Fleet submarine Archerfish giggled to herself as she approached her target. The plan had been devised by Wahoo and put into motion by Arkansas. Both said submarines were moving to their targets. This operation was a massive undertaking. 753 submarines, all fully licensed to fly a 737. 101 cities, eight countries and all the aircraft needed to be stolen at the exact same time!

Part one of the plan had been put in motion months ago, when a substantial bribe to a clueless Vanguard (girl was sold on the Iron Maiden tickets the sub girls sold her, tickets that so fortunately happened to have her seated right next to her chosen love!) got the science!girl to hack into Southwest's network and reschedule the entire fleet's itenaries so that all the planes were situated on the ground for a 5 minute span. The sub girls would have to move fast! Stealth was never a problem. Airport security had no idea they were even there. The ramp agents had no idea they were there. Admittedly there was some difficulty. Chicago and Dallas did offer a minor challenge. Some airplanes were easier to sneak up on than others. Archerfish had one of the easier ones. Being parked in the middle of the Mojave desert was an advantage in that there was limited security. The one catch, the plane she was about to steal had been mandatorally grounded for 2 months. Was it airworthy, technically not. But all shipgirls possessed an innate skill in mechanics and could fix a problem on the spot if need be.

As Archerfish climbed into the cockpit and began prepping the plane for taxi she looked across to see Tang in the plane parked next to her. In all, 34 aircraft were parked in a V-shaped formation on the desert tarmac. As one the collision lights began to flash, a red beacon on the flat desert plain. One by one the aircraft began to move, taxing in single file towards the runway. The sight of so many airplanes taking off was as amazing as it was shocking!

Archerfish ignored ATC's repeated calls to abort and instead simply said "This is 8701Q, leading a flight of 34 for JFK."

Seeing that his requests would not be satisfied, the controller had no choice but to allow the flight to continue. Resisting would only cause confusion and prevent traffic from being aware of this large flight. The authorities could handle the arrests when the planes got on the ground. They would have to land eventually. "Tower copies 8701Q. You are cleared to climb to 8000 feet, turn right heading 095."

"095, 8000 8701Q." After she had signed off, Archerfish leveled off and stowed the flaps. The plane handled the new configuration nicely and seemed to relax under her hand as though it was happy to be back in the air again. "You and I, we can go places." She said, swearing that she heard a purr.

This scene repeated itself across the country and slowly but surely controllers became aware of a synchronized high jacking. Inevitably, calls went out to the military who feared a massive scale attack...

It was late morning for Admiral Briggs on the east coast, but when the phone rang the Admiral found himself starting awake at his desk. An empty glass at his side. His submarines had gone missing and no one knew where they had gotten off to. Calls to San Diego and Bremerton indicated a similar problem. Briggs grumbled and answered the phone. "Briggs." He said out of habit.

He listened for a few seconds, then his face turned ashen then beat red within the span of a few blinks. "I understand." He said at last and hung up, hitting the buzzer on his desk.

A minute later, Hornet came in. "You called Admiral?"

"Yes, round up all the carriers and have them stationed off New York pronto!" He growled, grabbing his jacket.

"Is it the submarines sir?" She asked.

"Yes and right now, I need to get on the phone with the Pentagon to ensure my girls aren't all shot down as they fly into New York." He replied, racing past her.

Hornet paused for a few seconds, then raced after him as the implications hit her.


It was a typical morning at JFK airport. And by typical I mean chaotic! There were 4 A380s all wanting to taxi at once from the same ramp! There was a medical emergency as a JetBlue aircraft had a passenger who was freaking out in the back and... yeah you get the idea. For Ground Controller Stephan Abraham, better known as Kennedy Steve, the day was about to get a whole lot crazier!

"Say again 8701." The approach controller's stunned tone is what caught Stephan's attention. The man was a consummate professional, he never flinched but now when Stephan looked over, he could see the man was shaking, his face turned gray.

It was not his position to ask what the problem was. He would deal with it when the offending aircraft landed on his taxiways... "We have hijacked aircraft coming in."

Stephan paused and slowly turned to face the approach controller. "Say again?" He asked.

"Hijacked aircraft are on their way in to land. They're requesting gates and various food items."

"You say aircraft as in plural?" Stephan had been made aware of the hijacked planes out of Mojave. He had no idea just how far off base that communication was.

"Affirmative. The pilot I talked to, she said there are 753 airplanes in the pattern and the radar confirms it."

"753... did she identify herself?"

"She says her name is Archerfish and she's with the US Navy." At this Stephan groaned. He hardly considered himself a history buff but shipgirls were a common problem in large cities and New York was no exception. The epic barstormming run of the Fletchers a few months back had ensured that kanmusu would be forever notorious in town! But anyways, back to the current problem. Archerfish, Archerfish, where had he heard that name before... Stephan's facepalm later became classified as the most epic of all time as he groaned "Submarines!"


JFK, despite its size, could not accommodate all the 737s plus the other aircraft it had on the ground at once. 300 of the planes were diverted to Newark and Teteboro. At each airport, the submarine pilots had a Southwest official, FAA person and an MP waiting for them when they pulled up to a gate.

For her part, Archerfish just simply disembarked, giving the aircraft's nose a pat as she did so. The three officials watching swore they saw the plane tilt into it, and she walked straight to the MP and held out her hands. "USS Archerfish SS-311, Lt. Commander US Navy, service number (CENSURED). Under the Geneva Convention, that's all I'm required to tell you. I'll take handcuffs but no blindfold."

Things went crazy ivan from there!


"The action of USS Archerfish and accomplices is severely condemned by the NTSB for its recklessness and for the disruption it caused to US Air Traffic Control. The NTSB recommends a heightened state of security at all US major airports and requests that the countries of Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, Bahamas, Abuga follow this recommendation. This report will be distributed to those countries' safety boards in the hopes that they do so.

The NTSB also recommends that the military severely punish those involved in this action and that the FAA suspend and/or revoke the licenses of all those involved in these hijackings..."~ Excerpt from the NTSB report.