Rebirth of the Demon God

Chapter 1: Revival

Greetings everyone. I have returned with the long-awaited sequel to Conton City Tournament. For continuity purposes, this is both a sequel while taking place after Dragon Ball Super: Broly and the Infinite History Saga . In a way, this could be considered my own adaption of a Xenoverse 3, but I think this will remain simply as my own concept for another saga within Xenoverse 2.

Long story short, here we are, enjoy, review and happy days. Presto.

Age 853

"Do I have to do this?"


"But it feels so humiliating for someone of my position!" Trunks wined in protest.

Chronoa didn't sympathise with his feelings as she gestured the crew towards their respective positions, establishing cameras, microphones and other necessary equipment. As Conton City's reputation increased and many residents were moving to join in, keeping up appearances was a high priority. At the suggestion of others, the residence constructed a commercial set and the chosen host was no other than the half-Saiyan himself.

"Can't we just do another music video like last time?" Trunks suggested, his tone of voice almost breaking into a plead.

"Music videos are outdated," Chronoa explained. "We need something that really appeals to the audience, something that grasps their attention and shows everything we have to offer."

Trunk shrugged. "Couldn't you just send them cookies?"

"I considered it, but there were big rumours about the food tasting off," Chronoa replied and clasped her hands together. "Now, chop-chop! It's rolling time!"

With little choice given, Trunks hesitatingly agreed. Pausing briefly to compose himself before the cameras were on, he forced a smile and quietly rehearsed his script for the hundredth time. The cameraman gave him the all clear and they were rolling.

Still forcing a smile that was going to strain his mouth, Trunks clenched his fists and spoke with enforced confidence. "Attention, all proud warriors! Have you ever considered joining Time Patrol? As a Time Patroller, you'll prevent history from being changed."

For a commercial that lasted a couple of moments, it felt as if hours had passed with every uneasy second. Fighting tyrants and Gods on a daily basis, easy, but pretending to be a TV host, that was the limit for Trunks. Fortunately, they were on break now while the production team reviewed the footage. As things couldn't possibly get worse, a familiar laughter caught their attention. Approaching from the footpath, the old kai joined the duo.

"Nice commercial," Elder Kai said mockingly. "If I don't know any better, I'd swear you were trying to sell me a hover board at a discount price. Do I get a free Time Patrol pencil with it?"

If his confidence hadn't been shaken prior, the elderly kai's words put the nail in the coffin. He turned away with red cheeks, one hand placed to shield himself from the horrors of humiliation. While the old kai laughed with joy, Chronoa nudged him silent.

"Ignore him, Trunks," she reassured. "He's still cranky because the latest issues of "research" haven't arrived yet."

No one needed clarification to her suggestions. Seeking to end this torment now, Trunks thought of every possible outcome that would allow him to waltz away with no repercussions. His prayers were answered, but not in the way they anticipated. Two young half-Saiyans zoomed past, crashing into a nearby tree and forced the nearby crew to flee in terror. Before long, the two friends were arguing.

"No fair, Trunks!" Goten whined. "You cheated! I want my Super Saiyan God Vegeta figure back!"

"No way!" Trunks disagreed, holding up the item in question. "I won the match, fair and square!"

"Your Beerus figure is too powerful!"

"It's supposed to be powerful! It's a legendary figure!"

Chronoa sighed and prepared to intervene their little scrabble. Fortunately, their city's Head Time Patroller beaten her to the job. Marra stepped in between the two, placing her arms outwards to separate them from fighting. "What's all the commotion?"

"Trunks cheated at the Hero Colosseum!"

"Goten's being a sore loser!"

"Regardless, I'm ending it," Marra announced, pushing the two apart with ease and little force. "If you have a problem with the Hero Colosseum, write a complaint. You two aren't authorised to fly either, not without a flying license. Clear?"

Begrudgingly, the two cleared the area and walked away, no doubt to partake in another game and result in another disagreement. Until that occurred, her mission had been accomplished. Since the events of the tournament, Marra trained with her own initiative, finally surpassing her limits and reaching greater heights within her power. She had since returned to the city and accepted the position as Head Time Patroller. She proudly wore her new battle armour, replacing her trench coat. Moving forward, Marra approached the monarchs of their city.

"Flying license?" Elder Kai questioned, narrowing his ageing eyes towards the Supreme Kai.

"Everyone has to obtain one from now on," Chronoa explained. "Only just came into effect yesterday."

Elder Kai scoffed. "You and your rules are going to run this city into the ground. What's next? Items in stores change per week?"

A rumbling in the distance broke their discussion, forcing all four set of eyes to lock towards the same source. The peaceful city disrupted in less than a moment and upon realising where the disruption echoed from, their worst fears come true.

"The Time Nest!" Elder Kai exclaimed.

Trunks and Chronoa exchanged a similar look. "Fu!"

Marra swiftly placed two fingers to the palm of her head while offering her arm out. "Let's go!"

Everyone grasped hands and with the aid of Instant Transmission, the surrounded buildings dispersed and replaced by the peaceful environment of the Time Test. To their relief, the area appeared undamaged, but that was their least concern. Without hesitation, Marra raced over towards the Time Vault, entering the centre point in seconds. The others followed shortly, surrounding the familiar Demon before them.

"Fu!" Chronoa screamed. "What do you think you're doing in here?!"

Fu spun around, holding one of the many scrolls without the palm of his hand, face filled with surprise. "I wasn't doing anything wrong, just mere curiosity."

""Mere curiosity", caused the whole city to shake?" Trunks questioned. "What's that scroll? Scratch that, put it back! We had enough of your antics last time!"

"Oh, come on," Fu whined. "I didn't do anything that bad last time. I just did a little tweaking of unchanged history."

"You almost got the Supreme Kai killed," Marra reminded. "Did that slip your mind?"

The reminder of that incident sent chills down Chronoa's spine. Entrapped within that Time Bullet and slowly feeling her life force disperse remained an experience she did not intend to relive. Shaking off thoughts of the past, Chronoa pushed forward to the matter at hand. "Fu, I thought we had an understanding. You could study and reside in Conton City on the condition that you don't perform any more changes in history, permanent or temporary."

Fu paused to briefly adjust his glasses, innocently examining the scroll he wielded. "I did uphold my bargain, but I can't get inside this scroll to study it. No matter how much power I force, it won't activate."

"That explains the explosion," Marra noted and paused to cross her arms.

Chronoa narrowed her eyes between the scroll, Fu and the shelves of documents behind him. "What scroll is that?"

"It's from Age 850," Fu answered nonchalantly. "Why?"

"Grab it!" Chronoa pleaded.

With no need to be told twice, Marra jumped to her duties and vanished forward within her Super Saiyan form, snatching the scroll out of his hands. Surprised to their sudden reaction, Fu stepped back, raising his hands inoffensively. The scroll safely in her possession, Marra stepped back, safely powering down to her base form.

"Geez, you only had to ask!" Fu exclaimed.

"I told you not to keep him around!" Elder Kai reminded, jabbing one finger into the Supreme Kai's arm. "He's nothing but trouble!"

"Is someone going to tell me what the big deal is?" Fu questioned.

"Why, so you can find a way to open it?!" Elder Kai accused, pointing his finger critically. "We should do away with you! Marra, attack."

The Saiyan narrowed her eyes between the elderly kai, who looked towards her with perplexity, confused as to why waited. Marra moved her gaze towards Chronoa, who softly shook her head. Elder Kai may have once been a Supreme Kai, but she took her orders from Chronoa and no one else.

Chronoa inhaled softly, rubbing one hand over the palm of her head. "Interfering with history is a dangerous feat alone, but to interfere with time that takes place within the Time Nest, the results would be catastrophe. That scroll is time locked. We mustered all of our efforts to sealing that specific era forever. Even the Book of Beginning and End cannot document it without terrible results to follow. Rift or no rift, nothing will breach the time lock. Not even the Gods can access it."

Her warnings grew more curiosity than fear for the Demon. Fu tilted his head, no doubt interested into something so sacred. "What timeline is it sealing?"

"That's for us to know and for you to not," Elder Kai responded. "Get out of the Time Vault."

Though reluctant, Fu marched past the group, his presence parting the Time Vault in seconds. Relieved, Marra placed the scroll back within the correct slot and re-joined her allies. There was now an unsettling tension within the room, big enough that an energy blade couldn't cut it.

Trunks finally spoke up to ease the pressure. "Is there anything you need, Supreme Kai?"

Chronoa shook her head, though it was evident she was deep in thought. "No, that will be all, Trunks. I, uh, have things to do."

"I better get back to patrolling Conton, see if anything's come up," Marra agreed.

Placing the two tips of her fingers against her forehead, Marra waited until Trunks placed his hand against her shoulder. Faster than the Speed of Light, the two disappeared from sight, emptying the vault of two more individuals. While the enclosed vault gave off an uncomfortable feeling of silence, to their unawareness, Fu hid by the entrance to the vault, placing one hand under his chin.

"Hmm, what could be in there that's so secret?" Fu questioned. "What are they hiding that they don't want to see? And how can I get in there?"

A smile forced across his face and he snapped his fingers with excitement. From this point forward, step one of his plan moved into motion.

In the following hours that passed, all was calm across Conton City, peace spread across the land. The residences cherished the peace, children played within the Hero Colosseum and Time Patrollers in training worked hard to finish their studies for the day. This settled the duties of the Supreme Kai for the day and now, she sought her rest. Even duties with her power and position required rest.

Chronoa returned to the Time Nest, yawning and stretching her arms in preparation for her slumber. The nest was quiet, no hint of Fu or Tokitoki lurking around the area. For once, all remained silent within the Time Nest, earning the Supreme Kai some much-needed silence. Upon reaching her small home in the corner, Chronoa stopped, tilting her head curiously. A presence lingered in the air, a cold one that sent chills down her spine, a soft yet frightening energy looming around the Time Nest. Fu at his full strength did not produce a presence like this. It felt familiar, but not within a good feeling. This remained a presence she never experienced since…

Chronoa's eyes snapped open and she jolted to the side, narrowly missing an energy blast that collided against her home, smashing a section of the wall into pieces. Spinning around to face the attacker, this confirmed her strongest fears. Lingering nearby, a tall, slender deity faced her, donning a blue overcoat across the upper area of his torso, wielding a staff to his aid, smirking with delight, a grin she dared to never witness for all of eternity.


The Demon God chuckled and slammed the tip of his staff into the ground, lowering his head to face the smaller Kai before him. "Surprised?"

"Impossible!" Chronoa exclaimed. "You were killed! I watched it happen! The era was even time locked to prevent anyone from interfering! What sorcery is this?"

Demigra's grin briefly vanished and turned away while stroking the orb placed at the staff's end. "My rebirth remains an enigma, but I will not question how the events came to be. With my return, I will rewrite history into my visual. But first, I will not repeat past incidences. Away with you."

With a simple wave of his hand, another energy blast shot from the tip of his staff in her direction. Chronoa, while lacking inexperience from her lack of training over the million years that passed, readied herself for combat. If today was her final stand, so be it, as long as the Tokitoki and the Time Nest remained safe, then her sacrifice would not be in vain.

The blast suddenly darted into a completely different direction, hitting the ground without damaging the Time Vault. Demigra's grin dropped to annoyance as a single Saiyan stood before him, standing in the position of where his blast should have struck the Supreme Kai of Time.

"Whatever you do, don't let him destroy the Time Vault!" Chronoa pleaded.

Without hesitation, Marra charged towards the Demon God and attacked, swinging many strikes towards his direction, all of which he dodged or deflected with his staff. Unfortunately for him, defence remained his only option now, for his opponent proved to be far superior than he dared to imagine. Even with his previous power obtained, this was a fight he could not win in this state. His theory was confirmed as Marra's hair flamed into golden and she landed a direct strike into his stomach, followed with a spin kick to launch him against the ground.

Demigra collided against the ground, his back grinding against the lawn and scorching dirt against his clothes. He tapped the tip of his staff against the ground and flipped onto his feet, preparing to charge a further energy blast. While maintaining hold of his blast and standing off against the Saiyan, he considered his options. His power faltered against the stronger Saiyan, even if he were to transform into his Final Form, he feared this would leave him without victory still. His only plan was to retreat and gain a greater power, one that would make even the Gods tremble in fear. Mustering a grin, he narrowed his eyes toward Chronoa once more.

"You cannot hope to stop me Supreme Kai," Demigra warned. "You and your Time Patrollers will not intervene this time! History will be rewritten as I see fit. Be gone!"

Chronoa's worst fears came to light as Demigra shot a stronger blast directly towards the Time Vault, one that may destroy it with ease. One small damage was enough to disrupt history, but one of that size would destroy history forever. Marra briefly considered pursuing him, but focusing on the more pressing matter, she sped in front of the blast and crossed her arms, allowing herself to act as a human shield to block the blast in its path. With her attention diverted, Chronoa could only watch in horror as Demigra formed a wormhole and backed away inside, sealing off the entrance behind him. With his escape, history was now in danger once more.

Certain the blast was gone, Marra joined her superior with concern. "Supreme Kai, are you hurt?"

"Only my pride," Chronoa assured, her voice clearly shaken from the surprise. "I…I can't believe it; how did he return?"

"Who was that?" Marra inquired, having not questioned the foe before her in the midst of battle.

"The worst threat to have ever crossed history," Chronoa replied. "Marra, that was Demigra!"

"Demon God Demigra!?" Marra exclaimed, earning a responsive nod from her superior. "But that's impossible, the scroll was time locked!"

"I can't question how he returned, our priority is stopping him before he becomes too powerful to stop," Chronoa hastily replied. "I'll get Trunks and we'll work on finding where he is. Until then, we're going to need some reinforcements. This is the plan..."

Age 780

Beerus' planet, home to the God of Destruction of Universe 7. Within the past millennia or so, Lord Beerus was not so active in his duties as a destroyer, sleeping away countless years than uphold his responsibilities. All that changed on the day he dreamt the legend of Super Saiyan God, eventually meeting Goku and in turn, meeting a student of his own.

Fighting partially serious for the first time since Goku, Beerus spared with his student as they moved across the world, allowing the young Saiyan to strike at him, forcing the God of Destruction to block with one hand. Kyūri had grown stronger, far stronger than he ever dared to imagine. If he didn't know any better, he may one day use half of his true power against the young Saiyan.

In the past, Beerus would never dare to take hold of a student of his own, not after dealing with Goku and Vegeta's antics day after day and almost losing their universe to a tournament. But Kyūri was different, far different than he dared to imagine. Kyūri escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta long ago, isolating himself on a different planet to train in isolation and reach his maximum potential.

Kyūri sought new heights than the average Saiyan, achieving the legendary form of Super Saiyan long ago. His only regret to achieve such power was missing the opportunity to test it on Lord Frieza, who had been killed before he could attack. He was bored, wielding the might of a Super Saiyan wasn't enough for him. He needed more, surpassing any limitations. That's when the battle of Gods happened some time ago.

Goku and Beerus' battle was a brutal battle, one that almost cost the universe in the process. Kyūri felt this enormous energy and travelled to the source, arriving too late to witness the great power. Fortunately, the residence of Earth and other planets had been kind enough to tell the tale of Lord Beerus and his enormous power, and though many warned him to drop his pursuit, Kyūri advanced.

Travelling to his world was an impossible feat, but after learning Beerus enjoyed visiting the planet so frequently, he bided his time and waited, meeting the God of Destruction shortly after the Tournament of Power. Not to anyone's surprise, Beerus was sceptical to take him on as a student, finding his lack of God power as a poor excuse. However, he could sense great potential, especially since this Saiyan was able to achieve such power through training alone.

Most people that crossed Beerus were looking for easy ways to get more powerful. But Kyūri seemed different. He had a drive and dedication to train that Beerus had only seen with Goku and Vegeta. After mulling about with the idea, Beerus accepted the opportunity, in large part due to the lack of skilled fighters in Universe 7, but also because it would give him the chance to train someone with his fighting style. To this day, Beerus did not regret it.

"HA!" Kyūri roared as he slammed his fist into Beerus' arm, following up a fury of coordinated kicks.

Beerus grasped his arm and spun him around, restraining his student in a full nelson. "You keep dropping your defence in favour of power! Consider your opponent's counterattacks-OMPH!"

While he scolded, Kyūri rammed his elbow into Beerus' ribs and grasped his head, flipping the God of Destruction over his shoulder. Beerus steadied himself mid-air and turned, smiling to his student catching him off guard, a feat only the Saiyans and Whis had been able to achieve, though the latter didn't exactly have much competition.

Before their fierce training could continue, distant noise broke their concentration, forcing Beerus to frown and groan as he turned towards the source. Whis zoomed past with Goku and Vegeta following closely, the Saiyans trying their best to spare with the Angel, commencing training of their own nearby. Despite having a whole planet to themselves, they choose to train this close.

Goku and Vegeta roared with determination as they unleashed furies of blows towards Whis, unable to land a single strike as Whis easily avoided their attacks, occasionally raising his hand to block with a single finger. Since their encounter with Broly, the two Saiyans were determined to reach further heights. They fought Whis in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, but compared to the Angel's power, it made the smallest of differences. Whis avoided their coordinated attack, accidently causing the two to strike the other and flinch.

"Really Kakarot, you have to get in a cheap shot?!" Vegeta grumbled.

"Relax Vegeta, I was aiming for Whis!" Goku responded.

"Now, now, boys, no need to bicker," Whis reassured calmly. "If you need a better advantage, you're more than welcome to push yourselves further."

Goku grinned and clenched his fists, summoning his triumph card. As his blue aura surrounded him, the added boost of his old technique stacked on top, creating a red aura over top. "KAIO-KEN! Times TEN!"

Vegeta followed suit and glanced his fists tightly, summoning the deepest depths of his true power. His hair and eyes darkened and grew into a deeper shade of blue, muscles increasing to double their size. His whole armour darkened as he roared, forcing light particles to surround his dense form, the subtle yellow glow from Super Saiyan Blue had no disappeared. He toyed with many names to this form: Evolution, Shinka, Super Blue Vegeta, but in the end, he settled on a single name.

Royal Blue, a name fitting for the prince.

Pushed to the very limit of their power, the former rivals thundered with resolve and charged, advancing forward as they unleashed a fury of uncoordinated attacks, far surpassing their previous speed. There was no doubt in their mind the enormous increase in power did not narrow the gap between their power against Whis to any significant degree, but the fiery passion within their blood filled their might.

Briefly pushing themselves away, the two arched back their right and left fists respectively to land a combined attack. Instead of striking their original target, the God of Destruction suddenly vanished in front of their very eyes, catching both of their wrists with some effort. Without the chance to question his interference, Beerus kicked them both away, forcing them to drop out of their limit breaking power, back into their Super Saiyan Blue forms. All the while, Kyūri waited with his arms crossed.

Goku yelped and rubbed his head from where the God's foot had struck him. "Lord Beerus, what was that for?"

"Must you two interrupt me with every opportunity that arises?!" Beerus questioned with annoyance. "Sometimes, I question why I bother to let you two use my planet as your personal playground!"

Vegeta grumbled, his patience with the God of Destruction growing thin by the second. "Why don't you stop whining for once, pussy cat!"

His poor choice of words froze the others in disbelief that he would speak to Lord Beerus this way, someone he feared since his childhood. Since the Tournament of Power, he had grown past his previous limits, growing far beyond Super Saiyan Blue. Defeating Toppo, a God of Destruction candidate, had boosted his confidence and witnessing the birth of Master Ultra Instinct and the final battle against Jiren further pushed him to reach new heights. For once, Goku had been the inspiration and not the other way around. Unfortunately, this also gifted his previous arrogance and pride once more, no doubt on the verge of getting into trouble.

"Poor choice of words," Kyūri warned.

Beerus softly growled, the destructive energy surrounding him whole, creating intense wind that spread across the lands of their home. Without warning, he suddenly threw his hand forward and fired a powerful purple-coloured atom-shaped energy orb directly towards the prince. Vegeta swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the Cataclysmic Orb that would have incinerated him whole.

Little ways into the distance, another figure joined the planet, appearing from thin air in the path of the orb. Marra lowered her hand and whelped with surprise, calling on Instant Transmission to dodge the lethal blast. She reappeared beside Goku just in time to witness Vegeta and Beerus charging directly towards each other, their roars filling the world with a deafening screech. Goku and Beerus' previous battle almost destroyed the universe, the former only wielding the power of Gods for the first time. In their mastered and stronger states, the universe would be destroyed without a doubt.

Their advance was abruptly blocked by the interference of another, leaving the Saiyan Prince and the God of Destruction in brief confusion. Whis now stood between them, calmly holding both of their wrists.

"Now, now, no need to get angry," Whis assured. "Not in the presence of guests, anyway."

Beerus held his tongue for now, switching his gaze towards the new individual joining their presence, one more Saiyan to join the ever-growing list.

Kyūri approached, eyebrow raised with curiosity to see a familiar face, one who stood by his side a year prior to fight a stronger foe. "Marra? What are you doing here?"

"Yes, what are you doing here?" Beerus agreed, breaking his previous confrontation with Vegeta to approach the trespasser. "I don't appreciate uninvited guests to my home."

Before he could speak further, Marra presented a box to the God of Destruction in a generous posture. "The Supreme Kai of Time sends her regards."

Beerus hostility ceased and curiosity grew in its place. The box opened, revealing rows of donuts before him, the smell of freshly baked goods filled him with joy. "Hmm, these delinquents look new, a very peculiar looking shape. Tell me: what are these?"

"Dunkin' Donuts," Marra replied. "Fresh out of the oven."

The sight and smell were a high temptation to resist, but Beerus took precautions to avoid the last incident Chronoa delivered food. "Did the Supreme Kai cook these herself?"

Marra shook her head softly. "Nope."

"Prep them in anyway?"


"Come into physical contact at all?"


Beerus' frown jumped into a smile and he snatched the contents out of her hands, shoving one into his long jaw. "Give me! Delicious! Whis, you must try one!"

Never one to turn down fresh food, Whis approached and tried a donut of his own, his mouth filled with a sensational taste. "Oh, this is marvellous! What is this brown substance smeared across the top?"

"It's…Caramel," Marra answered casually.

No more persuasion was needed as the two deities dug deep into their freshly baked goods. Taking this as a hint their training concluded, Goku and Vegeta moved elsewhere, the former trying to sneak in a donut. Now that the tension settled, Kyūri approached the other Saiyan, noting her new armour and patroller symbol.

"Marra," he greeted, holding out his fist in a greeting manner. "Good to see you."

"Likewise," she agreed, raising her own hand to bump his own. "Unfortunately, I do not come bearing good news."

"Yes, why are you hearing?" Beerus questioned nearby, his mouth muffled from a stuffed donut. "Does the Supreme Kai intend to take my student for another tournament?"

"I'm afraid not," Marra replied, shifting her head towards the student of Beerus. "I'm not going to draw this out. Kyūri, Demigra has returned from the dead."

The mere mention of the Demon God was enough to draw the attention of everyone present. During their stay on Beerus' world, the God of Destruction and his attendant spoke of their previous confrontation with the Demon God and how he intended to mind control Beerus, a feat that failed due to their intense power. While their previous Head Time Patroller defeated Demigra once, there was no denying the Demon God would learn from his pass mistakes and atone to them.

To their surprise, Beerus shrugged. "And why should I be concerned?"

"He's out there, probably changing history as we speak," Marra explained. "If he changes any moment in history, the results will be catastrophic. I didn't come to enlist in your aid, Lord Beerus. I came for Kyūri. He's still a member of the Time Patrol."

Beerus paused in the midst of chewing a donut to consider her request. Not often did he consider the outcome of those he trained, but Kyūri showed far more potential, responsibility and power then any other Saiyan that crossed his path, something he worked hard to uphold. Nevertheless, he had no say in the matter when his attendant spoke for him.

"I'm afraid she has a point, My Lord," Whis agreed. "Kyūri may be your student, but he still upholds his responsibilities as Time Patroller and even we cannot stand in the way of that. I highly recommend you allow your student to join Marra. The Time Nest is one of our most sacred treasures and its destruction would not hinge well. Even Lord Zeno cannot survive the obliteration of time itself."

Kyūri finally spoke up, ceasing the opportunity to speak for himself. "Whis is right, Lord Beerus. Training under you is a privilege and I took a sworn oath to uphold your teachings, but I also swore to protect history from people like Demigra. This is something I must do. With any luck, he'll be destroyed within an hour."

The area fell silent once more, all eyes locked towards Beerus and waiting for his approval. Truthfully, Kyūri intended to leave, with or without his approval, but if there was a possibility for him to complete his mission without concern to punishment, he was more than willing to take it.

After finishing the final snack, Beerus paused to savour the aftertaste before offering his conclusion. "After careful consideration, I will allow my student to join you on the condition you bring me more donuts, double the amount."

Pleased to hear this news, Marra dug into her pocket and tossed Kyūri their latest comlink, catching it within his hand. This served as a communication between patrollers and HQ for mission purposes.

"Another for me too, please," Whis added.

"No problem," Marra reassured before placing two tips of her fingers against her comlink resting inside her ear. "Supreme Kai, I have Kyūri. Any update on Demigra?"

"We're in luck," Chronoa assured. "We tracked his last location to Planet Daldon of Universe 11, in your era, specifically."

Their conversation was interrupted by another voice, an elderly Kai speaking his mind. "Don't stand around! Get there at once and stop Demigra!"

"Understood," Marra assured. "We need to go to Universe 11. Whis, can you take us?"

"Certainly," he nodded.

Goku, the enthusiastic and blood thirsty Saiyan, prepared to join them as well. Unfortunately, this dream was broken by the God of Destruction blocking his way. "Aww, come on, Lord Beerus! I've never been to Universe 11 before! I wanna go fight Jiren!"

"The last thing I need is your naïve and lack of accountable motives getting us into trouble again!" Beerus refused, shoving him backwards with a single palm.

"I'm afraid I have to agree, Goku," Marra spoke up. By now, she and Kyūri stood behind Whis, placing a different hand against his back. "Less I see a license to time travel legally, you're staying here."

"I'm sure you and Vegeta will have fun with Lord Beerus," Kyūri added with a smirk. "Let's go."

With no other words to exchange, Whis tapped his staff and warped into the different realm, setting course towards the eleventh universe. For the Time Patrollers, this was just another day in the office.