
First attempt at a Danmachi story. Yay.

Though if the beginning seems rushed. Then that's up to you. I'll be sure to rewrite it if I think of a better one

Play: Rusty Cage – The Mysterious Stranger (Instrumental)


"…It is nearly finished" said a very insane looking man

"What have you finished?" Said a man in a cloak along with a white plague doctor mask as many more identically dressed people began to enter the place

"The final portal. Boys we have captured many strange and dangerous beasts…. But alas we shall claim the last one" said the insane man "Though…. There's a chance it may…. Backfire"

"Backfire?" said the cloaks man

"I'm saying our bait has a bit of a mind of its own this time. And it probably won't actually succeed" said the insane man "But who knows? Maybe it'll fetch a fine being to make due. HAHAHAHA!"

Two of the cloaked people then made their hands glow dark as they focus their magic upon a mirror.. giving it a scary looking glow

"Are you sure about this?" said the cloaked man as the magic begins to make the mirror turn black and all swirly.

"If the king wishes for this one last beast to be under his command. Then so be it" said the insane man as he chuckles to himself "Release the bait"

Another cloaked person tosses the cage into it

"Alright everyone focus!" Said the insane looks through the mirror…. As something wrong happens…. The power isn't flowing like it's supposed too

"Huh!?. Oh no! I made a miscalculation!" said the insane man as the mirror begins to violently shake

"What do you mean miscalculation!?" said the cloaked man

"The bait. It's going somewhere else entirely!" said the insane man as the mirror begins to stop "Get the bait back!

The cloaked people then attempted to use their magic to try to bring the cage back. But it was no use. The cage has entered the mirror too far

"We're too late!" said the masked man

"Hmm maybe so. But I can bring it back… bit it's only if it finds something it seems worthy to be brought back" said the insane man trying to keep his composure "Oh.. King Garon's not gonna be happy with this… but then again. Maybe it'll find something to make due. HAHAHAHA!" before getting swatted by masked man "OW!"

"IMBECILE! Now tell me what other consequences are there too this other than the king getting pissed!?" said the masked man

"Well…. The energy is somewhat traceable. And since wherever the bait is going is never meant to link with our plane of existence. Giving whoever is on the other side a possible chance of coming here and going back." Said the insane man

"Well then. We'll see how things go. And make due or whatever the hell they call it" said the masked man as the all gazed upon the mirror looking at Bell through the little bunny's eyes

To the cage

The cage appears in a cave… as it crashes open… a little white bunny begins to hop out. It begins to sniff it's surroundings before hopping further into the cave

The bunny continues to hop around hoping to be avoided to be seen by whatever monster is nearby.

To our protagonist. Bell

"Good Morning Bell!" Said Hestia as she jumps onto Bell as he lays on the couch

"Oof! Hestia good morning.." said Bell sleepily

"Aww is somebody tired?" Said Hestia

"But Hestia" said Belle yawning

"No buts Bell! You gotta be an early birdie!" said Hestia excitedly pointing her finger at him

"Okay okay! Just get off me please" said Bell

"Aww he's just too cute" thought Hestia as she gets off of him "like a little bunny"

"*yawn* Hestia.. where is everyone else?" said Bell tiredly

"I think Welf and Lili are probably outside. Probably getting breakfast" said Hestia

"Ok I'lll joiinn…zzzzzz" said Bell as he dozes off

"*sigh* Bell." Said Hestia slightly shaking him but to no avail. However she thought he looked very cute when he sleeps "You got to stop late night adventuring" she then snaps her fingers and it kinda worked since he is starting to open his eyes. Then she gets an idea "Your late"

"zz-!" said Bell snapping awake "Late!? Late for what!?"

"Don't worry Bell. I only said to wake you up" said Hestia

"Oh… well I think it worked" said Bell as he gets up and stretches

"I'm glad it did. Otherwise. You'd probably miss a lot of things. Namely me" said Hestia whispering the last part

"What?" said Bell completely oblivious to the last part

"Oh nothing. Just good luck today~" said Hestia as Bell nods to her as he then leaves the little home.

Bell looks around the normally busy town as he heads towards the advisory office.

"Hmm… maybe they are already there?" thought Bell as he passes by Mama Mia's restaurant. Though he was expecting Syr to be waiting for him. Though this time she wasn't. This tells him she might be busy working. But no worries.

Eventually he reaches the advisor building and sees Lili and Welf waiting outside for him

"Hey Bell! We've been waiting 40 minutes for ya to arrive" said Welf

"I'm sorry guys." Said Bel scratching the back of his head sheepishly

"Master Bell you got to stop doing late night dungeon adventuring you'll be sleeping in a lot more than you would like" said Lili

"*sigh*I'm sorry Lili but can't help myself. But everytime I do it, it feels like I get significantly stronger" said Bell

"Well you got to tone it down. You can't be doing that forever" said Lili

The three of them then went into the advisory building and waited in line for a bit for Eina. It took a bit but eventually it was their turn

"Good morning Bell. Are you planning heading to the dungeon again" said Eina adjusting her glasses

"Yup" said Bell in his usual time

"Well I guess I can't stop you. Go on ahead" said Eina

"Alright! Let's go you guys" said Bell as he excitedly heads towards the exit followed by Welf and Lili

"Master Bell!" said Lili

"Wait up!" said Welf

"Ah Bell. At this rate I don't know what to say" thought Eina as she watches the three of them leave


"Master Bell?" said Lili "How far do you plan on in?"

"Well. I'd say we go through the place until one of us gets tired. Then we head back out" said Bell

"Sounds good to me" said Welf as they ventured in the cave. Little did they know. Bell has caught the interest of a little bunny. That starts to quietly hop after them

Eventually as they traveled through the caves Bell had a slight feeling he was being watched but whenever he'd look he would always find nothing. He starts to think that he's just paranoid and brushes off the feeling

"You guys hear that?" said Welf as they hear growling. The little bunny then hides behind a rock but continues to look at Bell

Then wolf creatures started to literally phase from the walls. They looked pretty bloodthirsty. The bunny then hops behind it's rocks to stay hidden from them

Bell then grabbed his black knife as Welf grabs his sword and both headed to kill each wolves


"Mmm..Looky here hehe. The bait has found an interesting substitute" said the insane man looking in the mirror seeing Bell… and his potential ..

"Substitute?" said the mask man

"Just look at the man with white hair" said the insane man as they both looked at the mirror to watch Bell kill the wolf creatures along with Welf

"What makes him so special?" said the masked man

"He has a very rare skill. Rare in his world." Said the insane man "I began to notice that there are… 'levels' in this world. He definitely accelerates at an abnormal amount…. This amount could be useful until the final minion has came"

Back to Bell

Bell dodges from a claw from one of the wolf creatures as he then directly stabs it on the head making it poof leaving behind a tiny crystal

"Hmm… I wonder if I'm going to need another claw from them" thought Bell picking up the crystal and putting it in his bag as Welf then cuts down several more of the wolf creatures

"I can't believe we made it to the 10th floor again in such a… short amount of time" said Welf

"Yeah. You think we should head back Master Bell" said Lili

"Hmm… you really think?" said Bell looking at the pure gray place that is the tenth floor. He then walks towards the grass and looks around

"I wonder if any color will ever breach here" thought Bell

"Yes I believe we should" said Lili looking around.

"Can't we take a rest for a bit? We've been walking and fighting for hours" said Welf making Bell think whether he should listen to him or Lili

"Lili. I think it'd be best if we take a slight rest before heading back." Said Bell

"*Sigh* fine. But we shouldn't take too long" said Lili as they all hear a shake from a bush. "Whats that?"

Bell then began to feel very… strange. That little bunny was a bit mesmerizing to him he felt like he had to walk up to it. But before he could do it..

"A bunny? Aww. It reminds me of you Bell" said Lili breaking Bell out of his slight trance

"Hey Bell you never told you had a younger sibling" said Welf teasing manner

"Guys stop that" said Bell causing Lili and Welf to chuckle at his insecurity of being compared to a rabbit.

Then they hear a loud growl from afar. The bunny then proceeds to hop behind Bell. Lili thought it was too cute. The growl was then revealed to be an ogre. Not just one. But five. Two of them then each grabbed a tree like a club as they all approached Bell and the others.

"Oh that's not good" said Lili as Welf and Bell got their weapons ready.

The one of the ogres then ran at then with the club held. It then tried to smash Bell with it. Only for Bell to sidestep with amazing agility as he stabs its arm. Making it drop it's club. And attempted to smack him with it's other arm

Bell then twists the knife in the ogre's arm as he then pulls it out and uses the arm to launch himself at the ogre's face directly stabbing it in the head killing it and poof leaving behind a crystal.

"Eat this!" said Bell as he shoots two firebolts at the ogres killing them both instantly. He then dashes towards one of the last ogres. He then cuts it's leg making it bend it's knee in pain. He then stabs it directly in the back and lets his knife chop through it's spine. Making it and the other two to poof.

The last ogres looked at him in anger. It then tried to grab one of the clubs. Bell then tries to run to it before it could reach it. Bell then slashes it's back before stabbing the back of it's head killing it. Right after it looked he looks back at Welf and Lili

"Whoaho." Said Welf "Of ogres in numbers are coming out in those numbers. I think we better leave sooner" as Bell then collects the crystals that have been dropped by the ogres and puts them in his bag


"Yes…. He will do…. For now" said the masked man "How long will it take the bait to bring him here?"

"That's the thing. The bait can only bring him towards Valla. Then we will have to find him ourselves." Said the insane man

"…Time will tell then." Said The masked man as the two of them began to look at big grandfather clock





The clock strikes 1

"…Is the circle ready?" said the masked man

"The others are still regaining their stretch from using the mirror. But the circle is nearly done" said the insane man "Maybe this boy will do a better job than you. Hehehe-Ow" as he then gets swatted by the masked man

Then suddenly a strange looking man comes through the door. The masked man then flies away to avoid talking to him

"Hello dastards. King Garon's awaits his final minion." Said the man as he watches the masked man fly away

"Ah s**t" thought the insane man swing that the masked man ditched him so he would have to talk to the man

"I uh.. Iago!... W-Well y-you see…" said the insane man as clearly he is in fear if the man now named Iago "Th-there w-was a c-c-"

"Your stuttering boy. Don't waste my precious time" said Iago making the insane to force himself to not stutter

"C-Complication" said the insane man as he feels an aura surround Iago as he slowly approaches the insane man

"What kind of… COMPLICATION?" said Iago

"The bait went somewhere else" said the insane man "B-But don't worry. We're on plan B. And it's sure to work"

"Hm…. But what about the bait?" said Iago as he seems more interested in the situation rather than angry making a lot of the aura to disappear

"The bait has found a good possible substitute. Fitted with some of the rarest abilities of his plane of existence. Super agility and fire magic" said the insane man

"Interesting. I will be checking your antics later." Said Iago. As he leaves the place before taking a glimpse at the mirror seeing Bell in action

"Hmmm his hair reminds me of the princess" thought Iago

Back to Bell

"I don't get it. Why's a bunny like this doing out here?" said Bell

"Maybe it was a pet from the village?" aid Lili

"Maybe it's your brother" said Welf to Bell making him sweatdrop at the comment as he holds the little bunny in his hands as it sniffs his forearm "Hell. I think he even likes ya" as Bell then puts the bunny down. And when he did. The bunny the bites his knife and hops away

"!" said Bell, Welf, and Lili as they did not expect the bunny to do that

"Not again" thought Bell as this was the second time that his knife got stolen as the three of them ran after the bunny

As they ran after the bunny. Welf and Lili's vision began to get blurry while Bell's vision remained consistent.

"Bell slow down!" said Welf.

This made Bell turn around at Welf and Lili and sees they are catching up. Then suddenly and spark of a red light that was heading towards him… he then realizes that it's the bunny that is making the light as it runs towards him

"How's it-!?" said Bell as the bunny then tackles into him making them both disappear into a flash of light

"Bell!" said Lili seeing him disappear in a flash of light

"Where'd he go!? Where's Bell!?" said Welf

"I don't know. Did he just disappear!?" said Lili

"Oh no… Hestia will definitely not be happy about this" thought Welf

To Bell

Bell couldn't see anything other than a bright light that is taking up his entire eyesight which slowly starts to dissipate. Then when the light fully faded away. Bell finds himself in a cave... At first he thought he was still in the dungeon but away from Welf and Lili. But looking around gives him vibes that he is just somewhere else

"Am I dreaming" though Bell as he pinched himself "Nope. Not dreaming" He then looks to right and sees his knife just sitting there. He then grabs the knife and looks around the place once again. But compared to the dungeon he remembers being in earlier. It has a much more eerie feeling.

He then hears a sound. He turns around to face it and sees that it's the same bunny that brought him here…. Though he knows for sure that he isn't dead. The bunny then spots him and begins to hop away

"Hey get back here!" said Bell as he runs after the Bell. He doesn't want to kill it in case it may be able to bring him back to Welf and Lili. Sure he knew it was unlikely but to him there was still a chance. He then lunges and catches the bunny before it could hop away further "Gotcha"

Bell inspects the bunny in his hands for a moment as suddenly he heard a rock fall into the ground. The little bunny's ear then raised up and it starts to look very panicked as it attempts to look at something that is behind Bell

This made Bell realize that the bunny is scared of something as he tensed as he felt a very cold…. Hand? On his shoulder. He then hesitantly looks at his shoulder and where the arm originated. It look like some sort of hybrid between a very deformed human being and spider. It then gives him a very chilling smile as it uses one of its six arms to attempt to grab him

"!" said Bell as he then breaks our of the creature's grasp and puts the bunny down and gets his knife as the creature then let's out an ear aching screech for a moment before scrambling after him. Bell then uses his knife to slash one of its arm making it take a few steps back as it then crawled upon the walls onto the ceiling of the cave

Bell then looked around for the bunny to see it is still standing where he put it. The creature then attempted to grab Bell once again making him lunge at it's face and he nearly gets a good cut on it. It then grabs a few Rick's and throws them at Bell

Bell easily cute each rock before they could hit him as he knows that creature might be up to something. It then lunged at him using all of its arms to pin him down. It opens it's mouth to reveal not only drool. But very sharp teeth. It then tried to bite Bell's face.

"Get. OFF ME!" said Bell as a firebolt came out of his hand causing two of its hands to burn off as it gives Bell a chance to once again break free from it's hands as then shoots one last firebolt at it fully killing it

"*Pant* *pant* that was close" thought Bell as he approaches the dead creature to see it's scorched face. He waits for a few moments for it to poof. "Hey… isn't it supposed to explode or something?" as he then gives it two kicks.. then nothing happened

Suddenly the bunny then hops to the dead creature and behinds to sniff it and then look at Bell. Something is definitely off. Aren't dead monsters supposed to explode leaving behind crystals? But yet this one isn't…

Bell wanted to tell out to see if Welf and Lili or any adventurer could help him… but due to the eerieness of the place he felt it would be best if he kept his mouth shut in case something like that creature would show up.

Bell wandered a random path followed by the bunny hoping to find some way out.. then.. Vell became very creeped out when he came across a skeleton. He then gives it a slight touch. It is real. It got him to wonder how long it's been there and if he is doomed to a place like this forever


"It appears they have arrived" said the insane man "Both the bait and our substitute"

"Excellent. You want me to go get them?" said the masked man

"No. I may have an idea. We can't bring him here just yet. But we can.. 'influence' him" said the insane man "I have no doubt Sheila would love to do it."

"No. Sheila will not be the one." Said the masked man "I'll do it. I can't trust her to do it with young men"

"Aw.. there goes my potential porn" thought the insane man

"I will go myself" said the masked man as he flies out of the room

"Wait" said the insane man

"?" said the masked man stopping for a moment

"I think we should bring him to the king first. He may have another idea. We certainly remember what happened the last time something like this happened now can we?" sajd the insane man

"Very well" said the masked man as flies away

Back to Bell

Bell and the bunny continue to wander the cave as they can't seem to find any way out. He looks at the bunny and thinks that it is probably not a normal bunny. But he wonders if there is anything else it can do. Then after a few other minutes of wandering he then sees a masked man floating in the air watching him

"!" said Bell taken aback by this unexpected sight

"You have shown some impressive skills boy." Said the masked man "How about you come with me?"

"Uh… " said Bell. First off. That guy looks suspicious as all hell. But then again. He may know a way out.. "…" he honestly doesn't know what to say

"C'mon kiddo. I don't have all day." Said the masked man holding out his hand. Bell for a moment wanted to take his hand. But the vibes he gives off is too wrong for him. He then takes a few steps back and shakes his head.

This infuriated the masked man

"Do you want to leave this god forsaken place or do you want to stay here!?" said the masked man in a very threatening tone. This made Bell not want to follow him at all and find his own way out. The masked man realizing that Bell won't come with him then decides that probably beating him into submission will probably work.

The masked man then gets his weapons ready. Chains then hit the ground with one of them having a ball at the end. Bell then quickly grabs his knife as the masked man then whips one of his chains at him. Bell uses his knife to block the attack. Bell then runs up to him and attempts to slash his chest

The masked man dodged it. And dodge several more blows from Bell. Bell then jumps back decides to use his firebolt one last time for the day as he feels he needs to save the rest of his energy

"Take this!" said Bell shooting a firebolt at the masked man. The bolt sends him at the cave wall. He then gets up and turns his head making a very loud 'crack' sound from it

"Alright boyo. Time to teach you a lesson" said the masked man as he throws the chain with the ball directly hitting Bell in the chest

"Ack!" uttered Bell as some blood comes out of his mouth as he then hits the ground. The masked make then spins the chain and whips at Bell's back. Luckily Bell was able to roll out of the way and grab the chain out of the masked man's hands.

He then dashes towards the masked man as he dishes another whip from the other chain. Bell then kicks the masked man's face making him stumble back. Bell then tries to stab and then slash the mask man only for each time to be dodged

"This has already taken too long" said the masked man grabbing Bell by the neck and shoving him into the wall nearly knocking out Bell "Night Night. King Garon will want to see you soon". Then before the masked man could knock Bell out

Bell father's his remaining strength and knees the masked man directly in the gut befire giving him a very solid punch and two slashes from his knife and ends with a kick.

"Gack!" said the masked man after receiving those attacks and falling onto the ground. "….Not bad kid" slowly getting up. Bell gets in his battle position. "You can relax. You have truly shown potential. Hehe.. I'll tell you what. The exit out of the cave.. or at least someone who help ya." Pointing the cave path behind Bell

"But what's the catch?" said Bell still on guard as the bunny suddenly hopped toward him

"The catch. It's that." Said the masked man before appearing right in front of Bell

"I'LL. BE. BACK." This sent a slight shiver to go down Bell's spine due to the menacing and scary tone the masked man had as he then disappears into another cave path

Bell looks at the path where the masked man said that he could find something that could help. Then to the path that the masked man went into. At first he didn't wanted to believe the masked man. But what he said has a genuine feeling to it.

Bell accompanied by the bunny then proceeded to go to the path that the masked man suggested. So far nothing is new other than the eerie feeling. Eventually they hear a voice of a man.. not only that. But the path actually had light.. at least a crack of light.

"Huh? Where am I?" said the man. This prompted Bell and the bunny to follow the voice. When the found the source. They saw a somewhat older looking man in armor. However he heard Bell's footsteps. "WHO'S THERE!? I DEMAND YOU COME OUT!" pointing his spear in the direction where Bell and the bunny is

Bell then slowly walked into to the light and into the man's vision. The man continued to hold onto his spear as he looks at Bell. But seeing how young he looks. The man begins to slightly calm down

"Who are you?" said the man. Bell was slightly suspicious of him at first but he couldn't sense any bad vibes from him

"…I'm Bell. Bell Cranel" said Bell

"hm… do you know where I am?" said the man

"Funny thing. I was just about to ask you that" said Bell as the bunny then hops into the light.

"So we're both clueless huh?... Well. For starters. My name is Gunter" said the man now named Gunter "What is someone like you doing down here?" little did they know. The bunny then hopped away. Gunter also noticed how beat up Bell looks. But decided not to ask that.

"Well… I think that little thing right there brought me here" said Bell pointing to where he last saw the bunny

"Thing? I don't see anything" said Gunter prompting Bell to look where he is pointing

"Hey. Where'd it go?" said Bell

"Hm…. I'll ask later. But. As for me. I remember falling into the bottomless canyon and then everything went black. Then I woke up here" said Gunter scratching his chin "Do you happen to know your way around?"

"A man I saw earlier. He told me to go this this way. Then I found you" said Bell

"Man? What man?" said Gunter

"Lets see… he wears a black cloak… he wears a white.. plague doctor mask… and he… can fly?" said Bell

"That surprisingly sounds familiar… I could've sworn that one of his cronies fits that description" said Gunter scratching his chin even more. This got Bell to wonder who Gunter is referring to when he said 'his' "You said that he told you go this way. Right?" Bell nods his head in response "Well then. Let's go" as he begins to walk down a further path followed by Bell

"Gunter?" said Bell

"?" said Gunter

"What were you doing before you ended up here?" said Bell

"I was on a mission to capture a Hoshidan post. Then I got shoved off the bridge by one of my own… well I wouldn't say comrade. I would say.. coworker" said Gunter

"Why would he want to do that to you?" said Bell

"Well. That is something I'll save for another time. But tell me. How do did you end up here?" said Gunter

"I was exploring a dungeon. Until I got to the 10th floor. Then there was. A bunny. It took my knife and ran. And when I finally got it back. There was a flash of light.. when the light stopped I was here." Said Bell

"Dungeon huh? Well that explains why you look like hell." Said Gunter "What kind of dungeon have you been exploring?"

"Its mostly a lot and monster dungeon" said Bell

"Huh. That that young lad, is interesting." Said Gunter "Maybe I should start heading to places like that again"

Then suddenly. What appeared to be 4 people with dead looking purple eyes started to come out of the cave. All of them have crossbows and all aimed at Be and Gunter

"Hey wait we're not-" said Bell as then the people started shooting their crossbows at him and Gunter. He then gets his knife and chops all the arrows that were shit at him while Gunter uses his shield to black all the arrows

"Too late to convince them now boy" said Gunter. Bell then dashes towards them and dodges more arrows that were shot at him. When Bell got close he slashes one of the crossbow people. Hoping to cut the crossbow. Only to put a severe cut in it's torso by accident. When it hit the ground.. it begins to dissipate into dust. The Bell's surprised there was no blood at all.

The other ones turned their attention to Bell. Not even phased by the defeat as they all attempted to shoot Bell. Gunter used this distraction to directly spear one of them in the chest taking it down giving Bell a chance to run up and kick one of them in the face throwing it back and slashes the other taking it down. Bell then runs up to the one he kicked and stabs and twists his knife into it's back.

"One things for sure. They aren't human" said Gunter they both hear some fighting from another rpath in the cave "That voice. I think I recognize that voice!" running towards the direction of the sound followed by Bell "Though I must ask. How did you do it?"

"Do what?" said Bell

"That amazing skill you just displayed. Only either a highly trained knight or a ninja would be able to move that quickly whilst blocking arrows.. though you don't look Hoshidan…. Are you from Nohr?"

"No?..." Said Bell as he has never heard of this place called 'Nohr' "I'm from Orario"

"Oreo?" said Gunter

"Orario" corrected Bell

"I have never head of such a place. Let's talk about that later" said Gunter as the sounds of fighting gets more audible. Eventually they find themselves in another part of the cave but they saw 3 beautiful women.

One appears to be a maid, the next appears to be some sort of… armored knight one thing interesting is that she had hair like Bell. Only slightly darker.?, And the last one looks like.. ok he has no idea what how to describe her other than her blue hair… maybe a dancer? They all looked only a bit older than Bell.. probably mid to late teens.

The armored one then turns her attention to Gunter and Bell.

"Is that.. Gunter!?" said the armored woman in a surprised tone

"Master Corrin!" said Gunter as the armored wan now named Corrin runs into Gunter for a hug. The blue haired girl then approached Bell. When Bell saw her. She slightly resembled a woman he could've sworn he met but doesn't remember if he did or not (*Cough* Arrow of Orion *Cough*)

"Hi there. I hope you don't mind me asking. But. Who are you?" said the woman looking at Bell. His appearance for some reason reminded her of a little bunny plush she had when she was a little girl. Not to mention his hair is a slightly lighter shade of white compared to Corrin's

"M-Me?" said Bell as she nods in response

"His name is Bell. I ran into him when I found myself here" said Gunter "You should see what he can do in a fight." This strikes Corrin as odd. Because Gunter would never really point out something like that unless it's someone very skilled. Such as her brothers. This got her to he both curious and interested in this guy named 'Bell'

"Well then. It's nice to meet you Bell" said the girl

"I-It's nice to meet you too" said Bell making the blue haired girl give him a slight smile. She can already tell me he may be a shy type.

"But you must tell me. How did you girls get here?" said Gunter

"I brought them" said the blue haired woman

"….Azura? Is that you?" said Gunter as he seems to recognize the woman

"Yes. It's me" said the woman now named Azura

"Azura… I apologize for my failure to stop your kidnapping" said Gunter

"There's no need for apologies. Please come with me. I know the way around" said Azura gesturing for all of them to follow.


"All the pieces are in place." Said the masked man holding the same bunny that brought Bell there. "Why not play a little? Hehehe…" he then puts the bunny down as then it hops to the clock and sniffs it "After what the substitute displayed. King Garon's will certainly be pleased with him in a way"

Back to Bell and the others

The five of then manage to leave the cave. Bell saw what appears to be many worn down and abandoned. Bell looks around the place to see that he is literally on a floating island. Nd sees lots of floating islands around it. It looked strange as it looked gorgeous.

"Just what is this place?" said Bell

"This. Is what's left of the kingdom of Valla." Said Azura

"Left of Valla?" said Bell

"Yes. It was destroyed long ago by someone named Anankos" said Azura

"…" said Bell. He is unsure what to say next

Eventually the five of them reached the edge of the island they were on in particular. Corrin then turns to Bell and Gunter

"Boys. I know you may not know much about what is going on" said Corrin "But I promise that I will tell you everything soon."

"What are you saying master Corrin?" said Gunter

"I'm asking you two to join me for a fight for peace" said Corrin "I literally have siblings at war with each other. And I don't want to see them die."

"Yes. I will stand with you Master Corrin" said Gunter. Then they all looked at Bell awaiting his answer

"I…. I don't understand. Why are you willing to ask someone like me?" said Bell "You don't know anything about me"

"Please consider. We can bring peace to both the kingdoms of Hoshido and Nohr" said Corrin

Bell knew he is probably going places. But he definitely didn't expect get asked to join an army or militia… at first he thought that being a soldier would restrain him from adventuring. But then again. If he doesn't. He might be left to wander on a place he doesn't belong or know about….

New place. New potential friends and enemies. And possibly new magic and weapons he's probably never seen before….

But then again. This can be a heroic deed. Maybe him stopping a war will save countless lives and even impress his grandfather in the afterlife.. Bell then makes his decision.

"Ok. I'll join you" said Bell. This made them all smile.

"It's good to hear that your on board" said Corrin as she leads them all to a strange looking doorway. When they walked through it. Bell found himself in some sort of… fort….

"Well well. This is an interesting place." Said Gunter "So is there anyone else here?"

"Only Lilith" said Corrin as a little dragon flies towards Corrin. Bell then begins to wander. He sees that this place.. he finds a little forest in the left corner.. he had a strange urge to go into it. Corrin breifly looked at him from afar… she certainly is surprised that there is a person as young as she is who has white hair as well.

"I'm excuse me um.. Bell?" said Azura

"?" said Bell

"Are you willing to go on a mission with us?" said Azura

"Sure I guess" said Bell as Azura leads him towards the others

"Though there is something you must know" said Azura gaining his attention "That place we were just in before arriving here. Never talk about it beyond here or it's borders"

"Why is that?" said Bell

"There is a curse upon the land that if someone were to do it. They will just disappear." Said Azura

"Um… ok?" said Bell as he notices that they are all at a crystal ball…. Is this some sort of fortune telling ploy?

"You guys ready?" said Corrin

"Yes" said Azura as suddenly there was a flash of light

"Oh Hestia. I hope I'm not gone for too long" thought Bell as he is worried that he will be gone for long time….. for all he knows they could be worried sick


Play: Jump Ultamite Stars – Tournament Mt.

OThe light dissipates and Bell was extremely surprised at this… this is teleportation.. could this possibly his ticket home?... not only that. It hasn't been an hour and he's already been on a mission since he decided to join them…. Maybe they are in a hurry?. They all began to follow a path.

"Hey uh.. Corrin?" said Bell gaining her attention

"That crystal brought us here right?" said Bell

"Yup" said Corrin

"Can that crystal take us….. to other world's or realms?" said Bell

"I'm afraid not. It can only send his to parts of this realm and the place we right now cannot talk about" said Corrin… ok maybe not his ticket home… but she did say it can send them to 'certain parts'…. Though what exactly does that constitute?

Bell looks up ahead and see that they are heading towards a Japanese themed building. It reminded him of Mikoto and her familia…. Bell felt like he was being watched again. He looked around to see… a couple ninja warriors hiding in the bushes watching them.

He strange feeling in his gut that this would happen to him eventually when he goes to places like this. Hell. He starts to wonder if he should just straight up approach them. Eventually when they got to the building. The see a man wearing glasses seemingly for them. The made Bell assume that those ninjas may have informed him in some way

"Ah. Princess Corrin. It seems we gave you a chance. But you have decided to turn us down for the enemy. And Azura. We have treated you as one of our own. How could you leave us for them?" said the man

"Yukimira I can explain!" said Corrin. This tells Bell that he may have gotten into trouble before he met her. Same thing goes for Azura.

"Your words can't turn me" said the man now named Yukimira "Seize them!"

Then those 'ninjas' all jumped out of their hiding places as a bunch of samurai guards and club fighters come out of the building.

"Talk about a warm welcome" Bell said to himself getting himself ready holding his knife in a battle stance. He then blocks two throwing stars from them. He begins to wonder if he should take off his red cloak. (Those of you who has seen the anime should know what I'm talking about)

He then sees Corrin and Gunter run into the building presumably to fight the man. Bell was just about to make a comment about it until he sees one of the archers shoot Azura

"!" said Azura as she braces herself to get hit by an arrow. Only for nothing to happen. She looks in from of her and sees that Bell has cut the arrow before it could reach her. Bell then rushed towards the archer dodging numerous arrows as he chops the archer's bow in half.

The archer was too stunned to do anything before he got socked by Bell. Bell then turns to see a samurai pointing his sword at him

"Nohrian fool. You think you can take on someone like me?" said the samurai "Your country's soldiers are incompetent compared to our elite soldiers"

Bell honestly doesn't know what to think if that. He doesn't belong to Nohr.

"Bring it " said Bell holding out his knife as the samurai ran right at him Jim with his sword. The sumurai attempts to stab Bell with his sword only for Bell to block it and every other attack he did. Eventually they clashes swords. They both put so much pressure upon their weapons that part of the samurai's blade breaks off

Upon seeing this. The samurai then turns pale and drops to his knees "No… m-my family heirloom sword" he looked utterly devastated. Bell would rather not touch that further so he simply snuck away to avoid whatever the hell the devastated samurai will do next

Then the two ninjas that were watching them then run like crazy towards Bell. This was no problem to Bell as he easily dodged their strikers.

"Stand still so I can kill you!" said one of the ninjas as Bell then trips him. And punches the other while he was distracted

"Thanks for saving me Bell" said Azura

"O-Oh y-your welcome" said Bell as his cheeks turn a slight shade of link for getting thanks from a beautiful woman

Bell and Azura then rush over too the maid as she fends off a few ninjas by herself. Then Bell rushed in to assist her and easily knocks out one of the ninjas with a punch. This made one of the ninjas turn his attention from her onto Bell.

He then throws a few throwing stars at him. Bell frankly saw this coming and dodges them all. The Ninja seemed surprised that Bell was able to do that. He then lunges with two sword in his hands. Bell then ducks from the attack and a few more

"Stop" said the Ninja slashing at Bell again "dodging" and again. "my" (I'm pretty sure you get the point by now) "STRIKES!" as he his next few strikes then get blocked by Bell's knife

"I think I'm fine" said Bell as he sweeps the ninja's legs knocking him over. He looks over to Azura and the maid to see that they have defeated the last ninja and a few more enemies

"Cmon you two. We must catch up to Gunter and Master Corrin!" Said the maid as she leads them into the building. It looked like a typical Japanese old styled building. Upon the ground lays a bunch of defeated guard.

"Those two must've been busy" thought Bell as they make their way through

Eventually a 6'8 tall man with a very large club gets in their way

"Nohrian scum. You shall not pass onto our grounds!" said the 6'8 man

"You two go on ahead. I'll deal with him" said Bell

"Are you sure about it" said Azura as she and the maid are worried about him facing against a 6'8 Titan alone

"Yeah. Go on ahead you two" said Bell as they both nod to him and run past the 6'8 man

"Oh no you do-" said the 6'8 man as before could whack Azura and the maid. The then gets kicked in the chest by Bell. The man then tries to bash Bell after that as Bell quickly dodges and kicks them in the face. The 7'0 man then grabs Bell's leg as he then smashes Bell into the wall and onto the floor.

That is the most amount of pain Bell had felt since he fought the masked man.

"Augh!" said Bell as he hits the floor. The 6'8 man gives him a very painful punch right when he was about to go in for another. Bell then turns his head to avoid it. Bell then punches the man's wrist causing him to grunt in pain while at the same time letting go of his leg

The man then was about stomp on Bell ad the then rolls away from the 6'8 man's foot. He then leaps out of the way from the 6'8 man's club that ended up putting a hold in the floor

"You got skills little Nohrian ninja. I'd say your even on par with our own. But mess with me and YOU MESS WITH DEATH!" as his hand that isn't holding the club starts toglow green as suddenly a spirit bull came charging right at Bell from his hand. Bell then runs upon the wall to avoid it

"That's not all" said the 6'8 man "HAVE A WHOLE STAMPEDE" as suddenly five spirit bulls then charges at Bell. He then ran from the wall onto the floor and ran straight at the 6'8 man while simultaneously dodging the spirit bulls

"Eat- Aw s**t I knew I shouldn't have used those bull on targets on day" said the 6'8 as he was clearly out magic at the time. Before receiving two slashes and a kick from Bell at his chest and git. Luckily for him he was armor

"OW!" said the 6'8 man "YOU LITTLE BASTARD PUNK!" as he tries to smash Bell with his club only to receive a finishing lunch from Bell knocking him out cold

"Just… wait until… you see Saizo.." said the 6'8 man before losing consciousness

Then once the 6'8 man fell unconscious. An arrow nearly hit Bell. He looks to see a archer, a fighter, and a knight on a Pegasus. Bell knew pegasuses existed. He just didn't really think about I at all

"Your gonna pay for that!" said the archer aiming more arrows at Bell and shoots them. Bell then uses his knife to cut each one. The knight of a Pegasus then flies towards Bell hoping to skewer him with his spear

Bell slashes the spear causing the blade to fall off before proceeding to punch the knight off it. Then the fighter takes a few steps forward

"hows about we fight like real men huh? No knife, no magic, no tricks,. Skill against skill alone" said the fighter

Bell puts his knife away and put his arm up blocking a punch from the fighter. Bell gives him two strikes to the chest making him stumble back. The fighter then tried to kick Bell but to no avail

"Just who is this guy?" thought archer seeing how he was able to still hold off on his own even after fighting the 6'8 man

Bell was able to give the fighter a good punch to the gut and the face taking him out quickly. The archer then shoots the rest of his arrow in hopes of killing Bell. Bell then proceeded to block every arrow that was shot at him

Once the archer was out of arrows he then gets a knife and runs at Bell. He attempts to slash at Bell several times but to no avail.

"Grrr I'll f******g kill you!" said the archer throwing his knife at Bell

Bell then lunges out of the and kicks the archer in the face much to his shock that he couldn't defeat Bell. However Bell wasn't cocky in defeating these men… this place isn't a place where elite soldiered are. This is more of a place where soldiers that are likely still in training would be…. Except for the 6'8 man. He has definitely shown to have the training.

Then Bell felt the ground started to rumble… he looked and around and realized it seemed to have a source. He then runs towards the source knowing it might possibly be a stupid idea. When he reached the place the ground shook the most he sees a man about 6'2 with red hair like Welf, the glasses man that he saw earlier. And a very beautiful magician.

Then suddenly two more people showed up and just by their presence seemingly convinced the red headed 6'2 man to stop whatever he's doing. He knows they were talking to him but due to the rumbles the 6'2 man was causing. He couldn't hear their voices but his own.

Damn. That man must have some really good fire magic. And little did Bell know. That when the beautiful magician later her eyes upon him. She slightly grinned to herself.

"My my. Corrin's found herself quite the bunny in her hands" thought the magician girl


A man about 7'1 tall sitting upon a throne thinking about what to do. As he continues to think. Suddenly. He hears a knock

*Knock* *knock*

"….You may enter…" said the man as suddenly the masked man that Bell fought earlier while holding the bunny that brought Bell there entered the room

"King Garon" said the masked man taking a knew for him "I wish have a hit if your time"

"…Go on" said the man now named King Garon as she scratches his beard

"The substitute has successfully came here. And is currently with Corrin as we speak" said the masked man

"….I thought I told you…" said King Garon as he starts to get pissed off walking over to the masked man grabbing his neck causing the bunny to jump out of his arms and begins to hop a few feet away from Garon to avoid his wrath "THAT I WANTED HIM HERE AND NOW"

"ACK! pl-please sir let me explain!" said the masked man as he continues to get choked "He had made an alliance with Corrin. We can still get him. We just need time"

Upon hearing that Bell is in an alliance with Corrin. King Garon lessens his grip upon his growing interest on where this is going

"Time you say?" said King Garon

"We can get him later. But the even better news is we still have the bait" said the masked man pointing to the bunny "We can still get that final minion you wanted and you can complete your conquest" this made Garon the releases the masked man from his grip as he looks at the bunny

"….You better not fail me again. Otherwise I'll switch jobs between you and one of your cultists" said Garon

"O-Of course sir. I promise that final minion will come" said the masked man as he is now able to breathe more freely. He then gets up dusts himself off and gestures for the bunny to follow him as they both leave King Garon's throne room

"I don't understand why you put him in charge of getting the final minion." Said King Garon as Iago comes out of the shadows

"Well you see your majesty. He is mainly responsible for most of the monsters arriving that you requested" said Iago. "While that nutjob manager of his just thinking of how much he loves women and sex"

"I brought him in. Because his magic is the most impressive at my disposal." Said King Garon

"…Fair enough" said Iago "Which one if the monsters do you want to send after Corrin first?"

"Hmm…. The them to send the eye I want to be sure what that substitute is capable of before lay my true cards upon the table" said King Garon "But wait until I command it"

"As you wish your majesty" said Iago as he leaves the room

"That final monster is the most powerful of them all…. This better have been worth it.." thought King Garom

Back to Bell

Upon returning to that place he was just at earlier. Bell began to wonder who actually made this place and if anyone lived in it. He looks at Corrin and everyone else as the interact and mingle with each other. But now he isn't sure what to do now

He doesn't know them well enough to even talk to them… he is just too shy… he just wishes that Hestia, Welf, and Lili were here. They would probably have an idea on what to do now

After everything that happened today. He is able to finally rest both his body and mind. He looks around but isn't sure what to do now… he feels like he just doesn't truly fit in here

He starts to wonder what are the chances of being able to return to his home .. but now he has allowed himself to be dragged into some sort of militia ked by a woman determined to help bring peace. Is really ready to just abandon them now?

He right now isn't sure if it truly feels right to want to go home or want to stay. How is Hestia and the others doing? He really wants to know how much time has passed in his own home. He certainty hopes that time will have the same rules here as his own home

But what is a boy like Bell to do? If he didn't join an army. Someone probably would eventually seek him out to join theirs.

This place certainly is similar to his own world. As the only real thing that seemed off was that spider human thing he saw in the cave. Bit only that. This place seems divided by culture. Back in his own home there was no divide. Sure there was probably some racism here and there but it's not really that often

He sure hopes Welf and Lili managed to make it out of the café. Now that he's isn't there with he starts to worry that their journey back may be harder than it is

"Hello there" said a voice causing Bell to slightly tense making him turn around to find Gunter behind him

"Uh…" said Bell as he honestly doesn't know what to say

"Ay kid. It's just me" said Gunter "What are you doing looking longingly from afar?"

"…" said Bell "Have you ever felt the feeling where you just don't fit in?"

"Why do you say that?" said Gunter

"I'm someone you guys have never met nor seen before. Are you guys willing to put your trust in a stranger like me?" said Bell

"Well you see. Corrin is an amazing judge of character. You would believe how much she has pulled through because of that perk of her. Just think. Now that she has recruited you. Just think if the amazing things you can do" said Gunter

"Yeah but…. Have you also had to leave some friends and familia behind?" said Bell as Gunter puts his hand on his shoulder

"Believe me kid. I've had that exact feeling before" said Gunter

"Really?" said Bell

"When I served in the kingdom before I ended up on the bottomless canyon where I met you. I had to leave my wife and kid behind. And now that no one before had actually seen and made it out of the bottomless canyon. They might think I'm dead" said Gunter taking a dip out pf his cup

This unintentionally invoked a very scary feeling for Bell. What if everyone thinks he he's dead? Does that mean Hestia will suffer more than she already handle? Bell then looks down and back at Gunter

"But. I have hope. Because I'm still alive now. I should be able to reconnect with them when I have the chance. King Garon never lets me write letters" said Gunter

"Why is that?" said Bell

"He thinks it's a sign of weakness." Said Gunter "Do what about you? How are you able to perform so many while movements that only an elite acrobatic is able to do"

"Well…." Said Bell as he is really sure on how to say how he does it "I'd say I was inspired"

"Inspired?" said Gunter

"You know when there is someone you admire and you want to impress them" said Bell (I'm pretty sure you all know who he is referring to)

Gunter begins to think that Bell is referring to a father figure or big brother figure to him.

"That's really interesting to know. Let's talk again later shall we?" said Gunter taking another sip

"Sure" said Bell as Gunter began to leave him. Gunter really liked to talk to Bell. He starts to wonder how much Bell will actually talk to other people due to his seemingly shy personality. But he believes Bell will come around eventually

Bell watched Gunter walk away and catch up to everyone else. Standing here alone. He really wished Hestia was here. But sadly that cannot be. But hearing Gunter talking about his hopes. He begins to think to himself

There are unknown things to him in this place. Maybe at least one of these will be able to help him. He then walks away further from everyone else to walk up the steps of the walls of this fortress. He looks around that even though this place looks.. somewhat spooky and dead. He starts to see a little bit of green trees start to grow.

This further tells him that he should have hope for himself in his ability to return home. And help Corrin achieve her goal of peace. He then walks down and takes a deep breath. Let's hope this won't he too hard now shall we?

He then looks at his knife and back up in the sky… he couldn't stop thinking about the three people who've been at his side the most…. Hestia… Welf… and Lili….

"I'll be back you guys. I can't leave you forever" though Bell looking back at his knife before putting it away

Little did he know Corrin and Azura was watching his exchange with Gunter from afar. They weren't were not able to hear what they were saying but they could tell he is having somewhat of a heart to heart conversation with Bell

They both became slightly interested in knowing about Bell. They both proceeded to head towards what appears to be a cafeteria because they have not eaten in a bit.






The clock strikes 2 as the insane looks in interest

"Well well hehehe…" said the insane man "Plan B really is starting to work after all." As he then looks at at a huge cage with something huge flying inside "Oh princess Corrin. I bet you'll due from one of these. HAHAHAHA!"

To be continued

I hope whoever reads this can forgive me if this fic has came on fast. But hey. Things should start to slowly down in chapter two and let things settle in

Yes this will be a harem story. We can't have a Danmachi story without a harem now can we?


1: there are 3 alternative names for this fic and they are "Demon Days", "Cranel Adventure", and "Bellz N Spellz"

2: Bell was originally going to find himself in a cage. As he was would get slightly brainwashed.. . But ultimately I scrapped it in favor of a better idea (At least I think it is a better idea)

3: Will my chapters be as long as my current my others? I dunno. But I can promise u will write 10k a chapter

4: I continued to get kind boggled that there isn't much crossover fics mainly about Bell going to another place. So I hope whoever else plans on doing one posts soon

5: will the other Danmachi characters in this fic? We'll wait and see

6: this is heavily influenced by the music of RED

So then. You like it? Hate it? Notice some problems with it?

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