Chapter 05 Nick knows the truth
Quanktumspirit: "I thought this story was as clear as day? Well... obviously not. But I know how to answer the question. Anyhow, I hope this chapter will turn out better. Oh and please, think of the animals' ages similar to us humans, I know rabbits don't live really that long. Or any animal for that matter."
Back with Nick.
Nick, Little Loco and Benny Squint were guided back to their cells, Nick collapsed on his bed and stared shocked towards the ceiling. He was sure these polar bears were actually after this Larry Wilde, his father was deceased years ago and Larry took over after their father's passing his criminal empire. If he understood them correctly.
And the CCTV and scans in the police station weren't completely wrong, he is Larry's twin brother. Though... Nick tried thinking as far back as he could, but he couldn't think back in ever seeing Larry in his life before.
Nick sighed, "So this means, me and Larry were separated at birth..."
That explains why his mother was sometimes sad, she was sad because he reminds her of his own father or even his brother.
Little Loco and Benny Squint didn't speak anymore, since their own interviews, they were as silent as ever. Nick was gritting his teeth and banged against his wall to get their attention.
"Benny Squint and Little Loco, is this it? Are you two just going to give up and let these polar bears freeze your tails off until we die?" Nick asked them.
Benny looked up and towards the wall, "What can we do Nick? These walls are at least three feet thick, even if we would collect enough urine to melt the ice blocks, we are at least two hundred thousand feet above nothing then more ice. We'd freeze to death before we can send for help."
"Actually Benny, I have sent for help, Larry knows about our predicament and where we are." Little Loco smirked, "I sent him the SOS out a few day's ago."
"Then where is Larry?" Benny snapped, "If he knows we are captured then why isn't he getting his fox tail over here to free us?"
"I've got several questions to him too." Nick said nodding his head, "Maybe Larry is a selfish fox, who only thinks about himself and wouldn't care if his teammates get killed off or not."
"DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT!" Benny screamed at Nick, "Larry is anything but selfish Nick! I've worked with him for years and he never puts himself before anyone else! Every living being is precious to him that Larry would even get harmed himself before he lets another be hurt!"
"You two, shut up and stop arguing." Little Loco snapped, "We are now in this problem and the only thing we can do is wait!"
All 3 animals sighed, they knew it was true and there was nothing they could do about it.
Back with 'Nick'.
The fake Nick has finished his Police work as he taught himself, but just as he reached Nick's home, he saw a letter in his post box, blinking he pulled it out of the box and almost screamed. His real name was revealed on the envelope.
Quickly looking around the area, 'Nick' sprinted inside the house and opened the envelope carefully, he wanted to make sure it was no bomb to kill him, though if it were he wouldn't have cared.
Inside the envelope was a letter and a USB stick.
The letter said the following: Stop pretending faker. We know the truth, we have your partner Benny Squint and your boss Little Loco. As well as your clone the REAL Nick Wilde. Come to the train station of Thundratown, DON'T INVOLVE THE POLICE IN THIS! If you do, your clone will die. Signed: Black Night.
'Nick' was trembling in himself, 'No... no, it can't be true... but this is a tuff of Nick's fur, I'd recognise it anywhere... but how can I get him out of there? I know for a fact that the Black Night isn't a small band of animals but hundreds of thousands of animals... Let's see what the USB stick has to deliver.'
He opened the computer and stuck it in, there was a video file which he activated. Gasping 'Nick' saw that a fox, rabbit and an arctic fox were tied to some chairs and Polar bears were standing around them. The bears were hitting the three animals and laughing at the fact they were hurting these animals.
Then the camera suddenly turned and a voice spoke out: "You have until midnight, before Nick, Benny and Little Loco freeze to death, get running Foxy."
'Haha. But that leaves me.' 'Nick' thought and looked to the clock, '5 hours.'
It was only 7 PM for now. He knew he will need Judy's help to get his brother out of there. And hopefully, Judy will listen and not try to kill him or arrest him.
'Nick' raced in the car as fast as he could up to Judy's home, luckily the satnav still works in Nick's car, or he would have never found it. As he was parked outside her home, he saw it was now 7:20, only 4 hours and 40 minutes left.
Quickly 'he' ran up the stairs and rang her doorbell.
Upstairs, lying on her couch and munching on a packet of carrot stick's, Judy Hopps blinked as she heard her doorbell ring, strange she wasn't expecting any visitors.
Shrugging her shoulders, Judy placed the carrot sticks on the side of the couch and walked to hit the buzzer. She heard the downstairs door open and someone was running up the stairs at a fast pace before her door received a knock.
"Judy I know you are home, please open up." Judy heard Nick's voice coming through the door.
Judy smiled and opened up, "Hi Nick, what's wrong? Why are you visiting me?"
'Nick' just quickly walked inside it, closed her door and locked them in and panted a bit after running so fast. Judy just smiled and approached the fox to give him a tight hug.
But he didn't hug her back, he instead put his hands in front to stop her. Judy looked hurt and shocked at her partner and lover.
"Nick, what's wrong? Did you run all this way just to see me?" Judy giggled, "You know we can just talk over the phone or see each other at work."
"I know Judy..." 'Nick' panted, "B... but I couldn't tell you this over the phone, I had to see you for you to believe me..."
Judy tilted her head to the side, "Believe you in what?"
'Nick' trembled a bit, well now or never. Judy made him sit down and got for them both something to drink to calm him down. The fox thought it over and nodded his head, he then faced Judy with honesty flooding his eyes for the first time.
"J... Judy. As I was at the police station: I recognised the Wanted poster instantly... Judy, I am that fox from the wanted poster. My real name is Larry Wilde." Larry finally said and burst his bubble of lies.
Judy blinked shocked and gasped, "W... what? All this time? Y... you've pretended to be my partner and lover Nick?"
Larry bowed his head down, "Y... yes. I only did it, because my own work was involved in stopping other criminals who were a threat and danger to Zootopia. But I couldn't find the information anywhere, then the police station."
"Wait, if you are here Larry." Judy said and spat his name with disgust, "Then where is Nick? The REAL Nick right now?"
"That's the problem, Judy. Nick got involved with my own partner called: Benny Squint and my boss Little Loco. We've been battling an opponent animal gang known as The black Nights. And they have found the three animals and are holding them prisoner, right now. They are in a prison cell in Thundra Town and are expecting me to get down there to free them." Larry explained. "But I can't do it without back up. I've watched Nick's videos and saw how much he trusts you, Judy, if Nick can trust you, I will put my hope in you too. But I'll understand if you don't want to help, after everything I've put you through."
Judy blinked and let everything run through her mind, the case was solved, this was the real Larry Wilde in front of her. Judy knew her service was out to have him arrested and placed into custody, but the way Larry said her REAL partner Nick was in danger, and he knew how to get him out...
Judy sighed, "Ok, I'll help you, under three conditions."
Larry nodded his head and Judy counted them up.
"One, you get yourself into your normal costume and not Nick's clothes, I can imagine you don't like wearing them. Two, we get Jack Savage and Sky Winter into the boat as back up and help to get Nick and the others out of there. And last, once we get Nick back, you, Little Loco and Benny Squint will all be placed into custody, and don't run again or try anything funny. Got it?" Judy snapped.
Larry nodded his head, "Agreed, thank you Miss Hopps."
Judy nodded her head and she and Larry got ready to get Nick back home. Jack Savage and Sky Winters were informed and they agreed to go right away.
Only ten minutes later the four animals were accounted for, Larry packed a bag with some fresh clothes and a winter coat for Nick to wear and he himself switched back over into his old dark blue suit. Then Judy started the car and all four animals drove together down to Thundra Town.
Once there, Larry typed into his iPhone the code and it gave Judy directions to an old abandoned prison centre on the outer edge of Thundra Town. The drive took them almost fifty minutes, but once the four got there, they waited in the car and looked over to the building.
"So..." Jack Savage said looking at the massive block of ice, "The REAL Nick Wilde is imprisoned in that massive ice block?"
Larry nodded his head, thinking over he was trying to work out in which cell his 'brother' was trapped in.
Sky Winters looked up and back at Larry, "Any idea which?"
"If I did then I wouldn't be counting the windows up in my head." Larry sneered a bit, "There is only one way for it, climb up the wall and look through each and every window."
"Ok, I got four walkie talkies, we will use them to communicate with each other, the one who finds the window funk the others over. I'll search the Northside of the building, Larry you take the Eastside, Sky the South and Jack the Westside. Once one of us finds them then inform the others." Judy explained.
Larry stopped them before they got into position: "But also look out for my partner Benny Squint the rabbit and Little Loco the arctic fox, they are among the prisoners too."
"Oh, so we are freeing three animals," Jack said nodding his head. "Another rabbit, an arctic fox and a forest fox, noted."
"Into positions and remain quiet," Sky Winters said pointing at the building.
With that, all four animals walked to one side of the building, swung the hooks up and started their long climb and search for the three animals...
But after the eights checked over the window's they all realised the same thing: All windows were boarded shut, they couldn't see anything inside it. Quickly Judy funked her team.
"Guys everything is shut, re-meet at the top of the building."
With a flash all animals began the climb onto the roof, once arrived Judy glared over at Larry.
"I thought you said-" Judy was about to snap.
Just then Larry grabbed her by her mouth and held it shut, his ears were picking up something, someone was singing.
"What does the fox say? Yappa, yappa, yappa do, yappa, yappa do, yappa, yappa, yappa do-"
Larry gritted his teeth, "The most diminishing song for any fox, so it means Nick and my two companions can't be too far..."
By now, Sky and Jack the Jack Rabbit were at Larry and Judy's side, Larry scanned around the rooftop and saw a sky window in the roof that no one checked yet, Jack carefully grabbed the window, opened it further and peeped his head through it.
Snickering he saw the arctic cells holding his two friends and his brother. He got out of the hole and nodded his head.
"Found them." Larry snickered.
Judy nodded next; the four animals all grabbed hooks and hung themselves down onto a frozen beam above the cells. Right in the centre.
Interestingly these cells were not barded by a roof, but strip poles being placed oddly round the place.
'This place is easier to break out than the normal Zootopia police station.' Judy thought, shaking her head.
The animals were standing above the three used cells in the ice building.
"Who are these other two animals again?" Jack asked.
Larry rolled his eyes, "Nick Wilde is under Judy, I'm above my friend Benny Squint the rabbit and you are freeing my boss Little Loco. Got it?"
Just then, the three imprisoned animals all looked up and saw the other three animals looking down upon them.
Benny beamed and silently mouthed: 'Larry.'
Larry nodded and pointed to his lips to remain quiet. Then he made a sign for Benny to check if the three animals were alone.
Benny quickly looked around the place, before looking back up, nodding his head and giving him the ok sign.
"Ok, get going," Larry said.
Judy, Larry and Jack Savage started melting the ice above the cells with their pee. It took quite a while, but after a while the three had three perfectly big holes in the ceiling.
They hooked themselves up, lowered into the cells, made the three prison inmates remain quiet and the six quickly fleed back together on the roof.
After the last prison inmate was freed, they all escaped Thundra Town together, travelling further they decided to head back to Zootopia City centre and wait in front of the police station.
As they got there, Nick and 'Nick' 2 were standing after a long while face to face of each other, each still in the other's costume.
"So." The real and recently freed Nick said facing the other, "You must be this Larry Wilde that turned up in the Police dater base. Right?"
The fox smiled, "You got it Nick, and yes. My real name is Larry Dezi Wilde actually. And yes Nick, I'm your twin brother."
Judy blinked, "So, can someone tell me the entire story?"
"I can Miss Hopps." Larry smirked, "On November 12th, 1989, me: Larry Dezi Wilde and Nicholas Piperius 'Nick' Wilde were both born to Mr and Mrs Wilde. As far as I've learned from my father he divorced our mother shortly after our births and claimed full ownership of me, mainly because I was born first. We moved around places and I learnt at the age of 6 months that my dad was running this gang known as Ink. He put me into their schooling system, taught me how to use a gun and so on until I was one of the best double spies at the school. But... at the age of 15 - years, dad was killed, please tell me, Nick, you've read the newspaper report?"
Nick nodded, he quickly explained to Judy what it was about and she nodded, then she looked back over to Larry.
Larry smiled and continued, "After I've heard of his death, and then read it in the newspaper I kept it as a reminder of our father. But I was also unsure of my future, I didn't know where mum lived since dad moved so much around with me, so after dad's funeral, Little Loco approached me. He told me everything about my father, and that he was asked by him: if something were to happen to him, that he'd take over the guardianship of me. I accepted and he brought me up ever since, sent me to a high school, taught me to read, write, calculate and how to use weapons. At the age of 18, I was then deemed intelligent and fit enough to take on tasks, but I had to have a partner, in case one of us were to get into trouble, that was when I met Benny Squint, age back then just 19 years old. We were sent on a few easy missions first, then they became harder and harder, but we never backed off each other. We became partners, best friends and we trust each other. On a few missions, one or both of us were seriously hurt and it is just thanks to the other that we still walk the earth to this date. I know what we were doing was wrong, but it was in the long run to stop even more dangerous crooks."
Nick nodded his head, it made sense, but he then looked very hurt at his brother.
"But... I know mum was informed over dad's death, but why did you never return home? I'm sure she would have loved to have you back home." Nick asked. "As would I."
"Truth be told Nick: Dad advised me not to go looking for mother. He taught me that: if our 'enemies' were to know about our families whereabouts then they would become the next targets. I had to swear never to ask about my mother ever again. I kept myself busy with running his double Agents job." Larry explained. "And at the beginning: Where we 'kidnapped' you Nick, I didn't even put any notice on that we looked similar to each other. We just needed to get into the Police station for the information. Heck, I didn't even notice that we shared the same surname, not until I met our mother on one of mine and Judy's visits."
"I got another question." Nick said, thinking that Larry got to see their mother, "Did she recognise you? Could she tell the difference?"
Larry chuckled and almost fell over, "No, never. I was a perfect imitation of you Nick, our mother never noticed a thing. Though at her house, I did find an ultrasound image of us both as baby cubs inside of her, so that became proof to me that you are my twin brother."
Nick blinked, "I never remember mum ever showing me any ultrasound images."
Larry snickered, he pulled his phone out and showed Nick the proof photo. Nick nodded his head, true.
"But even if I am your twin Nick." Larry said looking down and a bit upset, "I don't want you to stand up for me to stop my arrest, I've built up my life like that, and I want to sit my time off honestly."
"I understand." Nick said nodding his head.
He felt very sad, just then, Larry hugged his twin, and both men felt like their missing part in life was completed.
"Just promise me never to do anything as stupid as that ever again," Nick begged, looking at Larry.
Larry nodded his head, "I promise."
Larry then turned to Judy, Jack Savage and Sky Winter, "I think we have one last stop to take?"
Judy nodded her head, Larry didn't resist as Sky fastened his hands behind him and they lead him, Benny and Little Loco to the police van to drive back to the Zootopia police station.
About twenty minutes later, Judy called the other Police officers over. Everyone met up again in the meeting room, and Judy handed the REAL Larry Wilde, Benny Squint and Little Loco over.
Chief Bogo glared at the blue-suited fox, "So you are the real Larry Wilde? One of a few most wanted men in Zootopian History?"
"I am sir." Larry said nodding his head, "And I've learnt, that Nicholas Piperius Wilde is my Twin brother, that's why we look so similar to each other."
"Yes, we've been told." Chief Bogo said nodding to Judy.
"And we won't resist the arrest, we've buried our grave and now we have to ly in it," Larry said.
Benny and Little Loco both nodded their heads too. But Nick looked at his brother upset.
"Sir, before we put them in court, sentence and jail time... please; I want my mum to see him once more." Nick begged, "She is our mother and deserves to know her other son is still alive as well."
Chief Bogo gritted his teeth, but seeing that Larry and Nick helped to stop one of the most wanted gangs in this century, he gave them permission, unfastening Larry from his shackles.
"Ok, but only 48 hours, after the time is up Nick will hand Larry back to the Police station." Chief Bogo instructed.
Nick nodded his head, "I promise. Come, Larry."
Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde and Larry Wilde all got into Nick's normal car, Nick took the wheel, Judy next to him and Larry sat behind his brother.
The feeling of guilt was building up in Larry's chest, he was going to see his mother for a second time now, but she deserves to know the truth, that her twins have found themselves again.
A short while later the three were in front of Mrs Wilde's home once more. Nick faced his twin.
"Larry, wait in the car for a short while, I want to prepare our mother a bit before she sees you again," Nick instructed.
Larry nodded his head, he looked outside and watched the fox and rabbit walking up to Mrs Wilde's home. After Nick knocked against the door, it was opened and Larry saw his mother once more. He drove the police car's window down so he could listen in to their discussion, but pulled his head back to hide.
"Hi Nick, why are you back so suddenly?" Mrs Wilde asked, "Have you calmed down again?"
Nick blinked and had to resist to turn himself round to look at his brother confused.
"Um, I am fine, mother... but I found someone... that I want you to see. He wants to see you too." Nick said blushing a bit.
Mrs Wilde blinked, "Who? A new friend?"
Nick shook his head, "Mother, I've found my twin brother, Larry Dezi Wilde."
Mrs Wilde blinked as Nick turned to the police car, he gave a signal and Larry got out of the car, facing his mother once more.
Mrs Wilde gasped, covering her mouth and her blue eyes widened, looking at her second child in complete amazement.
"N... no way..." Mrs Wilde smiled and quickly ran up to him, but shortly before she stopped in front of him.
Larry blinked as Mrs Wilde stroked his head to see if she was seeing things, Larry shivered, but Mrs Wilde's tears streamed out of her eyes.
"L... Larry Dezi Wilde?" Mrs Wilde asked, addressing her son by his full name.
Larry blushed a bit, "Y... yes m... mama..."
Mrs Wilde hugged him tight to her chest and beamed over her face, "Oh... oh my god... Larry... Nick..."
Nick couldn't help either to let a few tears fall, Larry has long since let his tears run down his face as he embraced his mother. His mama who he hasn't seen since his birth, his mother who he believed to be dead for years. His mama was here hugging him.
After Mrs Wilde let her son go she smiled, "Please, please come in all of you, I want to know everything about your life, Larry."
But Larry stopped and looked over to Judy unsure, he was meant to be arrested, but she just motioned to the door, he did have a few hours free. Larry nodded and he followed Nick, Judy and Mrs Wilde into her home.
After everyone had another drink, Nick sitting next to Judy and his mother and Larry was offered Mrs Wilde's normal chair. They sat down and watched Mrs Wilde putting the fire on.
After they had a bit to drink, Larry knew he has a long story to explain to Nick and Mrs Wilde.
"So, Larry. How was your life with your father? Before his death?" Mrs Wilde asked.
Larry sighed, "It was an interesting life mother. After he divorced you and moved out, we never settled. Dad's job was being a private investigator and he stopped hundreds of criminals around Zootopia. He owns homes in: Savanna Central, Sahara Square, Thundratown, Rainforest District, the only places he was never needed was Little Rodentia and Bunnyburrow's. We lived in each house approximately for half a month, before we had to move again. By keeping us on the move dad was avoiding the wraths of his enemy gang's as he stopped them. He homeschooled me, taught me everything I had to learn and how to shoot as well... but... I'm sure you know... dad was killed as me and Nick were 2 years old."
Larry sighed and had a drink, just thinking back to his father's death he felt his heart twist in his chest.
Mrs Wilde nodded her head, "I see... but why didn't you come home? I was and am still your mother, you could have lived with me and Nick again."
"I could have; mother." Larry said nodding his head, "But my father has always told me, that his job was so dangerous if his enemies would discover he had a mate and a child, to which I thought he meant me and not me and Nick, that you'd be constantly under attack. So his will implied that his company would take care of my upbringing and his finances were all transferred to me too."
Larry had to pause to whip a few more tears, "So I had to clean a bit up in his own files. I was raised by various animal 'sitters', at least 4 different caretakers per month. As I was schooled in and learn how to survive, I graduated with a good school report. Then as I was about to find myself a job, an arctic fox, Little Loco, found me. He told me more stuff about dad and then gave me the job as a double spy too. I went onto various tasks, and didn't think about my mother ever again."
"I was just living a 'normal' life here in Zootopia." Mrs Wilde explained, "And I wanted to find you again after I heard about your father's death, but no one could tell me anything about you. Only that I should drop it and moan the death of Augustus and leave it be."
"I'm sorry I never tried to find you, mother." Larry sighed still keeping his head bowed, "But life just caught up to me, and my job kept me busy. Plus I was also worried, with the enemies dad has built up over the years and the enemies I've gained over my job, that they could find out about you and have you killed as revenge against me."
Mrs Wilde rolled her eyes, "I can take care of myself, Larry. I'm just happy that you are alive as well."
Larry nodded, happy that his mother knows now the truth, but just as he saw Mrs Wilde getting up she faced Judy.
"How much would it be to bail L-" Mrs Wilde was about to ask.
"Mother no. I agreed to the arrest, I want to sort the identity complication with Nick out, I don't want to be bailed out for the stupidity that dad's job dragged me through over the years." Larry said, stopping his mother, he then hugged her as Mrs Wilde cried once more in his embrace, "But no matter how many years I've built up, Mrs Wilde, you will always be my mother."
Mrs Wilde had no choice but to accept, but before Judy and Nick could take Larry into custody, Mrs Wilde gained an idea.
"Wait a sec, Nick and Larry, sit back down. I got an idea." Mrs Wilde suddenly smiled.
The three blinked and watched Mrs Wilde go to her cupboard, she pulled a camera out and handed it to Judy.
"Judy, can you please take an official family photo of us three?" Mrs Wilde asked, "Then we three can have a memory for eternity."
Judy agreed, she took the camera, Mrs Wilde sat in the middle, Larry Wilde to her left and Nick Wilde to her right. As they all were seated decently, and Nick stopping his twin brother from placing rabbit ears over their mother, Judy took three snapshots.
The films printed out automatic from the camera and Judy handed the three photographs. Mrs Wilde grabbed her old family album and placed it after the photographs of Nick's childhood. Larry and Nick both smiled a bit before they placed it into their own purses.
"But now, Nick we got one last task to do." Judy sighed, "Larry you promised."
Larry nodded, he hugged Mrs Wilde again and he, Nick and Judy left her home. Before they left Mrs Wilde smiled at her youngest son.
"Larry... no matter how your future will turn, you can always come back here, I'll set a room back up for you. You'll never have to live on the street." Mrs Wilde smiled.
Larry chuckled a bit, "Thanks, mum."
The three then left all over again. Mrs Wilde sighed, closed her door before looking back to her new family photograph. Wishing nothing more than to keep Larry and Nick with herself forever. But they both have their own lives now, she shouldn't meddle with them anymore.
The four animals drove all the way back to the Zootopia police department. Judy phoned Jack Savage and Sky Winters up as well to meet them over there.
A short while later, the Police head office was filled with all the Police officers once more, with Judy, Jack Savage, Nick and Larry Wilde, Benny Squint and Little Loco. The three 'criminals' all stood to one side and Judy made sure they all had hand shells over their paws, to prevent any resistance over their arrests.
Chief Bogo walked up to them and looked at the warrant list, he looked up and checked all three animals over, it was true all three were wanted for various crimes, mostly the same as one another.
"I'm impressed Miss Hopps, Mr Wilde, Mr Savage and Miss Winters. You've solved the case." Chief Bogo smiled nodding his head.
Jack rolled his eyes, "It was all Judy's doing, she managed to put the puzzle together quite quickly."
"More like I've confessed to my true identity," Larry said rolling his eyes.
Chief Bogo glared at the fox, "And you promise to go to prison with no resistance?"
"I do Mr Bogo," Larry said nodding his head.
But Nick shook his head, "Mr Bogo, it's not fair. It was mainly through Larry's upbringing which lead him, Little Loco and Benny Squint onto the path of crime. If we lock all three up, they'd never learn from their mistakes that way. May I give a proposition for them?"
Larry, Benny and Little Loco blinked, a proposition?
Nick's proposition was, that Little Loco, Benny Squint and Larry Wilde should give up all the names of the 'Black Night' group, that they were fighting, eighty other animals were arrested, mainly for murder and cruelty to other animals, as well as interrogation under cruel methods.
With the Black Nights arrested, Nick managed to persuade the judge to let Little Loco, Benny Squint and Larry Wilde go off scot-free and to let them do community work, which was basically picking up rubbish around Zootopia for the next 2 years.
Larry, Benny and Little Loco all were smiling as wildly as they could, though they had to agree to give up their guns and not be a criminal gang ever again, only close friends.
Nick went even further than that, he got for the three a home, from the inheritance of Augustinus Wilde, Larry Wilde was clever in investing it in various Zootopian schemes which turned him in the years he's never touched it into a millionaire, so the three could settle in three different homes in Zootopia.
One day, about a week after Nick's record was cleared, Larry asked his twin brother to meet up with him in a cafe in Zootopia, without Judy. Nick agreed and both brothers sat down with a mug of hot tea and some biscuits to eat.
"Why did you want to see me?" Nick asked his twin. "Is something wrong?"
Larry nodded his head, "For starters Nick, I want to thank you and Judy for helping my friends and me out of the criminal circle, and for sparing us of the prison time."
"Of course I'd help you, Larry, you are my brother." Nick smiled. "We are family."
"True." Larry said blushing a bit, "The other thing is... When are you planning on asking Judy for her paw in marriage? I can see you two truly love each other. And I also saw the proposal ring in your safe at your home. I promise its still there Nick."
Nick sighed and blushed hard, "I know; I bought the ring several months before this entire double identity case happened Larry,... but the biggest problem for me is to find the right words to tell her how much she means to me, and how much I love her."
"Well let me give you some advice our father once told me; it's not how you say it, Nick, just say it honestly and from the heart," Larry explained. "I know she loves you just as much Nick, she just needs reassurance from you."
Nick blushed and looked over to Judy, who was eating her dinner at the moment. Nick turned back to his brother and he handed him the ring box, he did nip it from the safe. Nodding his head, Larry pointed over to Nick's love.
"Go one, ask her," Larry smirked. "Or should me and my friends play a 'proposal' song for you two?"
Nick rolled his eyes, no he doesn't need a proposal song.
Larry snickered and went to the table where his friends were waiting for him. Nick sighed before approaching Judy.
With Larry.
Larry bought himself some coconut water to drink and sat next to his two friends, snickering as Little Loco and Benny Squint looked at their old-time friend.
"Larry, what did you do?" Benny asked his friend suspiciously, "You don't usually smile that hard; unless you were up to something."
"Oh, nothing." Larry snickered, "Just keep your focus on Nick and Judy for now."
Benny and Little Loco blinked but did as Larry told them. Nick was in the meantime sitting with Judy at a table, and he looked back nervously at his brother.
Benny and Little Loco blinked as they saw Larry making a long finger and ring movement on it, before nodding his head for Nick to get on with it. And a good luck sign, Nick nodded.
As Nick sat next to his girlfriend, Judy smiled at her boyfriend.
"I'm hoping you are 100% the REAL Nick Wilde and not his twin," Judy asked playfully whiles looking at the red fox.
Nick chuckled a bit, "Yes Judy, to 100% I am the real Nick Wilde."
Judy smiled at her partner and then sat on his lap, not too long and the two started making out again and kissing very romanticly.
Judy snickered and smirked, "Yup, my foxy boyfriend for sure. You are one heck of a lover, my dear."
"Only yours Judy, from now until the end of our times." Nick smiled, but then he looked down.
He looked a bit up and saw his brother waving at Judy and for him to stop chicking out of it.
"Nick." Judy suddenly began and looked at him nervously.
Nick sighed and placed two fingers on her lips, "Judy... this is a very important moment for me... or even for us both... um..."
"Its alright Nick. The case is resolved and everything is back to how it was." Judy smiled, but she then looked a little sad. "I... I was wondering if you'd like to... you know... move in with me?"
Nick blinked a bit, "Um... well actually no Judy. I'm sorry, but I don't want to."
Nick saw Larry watching them closely, his mouth dropped down shocked, what was Nick playing at?
Judy looked just as much hurt, "Oh... I'm sorry Nick. This whole case must have hurt you quite a bit. But if you are not ready yet, I can wait for you forever."
"It's not that Judy." Nick said smiling at her, "The fact is Judy,... I don't want to be your roommate."
Judy blinked confused, she gasped as Nick went on one knee and brought his ring box out, presenting to Judy the ring.
"Miss Judy Hopps, I love you with all my heart, will you be my mate?" Nick asked smiling softly.
Judy's face lit up, she looked for a short while to Larry, basically asking him if it was ok for her to marry his twin, Larry just nodded his head and made a hand move to Nick to accept him.
"If it means we get to live together for the rest of our lives Nick?" Judy asked, to make sure he gets the point across.
Nick chuckled and nodded his head, Judy smiled.
"Then my answer is going to be yes Nick. Yes, I want to be your mate." Judy beamed.
Nick beamed and slipped the engagement ring on her ring finger before the two dived into a deep passionate kiss.
Little Loco, Larry Wilde and Benny Squint all chuckled and cheered for the new couple. Before Little Loco ordered for all five of them a round of drinks. Paying for all of them.
Quanktumspirit: "A good place to stop. If you guys want a sequel, PM me with idea suggestions for it. I'll see if I'll write one or not. But so far I don't think so."