Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia. I only take credit for the story & OC's

Hiroshi woke up the next day, & prepared for the school day. "The syllabus said that we would have basic hero training this afternoon" Hiroshi-Blue thought. "Well, that sounds like fun." Hiroshi responded as he brushed his teeth. Once he put the emerald toothbrush down, Hiroshi checked the time. "Aw crap, we got to go soon or we'll miss the train." Hiroshi-orange thought. Hiroshi nodded as he grabbed his bag & ran out the door.

Hiroshi got onto the train just before it left. "That was close." Hiroshi-blue mused. Hiroshi started looking at his phone, passing the time. Out of the corner of his eye, Hiroshi spotted white hair with red strands. "Isn't that the girl from our class" Hiroshi-blue thought. "Maybe we should say hello." Hiroshi said softly as he tried to scoot his was over to the girl. "Hello, I believe that we are in the same class." Hiroshi said as she turned to face him, her half-rim glasses reflecting the light.

"Oh, hello. I didn't see you there." She said in a meek voice. She gave him a small smile. "I guess that we take the same train to get to school." Hiroshi nodded. "So, do you want to talk or something."

"Sure." The duo spent the rest of the train ride talking about random topics, as if they knew each other for years.

Previous night

"Was there something I missed when I skimmed over Hiroshi's file?" Aizawa asked himself after the students left. "He is intriguing. He changed the way he acted many times during class. Not only that but his eyes changed color." Aizawa dug through a file cabinet until he found the folder he was looking for. "HIROSHI YAMADO" Aizawa spent the next several minutes looking at anything that might be the cause of the eye color change & the personality switches. "Wait a second." He halts himself & looks at medical history. "Hiroshi Yamado has been diagnosed with Multiple personality disorder as feedback from gaining his quirk. His personalities have been split between each of his forms. Note: we have found Hiroshi's eyes change color with the personality switch." Aizawa looked dreadful. "This is going to be a long year, isn't it." Aizawa put the file away & continued working.

Present time

Hiroshi & Fuyumi walked into class 1-A to find a yellow sleeping bag behind the front desk. "What is that?" Fuyumi asked as she bent down towards it. The sleeping bag turns.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, don't you remember." He looked behind Fuyumi at Hiroshi. "Hiroshi, I would like a word with you." Hiroshi let out a blinding smile.

"Yes sir." Hiroshi walked over to Aizawa. "What is it?" Aizawa looked him over.

"Hiroshi, can you control your issues while you are here at the hero course?" Aizawa whispered. Hiroshi looked at him & nodded. Aizawa let out a sigh of relief & gestured for him to take a seat. "Ok class, today will include your first day of hero training." A cheer ran through the class as several students became excited. "But first, English." Aizawa walked out of the room & Present Mic walked in.

"Yo yo yo, who is ready for English." A groan resounded as two people raised their hands, clearly ready for English.

After lunch, Class 1-A made their way back to the classroom. "I can't wait to see what type of training we do. I'm so excited." Nejiri stated, full of energy.

"I don't know, but I would be happy to find out." Fuyumi responded as the walked down the hall. They open the door to find Aizawa sitting behind the desk looking at what seem to be papers.

"Welcome back." Aizawa drawled. "Today we are going to start hero basic training. The first thing we are going to do is one on one sparing to see what you can do against other people. Because we have an odd number, there will be one group of three." Aizawa looked up for a second & then stared straight at Hiroshi. "You will be in a two on one fight. You seem to have a decent handle on your quirk, let's see how well you do against two people."

"Sounds good to me!" Hiroshi jumped, green eyes shining. The students walked out of the room to get to the locker room. Aizawa sighed. "How should I approach him about that personality disorder?"

"Ok class, we will be conducting these spars one at a time. Who wants to go first?" Nejiri's hand shot up as she bounced up & down on her feet. "Ok Nejiri. Is there anyone you want to fight?" Aizawa eyed her cautiously.

"I want to fight Hiroshi." students turned to look at this energetic teen. Hiroshi looked at her with tired eyes. Aizawa let out a big sigh.

"Ok, does anyone else want to fight Hiroshi." No other hands raised. "Come on, we don't have all day." A meek hand rose.

"I can, if you need me to?" Tamaki Amajiki whispered. Aizawa nodded.

"Ok everyone else, get out of the ring. The match ends when all members of the team are pushed out of the ring. Any questions." A collective no rang through the gym. "Ok. Everyone not participating, get off the field." Hiroshi walked to the far side of the field.

"Anything useful, Hiroshi-black?"Hiroshi whispered "Ok. It seems like Nejiri can shoot some kind of wave & that Amajiki can turn digits into tentacles. More info required." "Alright, I guess I can get you that information." Hiroshi yawned as he turned. He turned to face them. "I'm ready when you are. Come at me with what you got." Amajiki ran toward him, his fingers turning into tentacles. Hiroshi's form shifted. His head grew about double its size & developed an under bite. Two Canines protrude from the under bite as Hiroshi's body grew wider until what stood before them was a ten foot ape. Which immediately proceed to lie down on it's side.

"That's p-pretty scary." Amajiki shuddered as he closed the distance, Nejiri not to far behind. Amajiki tried to pick up the ape, to no avail. "Ok Nejiri, we are going t-to need to h-hit him with everything w-we got." Amajiki said as he closed his hands & turned his fist into a clam shell. Nejiri began charging up a shock wave.

"What is he doing?" Aizawa muttered as Hiroshi did nothing while lying down. Nejiri & Amajiki hit Hiroshi simultaneously. A millisecond later, Hiroshi's gargantuan form threw a punch, the force of which pushed Nejiri out of bounds & had Amajiki holding onto the ground with his stubby clam hands.

"W-w-what was t-that?" Amajiki asked. He braced for a follow up, but one did not happen. Amajiki cautiously started to move back towards the massive figure. Then in a flash, an arm came out of the corner of his right peripheral & slammed into him. With that, Amajiki was thrown into a wall & Hiroshi started to shrink.

"Was that good for you, Aizawa?" Aizawa nodded as Hiroshi walked out of the ring. "Good. I need a nap." He walked over to the bench & lied down. Aizawa sighed as he turned to the rest of the class.

"Alright, who wants to go next?"

Hello. Sorry for not updating for a while, I hope that this chapter can spark some of your imaginations. As always, comment for questions or suggestions.