I apologize again for the long delays but I can only write when inspiration strikes. And these days, it only seems to strike for one of my other stories :(

Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters and I write for my own pleasure and that of the readers.

"Okay, students, this is the last day." coach Bayer proclaimed during the after-breakfast meeting. "There will be two more events today, the marathon swim in an hour and the five mile track and field race."

"Coach, you said that the swim was open ended, what if it takes ten hours?" Daryl, one of Mike and El's classmates asked.

"Daryl, while I have faith in Mike that he will bring us the gold medal, I doubt even he would be able to swim for five hours, let alone ten."

"Not a chance." Mike shook his head.

"Coach, why didn't you nominate me for the swim?" Jason, who was supposed to do the marathon, asked. "I don't think Wheeler will be able to do it."

"Because Mike can swim for several hours." El stated, crossing her arms to show her displeasure with the guy.

"I bet you right here and now that he will be last." Jason was adamant.

"Okay." Mike nodded. "If I win, you will give me a dollar."

"A dollar?" Jason looked confused at Mike. "What kind of bet is that?"

"You didn't let me finish." Mike smiled devilishly. "You will give that dollar at our after meet party tomorrow and you will do it on all fours, with the dollar in your mouth."

"You're on, Wheeler." Jason laughed. "And if you don't win..."

"Jason, stop." the coach stopped him. "This is Mike's first tournament, so allow him some nerves."

"Alright, if he doesn't at least get a podium place...I get his girl for a day." Jason stated.

"Excuse me?" El shrieked.

"Jace, she's fifteen, you're eighteen." another girl from the team, Caroline, interjected.

"So?" Jason looked at her.

"You will undoubtedly want to sleep with her, and that would be a crime." Caroline pointed out. "Remember, her dad is the chief of police."

"Ah crap, you're right." Jason facepalmed. "Alright, if you don't get on the podium, you will do the same thing I'm supposed to do."

"Deal." Mike shook his hand. "But don't think for a second that I would have agreed to your conditions in regards to her. Coach, was there something else? Otherwise, I'll get changed and prepare."

"Just wanna say good luck." Bayer told him. "Henry will be in the boat, staying with you at all times. If you think you can't go on, simply stop swimming."

"Okay." Mike nodded and left the group, El staying put to listen to the coach's further instructions.

"Now, the track and field race will be at one, so I urge anyone taking part to eat light." Bayer continued. "Marianne has prepared some sandwiches, I advise you to eat those and not go to the mess hall."

"Will do." El nodded, the other race participants doing it as well.

"The race will be five laps around the course they prepared. Jane, whatever kind of meditation you do before a race to improve your time, I implore you to do it today too." Bayer said to her.

"Gladly." El giggled, the other girls looking at her questioningly.

"She does meditation?" Sheryl, yet another girl on the team, wondered.

"Sheryl, every athlete has a process to get ready for a race. Some talk to friends, others, like Mike, do stretching and whatever in private to get themselves into the mindset." Bayer told her. "I know that you do a couple of ten yard dashes a few minutes before a race."

"That's true." Sheryl conceded.

"Alright, dismissed." Bayer said. "For those who don't have to race today, I'd ask you to join us at the lake to cheer on Mike and later at the track to cheer for the girls. If he wins the marathon swim and one of our runners wins the track and field race, our school will take first place in the gold medal count."

The group dispersed and El began looking for her sweetie. She went to his bungalow, one he had completely for himself due to his late commitment to the meet, since he only agreed to enter when the other participants had already been assigned to their lodgings. She opened the door and found him sitting on the floor, his eyes closed and his breathing deep and regular.

"Hey." she smiled down at him. "How do you feel?"

"Better, now that you're here." he smiled back and pulled her down so she was sitting on his legs.

"We'll better not do this." she said and sat up again, relieving the pressure on his legs. "The last thing you want is your thighs hurting from me sitting on them.

"That's true." he conceded and smiled again when El straddled him, her legs holding her weight.

"So, you ready for this?" she asked, kissing his cheeks and the side of his lips.

"As ready as I can be." he nodded, kissing her back.

"How about I make you really relaxed?" she suggested and put her hands on her shirt, trying to pull it off of her.

"El, no." Mike stopped her.

"Why not?" she wanted to know, pouting.

"Because I have to swim in less than an hour." he told her.

"Well, don't you want to feel loose for that?" she grinned.

"Honey, it may work for you but if I climax, what I really want to do then is lie down, close my eyes and rest and certainly not run or swim." Mike chuckled.

"Alright, suit yourself." she grinned and got up, staying out of his reach. "Remember what we did the night my new bed arrived?"

"I think that night is seared into my brain until the day I die." Mike chuckled.

"If you win, we'll do the same thing again." she winked.

That night truly had been one to remember. Joyce had gone out to Mike's mom, Hopper had to work the night shift and Will had also left them alone to spend time with Dustin and Lucas, giving El and Mike the house to themselves. She had used it to full effect, doing everything they had learned to do since they became active, the finale being her on top of him, going faster than ever before until he had screamed out her name again and again.

Though the next day at school hadn't been as good, given how sore she had been.

"But as you said, it works for me, so once you're done and we had lunch, I expect you to... make me feel good before my race." she winked at him, sashaying her hips for him as she left him alone so he could continue his preparation.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Mike got up and began some stretching exercises, hearing some of his tendons crack as he pulled them apart. He wondered how the race would go, having never swam competitively but he felt confident that he could do at least two hours. He also didn't know how it would affect his performance that he wouldn't be swimming in a pool but a lake, where there was no turning around like he had to do when doing laps and also a current.

His watch beeped, giving him the message that he should get going. He walked towards the lake where his team waited, coach Bayer giving him a few last minute encouragement, though the kiss and whisper from El did a lot more for him to get fired up. He stepped into the boat and waited for the other swimmers to get into it, the conductor bringing the group to the central platform from where they'd start.

The various boats that accompanied the swimmers were coming as well, waiting outside the buoy line that the organizers have placed in the water. On a call from the woman holding the starting pistol, the swimmers took off their clothes, then put on their caps and goggles before getting onto the retractable arm from where they would jump into the water, Mike and several others kneeling down to pour water over their bodies to get used to its temperature.

"Alright, to recap." one of the organizers got their attention. "This is not a speed race. It's a stamina and distance race for you to swim for as long as you can. We have a four hour cutoff, so at noon, we're ending the race and just in case anyone is still in the water, the will use the number of laps as the metric to determine the winner. Any questions?"

"Yes." someone raised his arm. "So what if I, for example, have lapped someone five times and then stop and that person swims for another three laps before giving up himself?"

"If that happens, you will be higher ranked than that person, since you have done more laps and therefore more distance." the organizer said. "But frankly, nobody has ever done that because the faster you swim, the more tired you get. Any more questions?"

"No." the boy said, others also shaking their heads.

"Then lets get going!" the man said loudly and stepped back.

"Ready!" the starter woman called, Mike going into the start position, bending over and putting his fingers to the floor, one of the three swimmers that did it.

"GO MIKE!" he heard the almost inaudible shout his girlfriend from the lake shore.

"Set!" the woman called, Mike's heart rate spiking up.

"GO MIKE!" he heard the entire team shout, this time more audible.

When the pistol shot rang out, Mike jumped, hitting the water at the perfect angle and moving his legs like a dolphin to get some distance while under water. He resurfaced and began his crawl, doing what he always did in the pool, not bothering to go faster than he was used to. From what he was able to discern, he was pretty much at the end of the field, some others going like they had been stung by a bee. The arm they had jumped off of retracted, creating an oval course for the swimmers to swim in.

Mike kept swimming, doing what he was used to, moving his arms and only using his legs every five arm rotations to conserve energy. He lost track of time, simply concentrating on his arms and legs, occasionally noticing that the first swimmers started to leave the water, most of them lying on the platform and trying to catch their breath.

Mike noticed swimmers going past him more than once, knowing he was being lapped but he didn't care. As more and more swimmers left the water, he felt confident that he was going to place high and the image of El moving on top of him kept him going steadily instead of him making the mistake of speeding up.

He continued on and on, more and more swimmers leaving the water and some even throwing up from the exertion. Two swimmers even had to be rescued by their accompanying boat, having swam so much that they were unable to even get back to the platform. Mike shut that out, concentrating on his own laps and at some point, two and a half hours into the swim, he heard the assistant coach in his accompanying boat shouting through a bullhorn that he was the last swimmer in the water but had to do another eight laps to be on top when it came to distance.

Mike kept swimming, shutting out the calls of the coach in the boat who was counting down the laps. When he had finished the ninth lap, Mike was the winner, the team on the shore screaming their approval and the coach in the boat calling to him that he could stop now if he wanted. But Mike felt that he could keep going, maybe even create a record of some sort and kept going, his arms rotating and his legs kicking out.

Suddenly, after several more laps, he felt all the strength leaving him and he stopped moving, feeling himself sink into the water. The adrenaline surge his body experienced in the moment of drowning shocked him awake and he resurfaced, taking a deep breath and seeing his team boat coming close fast. Mike held up his hand to show he was okay and leaned back into the water, giving himself a push with his arms and floating towards the platform where several sets of hands grabbed him once he was close enough to pull him out.

Mike lay flat on his back, trying to catch his breath. He took off his goggles and saw the organizer shouting excitedly at him, but he could only hear the rush of his blood going through his body. Henry, his coach, came to the platform, propping him up and turning his head so the water would come out of his ears. Suddenly, outside sounds rushed back to his eardrums and he heard the applause of the other swimmers.

"That was amazing, Mike!" Henry shouted.

"Congratulations, Mister Wheeler." the organizer came by and shook his hand. "You set a new meet record for this event. Three hours, twenty-eight minutes and fourteen seconds of continuous swimming. You swam an astonishing seven point nine miles."

"Really?" Mike gasped, never having expected that number.

"Can you stand up?" Henry asked.

"Maybe." Mike shrugged and let himself be pulled to his feet, standing on shaky legs. "Jesus, I've never felt so weak."

"You did amazing!" Henry gushed. "Conrad will be so happy."

"I will be once we're back on dry land." Mike chuckled. "I need some food."

"Come on." Henry said and led him to the boat, the other swimmers stepping into their various team boats as well, most giving Mike a thumbs up or other forms of congratulations as they did.

Mike sat down on one of the boards and let Henry steer the boat towards the shore. He shook his legs as much as was possible while sitting, trying to get the soreness out of his thighs. He knew he would have to do a lot of stretching to avoid the delayed muscle soreness that usually came the next morning, which sometimes had rendered him almost impossible to move at all.

"That was great!" Bayer whooped and hugged Mike after he stepped off the boat.

"You were so amazing!" El hugged him hard after the coach had let him go. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." Mike said a bit embarrassed as the rest of the team congratulated him as well. "When is lunch? I feel like I could eat a horse."

"Lunch is in fifteen minutes." Bayer told him. "Plenty of time for you to shower and catch your breath."

Mike nodded and sat down on a bench as the team dispersed, most going to the area where lunch would be served. He took several deep breaths, feeling the burning in his lungs recede and groaned as the adrenaline surge ebbed away, his body feeling the effects of what he had done. For the first time, he realized how much the turns in the pool were saving him energy, when he did the roll under water and pushed himself away from the wall. In the lake, there was no turns, there was only swimming along the line around the platform.

"Do you even need a shower?" El asked. "You were in fresh water all the time."

"Well, in a few minutes at most, I will start to sweat from the exertion." he nodded. "So a shower is a good idea."

"I'll wait for you." she smiled and dropped a kiss on his cheek, helping him up to lead him to his bungalow where he get some soap and his towel.

"No, you should go to lunch. That way, you have the most time possible to digest it before your race starts." Mike told her. "I'll come by once I'm done."

"Okay." El conceded. "I'll keep a seat open for you next to me."

"Thanks." he smiled and kissed her on the mouth before heading into his bungalow while El went the other way.

He grabbed his shower stuff and walked over the field to the building where they were located. He stepped into one of the rooms and undressed, stepping into the stall and letting the water wash away his exhaustion. He still couldn't quite believe that he won the race, with a record no less. He knew that others saw his swimming as exorbitant, something that nobody else in his school has even come close to copy but he had thought that the other students, who had probably trained for this, would have easily beaten him.

After drying off and getting dressed, he returned his stuff to his bungalow and headed out to the mess area. He saw his team sitting at a long table, El waving and smiling widely as she pointed to the empty space next to her, right at the end of the table where he could stretch his legs. He went to the food counter and looked at the available lunches, choosing pasta with a large piece of pork and dark sauce.

"I'm so jealous." Sheryl whined when she saw Mike's choice.

"What?" he asked, putting the first piece of meat into his mouth.

"You can eat that." she said and pointed to her own food, skinless chicken, rice and vegetables, all light food, while others were eating the prepared sandwhiches. "We have to make due with this."

"It's not that bad." El pointed out. "Though I do feel like my taste buds have fallen asleep."

"Yeah, would it have killed them to add some seasoning?" Tracy complained.

"Jesus, Mike." Sheryl said when she saw how much food Mike had already consumed. "Take your time."

"Why?" Mike mumbled, sucking more pasta into his mouth. "I'm hungry."

"Seriously Jane, where is Mike putting all that." Tracy gasped.

"Girls, Mike just expended a huge amount of energy." coach Bayer told them. "And unlike during a marathon or a bicycle race, he couldn't eat something while doing it."

"Coach?" Mike got the man's attention. "Do the boys and the girls race at the same time?"

"Yes." Bayer nodded. "There are two separate tracks, they are signposted. The boys are running a bit more complicated and longer route."

"I see." Mike nodded.

"Alright, girls, race starts in forty-five minutes, you should get ready." Bayer proclaimed after a few more minutes, the contestants getting up.

"I'll be waiting in your bungalow." El whispered into Mike's ear. "Don't make me wait too long."

Mike quickly finished his food and brought the plate back to the counter before heading back to his bungalow. He looked around to see if someone was watching but the few teammates he could see where engrossed in their own preparations. Most were stretching and doing short runs while Sheryl was doing her ten yard dashes.

"El?" he spoke into the apparently empty room when he stepped into the dark bungalow, the lights off.

"Boo!" she grabbed him from behind, putting her arms around his midriff and leaning her head against his back.

"Oooh, I'm scared." he chuckled.

"Hey, when I say boo, you have to be afraid." she moped.

"Iiiih." he gave a mocking, high-pitched squeal.

"That's better." she grinned.

"You sure about this?" he asked, turning around to face her. "It could weaken you for the race. Whenever we did it before other races, you at least had a night to sleep in-between."

"Yes." El nodded and turned around to have her back to him before bending forward over the table while dropping her running shorts and underwear. "Because this time it won't be me who will be doing all the work."

"I see." he grinned, feeling heat going down into his groin area, the animalistic part of his brain taking over.

"Don't make me wait too long." she sighed when he ran one hand over her center, using his other hand to push his sweatpants and shorts down.

"As you wish." he smiled and lined himself up before pushing in, feeling barely any resistance.

"Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about." El moaned loudly, grabbing the edge of the table. "Give it to me!"

He tried to do what she demanded, placing his hands on her hips and holding her while he thrust forward. El moaned, keeping her head down and pushing her mouth against her arm to muffle her louder groans while Mike looked through the windows a few times to see if someone was coming close to the bungalow, thinking that he should have had closed the curtains or at least two of them.

His desire to make her feel good, combined with the time constrains they had, made him grab her arms, using those as leverage to pound her even harder. El began to squeal, the loss of her arms to muffle her sounds forcing her to try to not scream out as her eyes rolled back into her skull from the pleasure of this position.

"Mike!" she yelled, giving him all the information he needed to hear.

Increasing his speed, he waited for her to climax, pushing through as she shook until she had calmed down. El stood up with him still inside her and leaned her head back so he could kiss her, his hand running over her covered breasts while he did small thrusts, waiting for her to bend forward again if she wanted him to continue.

El was cognizant of the time though and while she wasn't against continuing this, she decided to end it right here. She pushed back against him, Mike getting the message to pull out and she turned around to get to her knees, taking him into his mouth and sucking hard while bobbing her head forward and back. Mike groaned, his hand in her hair while El blew him.

"I'm close!" he warned her and El redoubled her efforts.

When she felt the telltale twitch, she released him and held her hand in front of his penis, catching his spill to avoid any of it getting on her shirt. Once he was done, she went to the sink, cleaning her hands while Mike collapsed backwards on the bed he was using, a satisfied smile on his face. El pulled up her underwear and shorts, seeing Mike on his bed.

"Now I see why you said you'd rather fall asleep than do something physical." she giggled and climbed on top of him, forestalling any reply of his with a deep kiss. "But don't you dare fall asleep now, I expect you to be at the track, cheering."

"I'll be there." he nodded as she got up again so he could put his pants on again. "How do you feel?"

"Amazing." she giggled. "Ready to race."

"How is that possible." he chuckled.

"Meh, we have seen stranger things." she shrugged. "Now come on, the race starts in ten minutes."

He got up and they left the bungalow, walking to the track area where their teammates were still doing their warm-up routines. El joined them, stretching her leg muscles and tendons, using Mike as a bar and pushing against his frame. When the call came, the team walked to the starting line, the boys and girls taking part in it lining up with the students from the other schools.

The starter called out the countdown and then shot the pistol into the air, letting the horde run. Since there were almost a hundred students running, the start was more than a little chaotic as they all tried to sort themselves out. It took almost a quarter mile before there was any order in it but soon enough, the runners had their rhythm down.

When they reached the intersection, the boys took the left while the girls took the right for the shorter track. El stayed in the position she was in, keeping several bodies in front of her to avoid the headwinds and save energy. Mike's treatment had worked wonders, she felt loose and able to run faster if needed but for the first two laps, she stayed where she was, giving some of her competitors the impression that she was struggling to keep up.

When the third lap started, the field began to stretch out, some of the students feeling the burn of the exertion. El stayed behind the front runners, watching them and always acting as if she had a hard time keeping up whenever she saw one of them turning around to look. In turn four, the girls before her increased their pace, another two falling off while El increased her speed as well, keeping up with the three girls who were all from the local school's team and alternated the lead.

When they passed the finish line, a bell rang out, indicating that the last lap had started. One of the three girls dropped off, her stamina spent while the other two increased their pace even more. El smiled to herself as she matched their speed, keeping a few feet behind them to still give the impression that she had to struggle to stay at their heels. The two kept alternating the lead but El knew that at some point, one of them would go for a final sprint, since she couldn't imagine that their coach had determined who should win.

When only half a mile was left, El finally made her move. She stepped out of their shadow and passed them, setting a brutal pace as the other two girls cursed when El went in front. She wasn't satisfied with that and expanded her lead, opening up a large gap between them. When she took the last turn to get on the home stretch, she looked to her right and saw the two girls trying to close the gap with little success and another look forward showed her the man she loved, shouting as loud as he could to encourage her.

Two hundred yards before the finish, El increased her speed once more, now almost sprinting as she closed the distance to the finish line, an actual line someone had put up for her to run through. She did exactly that, the line snapping as she put pressure on it and once over the line, she collapsed to her knees, truly spent from the race.

A minute later, the two girls she had passed came across the finish line, both dropping to the ground and trying to catch their breaths as El sat up, Mike coming up to her to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek, considerate enough to know not to block her mouth right now. He helped her up, half-carrying her to the side where the coach and the other students from their team congratulated her.

The boys race was one by a student from the hosting school, the present townsfolk cheering loudly for him. Mike and El's teammates reached the finish line in the next twenty minutes, all completely exhausted from the ordeal. El couldn't stop a tear of joy from falling, the feeling of all her efforts being rewarded overwhelming as she leaned against her boyfriend, slowly getting her heart rate under control.

"Jane, that was outstanding." Bayer whooped and hugged her too. "That put us in the lead in the medal ranking."

"All because... of Mike." El panted.

"True, if he hadn't agreed to come, we might have not won the marathon swim." the coach admitted, even though El meant it differently, knowing that without Mike here, she might have been incapacitated with terrible headaches.

"Alright, boys and girls, you need to do some stretching now to avoid sore muscles tomorrow." Bayer ordered and the team began with their exercises, the students from the other teams doing the same.

Mike helped El with some of the exercises, holding her arms while she pushed her upper body forward or acting as a trunk for her to put one leg on to stretch it. After thirty minutes of that, the team dispersed to get to the showers, all grabbing their shower gear and walking over the grass to the building.

Boys and girls separated to their various showers and El undressed, her upbringing in the lab having given her little sense of shame when it came to taking off her clothes. She remembered the night Mike and the boys had found her in the woods and brought her to his house and how he had given her some dry clothes.

She had stood up and had been about to pull off the oversized shirt Benny had given her when the boys had almost gone into a panic, Lucas and Dustin turning around and Mike grabbing her hands to stop her. For her, it had been normal to take her clothes off in front of others, having been raised that way and Mike's insistence of her changing in his bathroom had been a new thing for her.

Since then, she had learned a lot about self-consciousness and that taking off her clothes in front of others was something she shouldn't do since it could even be dangerous, given who was in front of her. Of course, she had absolutely no problem doing it for Mike and in this case, all the others in the room were girls like her so while some of them tried to take off their underwear and bras while being wrapped in a towel and others turned around to show their backsides, El had no such issues, simply removing her garments and stepping into the shower stall.

She did a quick shower, not wanting to waste too much time and was the first being done. When the second girl finished her shower, El was already dressed in fresh clothes again, leaving the shower room and bringing her stuff back to her bungalow, stuffing it into her bag before leaving again to look for Mike, who was sitting on a bench in the center of the area, enjoying the warm weather.

"There you are." she grinned, dropping a kiss on his lips before sitting down in his lap, his arms wrapping around her stomach. "Ready for the medal ceremony?"

"Ceremony?" he asked confused. "How much will there be?"

"I doubt they'll just hand us the medals and let us go home." she chuckled.

"Ugh." he harrumphed.

Over the next few minutes, the various teams finished showering and gathered in the central area. Half an hour later, the organizers called them up and the groups moved to a platform, where a rostrum was placed on. The various medal winners for the respective events walked onto the platform, standing behind the rostrum and the organizers began calling out their names, the students stepping onto their respective step and receiving their medal.

The cheering was loudest from whatever school the students came from while the others would only applaud normally. Towards the end, it was time for the swimmers, and the last event being awarded was the marathon swim. Mike stopped behind the rostrum, standing in the middle and waited for his name to be called.

"And the winner of the marathon swim, with a record time of three hours, twenty-eight minutes and fourteen seconds and a seven point nine four miles distance, Mike Wheeler of Hawkins High!" the announcer shouted into his microphone.

Mike stepped onto the rostrum, towering over the second and first place not only because his position was higher but also due to his height. He bent forward, almost having to double over, to let the principal of the hosting school put the medal around his neck and hand him the certificate of record.

Mike stepped off the rostrum and walked back to his team, giving El a kiss and hug. Next and last event class was running, the announcers proclaiming the winners of the various races, the one hundred meter spring also won by a Hawkins student. When it came time for her, El stepped behind the rostrum, grinning widely at Mike while the two students to her left and right tried not to look too disappointed at having been duped by El.

"And the winner of the five mile race, Jane Hopper!" the announcer shouted her name and El stepped on the rostrum, lifting her arm in joy and bowing down too to get her medal put around her neck.

Once she was down, the announcer called up coach Bayer to receive the certificate for the best medal ranking, the coach shaking everyone's hand on stage before returning to the group. The meet now over, the groups began to disperse, everyone walking to the staging area where the various buses were waiting for the students to get onto.

Mike got onto the bus last and sat down on one of the seats at the window, turning his body so his legs could hang into the aisle. El sat down on his lap again and leaned into his chest, Mike once again wrapping his arms around her midriff. They stayed like that for the entire drive, Mike's right thigh completely numb once they were back but for him, just feeling her body against his was totally worth it. After the bus had stopped at the school, the children piled out, the parking lot full of cars with parents waiting.

"So?" Jim asked as Mike and El approached him and Mike's parents.

"I won!" El shouted and pulled her medal out of her shirt.

"Congratulations, girl!" Jim smiled, pulling her in for a hug.

"What about you, Mike?" Karen asked.

"I won too!" Mike grinned, showing his gold medal.

"That's great, son!" Ted said and gave Mike a slap on the back.

"It was the hardest thing I've ever done so far." Mike said. "I swam almost eight miles."

"Jesus, kid!" Hopper gasped. "You really do eat batteries, don't you."

"Ha ha, chief." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Come on girl, lets go home, Joyce made a victory cake." Jim told her.

"What if I hadn't won?" El asked.

"Then it would have been a participation cake." Jim shrugged. "She just would have left the whipped cream out."

"Can Mike come too?" El asked excitedly.

"Of course." Jim nodded. "Nancy and Holly are already at our house anyway. After cake, we're having a barbecue."

"Great!" El giggled and grabbed Mike's hand.

"At least let his parents drive him." Hopper chuckled.

"Jane, we're going to our house first to put his used clothes into the hamper." Karen told her.

"See you in a few minutes." Mike said to El and gave her a kiss.

"Don't take too long or I'll come and get you." El waved at him as he got into the backseat of his parent's car.

Alright, chapter over at this point. I do hope that I don't lose the inspiration again.

Review please :)