So, a while ago, I finished binge-watching all three parts of Trollhunters(the. Most. Awesome DreamWorks show ever, just after Dragons: Race To The Edge, even though the last few episodes of Part Three sent me on an emotional roller coaster), along with all two parts of 3Below, and I decided to cross the former with another show that I love, which is, of course, Danny Phantom! However, Danny won't be in this aside from mentions. Another Phantom is...

Oh and this is set before Jim found the amulet!

Anyway, I don't own Danny Phantom, that belongs to Butch Hartman, and I don't own Trollhunters, that belongs to Guillermo Del Toro, Dreamworks and Netflix.

Please read and review!

GhostWriterGirl out!

Chapter One

In the sleepy town of Arcadia Oaks, it was around midnight. And in it's only hospital, someone was raiding it's medical supplies cabinet.

The person was in fact a twelve-year-old girl. She had beads of sweat forming on her face, black bangs hanging in front of her blue eyes as her small hands rifled through the cabinet, not caring about the mess she was making.

"Come on, come on," she muttered, before she found the object of her desires; a roll of medical gauze, some medical thread and a needle.

"Yes!" the girl exclaimed in triumph, before nearly screaming as the pain from her injuries shot through her small body like needles.

Gripping the remains of her blood-stained blue hoodie, the girl winced, gritting her teeth as she bear the tremors of pain from the injuries she had received from her last fight.

The injuries that had required her to steal from the hospital, which sent pangs of guilt stabbing in her heart.

"It's okay. You need these things. It's not like you're stealing some life-saving technology," the girl told herself as she left the room the cabinet was in, but she still felt guilty.

As she headed to where she had come in, she looked around warily. Although thanks to her, uh, tampering, the cameras were temporarily off, but that didn't mean that while she had been pilfering medical supplies for her injuries that they hadn't come back on thanks to some backup power. Thankfully, it didn't seem to be the case.

Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll get a clean break? the girl thought hopefully.

Of course, fate—or her mentor, she never knew with the old stopwatch—decided to make her hopes come crashing down.

Because, as she was nearing the main entrance, a voice shouted, "Hey! What are you doing here?"

The girl's eyes widened in fear and panic. And, despite her wounds, she did the only thing that she could in the situation that she had found herself in countless times—she ran.

Her injuries screamed, and she screamed too, but from behind gritted teeth. The medical gauze trailed behind her, like a white ribbon. She could hear the security guard gaining on her; the sounds of his shoes and yells of her to stop were all she heard besides the slap of her sneakers on sterilised tiles and her panting, short breaths. Her shirt and hoodie clung to the still-sticky edges of her wounds, sending bolts of pain through her as she ran. But she couldn't stop; if she did, the security guard would catch her. At best, she could give him the slip if she managed to distract him. At worse, he will bring her in for questioning, and then they would find her backpack filled with stolen things that she taken so that she could survive. And then what? She knew she could easily escape jail, but she didn't want to be a fugitive.

No. It was better to run, and hope to not get caught.

The raven-haired girl ran faster and faster down unfamiliar halls, the security guard hot on her heels, desperately trying to find an exit. Her eyes raked over the walls, searching for a door or window. As she did, she made a sharp turn around an upcoming corner and ran down the corridor, hoping that would make her lose the guard. After all, she couldn't keep this up for long. Her lungs were begging for air as her breaths became shorter, her legs were starting to feel like rubber, and the pain from her still-unattended wounds was white-hot. Unless she changed, the guard would catch up to her, and possibly arrest her for stealing from a hospital. But she just hoped she had lost him.

Looking back, a big smile of relief came to her lips at not seeing the guard in sight.

She had given him the slip.

Yes! she cheered, and that relief increased tenfold when she saw a door with the sign "Exit" up ahead. Double yes!

Without thinking twice, the girl opened the door and barrelled out of it, finding herself out in an alley. Not that she cared; she was just grateful to be outside.

Looking back to just be sure, the girl smiled as she jogged away from the hospital door, hoping to get to where she had stowed her backpack at where the town met the woods and attend to her injuries.

But, if she had focused more, she would have realised that the guard had taken out his walkie talkie and had called for backup, that he had stopped after she had turned that corner... and that she was now heading straight into that backup.

But she didn't realise any of that... until she bumped straight into someone.

The force caused her to stumble back a bit, the unexpected movement causing the pain to make her more dizzy and for stars to burst in her eyes. Mumbling a quick, "Sorry," the girl was about to go, until the person she bumped into asked, "What are you doing with that stuff, Miss?"

She was confused, at first... until she remembered that she was still holding the gauze, the thread and the needle, which had miraculously not embedded itself into her skin during her run. And then she saw the badge on the guy's shirt, and the police car behind him, red and blue lights shining in the night.

The girl's eyes widened as the man looked at her warily and lifted the walkie talkie to his mouth.

"Jeffery, I found the perp. She's right here in front of me. I'm going to take her in for questioning. Over."

There was static, and then someone, possibly Jeffery, who was also possibly the same security guard she had tried to shake off back in the hospital, responded back, but she didn't hear; her mind had become panicked and her body was pumping with adrenaline. All she could think was that this was bad. Really bad. She needed to make a break for it, and possibly use her powers to do so.

But before she could do anything, unrelenting, fiery pain flooded through her body, causing her to scream and drop to the ground.

She could hear the policeman run towards her, heard his gasp as he saw her injuries as much as he could since her rags of a shirt and hoodie was covering most of the full extent. His voice, muffled by the pain making her ears ring, said into the walkie talkie, "This is Detective Scott! I'm with the perp, and she is badly injured! She looks like she is about to go into shock and she needs to get medical treatment, stat!" There was static, and someone, their voice too faint for her to hear, responded. Through the tears that were blinding her, she saw the man, who she now knew was called Detective Scott, kneel beside her. He looked to be hesitating, and she immediately knew why: the person who had responded to his call had probably asked him to check the full extent of her wounds. Through the pain, somehow, she managed to grit out, "Just get it over with," before succumbing to more pain-filled screaming.

With reluctance, Detective Scott peeled back the rags of her clothes, not much so that too much of her skin was bare but enough to see exactly how long, wide and deep the wounds were, and how bad they were. By his efforts of trying not to gag, they were bad.

"Oh boy... oh geez..." Detective Scott said, apparently appalled by her injuries, before saying into the walkie, "Just looked at her injuries, and they're bad. I'm taking her to the hospital; it's just a walk away from where I am. Yeah, I know, but she needs serious medical attention. If she doesn't, she'll die. Yes, I'll take precautions; I'm not stupid. Okay. Over."

There was more static, and then Detective Scott said something to her, but she didn't hear; she was slipping farther and farther into unconsciousness, thanks to the pain. By the time that she felt her small body leave the ground, she had fully blacked out.

When she had started to come to, she couldn't see much of anything; it was all too blurry, and the shapes and colours of wherever she was bled into each other. She heard faint voices, and saw the vague shapes of people hovering over her. She felt coarse fabric, and cool metal around her left wrist. With bleary eyes, she looked at a person, who looked vaguely like a woman, wearing teal clothes and had red hair. She looked at that woman, until something cold entered her system, and blissful darkness beckoned her, the aches of pain from her injuries starting to return with a vengeance.

With barely any fight left in her, Danielle let the darkness take her, the image of the redheaded woman wearing teal clothes the last thing in her memory before she was floating in complete, wonderful blackness.

Yes, it's Dani!

So, for those who are wondering, I am fully intending for Dani to be in Trollhunters. But, until I get to the series, I'm giving you this little introductory fanfic, just to make things less confusing.

I hope you enjoyed this!

Please read and review!

GhostWriterGirl out!