I had been traveling around the feudal era with Inuyasha and the gang for almost a year now. I had learned so much from my time there and I enjoyed spending every minute I could with my new friends. Sure I missed my family back home, but being around everyone made me feel like I never left my house. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, and Kaede had slowly become closer to me than my family back home. Inuyasha was a whole different story.

The beginning of our relationship was rocky, but as we continued our journey together we formed a strong bond. He always protected me even if he got hurt in the process. He was my safe haven. No matter what Naraku or any other demon threw at us, Inuyasha was always right there by my side, making sure I was okay. I didn't know when it happened, but somewhere along the way I fell in love with him.

Deep down I knew Inuyasha felt the same way. He was always extra careful with me when I was around. If any dangers came my way he would immediately come to me and pull me into his arms, carrying me away from the danger. I always felt safest in his arms, and I knew that he was going to be my forever. Or that's what I wanted to believe, but as long as Kikyo was alive, I never stood a chance. Inuyasha had felt like her death was his fault, even though it was the devil himself Naraku who tricked the two. I didn't understand how he could have ruined the trust between the pair so easily. If they truly loved each other how could they turn their backs on each other so quickly? To her friends it was a no brainer on who Inuyasha should pick. After all Kikyo was dead and I was alive.

Her friends had always tried to explain to Inuyasha how she felt and how even though Kikyo was alive, she wasn't really alive. She was just a body made of dirt and clay with a piece of Kagome's soul. She needed to feed off the souls of the dead to even stay in their world. Inuyasha knew all of this, but still couldn't bring himself to forget Kikyo. I never wanted him to either. I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to stay with Inuyasha. Not too long ago I returned home with the intention of never going back to the feudal era. Inuyasha had chosen to follow Kikyo to the depths of hell and I couldn't stand to be there to watch it, so I fled home. It didn't take me long to realize that I couldn't stand to be apart from him. Even if he did choose Kikyo, I had to stay by his side. I couldn't imagine a world where I never saw him again. After some deep thinking and a long talk with my mom I decided to hop back into the well that allowed me to travel through time. I had an intense conversation with Inuyasha and even though he couldn't tell me how he felt, I knew he was happy to have me back.

That was a few weeks ago. Now we were all headed into the direction of Naraku. Two days ago Inuyasha picked up his scent and we all left immediately to go find him. For two whole days we traveled almost non stop through the woods, trying to find Naraku's hideout. We stopped briefly to eat and then it was back to walking. Nobody put up a fight though. We all knew how important it was that Naraku be stopped, however after two days of no sleep everyone, including Inuyasha, was exhausted.

"Okay Inuyasha, we need to stop and make camp for the night. I know how important it is that we find Naraku, but if we don't stop and rest we won't be ready for a fight anyways." Sango said.

Instead of arguing Inuyasha nodded and went off to find a safe place for everyone to sleep. He came back a few minutes later and led us to a small cave near a creek. I pulled out some packets of ramen and cooked some for everyone. As I watched my friends enjoy the food I made, I couldn't help but smile at them. Shippo and Kirara were cuddled next to each other scarfing down the food. Miroku and Sango sat next to each other and talked quietly amongst themselves. Miroku put his hand on Sango's ass and as always he got slapped across the face. Sango moved slightly away from him, but still held a smile on her face. Anyone with eyes could tell how into each other they were. I shook my head wondering if Miroku would ever learn. My gaze shifted to Inuyasha who was looking at the scene unfold. He was totally clueless about their feelings for each other. My heart warmed at the sight of us all together and safe.

"Im going to the creek." I announced as I set my finished bowl of ramen down. Before anybody could question me I walked off. As I walked down the path to the creek I looked up at the sky. The night sky was always full of stars and I never got tired of looking up at them. In the city I never saw as many stars as I did here. The view always took my breath away. As I reached my destination I slowly took my shoes off and sat on the ground near the edge of the creek and set my feet into the cold water. The weather was quite warm for the fall season, but the water felt good on my feet. I leaned back and continued to look up at the stars as I let my mind relax.

"Are you mad at me or something?" a voice said from behind me. I knew it was Inuyasha but I didn't have it in me to fight with him. I just wanted a relaxing night alone, so I didn't answer him right away. He started to tap his foot in response to my slowness.

"No Inuyasha. I just wanted a few minutes alone." I replied calmly.

"You know you shouldn't be alone Kagome. We can't have anything happen to you." he said.

"God forbid something happen to your precious jewel collector." I mumbled to myself hoping he didn't hear me. I wasn't so lucky. I should've known he'd hear me with those ears of his.

"What did you just say?!" he yelled.

"Nothing forget it. Can I please just have a few minutes alone?" I asked calmly.

"Fine whatever." he spat as he walked away.

I sighed and put my face in my hands. I didn't want to fight with him, but it seemed like now that's all we did. I know he went and saw Kikyo before we left. I saw her soul collectors in the air indicating she was near. Every time I saw them Inuyasha was nowhere to be found. I knew he had gone to see her, and a part of me was so angry with him. He knew how I felt and yet still went after her every time she was around. What did I expect? I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I decided to stay.

"It's not my fault I'm in love with the idiot." I said aloud as I threw my body against the ground.

"How could anyone be in love with that half breed?" a voice said behind me. I jumped up and out of instinct reached for my bow, only to find I didn't bring it with me. I turned around slowly and saw Inuyasha's older brother Sesshomaru standing against the tree.

"Greetings human. It appears I require your assistance."