I've recently started Rewatching Naruto, and recently started doing More creative writing in my free time, so I figured I give this a shot as my first (uploaded) fic. Please feel free to leave reviews!

Naruto AU where Genin Teams and Sensei's are shuffled. This revolves around Anko training Naruto, Shikamaru, and Hinata as her first Genin team. I've read a few fics with this premise before, and really wanted to take a crack at it myself, so here we go!

Hiruzen Sarutobi grimaced as he heard the commotion coming from the Shinobi Training Academy's instructor lounge. Unfortunately the room itself was the Third Hokage's destination, he was hoping to be on time for the meeting, but he stood quietly outside the door, listening in.

"I'm telling you Iruka, you're going to get a squad killed doing that!" One voice rang out. "Naruto Uzumaki is a moron, a lost cause! If he's not on a team with the Uchiha then he's as good as dea-" The nameless instructor was cut off.

"And how many Shadow clones could you make as a Genin?!" The Hokage heard the sound of a table being moved with force, followed by the voice of Iruka. "How many traitors had you uncovered? How many Chunin had you killed as Genin?!" A hush fell over the room as they heard Iruka's words.

"N-Naruto is not a Genin..." Someone began to protest.

"No, he isn't," Iruka continued. "And yet, I saw more Shadow Clones than I could count take down Mizuki, and stop him from acquiring the Ancient Sealing Scroll."

Hiruzen decided enough was enough and entered. The door slid open and as he entered, every head turned to address him.

"Lord Hokage!" Twelve voices called out in unison.

"At ease," The Old Man said. "I couldn't help but overhear your discussion, and I do mean that." He said sternly, "Try to remember in the future that every wall has ears in a Shinobi village." Hiruzen felt it was good to reprimand his subordinates every now and then. Right at this moment, the Third Hokage was feeling rather annoyed with the Academy Instructors, excluding Iruka.

As if reading the Hokage's mind, Iruka stood. "Lord Third, I was just discussing with my colleagues the possibility of modifying Naruto's Academy test scores, due to his performance against Mizuki." Every word felt like it shaved years off his life as he stared down the most powerful man in the village. The old man just stared back at him, never blinking.

Finally, Hiruzen spoke. "I agree completely. After reading the detailed Report of Naruto's relationship among his peers, I find it highly unlikely that he and Sasuke uchiha would get along." The hokage closed his eyes for a moment. "And where would Naruto's test ranking be, assuming he scored a perfect 100 on the practical exam."

Iruka's eyes widened, "A-a 100…?" He scrambled with the papers that were scattered around his desk after his outcry earlier. 'I thought boosting it by a few points would help out a bit… but a perfect score? Lord Hokage…' Iruka finally gathered the necessary test results. "Naruto would be placed under…" Iruka smiled. "Naruto places just above Sakura Haruno in the ranking!"

The Hokage raised an eyebrow, "Ah, so it would be pointless to pair him with the Haruno girl, based on skill." The Hokage gave a glare to the ignorant Chunin from before. "Tell me, young man," Hiruzen could not remember the Chunin's name. "Why is it that we group squads based on test scores?

The Chunin could feel the Hokage's killing intent, and froze with no real answer to give. He looked to Iruka for a hint.

Iruka shook his head, and spoke outright. "The highest ranking student and the lowest ranking are intended to balance the team out. But Naruto is now a Mid-ranked student, therefor he'll need to be paired with teammates that are both higher rank and lower."

"Well spoken Iruka…" The Hokage nodded. "Well then, we'll have some work to do, rearranging the teams. Best not to dally." Hiruzen closed the door behind him, preparing to work late into the night for the sake of the village… for the sake of Naruto.

Naruto Uzumaki was racing as fast as he could toward the Academy for the last time. 'Last time ever, Believe it!' He smiled as he adjusted the newly acquired headband on his forehead. Finally he had graduated, finally he would be a true Shinobi. A Genin of the Hidden Leaf Village!

Naruto passed the lonely swing and the shady tree, he quickly rushed passed a pair of Chunin toward his former homeroom. 'Assignment day! Who's gonna be on my team?' As the knucklehead ninja pulled open the sliding door, he saw Iruka Sensei, looking cheerier than he had in a long time.

"Naruto!" Iruka called out. "You're early for once, you must be excited to meet your new team." The Chunin pulled a stack of folders out from behind his desk.

"Believe it!" Naruto said excitedly, "I know I didn't do great in my exams, but that doesn't mean much right… haha?" The young Genin asked earlier.

Iruka actually smirked at Naruto, he couldn't contain himself any longer. "Actually Naruto, I had a meeting with Lord Third yesterday. He felt that your performance during our fight with Mizuki more than qualified a perfect score in the practical exam." He handed Naruto his final report card from the Academy. "Congratulations Naruto, you got a B+ in Ninjutsu."

Naruto was silent as he scanned the paper, "N-No…" He looked it over further, "T-there must be some… mistake I'm… I'm.." He wasn't sure how to process his first grade above a D+. "I'm-"

"A very talented Ninja, Naruto. You earned it." Iruka filled in the words for his former student. "Now come on, the others will be here soon, find a seat.

As more and more graduates found their seats in the classroom. Iruka spoke up. "First of all, congratulations to you all for passing your exams and becoming Genin of the Leaf Village." He held up the manilla folder in his hand. "Before we Begin, I'd like to explain exactly how we will be arranging you, according you to your test scores. The lowest scoring students are paired with a high ranking student, with a mid scoring student to balance the teams out."

A snicker game from Kiba Inazuka. "Great, guess Sasuke and Naruto were destined to be together."

"Actually," Iruka said, a knowing smile on his face. "Kiba, you'll be on a team with Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno."

Kiba blinked, but then laughed again. "Wow Sakura, I thought you were supposed to be smart. Guess you'll be bringing up the rear for our team, huh?"

Iruka spoke loudly, trying to extinguish the fight that was about to break out. "You'll be team 7! Good luck you three! Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki, and Hinata Hyuga, you'll be team 1!" He took his eyes off the page for a moment to see Naruto's.

The orange clad shinobi grimaced for a moment. He didnt know either of his new teammates too terribly well. He knew that Hinata was from a rather uptight family, and hoped he wouldn't do anything to embarrass her.

The Hyuga girl froze for a moment. Her eyes widened, her head filled with infatuous images. Her and Naruto were on a team together! For once, the gods seemed to listen to Hinara's prayers! Shikimaru wasn't bad to have as a teammate either, his family had a reputation for being some of the best tacticians and Ninjutsu practitioners of the leaf.

Shikamaru had to pause for a moment. He stood up, and addressed Iruka, "So, after generations, the Ino-Shika-Cho isn't happening? Kind of a drag for you to rearrange the teams like this isn't it?"

Iruka sighed, "Like I said before Shikamaru, its based on the test scores. You barely wrote your name on the written exam, and you're lucky that you didn't do as bad as Kiba."

Kiba snickered. "Ha, ya Shikamaru, you're lucky." The boy looked down at his faithful pup, "Wait what…?" Kiba began to grimace. 'How did I do worse than Naruto?!' He'd hear it from his mother if she ever found out HE was the slacker of the class.

The team announcements continued and concluded, and the teams were instructed to report to specific locations.

"Team 1, you'll be reporting to-" Iruka's eyes widened as he saw where Naruto's team would be meeting their new sensei. "Area 44, 8 a.m. tormorrow. You'll be meeting Anko Mitarashi there, you're new Sensei."

"NO WAY!" Anko screamed at the old man. "There is no way in hell I'm taking on a bunch of rookies." How could he drop this on her last minute? At 2 a.m., right as she got back from a rather challenging mission.

Hiruzen Sarutobi pinched the bridge of his nose, "Anko, you aren't being given a choice here." The Hokage began, "You were trained by one of the legendary sani-"

"So that's what it is!" Anko pointed at the old man, "It's not about my own success as a Shinobi, is it?" She put her hands on her hips and starred the Hokage down. "It's about carrying on this… lineage of yours…"

Hiruzen didn't so much as blink. "The Sanin were the most powerful Shinobi in the history of Kohana, they changed the course of history during the war."

Anko smirked, "Oh yes, the Legendary Sanin!" The Jonin added a false admiration to her voice, and clung to her heart. "Jiraiya, the Legendary Pervert! Peeping on the Innocent girls of every land!"

The Third Hokage was not amused by Anko's antics. "Anko…"

"Tsunade!" Anko continued, "The Drunk, broke, bitch Kunoichi! Every young Kunoichi should aspire to sleep with as many men as she has!" Her voice grew more bitter with each word.

The third Hokage stood up, "Enough Anko!" She had no right to insult his students.

"Or Orochimaru!" Anko spat his name like a curse. "Who corrupted two of the only 3 Genin he had ever trained, and left the third as… as…" She clutched at her shoulder. It hadn't been active since Kushina Uzumaki had sealed it, but it still made her sick to think of being marked so permanently.

The Third Hokage was silent. 'Perhaps Anko is the only one with the right to criticise my students in such a disrespectful way. I've done her too much harm.' He cleared his throat and returned to his seat. "You're right about many things, Anko." Hiruzen said plainly. "But this is about you're skill as a Shinobi. To overcome so much at such a young age… these Genin in particular would benefit from that strength."

Anko paused, and felt a slight guilt in her stomach for going off the way she did. Even if they were alone, it was more disrespectful than most Jonin could afford to be with their Kage. "The strength to overcome, huh?" Anko bitterly laughed as she thought of the countless empty sake bottles in her room.

"The strength to challenge the place society put them in." Hiruzen said. "Shikamaru Nara is brilliant, but he's unfocused and undisciplined. Hinata Hyuga is the oldest daughter of the most powerful family in Konoha, but the pressures of her family restrict her from being all that she can be." The hokage looked down at the three files desk. "And Naruto Uzumaki, well, he will have the most to overcome of any of them."

Anko thought long and hard, pointless since she already knew she had no say in the matter. She knew about the Fox kid, every Jonin did. There was raw power hidden in that boy 'Power enough to kill Orochimaru? Maybe…' Now that would be ironic. The student's student kills the student's master. "I'll meet them at least. Then I decide if they pass, right?"

Hiruzen grumbled. "...Yes."

"8 a.m., the Forest of Death." Anko said smugly. "If these kids are worth anything, then they may just past MY test…" The Jonin began laughing wickedly to herself.