A silver-haired girl is being chased through a hallway by a group of protesters. As she tries to run away, she gets blocked off by another group. She didn't know what to do until she sees a vine with thorns drop down from the ceiling. The vine goes through a couple of spider-webs. She grabs on and climbs up, because of it being the only way out, piercing her hands in the process.

The girl then stops as she encounters a large group of circular saws activating throughout the walls. She stares in hesitation for a moment, but determined to escape, she proceeds to climb through. As she makes her way to the top, she gets slashed and lacerated several times, causing her to scream in pain.

Soon after the girl escapes from the saws, she is worn out, sustained a lot of injuries, and a lot of her clothes are cut off. She then looks up to see a blue sky and sunlight pouring through a hole on the top of the ceiling. Thinking that it is a way out, she continues climbing and reaches for the gap. Instead, she touches the ceiling and the hole turns out to be her illusion, which in reality, was actually a children's drawing of a sky and a sun. As she stares in disbelief and despair, the vine then breaks, causing her to fall. Before the girl knew it, her body impacted on the ground, killing her instantly. Her vision turned black.