Full Summary:
Sakura didn't quite know what to expect after she died – peace and quiet, or a reunion of friends perhaps? She most certainly didn't bank on the idea of being reborn. Especially not as her old teammate's younger sister.
Born into a completely different dimension, everything should've been different… but it wasn't. There was an event that seemed to always be slated to happen, just as it did in her previous life.
The Uchiha Massacre.
Danzo was still scheming, Sarutobi was still letting it slide, Itachi was still a pacifist at heart, and Sakura was somehow stuck in the middle.
They all never counted on one thing.
An Uchiha's love is absolute, and Sakura absolutely loves her eldest brother. He's perfect – everything she ever wanted in a sibling – and he deserves a better future than the one Sakura knows is slated for him.
So she'll do anything.
Even if it means coating her hands in blood.
Even if it means driving herself to the brink of insanity and back.
Anything for Aniki.
Light glinted of the forehead protector tucked in her brother's drawer. It was the one he used for formal situations – where his slightly messier, scratched one he used on missions wouldn't be appropriate. They were Uchiha and they had a reputation to uphold. Sakura smiled. She was really glad she had been reborn with a brother like Itachi. He was nice, and he looked after her and silly Sasuke too. She loved him.
Which was why things had turned out like they had.
It was the only way left now – to ensure both the clan didn't pull off their coup, and to make sure Itachi wasn't forced to carry out a massacre of the people they both loved. Sakura closed the drawer, shutting her eyes. She would never wear that forehead protector again. She hadn't even started at the academy just yet. Sakura chuckled, almost skipping her way over to the mirror and the armour she had deposited there. The same armour she had filched from Danzo's Root Base. ANBU standard, meaning it was the best available to her. He'd even had some in her size. Though she had been careful to steal a few more chest plates, arm guards, and the like in slightly bigger sizes.
After all, she wouldn't be able to come back after this.
But it would be worth it. Neither Danzo or traitors would be able to hurt her precious big brother and her foolish slightly less big one. She pulled the armour on, ensuring the fit was nice and snug before she tucked the little pouch of all her supplies on her back. It was bigger than the one she had worn in her last life, instead spanning the width of her back rather than being a little pouch barely half the size.
Then again she was taking everything. A precious picture of Itachi-nii. One of Itachi-nii's shirts, another of Sasuke's, both with the Uchiwa emblazoned neatly on the back. A sealed scroll full of kunai. Another with various weapons, and plenty of other supplies. She would need them to survive, she knew. Along with her strength. It was why she had spent the last few years training her socks off.
Closing her eyes, she sent her chakra surging towards them, her control pinpoint as per usual. Her eyes snapped open, glittering red, three ash black tomoe spinning in the iris of each of her eyes. Carefully, she took one last look around the room, heart aching as she picked up the katana. The one which would be stained red by the end of the night.
The thought brought a smile to her lips, a twisted one with bared teeth which hungered for the blood of those traitors. The ones who had undoubtedly been the root of the problem in her last life. She would make them pay in this one.
She unlocked the window, the sounds of Sasuke entertaining himself in the other room with his plush green dinosaur teddy lost on the soft whispers of the wind.
Then the room was empty once more.
The gates clanked shut with a slight creak, bolt sliding shut with nary a whisper, and Sakura stared up at the Uchiwa emblazoned above the gateway. A welcome to the Uchiha District. The same district Danzo had forced them into – but there wasn't any time to reverse the wrongs that man had forced upon her and her clan. Humming under her breath, Sakura looked to the sky and the stars which twinkled there, peering from behind the occasional cloud which rolled in front of the large moon.
It was such a pretty night.
Too bad it would soon be stained with blood.
Her eyes swirled red, wind dancing through her hair as she stepped away from the gates, delving further into the compound. They would be near her house she knew. How dare they go after her not so big brother…
Well, not that they would get that far.
A bloodcurdling grin broke her face.
It was time.
Moonlight glinted off the blade of the slender katana, serving to only highlight the sticky red liquid dripping down the blade. It splattered down onto the ground, leaving a splotchy red trail as she made her way towards the dying man. The foolish dying man. Sakura skipped, her heart feeling wonderfully light all of a sudden. She had done it.
Itachi-nii would be so proud that she'd protected them…
Well, if he knew what she'd prevented. But it was OK if he didn't. She loved him, and that was all that mattered. If he was safe, then she was happy. "Silly, silly, silly," she sang, giggling as she finally found herself at his side. He was dying, and Itachi-nii wouldn't have to torment himself by killing them all. "You should've known better than to come after Sasuke-nii," she muttered, laughter fading as she kicked at the soon-to-be corpse. "You should have known better than to try and hurt Itachi-nii."
She rustled through the bag on her waist, her smile returning as she found the little jar she was looking for. It had been prepared ever since she had heard about what he was planning behind her father's back. "I hope you don't mind, but I'll be taking your eyes now!" she chirped, ensuring her hand was clean before she reached down, savouring the horrified look in his eyes before she ripped the first one out. "Shhh, silly. You'll wake Sasuke-nii if you keep that up." Sakura patted his cheek, taking the other eye just as swiftly as the first, dropping it carefully inside the greenish liquid. "At least now you can be useful to me…"
Sighing, she stared at the floating eyes, smirking at the mangekyou pattern showing in those red irises. The combination of that pattern and her own would no doubt be beautiful, she mused, sighing wistfully. She had never thought she would wind up with such pretty eyes. Her green ones from before barely compared. She giggled in happiness.
"I'll put them to good use, I promise," she whispered, caressing his cheek almost lovingly. "And I'll be so much better than you at using them… You should be grateful to have even been of use to me," she murmured, hysterical laughter bubbling at her lips as death rattled in his throat.
This second life was so much better, no matter all the things she'd already lost. She wouldn't lose anything that was hers again.
She was such a good little sister.
"S-Sakura…?" the small voice stirred her out of her giggling.
She blinked, turning to find her not so big brother carefully edging out of the house. Clouds covered the moon, light vanishing behind heavy clouds, the darkness of the night almost making him stumble as he tried to find her in the dark. She hadn't been paying much attention to his little flickering chakra signature with her meagre sensory abilities. Sakura had been more concerned with the other ones, busy off at the leftovers of ROOT Headquarters.
She had made quite the mess for them.
The clouds rolled away, and the tell-tale scent of urine reached her over the overwhelming coppery taste of blood which hovered in the air.
"What's going on?" he demanded, voice high and terrified. "We… We need to go… need to leave, before whoever did this comes back."
Sakura tilted her head, sniggering at the sheer confusion on her brother's face. "It's alright, Sasuke-nii," she crooned, uncaring of the corpses of their brethren as she hurried to her brother's side. He wasn't completely stupid though, and she could almost see the instant realisation dawned across his face.
"No… Get away," he screeched, eyes on the blade. "You… You monster!"
Pain clawed at her heart. Stupid Sasuke-nii… not stopping to think about why she had done it. She had done it for him, and Itachi-nii, of course. "Silly, silly Sasuke-nii," she sang, flicking out her blade in a precise, deadly arc, smiling as the blood spattered from the metal and to the ground instead. She sheathed it then, holding out her empty, bloodied hands to her brother. She was hardly about to turn her blade on her brother. He was her special silly brother. "I did it for you… for Itachi-nii," she murmured, grabbing at his face even as he froze, shivering in horror as she hugged him. "I love you, nii," she whispered, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.
Sasuke whimpered.
It was hers to nuzzle. She nipped at the skin there playfully, before she sank her teeth in. Until she tasted blood. Sasuke was hers. Only she could be the one to leave any sort of markings on his skin. It was why she had stopped those… traitors. They would have hurt her precious Sasuke. Would've blackmailed her father and her even more precious Itachi-nii. "You're mine, nii," she whispered. "They're not allowed to touch you… not allowed to hurt you. You're mine. Only I can do that." She laved at the wound with her tongue, smiling into his neck at the taste of his blood. It was hers. Only she could spill it. It tasted so wonderful on her tongue.
She probably wouldn't be able to see either of her brothers for a long time, if ever again. But that was alright so long as they were safe in Konoha… where she'd removed as much rot from the tree as she could. They would be safe there.
Sakura let go, stepping back from her brother, eyes spinning red as she cast the genjutsu. "Sleep, Sasuke-nii," she whispered, carefully setting him down on the ground – away from the bloodstains and entrails of those she'd killed.
Wind whistled through the silent compound, a steady drip, drip, drip reaching her ears as she paused there in the moonlight.
"Such a good night," she mumbled, staring up at the stars which seemed to twinkle in approval at her actions.
Then she was gone, and the Uchiha Compound was left silent, aside from the shallow breaths of one – the only living person being a young boy of eight years of age. Uchiha Sakura was gone.
Nobody would find her.
Nobody could… except perhaps Aniki, but Sakura didn't mind that.
Everything had been done for him in the end.
Anything for Aniki.