingers in order to mitigate the growing headache.

"Your lateness aside; did you bring him, Tomoe?" The heiress questioned in tired tone, deciding to go straight to the subject, despite feeling peeved for her Knight's tardiness to have a God(ow)damn booty call in the middle of a mission!

The moment Tomoe's mind registered her King's query to her; she immediately adopted the expression of a deer caught in headlights. "B-bring who, Kaicho...?" She asked with a blink.

Sona's eye twitched and a tick mark made itself known on one of her temples. 'You've got to be kidding me!'

"Hyoudou. Issei." The Council President stated through grit teeth. "You at least brought him back with you, correct?"

'Crap...' Tomoe swore inwardly as she began to sweat profusely. The smile she had on earlier, immediately became noticeably more forced, and end up averting her eyes away from her King's, unable to meet her gaze once the she realized her folly.

This did NOT go unnoticed by the Sitri heiress, as she narrowed her eyes at her Knight in deep suspicion. "To-mo-eee~~?"

"I uhh… Got kinda distracted...tehe~" Tomoe even got the gall to do the cutesy pose, lightly smacking her temple with her knuckles, one eye closed and even sticking her tongue out.

Sona took a deep breath, trying her hardest not blow up on her Knight's face, then with an exhale she regarded Tomoe again this time in much colder tone. "You know the drill. Hike-up your skirt and brace yourself against the table. 30 spanks."

Tomoe felt like crying as she instinctively clenched up her buttocks and protectively placed her hands over them. Her lips were trembling, but in the end she relented with a sigh.

"I understand, Kaicho..." Tomoe was about to just do as was ordered, before she froze like a statue with her eyes widening like dinner plates the second her fingers brushed the hem of her skirt.

Sona rose a brow when she noticed this. "Something wrong Tomoe?"

"N-n-nooo… I-it's nothing..." If she felt nervous before, now she was at the brink of a panic attack and there's no doubt she'd be able to fill buckets now for the rate she's sweating from dread!

'H-h-ho-how am I going to explain all the hand marks Ise-kun left there!?'

-Meanwhile with Issei-

"Achoo!" I let out a loud sneeze out of sudden, luckily I managed to turn my head so I didn't land any spit on Himawari-sensei's unamused face.

"Bless you." The said teached dryly remarked.

I sniffed and inclined my head to the teach in thanks. "Thanks, Sensei."

"Now… Mind explaining me just WHY are you late from Homeroom... Again!?"

I gave her one of those jovial grins of mine, most would call "That insufferable grin", and scratched the back of my head in faux sheepishness.

"I may have lost myself in the road of life?" Kakashi would be so proud now!

Sensei eye began to twitch like mad. "Detention, Hyoudou..."

Dang it, almost had her.

[Suuuure you did]

Weren't you supposed to be asleep?


Cheeky gecko...




AN - Whew~~! Finally done! I mean, heck the "Plot" portion of the chapter was basically done for over 2 weeks now, and only part I've got stuck with was the lemon part… Even that one stretched out far more than I initially planned to do…

And speaking of which; Uh-oh, poor Tomoe's in a trouble~!

And will Issei join either Peerage of the two Heiresses!? Stay tooned, DON'T make any assumptions and you'll see the outcome soon enough! Though those who can think logically enough should already know the answer to this.

In about 3 or 4 more chapters I'd estimate.


Currently planned roadmap for Powerlust (possible subject to change):

Next up, Chapter 6: Kendo girls gets their promised visit!

Chapter 7: Visiting Aika & more Fallen troubles.

Chapter 8: Meeting with ORC.

Chapter 9-11: Continuation for "Fallen To Submission".

Issei's mutated dragon pheromones and aura
The confirmed effects towards different races

New Entry: Devils

Known Subjects (affection rate):

Koneko (56%)
Tomoe (100%)
Sona (34%)
Tsubaki (45%)

Devils (especially the pure blooded ones) are very resistant to the pheromones effects, so it will require quite long exposure to gain any desired effects. The pheromone efficiency may vary depending on Devil's class. The high-class Devils are much more resilient to the pheromone effects than the low-class Devils, although after being exposed to Issei's dragon aura; they also become considerably more vulnerable towards Issei's pheromones.

Unlike with pheromones; Devils (the females especially) are extremely susceptible towards powerful aura of stronger individuals (as long as the energy is compatible with them. Since strong Angel's holy aura is still very detrimental to Devils), making them feel incredibly horny for the one responsible. Devils are naturally fairly adept in sensing a person's strength via skin contact, so for Devil ladies; it is possible for them to fall into Mating Frenzy by skin contact alone if they're not careful. Low-class Devils are more susceptible than their higher class counterparts.

1) Everything I said here was pulled straight outta my ass, so don't take any of it too seriously and I'm not really sure whether or not Devils are the only race that can do this method of healing, without counting the "Bouchujutsu" which (to my understanding) is strictly limited to Senjutsu users alone.