'When I grow up, I want to be a dentist.'
'When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.'
'When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.'
'When I grow up… I want to be a hero.'
Being laugh at… being laugh at, mocked, and ridiculed is one of the worse things a person can go threw. The sight of endless index fingers pointing directly at you, the sound of people engaging their self's in ongoing laughing knowing you are the source of it, and the feeling of being so piney and valuable start to slowly close in on your mind as the air it's self begin to exit from your dying lungs.
'When I grow up, I want to be a hero.'
But when you think about it really… it sorta like being buried alive.
'You can't be a hero.'
Your body start to go painfully numb by the second passes while a disgusting feeling start to evolve into something the pit of your stomach. The smell of the outside air disappears, being replaced with the loving scent of death called 'nothing'. Causing your lungs to shutdown and collapse on it's self, bidding farewell to the cruel world as it passes over to the other side.
The six walls that surround you in your small box start to close in on your corpse, until you almost can't even feel your own skin as it slowly rots away from body that wishes to be set free from it's dark prison. And with everything you relied on to feel safe and secure are gone and out the window, the only thing your left with is your field vison. But soon you'll wish you were blind and saw nothing but blackness, to just not only see the soul crushing sight of endless people laughing at you while pointing their devil-like fingers in your visual direction.
Being laugh at… being laugh at is one of the worse things a person can go threw.
'You can't be a hero.'
Facing reality… facing reality is one of the worse things a person 'must' go threw.
'I can't be a hero.'
Opening his eye's from a night sleep, a teenage boy with messy black green-ish hair awoken from his strange dream. A strange dream he couldn't really explain at the given moment, due to him just waking up. His mind was still a little fuzzy so he couldn't really think straight, but he could still think about those voices he heard. Those voices sounded so familiar but yet so different but yet he knew them all to well. As clear as day he knew them from the jump, he knew them since he was a small little child in fact. And as much he wanted to forget them for the rest of his life, they have now planted their self's in his dream's. Witch mean he'll probably be reunited with them soon. The moment he close his eye's for a well needed rest tonight, is the moment he'll probably hear and see them again.
"Izuku!" Inko called out from behind the door. "Izuku sweetie, are you awake?"
"Yeah, Mom im awake." Izuku responded.
"Good, now hurry up and get dress. You don't want to be late for school do you?" Inko said sweetly. "And I already got breakfast ready for you on the table, okay?"
"Okay." Izuku said. "I'll be out in a minute."
After listening to the fading footsteps of his mother walking away from his bedroom door. Izuku directed his eyes forward to his dark bedroom ceiling, with the back of his head still laid flat on his soft pillow of his bed. His thoughts sadly return to that dream, that sinful dream he knew he'll be thinking about all day apparently. It will haunt his thoughts like some wretched ghost in some abandon house somewhere. And like every ghost it will pop out out of nowhere and say BOO! Surprising him with the dreadful dream and memory he wish he could forget till the end of his days.
But knowing he was on a time limit, Izuku turned his head to the left. Looking at his alarm clock on his nightstand, witch he sadly forgot to set last night and saw it was 7:02 in the morning. School started at 8:50 so he had some time to get ready.
Hating to leave from the warmth of his bed sheets, Izuku let out a quick sigh and gently tossed them off of him and sat on the edge of his bed. Propping his arm's on his knees for no valid reason. Izuku took a good long look of his current surroundings, analyzing the walls and corners of his little habitat he called a bedroom. And surprisingly Izuku room was nothing special, it just looked like a normal average teenager room. It had a bed, a bookshelf full of books, a desk were he can do his homework, a nightstand beside his bed, and a closet Izuku can store all his clothes in. But what was odd about his room is that he had no certain decoration in it. Their was nothing to give the room a feeling of a personality or a feeling that would make you think it was a room a teenager would actually stay in.
Izuku room looked so plain and empty you would think it was a guest room by first glance. Their were no posters on walls, no gaming system's laid across the floor, or manga's in the sturdy bookshelf either. The only thing that stood out from the norm is Izuku close laptop and picture frame that contain picture of him and his mother Inko, on his work desk.
Realizing he was wasting time, Izuku stood up on his feet and got ready for the day. Putting on his school uniform witch was a plain black gakuran with yellow bottoms, accompanied by white sneakers. Izuku finally step out of his room with a red backpack strapped around his shoulder and walk toward the dining room table for breakfast.
Sitting in his usual seat at the table while placing his red backpack on the floor beside him, Izuku gazed at the glorious food laid out in front of him. Witch were a stack of freshly made pancake's, some egg's, a bowl of rice, and a glass of delicious apple juice. But sadly, just seeing the delectable meal that was purposely made only for him by his loving mother was not enough to put a smirk on Izuku face. But strangely it didn't put much of a frown on his face either. Izuku face just remain still and emotionless and maybe a little… lifeless even.
It wasn't a pleasant face to see.
"Morning." Inko said cheerfully as she walked into the room from the kitchen, with a little cup of hot coffee in her hands.
"Good morning." Izuku greeted back, while beginning to eat his breakfast.
"Did you sleep well, honey?" Inko asked as she approached him.
"Yep and thank you for the food." Izuku said with a small smile.
"Your welcome, sweetie." Inko said happily. "Oh, you got your backpack don't you?"
"Yeah." Izuku answered. "I got it right here on the floor."
"Good, don't forget it like you did yesterday mister." Inko told him.
After taking her usual seat at the table, across from her son. Inko took a hard look at him, wanting to know the actual state of mind her son was currently now in at the given moment. But by just looking at his adorable face Inko could already fully tell and she was not please at what she was seeing. Once again his face looked lifeless… lifeless and dull all at the same time. Izuku is a body full of energy but empty of any soul to admire. But Inko shouldn't be surprised really, Izuku always looked this way… ever since that dreadful day…
"Mom?" Izuku called out.
"Yes, dear." Inko said, getting knocked out of her train of thought. "What is it?"
"Are you okay?" Izuku asked her.
"Why yes, why do you ask?" Inko questioned.
"I just noticed you were looking at me really hard their for a second." Izuku answered.
"Oh? Uuuumm…" Inko weirdly said while trying to come up with some good excuse in her head.
"Are you sick or something?" Izuku asked, worried
"Oh no, dear. I'm fine, I promise." Inko reassured him. "I was just… wondering."
"Wondering about what?" Izuku asked in concern.
"I was just wondering how my little boy grow up to look so handsome." Inko said with a motherly smile.
"M-Mom…" Izuku said blushing, a little embarrassed of the complement.
Inko let out a little chuckle for seeing him so flustered for a minute their. But after she stopped silence took over the room once again. The two, mother and son ate their breakfast in peace and quiet. Silently enjoying each other presence as the seconds passes as they ate, but suddenly out of nowhere a voice caught their ears witch made them direct their eyes to the other side of the room to a flat screen box witch said…
'The day is saved by Elastigirl, who manage to save a dozen of people form a burning building in downtown Musutafu city yesterday evening.'
A female reporter inside their living room TV said.
'Using her quirk to stretch her limbs to unbelievable length to reach several places the firemen could not reach manage to save dozen of people and a couple of dogs and cats lives to. After the fire was put out Elastigirl and the firemen were both congratulated for their bravery but Elastigirl gave all her credit to U.A. High School. A #1 ranked academy she attended in her teen years witch taught her everything she knows about hero work and how to get the job done right and everyone unharmed. Now sadly that's all for 'Channel 19 New's' but 'Cooking With Nezu' is coming up right after this.'
The TV was now showing a meaningless commercial.
"Wow." Inko said, amazed. "Isn't that amazing Izuku, I can't believe Elastigirl saved all those people with that amazing quir-"
In mid-sentence, Inko was interrupted by a very sudden sight after laying her eye's back on Izuku face. He looked so distraught and miserable and… once again… even more lifeless. It was truly almost like she was staring at a rotting corpse inside a wooden coffin. Inko could actually almost smell the horrible stench of it's rotting flesh in her very own nostrils as she gaze at her son horrible expression. And the worse thing about it is the longer she stared the worse it got. Her stomach began to turn and twist on it's head, sweat started to form on her little forehead, the air of the room got a bit heavier on her bare weak shoulders, and time itself came to a complete stop as it froze like a deer in the headlights.
You would think being his mother and knowing him since he was a baby in the crib, she would be use to seeing his face like that or something. But nope, Inko can promise you with her hand on the bible that she seen Izuku face like that before, lifeless and sad a dozen time's over. Then how come every time she see's that face of his she act like it was her first time seeing it. Inko would freeze up and stare like she just stubble upon a new discovery she never ever seen before in her whole entire life of existence.
But no… she seen it… to many time's to count actually.
Inko was knocked out of her death-like trance witch she was grateful for to be out of as she heard and saw Izuku drop his spoon and fork on the dining room table, almost in a very aggressive manner. He suddenly stood up out of his chair and said in very sorrow voice…
"I'm going to school." Izuku said, coldly.
After grabbing his backpack from the floor, Izuku walked away from table and out of the dining room. Not even saying a proper good-bye to his mother or even finishing his breakfast.
"No! Izuku, wait please." Inko pleaded as she went after her only son.
Going right for the front door, Izuku raised his right-hand to grab the doorknob but before it made the slightest contact with it someone grabbed his left-hand from behind. Izuku didn't even put in the effort to look behind but he necessary didn't have to, he knew who was stopping him from exiting threw that door to the outside world. And as much he hated to leave like this without saying a proper good-bye to the only family member he had left. Izuku just didn't have the soul or energy to look the chubby woman in her loving eye's right now. He just couldn't… he didn't deserve to.
"Honey, please…" Inko said with tears in her eye's, holding on to Izuku hand. "Talk to me, you can tell me anything."
The only response Inko got was silence, Izuku didn't say a word to her or even took a glance in her direction. Just knowing that fact was enough for Inko to feel a full-fledge punch to her heart. It's like the boy she swore to love and protect was turning his back on her, rejecting her to be left in a hole while he run's off to the unknown. Never to be reached or heard from again but Inko could not let that happen. She could not let that be reality, for all she knows Izuku is the only ray of sunshine she had left in this world and she wasn't going to let that sunshine go without a proper fight.
"Izuku…" Inko said, hoping to get a response.
Still… the killing sound of silence took hold of the hallway they stood in again. Only this time Inko was on the berg of tear's, as she gaze at her flesh and blood of a only son who still wouldn't look her way. But Inko terrifyingly thought at this tearful moment if this was truly her son. Was this truly the boy she cradled in her arm's as a infant? Was this truly the boy she played hide-and-seek with back in grade-school? Was this truly the boy who manage to put a smile on her face even on her worse day's? Was this truly the little boy who dreamed of becoming a hero all threw out his childhood? Inko was well aware that dream died a long time ago but now she was worried something else might have died along with it now.
"Izuku…" Inko repeated one last time.
In a blink of a eye, Izuku shook his mother pair of hands off of his and opened the door. Slamming it hard behind him, Izuku left their apartment complex leaving his mother Inko in despair as she looked down at the floor. Staring at the exact spot Izuku was currently standing in a few seconds ago. Tears could be seen on her cheeks as they flowed down like a river in a forest some where.
But once again… Inko should be use to this. Izuku been like this for almost his entire life now, it's certainly nothing new. Then why does it still hit's her hard like she never gone threw this before? Ever since that day Izuku found out all those years ago, it hurt her like a flesh wound. Inko thought maybe it would have healed by now but I guess it didn't. I guess even after all these years it still didn't even started the first step of healing.
Ever since that day… ever since that day her little Izuku got broken.
Ever since that day he found out…
Only girls get quirks.
Only girls can be hero's.
Author Note - What do you guy's think? Give me feed back on your thought's so far. And by the way the reason im writing a 'My Hero Academia' story like this is because I read two familiar stories like this one and I thought maybe I can do better. Or maybe give my own little personal twist on the story itself.
Also im proud to say their WON'T be any lemon's or harem or genderbending or anything really really really inappropriate in this story. I don't write that kind of stuff so you all can relax.
Peace Out!