"Come on Swan! You're getting dressed for a gay bar not a wedding. How many outfits are you gonna try on?"

Emma rolled her eyes at Ruby yelling from her spot on the bed, peeking around the door to see the redhead was still flipping through a magazine while waiting on her friend to make up her mind about what she was wearing. "I mean you wouldn't take this long to go to Roni's and she's a member of the tribe." Ruby mumbled as she kept turning the pages without really paying much attention to the actual content before checking her phone for the time yet again. They were supposed to meet the Pack soon and the blonde hadn't settled on a thing other then a jacket she'd picked up earlier that day.

"Speaking of Roooooni," Ruby smirked and drawled out the bar owner's name as she shut the magazine and sat up in bed "Did she really tell you she wanted you to cuff her? Just picture how hot she would look handcuffed though." Emma almost dropped the boots she'd picked up when her friend spoke up and she regretted sharing the information even if Ruby had a point. The image of Roni cuffed in her bed with that sinful smirk of hers made Emma a little weak at the knees but she pushed it off to grab a pair of jeans before looking through her various shirts and blouses. "I bet if Roni was asking you to get your ass ready faster you'd say yes ma'am and be dressed in like two point five seconds, waiting for her next command. Or are you thinking you'd be the one giving orders? Because I doubt that'd fly with her. She seems more into being the dominant one."

"Rubes! Christ, just… I'm calling for a moratorium on the Roni subject okay? Besides," Emma wiggled into the ripped up jeans with a huff "I also doubt I could order Roni to do anything... Unless she wanted to. Now cut it out, I'm almost ready. What did you say this place was like again?" She slipped the black sleeveless blouse on before walking out of the closet with the boots in her hand, taking a seat near her leggy best friend to slip them on. Thankfully the topic change was able to pull Ruby's attention away from the subject of Roni who already occupied too much of Emma's mind. It had been a few days since she'd last seen the raven haired beauty but she could still see flashes of her in those jean shorts and that bikini top which clung to her in all the right ways when she was dripping wet.

Emma shook her head to clear out the thoughts that accompanied a scantily clad Roni before tuning into what Ruby was saying. "- besides I think I heard something about a band performing tonight which is pretty badass. Dorothy was talking about it, apparently this group has only played at one other bar before but it was packed and there's been nothing but rave reviews for it. They're called The Bad something… I don't remember, what Dorothy was wearing distracted me. Or actually not wearing." She gave a wolfish grin and Emma rolled her eyes, of course Ruby would make her way back to something sexual but at least it didn't concern herself and Roni for the moment.

"Well, I'm ready to go," Emma stood up and pulled on her new jacket "What do you think? I thought it was comfortable and-" "The fact that it's a leather jacket reminds you of a certain someone?" Ruby interrupted before holding up a finger and pulling a lipstick from the purse with a little wolf charm dangling from it. "Here put this on and then you're ready to go. A little red to match your new jacket and here I thought Red was my nickname. Hurry it up, the sexy ladies are waiting to meet you Swan!" Ruby disappeared into the living room and Emma rolled her eyes yet again but uncapped the lipstick with a small smile, the shade was similar to the one she'd seen on Roni which made her hurry over to the mirror and put it on.

Ruby mentioned ladies waiting to meet her and while the idea was interesting she also found herself picturing a different bar where Henry was throwing darts with Roni. The atmosphere was probably going to be different with a live band but the sign outside of Roni's did advertise that it offered the same thing. "Swan! I said: sexy. Ladies. are waiting!" Emma shut the lipstick before grabbing her phone, keys and wallet to put an end to Ruby's whining, hurrying out the door and into the cab waiting for them.

When the cab pulled to a stop Emma couldn't help but let out a soft snort at the name of the bar in rainbow neon. "Really Rubes? Seriously this is one of your favorites?" Ruby shrugged and hurried to pay their fare before getting out, grabbing Emma's hand to lead her past the line of people waiting to get in. The blonde looked up at the sign again and smiled, it was no Roni's but she had a feeling both she and Henry would get a kick out of the name. FairyTail's.

"Shouldn't we go to the back of the line?" Emma asked but then realized why they weren't as Ruby hugged and kissed the bouncer before taking Emma's hand yet again to lead her further into the music and lights of the bar. There was a stage that currently held only instruments and a sign that had a logo of an apple which had a skull over half of it and the letters TBA across it, the band that Ruby mentioned was supposed to perform. She was distracted when the Pack came into view and Ruby released her hand to hurry over to greet her girlfriend while Emma received a mixture of greetings and her friend's various ways of telling how she could do better than Killian or offers to kick his ass if it was necessary.

Ruby frowned and made a slicing motion at her throat before sighing. "I told them to shut up about it. Emma is here to be join us in our flamboyant romp not to reminisce about Captain Assdouche, okay? So you can make her feel better by buying her a drink because," The red head couldn't help but smirk as she saw a few eyes on the blonde "She's already got some offers on the table." Emma blinked and turned around to see that there was a few women looking her direction which immediately made her flush, hurrying to sit down next to her friends and provide herself a barrier. The attention was flattering but she also felt a little bit of guilt when she pictured a different set of eyes- a rich brown, intense and flashing purple.

Several drinks- and dances- with Ruby, Dorothy and Tink later made Emma's guilt vanish. She was on her way back from the bathroom when a stunning drag queen walked onto the stage and stopped her in her tracks, the gown she was wearing seemed familiar and she was trying to realize where she saw a similar black headpiece like that from when her attention shifted to the other women getting on stage. It seemed they all had a similar look as she watched a drummer with short white hair that spiraled upward take her place behind the set, a keyboard player who had white hair on one side and black on the other in a jacket that looked like it was inspired by a Dalmatian, and a bassist whose long black curls almost blended in with the scale dress she was wearing.

Emma had to do a double take when the lead guitarist took the stage. High heeled boots, black pants, a vest with nothing on underneath that was certainly eye catching but there was no mistaking those rich brown intense eyes. That smirk of pearly white teeth and lips painted apple red. Wavy raven black hair and a feather tattoo on her forearm. "Roni?" She whispered and shook her head before hearing the band be introduced. "These devilish lady killers are here to not only entertain but I'm sure they'd be happy to demonstrate their many other talents off the stage. It is my absolute honor to introduce to you all, for the first and hopefully not last time here at FairyTail's: The Bad Apples. Careful girls and boys," The lovely drag queen bumped hips with Roni and gave her a knowing smirk "Some of them might just rip your heart right out. Enjoy!"

Ruby moved over to stand beside her still motionless friend and couldn't believe whom she was seeing on the stage with a black Fender in her hands "Emma is that-" "It's Roni. That's her." She was about to say more when those multi talented fingers started to play the guitar in her hands which rendered Emma entirely speechless, brown eyes scanning over the crowd as red, purple, green and black lights were flickering above the stage. A wide smile took over Roni's face as she turned to the other women on stage who were quick to join in as she began to sing. "You are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl. You are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl!"

The bar seemed to come alive as more people moved to pay attention to the dynamic sound coming from the four women performing an incredible cover. The bassist and keyboard player took over as the backup vocals but Emma couldn't tear her eyes off Roni as she played. It was just as entrancing as when she would make shots at her bar and there was nothing else she could see other then the beautiful woman.

"I'm biting my tongue."
"He's kissing on you."
"Oh why can't you see?"
"One, two, three, four!"

"The word's on the street and it's on the news. I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you. He's got two left feet and he bites my moves. I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance. The second I do I know we're gonna be through. I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you. He don't suspect a thing, I wish he'd get a clue. I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance." Roni was a true performer whether behind her bar or on a stage and the lyrics were absolutely fitting considering her background as a dancer. Emma couldn't help but grin along with the beautiful guitar player and her eyes went wide when Roni's swept over the crowd again only to stop when she locked onto Emma. A brief look of surprise crossed her features until she was wearing that smirk that made Emma's heart skip a beat and she worried it might actually stop when Roni seemed like she was singing the next lyrics to her.

"You are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl. You are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since- ever since" When Roni threw in a wink before breaking eye contact Emma felt like the wind had been knocked out of her, that woman had some kind of spell on her and it was certainly powerful magic. Roni's eyes shifted from the entire crowd to her guitar to her band mates for several more lyrics until she couldn't stop herself from looking for specific blue green eyes as she sang directly to her once again.

"You're biting my tongue."
"I'm kissing on you."
"Is he better than me?"
"One, two, three, four!"

The song held her captivated until it finished and Emma was one of the loudest clapping when the music ended. It seemed The Bad Apples were more then well received by the crowd at FairyTail's and several people started to yell for an encore when Roni stepped up to the microphone with a breathless laugh. "Typically we would play more than one song but you have several wonderful drag queens that must perform tonight and we'd rather not steal their spotlight for longer than necessary. We have been The Bad Apples and we will continue to spoil the whole bunch. Good night!"

Nudging from her side brought Emma out of her staring at Roni as she moved off the stage. "You know what a proper groupie would do?" Ruby asked and she shook her head in response "Go get that woman a drink before someone else does. I mean did you see what she's wearing? I bet you'll have to wait in line just to catch another glimpse." The redhead teased and Emma rolled her eyes before moving over to the bar, she had an idea what would get Roni's attention and she ordered a shot to be sent not only to the beautiful guitar player but one for each of the band. "Well played, Swan. I'm off to dance with my beautiful lady but hopefully I'll see you being whisked away by your own in no time." Emma couldn't help the grin that came along with the idea of being whisked away on a familiar motorcycle but she shook it off before moving to order her own drink only to have one set in front of her.

"And this is from?" "That'd be me, princess. The ladies want to say thanks for the shots. I wanted to come make sure it was really you but I see now that I wasn't losing my mind up there, you're really here Em-ma." Roni leaned against the bar next to her, sliding an empty shot glass back towards the bartender with a smile as she turned to look at the blonde yet again. "I have to say it's a little strange not to be pouring you a glass of apple cider or watching you and Henry discuss stories but I can't be mad about it. For two reasons, one I'm clearly closed tonight and two," Roni looked Emma up and down slowly which made Emma bite her bottom lip, feeling weak just under the pressure of that intense gaze "You look incredible. I like the jacket, Swan it really suits you and you know how I feel about red."

Emma couldn't contain the grin that came from Roni's compliment and she hid it behind the drink the beautiful woman had ordered for her before gaining some composure. "You're one to talk Roni. I don't think you realize what you are doing to half the women in this bar with that vest of yours," She looked over her shoulder and saw that several women were even looking in the direction of the guitar player "In fact I think more than a few of them are dying to take my place. You're drawing a lot of attention right now. Are you sure you're chatting with the right groupie?" Turning back to Roni she saw beautiful brown eyes still watching her rather then checking to see if what Emma said was true, she simply shrugged with a small smile.

"The Bad Apples don't have groupies, Em-ma. We're mostly unheard of and besides I am not interested in their attention. I prefer yours," Roni's smile effortlessly morphed into a smirk when Emma bit her lip yet again "But you're going to have to stop doing this, princess-" She reached out to run her thumb along Emma's chin in an attempt to coax her from biting on her lip and she watched as she was rewarded when Emma's mouth fell open in shock, an electric current coursing through her when their skin met "It's positively maddening to watch you bite your lip." Roni released her chin after a few moments and then turned to see a group of people were watching them at that moment, only one of which was familiar. "I'm guessing your sister and friends are making bets on if I'm going to kiss you or not." She teased and Emma's cheeks flushed as she whipped her head to look in the same direction, sighing at the not so subtle way Ruby and her friends all tried to appear as if they hadn't been spying.

Roni couldn't help but laugh before leaning closer to Emma "As much as I'd like to and believe me," She looked at tempting red lips with longing "I would certainly like to but I have to do something I'm not used to doing to women-" Emma lifted her eyebrows in response and swallowed as her throat felt like a desert "Disappointing one. I've gotta head out since I am waking up early tomorrow to meet the Litas for that dapper ride and dressing as well as I do for it? It takes some serious magic." Roni gestured to the bartender and took out her wallet "Now I'm going to make the assumption we are still being watched by your friends and I will also go as far to say that you'll all be here at least for another drink so this round is on me, princess." She proceeded to order enough drinks for Ruby, Emma and the group of people staring over at them.

Emma shook her head "I can pay for that, Roni. You really don't have to-" "Nonsense dear," Roni waved her hand as if to make whatever Emma was going to say just disappear "It's on me and I won't argue with you. Make sure you get home safe however. I can't be here to help you out or take you to my place. So to hold you accountable-" She slid a fresh bar napkin over and borrowed a sharpie from the bartender when she brought over drinks to write her number down on, dangling it in front of Emma before pulling back when the blonde reached for it "You have to text me when you get home. Do we have a deal, Em-ma?"

It was sweet that Roni was this concerned about her well-being and she moved to take the napkin from the mocha-skinned beauty "We have a deal, Roni. Thank you." The smile her words earned from Roni was brilliant and she was stunned when she lifted her hand again to kiss it, soft lips pressed against her scarred knuckles and her heartbeat began to pound in her ears. "In that case buenos noches, princesa." Roni gave her hand one final squeeze before she released it and started on her way but not without stopping to give a little wave over to the several people gawking at her. Emma let out a little chuckle and couldn't tear her eyes away from Roni's retreating form until Ruby hurried over to her to start asking as many questions as she could all of which fell on deaf ears as Emma was still spellbound by Roni's mere presence.

She avoided the topic as much as she could for the remainder of her time out with her friends and she collapsed onto her bed with a grin when she was finally home. Emma pulled her phone out as well as the bar napkin with Roni's phone number on it, she briefly considered not sending a text when she realized how late it was but Roni wanted to hold her accountable and make sure she was home safe so she quickly typed out a message.

'Hey Roni, it's Em-ma. I am home safe and I wanted to say thank you again for the drinks.'

Emma dropped her phone on the bed after she sent the text and started to get undressed, she hadn't meant to stay out as late as she had or get as tipsy but she was going to get some rest for the dapper ride. Pulling on a tank top she blinked when the phone let off a little ding to let her know that there was a notification waiting for her and she dropped her sweatpants onto the bed in favor of the phone to read.

'Hey Em-ma, it's Roni. I am glad you are home safe and once again there's no thanks necessary, dear. I'm happy you had fun.'

She definitely didn't expect a response and she bit her lip as she tried to think of what to say with her mind fuzzy courtesy of too many shots with Ruby. It had completely destroyed whatever filter she had and she found herself texting Roni exactly what was on her mind at that moment.

'I really like the way you say my name, Roni. I've never had someone pronounce it the way you do and it does things to me.'

As she wiggled into her sweatpants her eyes went wide as her phone went off multiple times and she couldn't help but chuckle, it seemed she had really grabbed Roni's attention and she felt a little bad that she was keeping the mocha skinned goddess from getting her rest for the big ride but she had assumed that Roni would already be asleep. That clearly wasn't the case as she read over the next few messages.

'Well, I like saying your name. I hate to say it but they've been pronouncing it wrong then, princess. It's not that difficult; you just hit the Em harder and let the ma slide off your tongue. It's very easy.'

'And what pray tell does me saying your name do to you, Em-ma? I'm very curious to know.'

This was dangerous and Emma knew it, she could easily feel the heat from Roni's gaze and picture the way the woman looked leaning close to her in that tantalizing vest. She felt her skin flush and she couldn't help but fidget a little as she responded to the beautiful bar owner. If Roni was curious then the least she could do was help.

'It gets hard to breathe and my chest feels tight. It feels like it should be dangerous but it's not.. it's inviting and it holds me captive. How do you do that Roni?'

She was about to set the phone back down when it chimed yet again and she flipped over to the message in an instant. Apparently Roni was a very quick responder when she was interested in the topic at hand and she smirked when she received yet another message when she was still reading the first.

'It's a gift and a curse, princess. A terrible burden. By why am I explaining something to you that you already know? You're pretty damn good at holding my attention captive all the time.'

'This moment right now is a great example. I am supposed to be getting my beauty sleep and here I am on my phone instead. So tell me how do YOU do it, Em-ma?'

Just like in person whether at her own bar or FairyTail's Roni was able to leave her flabbergasted and fumbling for something to say in response. It was unfair how her personality oozed even over text form and she bit her lip as she sat in bed with her thumb hovering over the keyboard on her screen before she sighed. "Fuck it."

'I am sorry I'm keeping you from your beauty sleep but have you seen yourself? I think you've had plenty seeing as how you're essentially a goddess.'

Emma set the phone away from herself and laid back against the pillows with a hand covering her mouth as if she'd actually said the words to Roni rather than electronically but when her phone chimed again she had to shut her eyes and resist the urge to reach for it immediately. She had just hit on Roni and she was a little bit terrified of the response waiting for her, which only doubled when her phone chimed yet again.

'A goddess? Really? What a compliment, Em-ma. It's a high honor coming from you. I don't think YOU realize just how gorgeous you looked this evening. You in that red leather?'

'Well let's just say it was very hard not to pull you closer. I'm sure you would get that adorable deer in headlights expression that just makes me want to corrupt you even more. I have to get some sleep, Swan. I'll let you know how the ride goes tomorrow- actually today. Good night and good morning, Em-ma.'

Emma shook her head and moved to turn on her alarms before shutting off the light and laying down as she pictured Roni pulling her closer, it was an incredible mental image and she was also wondering what kind of suit Roni intended to wear for the ride but thankfully she had Mulan on the inside to tell her what colors the raven haired woman would be dressed in. She drifted off picturing the woman on her motorcycle.

Chimes drew her out of a dream where she was on an island with a woman; they were searching for something that they both desperately wanted back. There was a sword on her back and she was kneeling beside an unconscious young boy with the other woman in the same position on his other side as she fawned over him. "Henry? Kid? Are you okay?" Emma felt herself asking as she pressed a hand over his heart. There was another set of hands hurrying to feel for his heartbeat as well and Emma looked over to see brown eyes pricking with moisture as she bit her lip.

"Henry, it's your mother. Please wake up." She bent and pressed her lips against his forehead and Emma reached over to touch her shoulder, shocked when there was an angry expression looking back at her. "It's going be okay, Regina. We're going to get his heart back." Regina and Henry. That was the names of the two people she kept seeing in her dreams and as she blinked her eyes open she tried to remember their faces until the images were just gone and she reached for her phone.

'Here's what Roni is rocking this morning. She looks pretty incredible and the tie kills me. It's Mulan by the way.'

There was an attached photo of Roni smoking a cigarette wearing a four piece black suit and her tie had little apples all over it as well as a tie clip with a crown. Her hair was slicked back into a pompadour style for her length while there was one curl resting on her forehead. The overall look was incredibly attractive and it was followed by more messages that woke her right up.

'Emma! We've got a bit of an shit storm headed our way.'

'Aurora found out the dragon lady is going to be there today and I really don't want her to fuck up Roni's day. Just let us know when you're headed over!'

Emma dropped her phone onto the bed and hurried over to her closet as she realized she'd slept through her first alarm. Naturally she would almost fuck up something this important and she grumbled about her bad luck as she flipped through the options. She had already decided to match Roni and she'd picked up the perfect dress, after all Roni often mentioned how much she loved the color red. From there it was a flurry of activity from brushing her teeth, doing her make up, styling her hair and making it out the door before her second alarm went off.

'Mulan. I'm on my way. Don't worry about the dragon lady, I have a plan. Just keep her away from Roni until I get there?'

'Okay but I kind of want to hear what this plan is. Hurry Swan!'

When her uber stopped she could see a lot more motorcycles then she had anticipated and people dressed to the nines as she walked down the sidewalk searching the crowd for any familiar faces. It didn't take her long before she spotted the black and heather green of Mulan's suit as well as her mohawk before seeing Aurora standing beside her in a black dress with green accents. Emma stopped walking when she saw Roni smoking yet another cigarette it seemed and smiling at something Mulan was saying before she turned her head, her eyebrows arching over her sunglasses in surprise as she saw Emma standing there.

Her golden hair was even curlier if it was possible and the red dress she had on was fantastic, giving off spectacular views of both her pale legs and a bit more cleavage then she normally showed off but the heels were incredible. Black lace pumps that were now walking towards her and she couldn't help but smirk as Mulan and Aurora greeted Emma. "You look stunning, Em-ma. I didn't expect to see you here but apparently Mulan has been keeping secrets," She swatted at Mulan who only took a step back and flashed her middle finger before leading Aurora away "I do really mean it, princess. That dress is just gorgeous on you." Roni ashed her cigarette before leaning back against the motorcycle she was borrowing from Naveen. It should have clued her in that Emma would be joining them but she was still pleasantly surprised.

Emma stopped when she was close enough to reach out and touch Roni's tie, her fingers curling around it as she leaned closer. "They told me that the dragon lady is here. Is that true?" Roni made a face but nodded her head as she turned her gaze over to a blonde fawning all over a man with a beard nearby. "That's Mal and August right?" Another pained expression followed by a short nod before Emma took another step closer with the tie still in her grip as she moved her lips to Roni's ear. "I have a proposal for you Roni. I think I'd make an excellent distraction; I could very easily be your girlfriend for the day. Keeps Mal and August away from you and I'm more than willing to help."

Roni couldn't suppress a shiver that came from the combination of Emma's warm breath and her lips brushing against her ear but she moved one hand to her side as she nodded her head. "If you're really that willing then brace yourself because she's walking over here right now." Emma pulled back enough to take off Roni's sunglasses and look into her stunning brown eyes before tugging on the tie to draw Roni into a kiss. Brown eyes widened and she gripped Emma's side as her lips started to respond as if they had a mind of their own. The blonde pressed closer against her and slid her fingers through Roni's hair as she let herself get carried away with her role as the new girlfriend before someone cleared their throat to break them apart.

It was harder then Emma thought it would be to pull away from Roni who tasted of spices and cigarettes, a strangely addictive kind of flavor but she managed to stop kissing the suited woman to look over at Mal, she had brilliant eyes that looked almost like contacts and she was wearing a black dress that matched August who was still seated at his bike. He waved at Roni who only turned towards Mal in response. "Can I help you with something, Mal?" She stood up and slid her arm around Emma's waist, partially due to the fact that Emma had offered to be her date for the day and partially because she didn't want Mal getting close to Emma.

"Yeah you can by introducing me to your new friend, Ron. I've never seen her before but I must say you do go for blondes almost every time." Mal crossed her arms over her chest and gave Emma a look that was designed to be scathing but didn't intimidate her in the slightest when she had Roni gently squeezing her side for support. She smirked and looked over at Roni before leaning to press a kiss to her cheek, unable to help the affectionate gestures for to long but then she turned back towards Mal and extended a hand.

"I'm Emma. Emma Swan and I'm not Roni's friend, I'm her girlfriend," When Mal took her hand to shake it she squeezed tight and flashed a smile "She may go for blondes every time but she doesn't go for cheaters anymore." Mal's already fake smile took on an edge at Emma's insult and she let her hand go to move closer to Roni again, not wanting to stay near Mal for a minute longer. Mal crossed her arms once again and frowned at the way Roni was simply looking at her with an annoyed expression.

Sighing Roni shook her head "You've met Em-ma now Mal and you can be on your way. Let August know he can suck a fuck." She guided the blonde away from Mal and started walking over to where Mulan and Aurora were talking, squeezing Emma's side once again when they were further away from Mal. "You're a regular savior, Swan and a pretty decent kisser even if you are faking it. I wonder how much better it would be if you meant it."

Emma smiled and nudged her "Maybe I do mean it. After all I have a very good looking girlfriend, she's very handsome in her suit," She reached over to touch the tie clip before seeing her cufflinks matched with a shake of her head "I like the crowns, your majesty. You've managed to pull the majority of your favorites in but you're missing one. Where's the purple?" Roni slowed to a stop with a smirk before letting her waist go to unbutton the jacket and then her vest to show off the stain lining underneath, a dark purple that made Emma chuckle. "Alright you've got all of it represented. I think we match well enough."

Roni rolled her eyes "I don't see you wearing anything purple, Em-ma. If we're supposed to match where is your-" "I had a feeling you would either wear red, purple or black so I planned for all possibilities. Red dress, black heels, and if you want to know why you can't see what I'm wearing that's purple? I'd be a little shocked if you could tell my thong is purple through the dress." Roni almost stopped dead in her tracks at the smirk the blonde gave her before walking over to talk to Aurora. She wasn't used to being shocked by something but Emma was incredibly talented at it and now she couldn't help but picture the purple item in question.

Mulan cut into her thoughts by nudging her shoulder "Hey, your girlfriend is really nice. How come we've never met her before?" She teased and Roni rolled her eyes before pushing the other woman back, not shocked that she was in talks with Emma to surprise her. "Really though. I think she might be into you, Roni. I know how you feel about relationships and all but she could be good for you. Besides when do we usually like one of the women you date? Just think about it, Mills." She was waved over by her wife and moved to take her hand before Roni joined them as well.

"I was just telling Emma how nice it is to meet Roni's girlfriend. We hardly ever get to hang out with one of the women in Roni's life unless it's Kelly who isn't a big fan of motorcycles." Aurora was quick to jump in on the teasing and Roni had to resist rolling her eyes yet again, Mulan and her wife were far too similar for their own good but she was shocked when Emma's hand slid into her own and her heart skipped a beat. There was a radiant smile on the blonde with the princess curls and it was infectious as Roni smiled back at her.

Emma turned to Aurora and Mulan again as her fingers threaded between Roni's and made her heart stutter yet again "Well you can't keep Roni off her bike so it would be difficult to make our relationship work if I didn't like getting on it with her. Thankfully I'm starting to learn to love riding on one," She squeezed Roni's hand "It's probably because I feel safe if I'm with Roni. That and the one we're riding in today also has more wheels so it has to be less frightening." She chuckled and then heard the sound of several motorcycles starting up before she looked at Roni who was grinning her head off.

"It's almost time to ride. Are you ready, princess?"