Hey everyone, it took a few Months, but Uzumaki's Helping Hands is back with the next chapter! :D

And like always, let hit the Reviews before hitting the Story.

bayoujmd89: Well wait no more because here it is! :D

carneyjarred: Thanks, glad you like the way I've made Naruto in this Story.

Spark681: Yes, yes they are and there will be more that follow.

Elchabon: Thank for your suggestion on Shion as I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

Beastyd22: Glad you like this but the length of each Chapter isn't up to me, it's up to how much my brain can imagine for me to work with.

kat1017: Thanks for all the suggestions but some are already in the Harem.

Sage of the Azure Phoenix: to answer in order as well as reason.

1): No none of Goliath's Clan members will be showing up.
2): No to Ayame because only Demona will decides on who can become a Gargoyle and she's a Civilian because Demona is too prideful with it comes to personal decisions.
3): Isaribi maybe as there aren't many pairings with her and Naruto plus I don't think anyone heard of a Sea-Gargoyle before.
4): Haruna and Toki I'll think about it since those pairings are also very rare.

Remember that I DON'T and NEVER will own Naruto or Gargoyles as they belong to their respected Owners/Creators.

Now let take flight towards the Story!

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Naruto laid in bed as his Eldest Sister Mito changed his bandages since he was attacked by another Mob, this time made up of her and her Sister's Fanboys and Fangirls from the Academy. Mito is a 16 year old newly ranked Chunin with Red hair tied into two Buns as she wore a Blue Kimono since she was off this week with her Mother and younger Sisters were out on a C-rank Mission as she continued to heal the youngest Uzumaki's injuries.

"This is the third time this Week, why can't those Bakas take a hint that we aren't interested!" Mito growled in anger since all these attacks are getting annoying!

Ever since the Third Hokage Hiruzen revealed that Naruto had the Kyubi sealed inside of him, the entire Village began demanding blood from the whole Family as they blamed the Uzumaki Clan for the attack since the Demon Fox had been within the Clan since Mito Uzumaki Senju, Tsunade's Grandmother and wife of the First Hokage, became the first container. After that every Clan that were friends with their Parents cut all ties with them as she recalled that very meeting.

/ / /Flashback, 2 Days after Kyubi Attack/ / /

The Council were in an uproar as they demanded the Baby Naruto's death.

"KILL THAT FUCKING DEMON!" a Fat Civilian Man yelled pounding the table.

"BURN THE BRAT TO HELL!" Fugaku Uchiha demanded with his Sharingan flashing.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" Kushina snapped as her hair thrashed around wildly as a 10 year old Mito dressed in her Genin gear was holding her sleeping newborn Brother as she glared hatefully at the Civilians and Clan Heads.

"But Kushi-chan, that Fox needs to die!" Tsume Inuzuka yelled as she glared at the sleeping baby since many of her Clan Mates were killed during the attack.

"I agree, it's only logical to kill the Demon Fox while it is still vulnerable." Shibi Aburame said in a blank voice since many of his Clans Insects were wiped out in all the chaos.

"Then hand the Boy to me as I can mold him into the perfect weapon." Danzo said seeing the opituntity to control the Demon Spawn at his fingertips for his quest of world domination.

"NO! ! ! I AM NOT LETTING YOU LAY A HAND ON MY BABY'S HEAD!" Kushina yelled in a demonic voice as her body was shrouded by the remaining Kyubi Chakra within her system.

"Then you and your whore Daughters shall be executed!" Kizashi Haruno yell as he glared at the Red hair Woman since he was filling in for his Wife who was pregnant at the moment as ANBU Operatives appeared around her with weapons drawn.

"BRING IT YOU BAKAS! ! !" Kushina exclaimed with rage as she shot Chakra Chains piecing the ANBU Agents before burning to ashes with the Yo-kai Chakra still within her as she glared at the Council, Killer Intent pouring out of her causing some of the weak hearted Civilians to die from the pressure while the Clan Heads sweat it fear. "Let this be your first AND ONLY WARNING! If any of you dare harm MY FAMILY, I'll be sure to deliver HARSH Retribution!" she growled as her appearance became more feral looking while baring her fangs to get her point across before leaving with her Eldest and newly born Youngest to change the Security Seals on their home.

/ / /Flashback Over/ / /

"There, now you rest while I go teach those Lovesick Idiots a lesson." Mito said rubbing her Baby Brother's head before getting up and popping her joints as she left his bedroom to grab her Katana to give those annoying Fanboys and Fangirls a permanent fixing.

While Naruto was sleeping, he never knew that the Seal on his stomach was giving a faint glow as he was about to have a life changing meeting as he entered his mindscape.

/ / /Naruto's Mindscape/ / /

Hearing the sound of water dripping, Naruto cracked his eyes open before groaning as he lift himself up. "Oooaaaggg… Why am I in a sewer? Did those dumb Villagers throw me in here again?" he groaned as he looked around noticing that this wasn't the same sewer he been dumped in the past couple of times.

Getting up, he began wondering around until the faint sounds of someone crying caught his attention as he continued onward towards the sound before stopping as he saw something he never seen before.

Sitting in front of him was a Girl with Red hair crying as her face was buried within her knees as she continued to weep. But what surprised him more was her entire appearance as her skin was covered with Bluish-Gray scales as she have clawed hands and feet, wings as big as her body, and a long tail as she continued crying.

"H-Hey… are you okay?" Naruto asked as he slowly approached, eyeing her carefully since he fell for the 'Crying Person' trick a few times before and earlier which lead to today's Mob Beating.

Looking up from her knees, Demona's eyes widen before growling angrily. "YOU! ! !" she yelled as her body shot up as her wings spend open. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FUALT!" she added as she tried slashing him with her claws.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! ?! ?!" Naruto cried out as he began running as the Gargoyle Girl chased after him with the intent to kill.

"YOU HUMANS ARE MY PROBLEM! AND IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M STUCK LIKE THIS! ! !" Demon screeched as she glared hatefully at the Whiskered faced Boy as she continue to chase him around his mindscape.

"WHAT DID I DO?! I NEVER EVEN MET YOU!" the Blonde exclaimed before tripping onto the waterlogged floor and tried to get up only for the Gargoyle Girl to stomp on his back.

"Now I'm going to make you pay!" Demona growled as she gripped his shoulders with her talons and began flying around slamming him against the wall and floor a few times before dropping him onto his back. "Now to break out of your vile body!" she growled as she dived down with her foot ready to stomp on his stomach where the Seal was located.

Managing to straighten his head from dizziness, Naruto eyes snapped open upon seeing the Red hair Gargoyle heading towards him. Quickly rolling out of the way which was lucky since the spot he was on cracked when Demona's foot made contact.

'Whoa! That could have been me!' Naruto thought with wide eyes as he saw the Gargoyle Girl glaring at him as she growled and bare her fangs.

'NO! I've am NOT LOSING MY ONE CHANCE FOR FREEDOM!' Demona mentally yelled since she had been planning this breakout for weeks and she was not going to lose this chance!

Before Naruto could even think of anything, Demona in her anger flew straight towards him with her clawed hand glowing with Magic. "GAAAHHH! ! !" the Whiskered Blonde cried as he was pierced by the Gargoyle's claws.

'NOW!' Demona exclaimed as she began channeling her Magic into the Seal causing it to glow brightly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! ! !" Naruto cried out in pain causing a mad grin to appear upon the Gargoyle Girl's face as she enjoyed hearing his screams of pain.

"Yes! Scream you worthless Human! Your cries of agony are pleasing to my ears!" Demona laughed as she pushed her claws in deeper, neither of them noticing the Seal on Naruto's stomach began crackling.

With Naruto too busy screaming and Demona savoring his agony, the crackling of the Seal grew louder and louder until…


/ / /Outside the Seal/ / /

"AAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! ! ! ! !" Naruto cried out in intense pain as his body became enveloped in Chakra before exploding as the Chakra blast destroyed everything in his room.

Once the smoke began clearing up, two small figures could be made out as chuckling could be heard.

"Heh~ Heh-heh~ HEH-HAHAHAHAHA! YES! FREEDOM!" Demona exclaimed seeing that she was no longer within a damp dripping mindscape as she spread her wings revealing her now naked body as her dress was destroyed during the explosion. "Now I can rest and gather my strength since that trick took every bit of Magic I had, then I where kill every Human starting with this vile Village!" she declared before the sounds of someone coughing caught her attention as she turned around only to freeze in place as her face quickly turned Pink as she saw something she hadn't seen in years.

Once the smoke finished clearing it revealed the Human Boy she was trapped in, only he wasn't Human anymore. Naruto Skin was now covered in Orange scales while his Blonde hair and Whisker marks looked more feral looking. On his back were Wings as big as his body as a long tail laid beside him as his hands and feet were now talons.

Bringing a hand to her chest, Demona felt her heart beating while old urges began to resurface. 'Cute. Gargoyle Boy. Body hot. Need to mate high.' She thought as she stared at the now slightly younger Gargoyle's naked body since his clothes were vaporized from the explosion before timidly cover her body with her wings and looking away. 'W-What is this feeling!? No! Nonononononononono!' she mentally panicked as she quickly realized that this was the same way she felt when she first met Goliath!

While Demona was having a mental breakdown, Naruto groaned as she slowly cracked his eyes open revealing their slit pupils. "Arg… my head…" he groaned as he began rubbing his head before snapping his eyes open in complete shock. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BODY?! ?! ?!" he cried out before spotting Demona. "YOU! ! !" he yelled catching the Girl's attention before tackling and pinning her to the floor with him on top.

Demona's blush gotten worst as her heart beat faster as she felt their bodies touching as well as the position they were in. 'NO! I can't be feeling this way! He's a Human, A HUMAN! ! !' she screamed while trying to remind herself that the Blonde on top of her wasn't a Gargoyle, but even though her Body was reverted back to Child age, she still has her Womanly needs as she tried fighting the urge to mate!

"Well isn't this cute~ Baby's first crush and with wedding bells ringing~" Kyubi said teasingly catching both of their attention as Demona breathe a sigh of relief as she never been happier to see the 'Body Snatcher' since this was a whole low for her being reduced from a feared powerful Gargoyle to a child with a crush!

"Who are you and how did you get into my Family's Compound!?" Naruto asked, not even bother by the fact that the Woman in front of him was naked since he was used to seeing his Mother, Sisters, or even his Godmother Tsunade since they sometime wear the bare minimum of clothing when they weren't on Missions or have some time off.

"Child, I am the Mighty Kyubi! And you, Naruto, are now married to my Daughter!" Kyubi declared with a fanged grin getting both Gargoyle Children to widen their eyes.

"WHAAAAATTTT?! ?! ?! ?! ?!" A Woman's voice yelled out in fury causing Naruto to pale as he slowly turn his head to see his Mother Kushina, shrouded with Kyubi's remaining Chakra, with her hair thrashing around as her face had a very murderous expression.

"K-K-Kaa-san, w-w-when did you get home?" Naruto asked as his body was filled with dread as he felt his Mother's stare fell upon him.

"Just got back since the Mission got finished early before sensing a Chakra build-up as well as the sound of an EXPLOSION coming from your room. I expected that some ANBU snuck in again, not my INNOCENT BABY BOY ON TOP OF A GIRLS GETTING MARRIED! ! !" Kushina yelled as her head became Anime-style huge before shooting her Chakra Chains around Demona and Kyubi binding them and grabbing Naruto's arm! "I WANT ANSWER AND I WANT THEM NOW!" she demanded before leaving to call a Family Meeting dragging the two Female Gargoyles behind her.

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And that's another Chapter done and sorry about the wait. But like I said in those ANs from earlier this year that I wanted to update ALL my Stories before adding the 'On Hold' list to my Bio.

Anyway if the Council scene looked familiar, that's because it was based from the first Chapter of the ORIGINAL Jump City Juubi before I deleted it.

See you all next time, also Trolls with be dealt with by Demona so be warn! It's her time of the Month and she will NOT HAVE ANY OF YOUR NONSENSE!