I don't own Blindspot or any of these amazing characters…
I don't know if anyone remembers me...but I use to write here! Lol. I have no idea where all my time goes, but I'm stealing a little of it back to write this. Hope you enjoy! :)
Kurt was exhausted, but couldn't sleep. It wasn't just the uncomfortable chair that was to blame. It was everything they'd just been through, that and the fact that his wife was currently out of his sight. He had a soul deep need to keep her within touching distance after the day they'd just had. He knew that wasn't feasible. It was obvious that someone had to keep watch while the rest of them caught up on their sleep, but he wasn't sleeping. He doubted any of the others were either.
He couldn't have imagined a circumstance that would have resulted in him ever taking hostages. He'd have been wrong. Shifting in the chair he tried to concentrate on the radio Patterson turned on hoping the mindless activity would allow him some respite.
Suddenly the transmission was interrupted. The high pitched drone made him wince.
"Do we have a green light?" Unexpectedly came clearly over the speaker.
Kurt knew what that meant.
"GET TO THE TUNNEL!" Patterson was already scrambling toward the hatch.
Kurt didn't second guess her instruction, but ripped the door open and watched her disappear inside. Tasha was pushed in before Reade.
Kurt looked toward the door, his focus more on his wife than on himself. He didn't know where she was…
"GO KURT!" Reade shoved him into the opening before following him down.
They barely made it into the hole before the hatch door closed and the world was ripped apart.
Reade was urging him down the dark tunnel and Tasha was calling back to them, but all he could think was where was Jane? Had she been sitting on the porch? Hit by the debris? Was she dead?
The ground shook from the blast and looking through the darkness, Kurt realized he wouldn't know if his wife was alive as long as he was stuck down there, he immediately began to forge his way down the tunnel looking for an exit. Reade let go of his arm when he realized he wasn't going to have to keep him from going back into the inferno. Suddenly, there was a second rumbling and the tunnel began to cave in. Covering his mouth with his shirt Kurt watched helplessly as what was left of his family disappeared into the rubble.
Jane helplessly watched her world explode before her trembling legs lost their ability to stand. Sinking down she realized there was every chance she would be detected standing out in the open like she was. Expecting to join her family she waited welcoming the end. She couldn't go on without them. She couldn't imagine her life without Kurt. When nothing happened, she began to tremble. If they weren't going to kill her, then she was going to kill every one of them…she had nothing more to lose. Bethany's face flashed through her mind followed quickly by Avery. Avery was going to be okay and Bethany had her mom and stepdad. The truth was they would be better off without her. People close to her died…
Reade's accusations battered her shattered senses as she realized her family was dead because of her. What she'd brought to their door. Tears ran down her face and she wiped them away with an angry, trembling hand.
She needed to clear their names. She needed to make the people that had done this pay…
It's easy to do good things when you're surrounded by good people… Rich's words came back to her and she pushed herself up off the ground. She wasn't surrounded by good people, she only had herself now and she knew Reade was right because she was becoming more like herself with every beat of her shattered heart.
She began walking toward the now burning destruction. She no longer saw the flames. The only thing in her mind was Kurt's loving expression every time he looked at her and her trembling increased. Suddenly she began to run. She knew he was dead, none of them could have survived that blast…but she needed to be certain. There was a chance there would simply be nothing left…and the thought of never seeing or touching Kurt again…
She ignored the burning and made her way toward the center of the destruction. The heat singed her hair and her thick boots were the only thing that spared her feet. There was nothing left. Looking up at the sky she felt her emotions overwhelm her and the sound that came out of her mouth was barely human.
It was taking too long…Kurt knew with everything in him he needed to dig faster. By the time they were able to reach daylight at least twenty minutes had already passed.
He squeezed out of the narrow opening and reached back down to pull first Patterson and then Reade out. Reade was injured. At the very least his arm was broken. Tasha was scratched up and holding her ribs, but they were all alive. Even as he pulled Tasha out, his eyes were searching the landscape for his wife. He didn't see her. His heart was threatening to beat out of his chest.
Nobody commented on this distraction. They all understood.
"Go," Patterson urged him, "I've got this."
He didn't argue. Moving as quickly as his body would allow he headed back to where he'd last seen Jane. That's when he heard it. The anguished sound would haunt him, freezing he looked toward the sight of the cabin and that's when he saw her. She was standing in the middle of what appeared to be nothing but fire and destruction.
"Jane!" His roar had her head turning toward him in disbelief.
She shook her head as though she couldn't believe what her eyes were telling her.
Ignoring his injuries, Kurt began to run. She was alive!
Jane watched him for a moment before she realized he was real. Then her legs closed the distance between them with renewed strength.
They met and their bodies all but crashed together. Neither one of them noticed the discomfort. Kurt ran his hands over her desperately before he reached up and guided her tear stained face up for his inspection.
"Are you okay?" He worried.
"How?" Jane all but sobbed, "I don't understand…"
She laid her dirty hand against his face gently and appeared to be in shock.
"The radio picked up the order for the attack," Kurt explained.
"The others?" Jane looked around in concern.
"They're alive," Kurt assured her, "Are you hurt?"
Jane still didn't answer. In truth words were beyond her.
Reaching up she closed the distance between them. The loving, if worried, look on his face was too precious. He felt her lips tremble and his eyes closed even as his arms tightened around her and he took over. The kiss was reverence tinged with more than a little desperation. His hand went to the back of her head and he drew back just far enough to look down into her tear washed eyes. Leaning in he trailed his lips up her wet cheek and kissed first one and then the other.
"I'm right here," Kurt assured her, "I've got you."
He moved her hand over the reassuring beat of his heart before covering it with his own. Her trembling steadied as she felt the proof that he was alive and with her once more. The darkness that had been pulling her in receded. It was still there waiting for her, but with her husband's warmth surrounding her and her family supporting them she'd was steady again.
"We need to move," Tasha's voice came from behind them.
Looking over his shoulder, Kurt saw the rest of the team watching them with affectionate regret.
"She's right," Jane suddenly stiffened. "They're probably going to want to verify they got us. We can't be here when they come."
"Let's move," Kurt knew they had to go, but he couldn't seem to let his wife go.
With the battered team trailing behind them, Kurt led Jane away. He might not know where they were going or how they were going to get there, but they were together and that was enough for him.
"I think I found Rich," Patterson looked up from her monitor.
Jane moved in to lean over her shoulder, "Where?"
"He's on a boat…" Patterson looked up at Jane in concern.
Even after all of these months, looking at Jane was disconcerting. She looked nothing like the woman Patterson had known all of these years. The same could be said for any one of them, but somehow Jane was all the more…unnerving. It wasn't just the red hair, she'd changed her eye color with colored contacts and she'd surprised all of them by getting the tattoos removed from her hands, most of it anyway. It was a long process, but now with long sleeves, some quickly applied foundation and her longer hair, no tattoos were visible to anyone but Kurt.
"Has he been there the entire time?" Jane worried, her mind going back to her own time spent in a CIA Black Site.
"Since the day of the drone strike." Patterson confirmed.
"We need to go get him," Jane worried, "Any idea if he's the only prisoner?"
"No," Patterson denied, "I also don't know how many agents are posted with him."
"When will the others be back?" Jane worried.
"At least three more hours," Patterson insisted, "They won't risk coming straight back here and giving away our position."
"Can we contact them?" Jane asked in frustration.
"Not without risk." Patterson insisted.
"I could meet them," Jane offered.
"What's going on?" Patterson worried.
"It's just…" Jane hesitated, "I know what he's going through, the thought of leaving him there for even one more day…"
"Oh Jane," Patterson stood up and hugged her.
"Risking getting caught and joining him, isn't going to help anyone." Patterson reminded her, "Right now everyone thinks we're dead, we need for them to keep believing that."
"We can't just leave him there!" Jane protested.
"Of course not!" Patterson immediately agreed, "But we need to take the time to find out everything we can before we move. We're only going to get one chance we need to make that count."
"What can I do?" Jane asked.
"The boats docked within sight of the shore," Patterson told her, "I guess that makes it easier to come and go. Get supplies delivered so we need to start watching the boat and gathering intel. Shift change, guards, and weapons."
"I'm on it," Jane immediately stood up.
"I don't like you going alone," Patterson worried.
"I won't engage," Jane assured her, "I'll just watch."
"Well," Patterson argued, "They're going to be watching too."
"I'll figure something out," Jane assured her.
Watching her go Patterson frowned. She just hoped this wasn't a mistake.
Rich braced himself for another day of torture.
They constantly asked him questions he either didn't know or wouldn't say. He wasn't worried about breaking, because after they'd told him that the rest of the team was dead, the only thing he had to live for was pissing them off. If it wasn't for the pain, which he sometimes kind of liked, he would almost be enjoying himself.
The one thing he wouldn't allow himself to dwell on was that he'd failed to save the team. Of all the various things he'd endured, that was the one thing that truly hurt. It was a good thing they didn't know him well enough to use that against him.
They wanted Dominic's phone. He'd die before he told them where he'd hidden it. He knew it didn't really matter anymore. Dying to clear the other's names seemed foolish, but damn if he'd let Madeline win again. He knew the second he told them, he'd be dead and the truth was that was starting to sound pretty good right now. He just couldn't bring himself to betray the team, even when they had nothing left to loose. Talk about sentimental drabble…yet still he remained silent. They'd ruined him. That was the only real answer.
"Dot Com," The guard taunted him from his cell door, "Did you miss me?"
"Not really," Rich denied, "You hit like a girl."
The blow knocked him off his feet.
"What was that?" The guard asked him.
"Let me revised that," Rich conceded, "I've known some women that could really kick ass, you hit like my elderly mother."
The next blow was just as predictable. That's one of the things he missed most, Patterson. He could outthink just about any one of these goons, but Patterson she'd kept him on his toes. He immediately pushed that thought right out of his mind. He couldn't go back, not now when he needed every ounce of strength he had to make it through another endless round of useless chatter intermingled with pain. It was an exercise in endurance and he'd surprised even himself with his ability to withstand as much abuse as he had.
"I don't know why you're putting yourself through all of this," The guard walked around him, "We're going to find it."
"You couldn't find your ass." Rich scoffed.
The blow took his breath away.
"Maybe I'm asking the wrong person, maybe Boston knows where it is." The guard taunted.
"Yeah, I haven't even spoken to Boston in like three months. Clearly that's the answer." Rich refused to let them see just how alarmed he was. The last thing he needed to do was give them something to use against him. "If you bring him in, could you ask him what he did with my purple shirt? It was one of my favorites and I know he donated to charity just to piss me off…"
"You know," The guard was obviously getting frustrated, "I don't understand the loyalty people seem to have to a known terrorist."
"I'm hardly loyal to Madeline Burk," Rich scoffed.
"I'm talking about Remi Briggs," The guard walked behind Rich and stopped.
"Jane Doe," Rich automatically corrected, "Who else is loyal to her? I'm not the only prisoner here on the Love Boat?"
The guard stopped talking and Rich couldn't help but tense in anticipation.
"Did you really think you were able to completely dismantle Sandstorm?" The Guard decided he liked this game. Rich was finally talking. He might not be answering the questions they wanted, but if he kept him talking he was bound to let something slip.
"Yeah," Rich didn't doubt they had.
"What about Cade?"
"Jane shot him." Rich insisted.
"And still he's loyal to her." The Guard scoffed.
"He's here?" Rich asked in surprise.
"He's not the only one."
"Yeah?" Rich was already plotting, "I thought everyone else was dead."
"Bordon isn't."
"I actually don't think that was his real name…" Rich taunted, "How could you not know that, I thought you're whole reason for being was to extract information."
That hit made his head swim.
"You should be careful," The guard taunted him, "You aren't even in the top three prisoners here."
"Who could possibly be more important than me?" Rich knew they thought they were interrogating him, but he was the one getting all the answers.
"Just about everyone." The guard couldn't resist the taunt. Rich Dot Com was too arrogant. He thought too much of himself.
"That's just hurtful," Rich scoffed, "As much time as you spend with me, I would have thought I was your number one."
"I guess you don't know everything after all…" The guard took great pleasure in taunting him.
"Why would you bother gathering us all together here?" Even with his head swimming from the blows, he knew this information was critical.
When the guard remained silent Rich finally realized the truth, "Jane's alive!"
"You don't know what you're talking about." The guard tried to back pedal.
"The only reason you would get all of Remi's closest allies together in one place was because she got away and you're trying to find her!" Rich insisted with more than a little glee.
"Shut up!" The guard no longer thought this game was fun.
"Oh, man," Rich shook his head, "You are soooo dead."
"You really think one woman has a chance against the entire CIA?" The guard scoffed.
"This one does," Rich insisted, "And if any one of you has killed any of her team…especially Weller, you are going to die hard."
The guard abruptly ended the interrogation. Watching the door close behind him, a first abbreviated afternoon beating wasn't the reason Rich was smiling. Jane was alive and she would be coming for him, he could hardly wait.
Jane pulled the floopy hat low on her head. Being a red head at the beach had its advantages. Nobody questioned why she was covered from head to toe. She walked the shoreline for a little while before sinking down on the sand and covertly watching the boat docked so close to shore.
If Rich was on there they needed to gather as much intel as they could so they could extract him ASAP.
She didn't see anyone on the deck and even as she began roasting in the hot sun, she didn't move. It was such minor discomfort in comparison to what she knew was happening on that boat.
She stiffened when someone walked over and sat down beside her.
Turning her head she felt her tension melt away when she met her husband's worried look.
"You're back early," She said in relief, reaching for his hand.
"No," Kurt denied, "You've been sitting her for hours."
"What?" Jane looked over at him in shock.
"I know why this is so important to you," Kurt's thumb rubbed over her hand soothingly, "But you need to leave before someone onboard notices you sitting here."
Jane leaned over to kiss him, "I'm sorry…I didn't realize I'd been here that long."
Kurt stood up and helped her to her feet. He pulled her against him gently.
"I understand," He assured her, "But we need to go now."
"Nobody's come or gone since I got here," Jane felt his arm go around her as they made their way back the way they'd come.
"Patterson tapped Reade to install a camera on the pole near the boardwalk. We'll be able to watch the boat without making anyone suspicious." Kurt soothed her.
"I just…can't leave him there when I know exactly what he's going through." Jane whispered.
"We aren't going to," Kurt insisted, "But rushing in and getting him or anyone of us killed isn't the answer."
Jane rested her head against his shoulder as they walked.
Kurt turned and gently kissed her forehead.
Looking down into her now blue eyes, Kurt smiled reassuringly.
"Were you able to send Allie the message?" Jane worried.
"Yeah," Kurt assured her, "She left us this."
Jane looked over as he pulled a picture out of his pocket.
Little B had drawn him another picture. This one was of just the three of them on the beach. Jane smiled as she saw that even her tattoos had been included.
"Wow, pretty good!" Jane smiled.
"Allie said she's missing us." Kurt worried.
"It's a good thing Patterson was able to establish secure communications so that you could still video chat her regularly." Jane said with a worried frown.
"What's with the long face?" Kurt worried.
"I can't believe this happened, just when we were talking of going back to Colorado." Jane felt her lips tremble. It was so unfair. Kurt just wanted to be a father to his little girl and now he couldn't even hold her in his arms.
"We're going to fix this," Kurt assured her his voice determined, "And at least this time we're in hiding together."
Jane smiled up at him gently, "I love you."
"I love you too," He kissed the end of her nose.
"I kind of like your longer hair," She admitted.
"What about the color?" Kurt asked her.
"Dark hair suits you, but you're kind of hot…so anything would suit you."
"You don't say?" he smiled down at her with a genuine smile. Those smiles were so rare lately that she was transfixed.
"Now that Patterson has eyes on the boat," Jane looked up at him with a teasing glint, "Maybe when we get back you can help me wash some of the sand off."
"Yes ma'am," Kurt assured her his hand falling low on her back, "I've got you."
"Yes," Jane assured him, "And I've got you."