"Come on girls!" Polly called up to the two teenage girls who were no doubt gossiping in Ada's room. Soft foot steps told Polly they were on their way as she turned back to the cooking. If there was going to be family meeting the boys would no doubt going to be hungry mouths to feed after all the bickering and scheming. She had to get something other than cigarette smoke and alcohol into their stomachs.

Ada was the first to appear holding her friends hand who was trailing behind her.

"Let me look at ya" Polly beckoned turning around as she whipped her hands on the apron that was tied around her waist.

"Elle doesn't think Arthur will approve" Ada said as she smiled ruefully at Polly.

"He won't! You saw how h'd look at me when I just went to get a drink in the mid'night" Estelle pipped up stepping around Ada standing in full view of the gesturing to short hemline of her new navy blue dress that clung decently well to her womanly curves.

"He's just being over protective, sooner or later he'll hav'ta see you're not small girl no more"

"Soon he can't hide you from the flocks of men that will no doubt come for your hand" Ada exclaimed as she was happy for her friend.

Just as Elle finished twirling in her new dress the door flung open with the boys tumbling through it.

"Where did that come from?" Arthur questioned narrowing his gaze at the dress his Estelle wore. His finger shook at Polly before quickly making his way over to Estelle turning her by her shoulders and attempting to usher her back upstairs.

"No you don't! You've made this girl your-" Polly started at Arthur while the other two Shelby boys shuffled on their feet sensing a argument about to erupt.

"This is not up for discussion, Elle knows that she's not allowed to go wearing that kind of stuff, what kind of bloke is she trying to attract?"

Estelle's mouth fluttered open and close as she didn't even know how to respond at the scene unfolding in front of her.

"No man will even go near her you've always got her sewn to your hip! It's not appropriate anymore let her be a lady!" Polly exclaimed slamming her fist on the table. The China rattled on the table.

John who has been leaning up against the wall amused at the scene moved quickly to snatch the tea cup that was about to topple over the side of the table from Polly's movements. As quick as he kept the China from falling he went back to his spot on the wall not wanting to get involved. Tommy sighed as he rubbed his face in annoyance, "if this keeps going on like this we'll be late for our own damned meeting" he murmured just loud enough for John to heat who snickered.

The Shelby household always let Polly and Arthur duke it out over Estelle. When she first came to the Shelby household Arthur was barely interested in her, a meek 15 year old girl wasn't someone he needed to care about. Polly has that covered, taking the place of Estelle's mother when she died in a boating accident leaving the child alone aside from her brother a Peaky Blinder, William, who could barely keep his wood in his pants long enough to see that his sister needed him. But after Estelle's brother went off to war with the rest of the lot and Estelle's brother died and asked Arthur to step up for him when he got back Arthur took his job a little too seriously.

Ada huffed as she slumped down in the chair closest to her, "why doesn't anyone ask Estelle what she thinks?" Her hands flew up in the air in utter defeat.

"Why don't you consult the poor girl you are man handling? Perhaps she would like to weigh in on her own life!"

"Estelle?" Arthur lowly asked the girl he was still holding by the shoulders.

Her black hair fell softly framing her face. The long locks seemed to hide her blush at the whole arguments essentially about her.

"It's a really nice dress, it's fits nice and it wasn't cheap! I bought it myself so no I'm not returning it...please?" Estelle suddenly felt very small in every sense of the word. Her voice was strong but her brows furrowed together in worry that he would make her send it back to the dress shop.

Arthur's hard face softened slightly when she said please. Those puppy dogs eyes always got him, "I just-"

"It's what everyone else is wearing! Ada has the same one on in black!" Estelle tried to reason cupping her hands together on Arthur's chest. Giving her best pleading look.

"Just because Willie told you-" Polly started but with a harsh glare from Arthur she shut right up. Even coming up on four years later Estelle's brother and Arthur's best friend was still a touchy subject.

"Fine. She can keep the dress but don't be thinking this means you get to find a man, he's got to be approved by me and me alone will tell you when you can find one!" Arthur boomed earning a scowl from Estelle.

"That'll never happen since she's always by your side!" Polly hollered at her nephew. "It's not right anymore if she isn't with you!"

John sputtered and tommy shifted uncomfortably at that comment. It was true people had started to talk that Arthur was more than just an overprotective brother/father figure to the girl and that he was bedding her. Not that anyone would come right out and say it to the Peaky Blinders but it was clear from looks they got what people thought, the behavior was no longer acceptable for people who were not together.

Estelle pulled a face of disgust and looked to Ada for help on how to diffuse the situation.

At that Tommy pipped up "Alright kiss and make up, this dumb dress argument has already made us late to the meeting we called, no time for this new one it'll take all bloody night!" Tommy shouted as he pushed passed the bunch to fling open the doors to the betting lot area. His eyes drifted back to Estelle as he passed, his eyes racked over her legs eventually coming to her face. Her cheeks were very flushed, her pale skin no longer just creamy. Tommy locked eyes with her who was searching his face for some indication on why he always broke the arguments up when they involved the way his brother handled Estelle.

Breaking Arthur off of Estelle Ada pulled her along by her hand into the betting area looking to get them settled in seats for the meeting trying to put some distance between Arthur and her.