

Hi. My name is Jill and I have a cat named Pandora.

Pandora is my best friend. I wouldn't have her at all, except for someone I think is a hero: Bobby Brady. Pandora ran away and somehow was trapped in a house they were going to demolish. Despite the idea of breaking the rules, Bobby risked his life to go in and get Pandora out, safely.

He is also one of the few who know my secret:

I'm adopted.

I found out recently and he is the only classmate I have trusted with that fact.

My parents told me recently. I was born to an unwed mother who was 19 and her boyfriend took off on her. I was adopted by good people who couldn't have children, but they have loved me as their own. When I finally learned the truth, I broke down and cried badly. Bobby found me and invited me over to his house after school.

After school, he walked me to his home, holding my hand the entire time. He said he would listen if I wanted to talk, or just let me cry and be there for me.

When we got there, we sat in the garage and I cried so hard I thought I would never stop; as I cried I felt an arm around me and knew it was Bobby's; he wasn't getting fresh, just being a friend and offering what comfort he could. He even let me cry on his t-shirt.

After I settled down I told him my secret and how bad and lonely I felt; he just let me open up about everything inside me: he did nothing but listen and hold me giving me comfort.

After I finished he told me, "Even if you're adopted, you're still Jill. And I'm happy to know you."

Who am I?

I'm a young girl with a crazy cat. I'm an adopted child who is loved and has real friends.

Who am I?

I'm Jill.