"A plane?" Hikaru thought out loud in confusion. Then the plane opened the top and two people walked out of it. Hikaru nervously smiles at what is happening.

"No way..." Hikaru looked up when she saw the plane transformed as well. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, Bumblebee couldn't two for he was staring at the one that had transformed the same way as he did.

And with nothing else to say, the two screamed out.


Hikaru and Bumblebee stared at them as the three walked over to them. Now Hikaru sees them.

The tall robot was a woman with red armor on his arms and shoulders and chest and blue streaks. Her head was the style like the ones for when you prepare a tea ceremony. But what caught Hikaru off guard is her eyes.

Her eyes were the same as Bumblebees.

"Bumblebee!" The tall woman and a jellyfish alien said at the same time when they saw Bumblebee.

~ Heya! ~ Bumblebee waved as he and Hikaru looked at them confused.

"I can't believe it! It is you!" The jellyfish fly towards him.

"Lun, lun lun lun?" The girl with dark turquoise with pale blue and pink highlights asked the tall woman.

"Yeah, I thought Ratchet fixed his voice box too," She said walking toward him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "well, it's good to see you again."

"What are you doing here?"

~ Hanging out, having fun, hanging around with friends ~ Bumblebee replied.

"Friends?" Windblade and the jellyfish both said. Bumblebee turned to Hikaru and the others did too. And when they saw her, they freaked out.


"Oh no! An earthling saw us!"

"Lun lun lun!"

Hikaru's eyes sparkled at the sight of them. "Twincool!~" She runs up to them as they step back from her. "You are aliens!"

Hikaru points at the girl her antennae dangling from them with small golden yellow orbs at the end. "What are these? Antennas? How cute!~"

"S-she's not afraid of us?!" The jellyfish exclaimed. He jolted back when Hikaru looked at him.

"I love constellations, space, and aliens! Cryptids and occult stuff too, oh..." She said. Hikaru looks up at the tall woman and walks over to her but she was stepping away from her. "also, how do you know Bumblebee? Are you two somehow related or the same type of aliens?"

The jellyfish froze, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. First, the human isn't scared at them one bit, and second, now they had to deal with this. Then the girl looks behind the two and was surprised to see Fuwa there.

"Lun! Lun, lunlun, lunlun!" She yelled as she pointed at her. The jellyfish looked and his jaw dropped.

"There she is!" The jellyfish exclaimed. Bumblebee looked at Fuwa then to each other in confusion.

"Lulun! Lululu lun!" The girl tells Hikaru. But she looked at her still confused. To which the jellyfish looks and sees that she didn't understand her.

"She's saying we lost her while Windblade and the others were fighting off the Decepticons," He explained to her. Hikaru looks back at Fuwa as she was floating next to Bumblebee. "we were so worried about her after all this time."

Hikaru thinks about this as Fuwa flew on Bumblebee's head. "I think I called her here," She said, pulling out her book and flipping to the page where it shows a constellation of Fuwa.

"This picture came into my mind," Hikaru showed the picture to the group as they looked at it. "so I think I summoned Fuwa here, like with a magic circle."

The jellyfish laughed at this explanation, he thought it was crazy. "'Magic circle?' That's ridiculous," Then, he got confused at something as the girl tilted her head. "um, who's Fuwa?"

Hikaru and Bumblebee gave them closed-eyed smiles as Hikaru spoke. "It's her name!"

"Fuwa!" Fuwa smiled.

This made him shocked about. "You can't just make up names like that!" The jellyfish yelled at her.

"She does have a name," The tall woman said. Hikaru looks up at her.

"Really?" Hikaru asked her. The tall woman nodded at that.

"Yes," The jellyfish then jumps up on her shoulder and smiled with pride. "her name is Spegasus Pulalan Mofpit Prinsewink!" He proudly said.

Hikaru and Bumblebee blinked at that. "Wow, that's long. Fuwa is fine!"

"WWHHHAAA!" The jellyfish shouts in confusion and shock. This, however, makes the two females of the other group giggled and chuckled, liking the face he had. Hikaru and Bumblebee smiled at that.

Hikaru walks over to them and stops in front of them. "I'm Hikaru, Hoshina Hikaru." She said, pointing to herself.

The girl looked at her confused, but she smiled and points at herself as well. "Lala." She looks up at the other tall woman and she knees down and looks at her.

"I'm Windblade." She introduced herself, smiling.

Hikaru smiled at that. "Those are cute names." She complimented.

The jellyfish jumps off Windblade's shoulder and stood in front of her. "And I am Prunce, you see." He winked at Hikaru.

"And that name not so much..." She sweats dropped. Windblade chuckled at that before she stood up and looks at Bumblebee with a serious look.

"Now that introductions are done," Windblade said, before facing Bumblebee. "what I want to know is; what are you doing here, on Earth?"

Bumblebee raised an eyebrow and puts his hands on his hips. ~ What are you doing here? ~

Now Windblade can work with this. "The same thing you're doing," She starts. "we're searching for the Pretty Cures, and Spegasus Pulalan-"

"Fuwa!" Fuwa squealed out. Windblade sighed.

"-and 'Fuwa'," She corrected herself.

~ Pretty Cure... Fuwa ~ Bumblebee tilted his helm as he used his radio recording to say about his confusion.

"Yes, don't you remember?" Windblade said impatiently.

~ Are they superheroes?! ~ Bumblebee said.

"What? No, their-"

~ Are they... warriors?! ~

"No, Bee yo-"

~ Are they- ~

"Bumblebee stop!" Windblade shouted, frustrated by this sparklingish act she thinks he's playing. Bumblebee stopped, Hikaru and Lala stood there most surprised by this.

"Do you know where the Autobots are? The Star Princesses? Do you even remember Cybertron? " She shouted out.

~ Uhhh... no?... maybe? ... What do you think ~ Bumblebee shrugged. Windblade sighed at this before an idea came into her mind.

"Do you remember anything?" She asked. Bumblebee thought for a moment, then he smiled at her and then pointed at Hikaru. Windblade looked back at Bumblebee confused as to what he meant.

Hikaru blinked at this for a moment, then her eyes lit up in understanding. She smiled back at him before facing Windblade. "I think he's trying to say that he found me a long time ago, he didn't really remember his name so I thought of the first thing that came to mind, Bumblebee." She explained to her. Windblade sighed at that, she was confused by this more or less but she knew that she had to have a clear helm in his situation.

"Well, we really need to figure this out," Windblade said.

Fuwa looks around as the femme talked with Lala standing next to Hikaru and Prunce now at Windblades side, then Fuwa thought she had seen something in the sky a minute ago. She looked at the sky again and looked closely, she saw a little dot came into view.

Hikaru looks over at Fuwa before she sees something in the distance. "Hey what's that?" She asked. Windblade turns around and Bumblebee, Lala, and Prunce looked over and then the dot became into view and they saw that it was a blue jet with red outlines flying towards them.

"A fighting jet? What's it doing here?" Hikaru wondered.

~ Is that a friend? ~ Bumblebee asked Windblade.

"No friends of mine transforms into that." She replied. Right after she side that, the jet transformed into a mech and he went towards Fuwa but Windblade blocked him and she was sent back.

"Windblade! Oyo!" Both Prunce and Lala cried. Windblade went on her knees as she looked back at the mech and growled, and the mech growled back. The mech then raced towards the group but Windblade opened up her back to reveal her winds and she pulled out a sword. She swings at him but the mech kicked her back, Windblade swings more but the mech kept dodging until the mech kicked her stomach and she was pulled back.

"Oh, no!" Hikaru said with her eyes widen in fright.

"You can do it, Windblade!" Prunce said.

Windblade and the mech rushed at each other but the mech had punched her back and she landed on her aft and had her sword land a far from her. She tried to grab it but the mech was running towards her so she stood up and held her servos up.

The mech lunged at her with a punch but she dodged and managed to elbow him in the faceplates. The mech didn't take that lightly and punched her in the faceplates too and Windblade kicked him and the mech stumbles a bit before he pushed her which sent her tumbling down and hits on her side.

"Windblade!" Her friends cried in shock.

Windblade tried to get up but she was too weak to get up. Then, the mech turned to them and the group froze. He grinned evilly and walks towards them. The group took a step back and Bumblebee held his arm in front of them as the mech was a few feet away from them.

"Just hand the creature over, scout. It will make things easier." The mech said. Bumblebee narrowed his optics, Lala growled and steps in front of the mech with her arms out and shouts. "Lulu! Lu lu lu lu!"

The mech growled back at her and he raised his fist. Lala braced herself for the impact, but it never came. She hears a gasp from Hikaru and Prunce. She opens her eyes and looks up to see Bumblebee holding the mech's fist.

~ Don't... hurt her ~ He said harshly at the mech.

The mech looks back at him in surprise but he snarled and flung him off and he rolls until he lands right next to the edge. Windblade gasped when she saw the mech take her sword and walks over to Bumblebee so she tried to stand but she couldn't as Lala and the others were right by her.

The mech held the sword high and ran towards him. "Bumblebee!" Windblade and Hikaru cried as Fuwa hugged Hikaru's chest as she was held tightly. Bumblebee looks over at Thundercracker, then a quick flash had occurred to him.

A flash... A zap...

Bumblebee quickly got to his peds. He held his arm out and Hikaru was shocked to see him transforming his servo into a stinger-like weapon made out of an energy of sort. It was quick but she could see it in time, Windblade did as well while Lala and Prunce thought it was too quick to see.

A quick as a flash, Bumblebee zapped the mech behind him and he was neutralized. Windblade sighed in relief as Prunce pulls out a little ball and it transforms into a little saucer and he rides on it as he helps Windblade up with Lala.

She watches as Hikaru runs over towards Bumblebee and hugs his ped. Windblade got to her peds and brushed off any dirt as Bumblebee walks over to the group with Hikaru next to her. She looks at Bumblebee as he admires the weapon he carried.

"Well, at least you remember your stinger," Windblade said as she placed her servos on her hips. Bumblebee stares at the stingers in awe as he swings at it.

"Amazing!" Hikaru squealed as she stares at the stingers with excitement.

The mech meanwhile struggled to break free. Then, he broke free suddenly and stumbles on his feet. He looks around frantically until his optics layed on the group. He narrowed his optics and runs towards them. The group saw him coming and Windblade stepped in front of them.

"Back off Thundercracker!" She growled and used her molded fans to send a burst of wind towards Thundercracker which flew him off his peds and released the sword, Thundercracker stumbles as he stood over the edge of the cliff. Windblade ran up to him quickly and kicked him in the stomach and he fell off the cliff. Windblade held her servo up and caught her sword without looking.

Everyone behind her was surprised by the display before them. Hikaru grinned with amazement as her eyes lit up like fireworks from Windblade's performance. "Twincool~!" She said as she and the others walk over to her. But Windblade wasn't as happy as everyone was, Lala could see that by the look on her face-plate.

"Thundercracker can't have gone here all by himself." Said Prunce as he floated next to Windblade.

"You're right Prunce," Windblade says as she puts her sword away. "if there's one seeker, there may be more." She looks over at them. "We need to go, I have an idea that may help us but first we have someplace safe."

Windblade jumped into the air and transformed into a red jet. Bumblebee did the same and transformed into his yellow car form. Once he finished, Hikaru and Fuwa went inside of him while Lala and Prunce went inside of Windblade. And then the group headed off at high speed through the desert.

As they were driving or flying, Hikaru started to ask her own questions to Windblade. "So... what are these Decepticons?"

"Decepticons? You've never heard of them? Bumblebee didn't tell you?" She said in denial.

"Bee has amnesia remember." Said Hikaru.

"Right, right," Windblade mumbled before she answered. "never trust a Decepticon."


"Well... they're deceptive." Replied Windblade. Then, she sees something in her scans. "wait... over there. Solid rock makes for a good cover." The two drive over to the cannons. Windblade lands down and lets Lala and Prunce out before she transforms.

"Lala, you and I are gonna see if there are any Decepticons nearby, Prunce, you ." She said to them before she pulls up a tracker and looks over it. Lala did the same thing with her AI, while the two did that, Bumblebee rolls in and pulls up a few feet from them. Bumblebee opens the doors and Hikaru jumps out with Fuwa flying up next to her as Bumblebee transforms behind them.

"That was awesome! I can't wait when we go home!" Hikaru says excitedly, Fuwa giggles at that. Then, she sees a mine over at the large rock so she flew over to it. She looks at the darkness inside. Hikaru noticed this and walks over to her with Bumblebee behind her.

"It's just an empty hole guys," Windblade mumbled as she worked.

"It's a mine, Windblade," Hikaru corrected her as she watches Fuwa floating towards the entrance.

"Fuwa?" Fuwa asked. Bumblebee shook his helm.

~ Not safe to go in ~ He tells her. Fuwa looks up at him with interest. ~ Hikaru... told me that ~

"Oooh!" Fuwa said with glee. Then, Windblade turned off her scanner once she didn't pick up anything. She looks over at Lala.

"Have you found anything?" She asked her. Lala looked up at her and shook her head.

"Lulun lun." Replied her. Windblade sighed at this, she was getting nothing out of this. She could afford to spend the time wasted, she has to do this to locate the Autobots and find the legendary warriors of the universe before the Decepticons find out about Fuwa.

"I have to make this quick," She says to her. Prunce saw this and he was unsure of the idea that Windblade had in mind, he was worried about the consequences if Windblade wasn't too careful.

"Uh Windblade, maybe you shouldn't do this," He says to her, a bit unsure. "it's been vorns and it could do something to-"

"I know what I'm doing Prunce, trust me," Windblade told him.

"But Wind-"

"Trust me." Windblade cut him off. Prunce frown at this, but he obeyed, knowing Windblade might still do it either way. And without the right things, there will be no telling what Windblade's ability could do to her or Bumblebee. Windblade sees that Prunce complied she knows that she was looking out for her but she needs to do this here and now.

She walks over towards Bumblebee and his human friend, Hikaru, and Fuwa who were all sitting down on the ground and were looking over at the constellations from Hikaru's book. The three looked over at her curiously.

Windblade knelt down in front of them. "Bumblebee, Hikaru, please. I need you to listen carefully," Both of them were confused, Hikaru didn't know what Windblade was gonna say. But she had a feeling this was gonna get sad very fast.

"we've known each other for a very long time," Windblade tells Bumblebee. She places her servo over her spark as she smiled sadly at him. "we're good friends. Don't you remember any of that?"

Hikaru's eyes widen in shock after hearing that, she couldn't believe it. Windblade was Bumblebee's friend back then, and a really close friend if she was searching and concerned about him this whole time. Hikaru always wonders about Bumblebee's origins about his kind and his amnesia, she wanted to spend time with him as much as she could with him.

Hikaru looks at Bumblebee, he pondered as he thought and thought. But he couldn't remember where he had seen this Windblade before. He has been around Hikaru for a long while but even with her, he couldn't place a finger on it.

He gave Windblade an unsure shrug. ~ No... sorry ~

Windblade sighed as she pinched her nose impatiently. "Oh, Primus help me..." He muttered to herself, sho she'll have to go with plan B then. "okay, I want to try something."

"We bots record everything we experienced, it's all in our memory files," She explains to them. "Bumblebee's files might be a little scrambled."

"So what do you think will help him remember?" Hikaru asked.

"I'm going to enter his mind using this," Windblade pulls out a big pair of scissors from behind her. Hikaru, Fuwa, and Bumblebee screamed in terror at the sight of them.

Windblade jumped back in surprise before she looks at her servo and realized what she was holding. "Oops, no that's not right, sorry," She chuckled before she switched them with the transline she's gonna use. Hikaru sighed in relief before looking up at Windblade calmly as she walks in front of Bumblebee. Windblade connects the line behind Bumblebee's neck cable.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Hikaru asked, unsure about what Windblade was doing.

"I've done before," Windblade told her. Hikaru just gives her a strange look as she connects the other line to hers. "it won't hurt him a bit."

Fuwa looks over at the two Autobots curiously, she saw Windblade closing her eyes and she was concentrating. Then, the symbols over her eyes began to glow while Bumblebee was confused as to what is happening. Then, she felt a strange aura around herself and Windblade as she looks at her.

Windblade concentrated long and hard as images were popping inside her processor. She gasped from a jolting shock before she finds herself in Bumblebee's mind. It was really wide with multiple polygon screens all around herself.

But what frightened her was there was a lot of screens that were disconnected and were now nothing but blanks. Some screens were on, but they were mostly not connected to what she wanted. There were so many things that were presented in front of her as an image of the Decepticon leader Megatron was moving towards her. She was so frightened by the sight.

Outside of the mind, something was going wrong. Sparks were coming from both ends as the two bots were grunting in pain. Hikaru was frightened by the sight in front of her as Prunce tries to disconnect the cables.

"Lun lulun lun!" Lala says frankly as Prunce tries to pull.

"I'm trying!" He shouted as he tugs again. Fuwa was scared at this too as Hikaru was pulling her close to her chest, then she felt a strong energy approaching and she squeezed her eyes shut and she yelled in fright.

"What's doing on?!" Hikaru yelled in fear before she heard a scream of pain and turns her attention to see Windblade down on her knees as she clutches her helm in pain. Lala and Prunce backed away from her in terror before the two ran back.

"We gotta hide!" Prunce yelled as Lala was behind him. Hikaru quickly followed them as they ran to reach a rock. She was haft way there when she tripped on a rock while she ran, she yelped as Fuwa was thrown off and she rolled back.

"Lun!" Lala shouted and picked up Fuwa, she tried to run back to get Hikaru but Prunce pulls her behind the rock.

Hikaru quickly sits up and tries to stand but she the scrape on her knee from the impact. She turns around to see if Bumblebee was gonna be alright, but she was sent back by some sort of wave of energy. She felt that energy and electricity running through herself before she fell and became unconscious. The energy wave knocked Bumblebee back and he hit the wall hard and was knocked out. Lala and Prunce braced themselves as Fuwa was held protectively in Lala's arms. Windblade was then fell.

Lala and Prunce looked over the rock and looked around to make sure if the wave was gone, then they raced towards the three on the ground. Lala went over to Hikaru as she placed Fuwa down. Prunce flew towards Bumblebee and Windblade, checking if the two of them had fried their processors.

"Lun lun?" Lala asked Prunce with concern.

"They're gonna be alright, they're just unconscious," Prunce sighed before he turned his attention to Hikaru and he flew towards her.

Lala looks up at him with worry. "Lun lu lun lun?"

Prunce looks over at Hikaru. "I have to see what that blast wave does to humans," He tells her as he tacks a scanner from his saucer and starts scanning her.

"~Fuwa..." Fuwa was worried for Hikaru as she floats next to her face and nuzzled it.

But that blast of energy wasn't the only thing that they had to worry about. Elsewhere, Thundercracker had come back and was flying in the sky through the cannons, but he wasn't alone. Flying right beside him was a purple jet just like him.

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry about to long-awaited update for this crossover, I've been working on adoptions of the Precure and TF crossovers with different precures and different TF franchise that I can't hold in my head for much longer.

I also had to think about what I'm gonna do in the second season, like what I'm gonna do with Cure Soleil and Cure Selene, who will be their guardian, and what will happen when the Star Princesses are revived, and whether Yuni will disguise herself as a Decepticon or a minicon.

All in due time people.

So anyway, hope your day or night is well and I'll see you all later.

Love, Follow, and Comment on the story!