This is one I've been thinking about for a while now. Finally decided to put it up! Hope you'll enjoy this journey. It's kind of a more alternative side of E&B

Big thanks to the lovely MissLiss15 for helping me out :D
Honestly, pause right now and go check out her work, it's amazing!


Chapter One

I sighed as I scrolled through my Facebook feed, it was filled to the brim with news of engagements, happy new families and adoration of puppies and kittens. My eyes drifted to the alarm clock on the nightstand beside me, taking in the time.

1:25 AM

I really needed to get some sleep if I wanted to make some sort of impression at work tomorrow.

Tomorrow was my 'big day' as some of my friends called it. It was the day I would put my foot down and finally get promoted, or I would get the hell out of there and start somewhere new, where they would appreciate my talent.

My job at the publishing firm entailed mostly checking my boss' e-mail and making sure everyone had their latte's by ten-thirty. Secretary, it said on my paycheck. But it felt more like I was a busboy.

My dream has always been to become an editor, to guide new writers along the tiring and nerve wracking path of getting their stories out and into the public eye. I didn't have the courage to put my own work out there, but that didn't mean I couldn't help others to succeed.

My writing was more of the therapeutic kind, something I kept it just for myself.

I had spent most of my night going over and preparing an entire rough draft to present to my boss tomorrow. A friend of mine had been wanting to get published at our firm and had asked me to try and win over Miss Victoria with my craftsmanship.

Writing and editing was one of my escapes from reality. I was plagued with insomnia most nights so my other escape was my favourite online game and the player, WrithingForWords.

A soft ding altered me once I logged in that I had a new message. "You're back!" It read. A smile crept up my face and I took my bottom lip between my teeth.

It was seeming lately that the love for my game was not really entirely based upon the fights and quests any longer. WrithingForWords had something to do with it as well, now. How was it possible to catch feelings for someone you've never even me?

"Hi my Enchantress, how are you today?"

My grin widened as I typed my reply. "I'm better now that I'm here with you."

"Can't sleep?" He replied.

I sighed to myself. "Yeah, my mind just won't shut off."

"Damn, I'm just about to sign off though"

My smile disappeared, but suddenly I had an idea. It was something I'd never done before online. I took a deep breath before typing. "Text me, please?"

My heart pounded in my chest, and I started to doubt myself as I waited for his reply. For all I knew, he could be forty-eight and living with his mother. We'd only been conversing very casually about the game and life in general. This was a new step for us.

"I'd like that." His reply finally came through.

We exchanged numbers and I signed off the computer.

I walked over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of Chardonnay when my phone buzzed.

"I promise I'm not a sociopath, but can we maybe exchange pictures? I've been dying to know what you look like for a few weeks now"

I laughed and leaned against the counter as I typed my reply. "I'm six feet nine, have the body of a supermodel and have enormous boobs. What about you?"

My phone buzzed twice, and when I opened it I saw he had sent a picture. I was afraid to open it. The occasional dickpic had slid into my DM's on Instagram before and I couldn't click the block button fast enough when that happened.

I gulped down some wine and downloaded his image. I almost choked right then and there. He was an absolute hunk!

Black, messy hair framed his face along with a pair of black aviator style glasses. Behind those glasses were the most smoldering, green eyes I'd ever seen. Stubble covered his cheeks and jawline so sharp it could cut glass. I guess he'd sent me a model's picture to go along with my joke.

Gee, you really like being mysterious don't you? -that's me by the way.

I took a deep breath and fiddled through my selfie gallery and smiled cheekily as I found the one I took last weekend at my sister's bridal shower. My dark hair was blow dried by my best friend Rosalie. It hung loosely against my chest. I wore a top that laced-up and created cleavage while my smile was framed by one of my favourite nude lipsticks.

I sent it to him, writing 'here goes nothing', under it.

It took him two full minutes to reply. "Why Enchantress, if only I could kiss that dimple in your cheek…"

I felt myself blush before thinking to myself. 'Please, Bella, you don't even know his name.' I hadn't had any action in the bedroom since that god-awful date two months ago, and such simple words turned me on.

"WFW, what's your name?"

"Why aren't we curious?"

"I do need to know what name I have to call out when I come, right?"

Don't be so bold! He's going to think you're a total floozy!

I held my breath as the three dots indicating that he was typing

"Fuck. You'll scream Edward when I'm done with you."

Okay, I need more wine and probably a new vibrator.

So his name was Edward. It was a good name, a handsome name for my warrior from the internet. I smiled at his picture, finishing my glass of wine and walked over to my bedroom.

"So, while we're in the middle of name-calling here, mine's Isabella."

"A lot hotter than Enchantress102 if you ask me, Isabella."

Hmm, I liked where this was going. Maybe a nice orgasm will bring my mind some peace and let me get at least a few hours of sleep before work tomorrow.

"I'm thinking about those lips of yours, how I'd like them to kiss so much more than my cheeks…" I trailed off.

"Shit, you just got me so hard, no lies. I'd love to see you right now."

I groaned, thinking about his hard cock. "I'd feel even better, God, I'm so wet."

"Touch yourself for me, sweetheart. Pretend it's my fingers playing with your pussy." He replied. This guy had me going crazy. My panties felt damp and a throbbing sensation echoed from them.

"I already am." I laid down on my bed, reaching for the top of my leggings, sliding them down and off. My hand travelled under the waistband of my panties, I was aching for release, so much that I actually moaned out loud at my touch.

Blaming it on the alcohol, I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture of my hand sliding into my panties, making sure I didn't show too much else on the picture.


"Holy fuck. That's so hot"

My fingers travelled south, rubbing my clit in a circular motion, my fingers slick with my arousal. I definitely wasn't going to last long.

"Come for me baby, make it good. Fuck, I wish I could see you."

"I'm so close just thinking about you and your dirty mouth. God, it feels so good."

"You just made me burst like a pre-teen at a Playboy shoot, so hard and fast."

My release was building up and I immediately regretted not having bought that new vibrator online earlier. Fingers were good for a quicky, but it just felt so much more intense with something more. Edward was right though, I felt like a teenager again. With my hand in my pants and the other palming my breast through my shirt.

His face drifted around in my fantasy as I imagined him gripping my wrists and pinning me down on the bed while I was laid under him as his cock slid into me. My breath caught in my throat as I came as hard as I imagined him doing at the Playboy shoot, my heart beating wildly.

"Thanks for the help, that was exactly what I needed."

"You're welcome my Enchantress, now sleep tight."

"You too."

Wow. Bells, what are you doing? I was twenty-five and feeling like I was fifteen again. I closed my eyes, drifting off into a blissful sleep, feeling a bit dirty but loving it.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
Please leave a review to let me know what you think!
