The Long Road Home

AN: Hi everyone! I'm back! And this time my excuse isn't work! A few weeks ago I was experiencing severe migraines and dizziness. I was told to go to hospital and it was discovered that I had too much fluid surrounding my brain. I had a spinal and brain surgery and I have spent the last few weeks recovering. So writing has been the last thing on my mind for quite some time.

But I am back to work tomorrow and I have been working on this for a while and wanted to get it out to you all. Thank you so much for being so patient, and if you are reading this thank you so much for sticking around this long! I am sorry I have made you wait, but my health has to come first in my life. Better you get a chapter late, then never I guess! I hope you enjoy this one.

Love to you all and please let me know what you think!

Chapter 2 - Goodbye Chief

It was the sound of whistling that stirred El from her sleep as she turned on her side, moaning in disdain for the early morning and wrapping her blanket more tightly around herself. She tried to duck her head under the covers, shielding herself from the warm beams of sun that crept through the thin drapes of her window.

It was too early. So why was Hop singing? Mornings before he went to work would usually consist of him stumbling out of bed, a curse word here or there when he stubbed his toe every time against the side of the couch and then the sound of the radio, a low hum that was oddly comforting.

This time he was singing quietly to himself, those songs he liked by Jim Croce. And instead of burying herself further into her warm and comfortable bed, El propped herself up by her elbows and narrowed her eyes, watching as her bedroom door swung open.

Hopper was stood by the kitchen counter but turned at the noise, smiling when he saw El. "Good morning," he said in that rumble of a voice. Back in 1983 that voice had intimidated El, but now it was warm, comforting and familiar.

"Good morning," El repeated, her lips twitching into a smile despite her confusion. She watched Hop turn back to the counter and her brow creased. "What are you doing?"

The Chief laughed, turning back around once more, but this time with a plated Eggo Extravaganza in his firm grip. El's eyebrows immediately lifted in delight and she practically beamed as she shuffled further up the headboard and Hop walked in with her favourite meal.

El stretched her arms out, her hands open and ready to receive the Eggos. The Chief grinned, amusement and adoration playing in his eyes as he obediently handed over the waffles. He watched as El tucked into the treat, her face a picture of happiness as he sat down on the edge of the bed, sinking into the mattress slightly.

After a while El noticed Hopper's fond expression and frowned, "why do you stare?" she asked, mumbling slightly as she chewed on her Eggo.

"Don't talk with your mouth full remember," he responded teasingly, making El smirk slightly as she continued to eat, but kept her gaze on the Chief waiting for his response.

His playful smile softened slightly and he took a deep breath, hesitance capturing his words for a moment.

El frowned, nerves entering her stomach. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong," Hopper assured her quickly, El's words seemed to have cut through his own nerves as he looked at his daughter. His smile flickered back to life and he sighed, "in fact, we're celebrating."

"Celebrating?" El asked in confusion, putting down her fork.

"Uh huh," Hopper grinned, nodding his head. "I spoke to Sam last night, he's been keeping an eye on all activity around Hawkins. And seeing as things have been calm for quite some time now, there hasn't been any unwanted eyes looking at this place. So - "


"Sam says you can go out El. I mean not in large crowds of course, but you can go outside. You can go to your friends' houses,"

"Even Mike's?" El's heart was in her throat, her hands felt clammy as she stared at Hopper with wide eyes. Was this really happening?

Hopper pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disapproval as his shoulders lowered. "Yes," he said in a pained voice. "Even Wheeler's…"

"I have to tell Mike," El muttered to herself in a mad rush, instantly moving the plate off her lap as she searched through her blankets for her super com, a present the party had given her for Christmas.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Hopper interrupted, pushing his palm out in a stop motion. El huffed and looked at him, practically bouncing with impatience to tell her boyfriend the news they had been longing for, for almost 6 months now.

"There are going to be some rules - "

"Rules are stupid," El whined as she gave up the search for the radio and reached for her plate again, already feeling like the independence she longed for wasn't what Hopper was about to give her.

"No they are not stupid," the Chief replied, shaking his head as he tried to be stern but was unable to keep the smile off his face. "I'm talking rules that any teenager would have...well with a few exceptions."

El slowly lifted her gaze up from her plate, chewing on her Eggo as she nodded cautiously, waiting for Hop to go on.

"Number 1, you will be allowed out, only if you let me know where you are going. If I'm out at the office, you can ring Flo. You know how she loves to speak with you. Number 2, yes you can go to the Wheeler house, but only if there is someone else there. And no I don't just mean Mike! You two aren't allowed to be alone in that house, or this house without an adult or one of your little friends present."

El huffed, "I don't understand why Mike and I - "

"Number 3! I want you home before 9pm. And number 4, I want you to try and avoid large crowds, okay? I want your friends to be able to see you at all times."

"What if I need to go to the bathroom?"

Hopper coughed uncomfortably, looking down at his feet. "Yeah, um, no your friends don't need to go with you there. Unless you want Max to go to the bathroom with you, but you go in the cubicle by yourself."

El merely nodded, not sure that Hopper understood that her and Max weren't particularly close. They had barely interacted, El staying firmly at Mike's side at all times. She wondered if in time her relationship with Max would change, like those girls she saw on her soap operas. But why would she want to hang out with anyone but Mike? Mike kissed her and made her feel things, things she had only seen on her favourite shows when the couples would kiss and then say that word, love.

"So," Hopper said briskly, a smile curving on his mouth. "Do we have a compromise?"

El pursed her lips for a moment before she eventually gave in, allowing the thrill of being able to leave the cabin and be normal fill her body with excitement. She nodded, a beautiful smile blossoming on her face and reaching her eyes, which sparkled with possibility.

"Halfway happy."

Hopper laughed, shaking his head in amusement as he leaned forward, ruffling El's hair with his large hand as she protested and tried to move away. "Halfway happy," he said, grinning.

6th July 1985

El opened her tired eyes and stared up at the ceiling, expecting to see wood timber but instead finding a white painted pattern. It was like a heavy stone dropped to the bottom of her stomach as for the second morning waking up without Hop, she had to admit it wasn't just a bad dream.

This had been her first night spent at the Byers house, having only been discharged from hospital late yesterday evening. And while Joyce, Jonathan and Will were being as welcoming as they could, it just wasn't comfortable yet. It wasn't Hopper singing in the morning, it wasn't his curse words, it wasn't the smell of Eggos, it wasn't the stench of cigarettes that he smoked. It wasn't home without him.

El could feel her eyes water as the tears gathered at the corners and slowly dropped down the edge of her cheeks. She sniffled as she wiped at them, trying to be brave, knowing that loss wasn't something that was new to her, but losing Hopper seemed to hurt the most. He had given her the family she had deserved and El had loved that, she had loved him.

There was a distant knock that distracted El's mind for a moment as her tired eyes trailed to the closed bedroom door and her ears twitched as she tried to listen. Another knock followed and she realised it was the front door.

She stayed still as she heard Joyce moving from her bedroom, her bare feet padding against the worn carpet as she hurried to find out who was calling so early. There was the scrapping of the lock before the stiff door was pulled open.

El's brow creased as she tried to concentrate on listening, wanting anything to distract her from the complex emotions that whirled around her mind like smoke.

"Um, hi Mrs Byers. I know it's early…"

El immediately sat up, yanking the covers off her warm body. She was wearing a pair of Joyce's pajama pants and a baggy t-shirt that belonged to the boy who had just arrived.

"Mike honey, she's still sleeping - "

"No I'm not," El replied, feeling slightly breathless as she made her presence known, stumbling down the corridor and turning the corner to see Mike and Joyce stood in the doorway. They both turned to look at her, Joyce's eyes were red and she looked exhausted.

Mike's eyes held a similar weariness, like he had tossed and turned all night. But there was that smile, that smile that just made El melt. Even at moments like this. It was relief and happiness all in one smile. She couldn't help but give him one back, it may not have been in full force, but she couldn't deny that it was still there. Mike made everything better.

"Good morning sweetheart," Joyce said softly, her voice slightly croaky as she reached El, gently brushing her hair out of her face. "How did you sleep?"

El merely shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. What would be the best term for being awake most of the night? Replaying everything that had happened.

Joyce accepted her answer, giving her a small smile, her eyes filled with sadness as she nodded, completely understanding El's thought process. "I'll make us some breakfast," she concluded, giving El's cheek an affection hold for a moment before moving into the kitchen. "Come in Mike," she called.

"Thank you Mrs Byers," Mike responded, hurrying over the threshold and closing the door behind him. He turned back to El, looking jumpy, his eyes wide as he stared at her.


"Hi," El responded, her fingers nervously playing with the edge of her shirt. Well, Mike's shirt.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked, before cringing and running a hand anxiously through his hair. "I'm sorry that was totally the wrong thing to say. Of course you're not okay. I mean how could you be okay. Considering everything that's happened and, oh crap, why am I bringing it all up? El, I'm sorry I - "



"Too much talking."

"R-Right," Mike said, clearing his throat and stuffing his hands into his shorts pockets.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, Mike kept his eyes low while El hesitantly looked out of the window, wondering why things had become so strange between her and Mike. She knew she had dumped his ass, but was there rules to how they were meant to act with one another? Or was it simply because of losing Hop? Did he just not know what to say?

"Hey guys," came a tired voice, making El and Mike turn to see Will making his way down the corridor, his bare feet pressing into the carpet and his hair a mess, like he too had tossed and turned all night.

"Hey Will," Mike and El said in unison, catching one anothers eyes at their synchronicity, and blushing slightly as they looked back to their cleric.

"Did you sleep okay?" Mike asked his best friend.

Will shrugged as he walked over, "alright I guess. Just trying to get used to Jonathan's room."

"I'm sorry," El muttered, dipping her head in guilt and grasping her hands together. Joyce had decided that her boys were to share a bedroom for now while El took Will's room, which was smaller than Jonathan's. She wasn't too sure how Will felt about that arrangement.

"It's fine," he insisted, only meeting El's gaze for a moment before looking away. "You guys wanna go watch cartoons until breakfast is ready?"

"Yeah sure," Mike spoke up, taking a tentative step towards El. "We'll be there in a minute."

Will nodded in acceptance, used to Mike and El having moments alone by now. He wandered to the kitchen to make sure Joyce knew he was awake.

El watched Will go and frowned slightly, feeling like a burden on the family. She had taken Will's room, his space. And now his mom was looking after her. Did he feel left out? El felt like she had a bond with Lucas and Dustin from the early days, and recently her and Max had become close. But Will? She had always thought they would be close because of their connection to the Upside Down. However that only seemed to create more of a distance between them. Did Will blame her for everything that had happened to him? El felt like it was her fault. The gate never would have been opened without her. Will wouldn't have been taken to the Upside Down, Benny, Barb and the man that the boys had told her about, Bob would still be here. And Hop...the ache in her heart felt even heavier as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

"Hey," Mike's voice called to El softly, bringing her out of the depths of guilt and sadness and back into the present. Her hazel eyes found the dark amber orbs immediately, his gentle but steady gaze keeping her grounded.

"Don't worry about Will, he's just got to get used to you living here," he said with a kind and reassuring smile. Mike let out a slight laugh, "it's not like I've given him the opportunity to hang out with you much…"

"Not just you," El reasoned, a small smile twitching her lips. "I liked us staying at the cabin too." I wish we were back there now. That nothing had happened.

Mike's thin and pale cheeks started to deepen in colour and his eyes dropped to the floor as he nodded. El tried not to smile, but his nervousness was cute. It filled her cold chest with warmth and a wholeness that she was desperately missing.

She remembered the words she had heard him speak that day in the cabin and her heart began to race. Her palms warmed and her breathing became sharper as she tried to think of how to approach the situation. To make him say those words again. The words that El felt too.



"I - "

"Breakfast is ready kids!" Joyce called, her voice breaking through El's spur of the moment thoughts, which quickly snapped back to reality.

"El?" Mike questioned, his eyes searching her face, knowing that what she was about to say was going to be important. But to Mike everything El said was important.

"We should eat breakfast," she told him instead, a slight smile on her lips as she started to walk towards the kitchen. Mike was stood on the same spot for a moment, his handsome face a flurry of emotions as he tried to process what had just happened. The truth was nothing had happened, and yet the ghost of what could have been said was left behind, trapped in the electricity between the young couple.

El picked at her scrambled eggs, her chin cupped in her palm as she watched the way her fork swirled around her plate, making the fluffy eggs smear through the butter of the toasted bread. Now and again she would take a bite and while there was nothing wrong with the food, it just didn't taste right. It was different, a change that she hadn't been ready for.

There were murmured voices around her, short and desperate conversations about television, the weather and food as Joyce, Jonathan, Will and Mike tried to keep the atmosphere calm and normal. But what was normal now?

El was almost relieved when a knock at the front door stopped the meaningless conversation as Jonathan stood up before Joyce could even push away from the table. He looked nervously between his mom and the front of the house.

"I'll get it mom."

"Don't be silly Jonathan," Joyce said with a weary smile as she stood up and reached for her son's cheek. "If you're finished eating, go get some rest sweetheart."

Jonathan sighed and nodded in defeat watching his mom go. He was having to wear a back brace while his bones and bruises healed and could only limp around the house, usually accompanied by Nancy who had taken it upon herself to be his full time carer now that the Hawkins Post remained closed, leaving Jonathan and Nancy without jobs. Or maybe she did it because she loved him. El knew she would do the same for Mike.

Her gaze trailed over to him, her eyes lingering on the healing stitched cut to his forehead. El's brow creased in a frown, the memory of how he sustained that injury playing through her mind. The terror she had felt when Mike lunged forward for the possessed Billy, trying to stop him from harming El. He had been so brave even when they had both known it would be a fight that he couldn't win.

"Who do you think it is?" Will whispered to Mike, El and Jonathan. But before any of them could answer with their assumptions they heard the voice of Dr Owens, speaking in a grave voice.

"Hi Joyce, how are you bearing up?"

"As good as I can be," Joyce answered, her voice tired and strained as they heard the door squeak closed as she stepped onto the porch with Owens, now muffling the rest of their conversation from the group.

Jonathan and Will looked at one another, an unspoken request to eavesdrop passing between them as they moved out of the kitchen and hurried towards the front of the house.

El didn't feel the same need to listen in to what Owens had to say because she could hazard a guess. It would be about Hop and who was now responsible for El. She knew she had a family, but her heart had always felt like it belonged here, in Hawkins.

"You have barely touched your eggs," Mike suddenly blurted out, making El startle as she looked up at him and realised they were alone once again. Her cheeks warmed and she shrugged slightly, her gaze dipping to her plate.

"I'm not that hungry."

"I could make you some Eggos?"

El's head immediately snapped back up and she caught Mike's hopeful eyes and felt a smile lifting her lips. She nodded, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

"Okay," Mike said breathlessly as he rose from his chair, a determination becoming fixed on his face as he headed to the fridge and looked through the small freezer, routing around until he found a box of El's favourite food.

"Here we go," he said with a relieved grin, taking a couple of the frozen waffles out of the package and slotting them into the toaster. He pressed it down and then turned around, his back facing the counter as he looked at El, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I remember the first time I made you these."

"Me too," El grinned, her heart racing, her breath coming out in a shaky exhale.

"I didn't realise how addicted you'd become though," he teased, a glint in his amber eyes.

El smirked, the air feeling light and happy around her. "I'm not addicted. They are the best food."

"Not better than my mom's meatloaf."

"An Eggo Extravaganza is better," El retorted.

Mike opened his mouth to answer back and dispute El's claim, when instead his eyebrows raised in surprise and his eyes widened as an idea came to him. "I can make you an Eggo Extravaganza!"

El's smile slipped off her face and that feeling of a stone falling to the bottom of her stomach was back. "Mike…"

"I'm sure Joyce has candy around here," Mike chuckled, a brightness to his voice as he checked the cupboards. "She won't mind us using some."

"Mike - "

"I'm sure she's got cream in here," Mike said to himself as he rifled through the fridge. The smell of the Eggos heating and cooking filling the air.


El's heart was racing, she could feel the pounding of her pulse in her ears as her chest grew tighter. Her breath came out sharper as she watched Mike talking happily to himself as he gathered the ingredients. The ache in her heart opened, her lip trembled and the wetness of tears filled her eyes before she could even think, spilling down her cheeks.

Her eyes watched as the multi colored candies fell onto the now steamy waffles, almost in slow motion. The noise around her was murmured, Mike's voice a blur as all she could hear was her heart beat, louder and louder.


"Light cream?" Mike shuddered looking at the squirty cream he had just taken out of the fridge. "Why would you want light cream - "


Mike startled, dropping the canister of cream which rolled under the table as he turned in shock to look at El. She was shaking, her face wet with tears and her eyes heartbroken.

"Eggo Extravaganza," El whispered through a dry throat. "Is H-Hops."

"El - " Mike choked out, his eyes mortified as he realised his mistake. "El I'm so - "

But El didn't hear another thing, she needed air. She went to open the backdoor with her mind, her frustration at her powers not working making an exhausted cry rip from her chest as she slammed the door open with her clammy hand and rushed outside.

"SHIT," Mike groaned running his hands harshly through his hair, tight enough to be painful as he left his half created Eggo Extravaganza behind and hurried through the back door, ignoring the calls from Will asking what had happened.

He stumbled down the steps, grasping for the wooden banister to steady himself as he searched the back yard for El, feeling sick with guilt. He had only meant to cheer her up, thinking that her favourite meal could be the trick. But of course it wasn't. Of course it would make her think of Hopper.

"Nice one Wheeler," Mike muttered to himself, his voice filled with self loathing as he huffed and walked down the remaining steps, searching the edge of the woods for his girlfriend. Shit, was he even allowed to call her that now? They were just taking a break...right?!

"Not now that you've screwed it up," he said bitterly, wanting to kick himself for being so damn stupid.

"El?" Mike called walking to the edge of the tree line, his eyes narrowing as he tried to look through the leafy brambles of Mirkwood. He knew she couldn't have gone too far, she could barely walk right now without her crutches. Not knowing where she had gone brought forward a dark anxiety that Mike hadn't felt for about seven months. "Please, just tell me where you are. I can't...I can't lose you…"

The sound of quiet sniffling reached Mike's ears and he hurried forward to where he felt he was being pulled. "El?" he asked again, his voice quieter, softer.


Mike whirled around and found her, immediately exhaling out a breath, feeling dizzy with relief. She was sitting at the bottom of a tree, her knees pushed up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. She slowly lifted her head and Mike instantly felt shame build in the pit of his stomach at her beautiful tear stained face.

"El I'm so sorry," he hurried to say, collapsing onto his knees in front of her.

She shook her head, closing her eyes as she wiped at the corners with the back of her hand. "No, I am sorry."

Mike exhaled a breath of laughter in shock. "What have you got to be sorry for El? You haven't done anything wrong. It was all me and I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"I shouldn't have got upset."

Mike shook his head, his jaw tight with defiance. "No El, you had every right to get upset. It's my fault. I just wanted...I wanted to make you feel better and I screwed up. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," El said quietly, looking up at Mike and giving him a weak smile. "I know you wanted to help. Eggo's Hop."

"I know," Mike sighed, hesitantly moving closer to El and lowering himself to the ground next to her. He shuffled himself backwards so that his back was also against the vast tree trunk, he could feel the layered bark against the back of his shirt and the broken leaves on the forest floor brush against his bare legs.

For a moment there was silence as they stared ahead of them where they could just make out the Byers house through low hanging branches and leafy terrain. There was peace in the forest, the occasional bird song and ruffling of feathers as the summer breeze passed across their skin in a gentle caress. It could have been beautiful, but Mike knew that there was so much darkness to these woods.

"Why did you come sit here?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the green leaves moving in the breeze.

"I couldn't levitate into the I sat."

Mike turned his head to look at El, concern creasing his brow. "They will come back soon. Your powers I mean. You just need"

"Recharge my batteries." El nodded, her expression solemn as she looked down at the forest floor.

"Exactly," Mike said trying to be as upbeat as possible. He had always feared El would exhaust herself and something like this would happen. His eyes slowly moved their gaze up to El's head, now covered by beautiful curls. Mike bit his lip, worrying it beneath his teeth, wondering what was going on in that amazing head of hers.

Had all the overexertion done something to her? Would she be okay one minute and then collapse the next? Just like she had in the Starcourt Mall? Mike felt goosebumps rise up his arms at the thought and he quickly cleared his throat, not wanting to even think about El being in any kind of danger. It made him feel nauseous and for his chest to feel like it was caving in. There couldn't be a world without El. She was the earth, the sun and the moon all in one.

And Mike didn't care if people thought he was too overprotective of her. He would protect her with his last breath, he would do anything for her. Anything that would keep her safe and well. Because it was in the racing of his heart when she was around, it was in the electricity he felt when their skin brushed together or the eruption of butterflies in his stomach when they kissed. He loved her. And there was no limits with love.

Joyce closed the front door firmly behind her and ushered Dr Owens towards the porch swing. He looked at the rickety wooden seat with skepticism but merely shrugged before sitting down.

Joyce joined him, taking a deep breath as she turned to look at Owens, her chocolate brown eyes wide and curious. "Is there any word?"

The doctor sighed, shaking his head. "No...I'm afraid there isn't. In fact...Joyce that's why I'm here…" Owens moved a hand to the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. He hesitantly passed it to Joyce and watched as she hurried to unravel it.

"Jim Hopper is being declared legally dead Joyce."

Her fingers froze on the paper, her eyes wet as she stared down at the official document, barely able to see through the fog that filled her gaze. She didn't notice that she was shaking, but she could feel the pain in her heart. It was getting harder and harder to hide away from the agony.

Joyce squeezed her eyes closed, allowing the tears that gathered to fall sharply down her thin face. "I closed my eyes for a second," she whispered, her breath shaky and heavy with grief. "And then he was gone."

"You did what you had to do Joyce," Owens said sympathetically. He looked tired as he leaned forward slightly, looking ahead towards the undergrowth that surrounded the property.

"You know that's what Jim would have wanted you to do. To close the gate, to protect the girl."

Joyce winced as the last memory she had of Hopper came to the forefront of her mind. That outfit, that stupid mustache, those tearfilled blue eyes accepting his fate and that smile of understanding. The smile that said he wanted her to close the gate, he wanted her to protect El, to protect them all.

This thought resounded through Joyce's head as she took a sharp intake of air, trying to calm herself as she sat back, wiping at her eyes. "What do you need me to do?"

Owens reached for his briefcase, pulling out a large pile of official looking documents. He turned back to Joyce, meeting her gaze. She knew what these papers were. She had already signed a set in 1983 and 1984. It seemed 1985 would be no different.

"I need you to gather all of those kids here. All of them that were involved. I'll be back tonight and we will get these confidentiality papers signed. And your settlement papers. We have named you as the guardian for the minors, and their settlement money will be in trust until they turn 18."

Joyce nodded, feeling numb as her head pounded, trying to take in all of this new information.

"And Joyce? May I suggest something? For when you have your settlement?"


Owens looked around at the area, his eyes scanning the trees, undergrowth and the house. "Leave this place. It's only been getting more and more attention in the media. You know it isn't going to be long before the wrong people are looking at it too…"

Joyce tightened her jaw as she nodded, blinking away the tears as she looked around the land of the home that had been her own since before Jonathan was born. It had felt so easy to leave after losing Bob, but after everything had changed this summer...could she really take the kids away from their friends?

If it's for their safety...yes.

7th July 1985

Rain splattered on the window as El sat cross legged in the middle of Will's floor, routing through her duffel bag of clothes.

"Meant to be summer," she muttered darkly to herself as the rain continued to pour, the thick dark clouds casting shadows in the bedroom.

It was another day at the Byers house. It didn't feel like it had been three days without Hop and yet it felt like it had been a lifetime since she heard his loud and somewhat annoying singing, the way he huffed and groaned anytime Mike knocked on the front door, or how El cringed at the shirts he had taken to wearing. Now she would give anything to hear that voice or roll her eyes while he insisted that his shirts were "cutting edge!"

There was a gentle knock at the bedroom door and El looked up to see Joyce hovering, a kind smile on her face and a softness in her eyes that always seemed to have such a calming effect.

"Hi sweetie," Joyce said as her chocolate brown eyes gazed down at El's bag. She sighed quietly and slowly looked back up at the teenage girl. "Please tell me if this is too soon...but I was thinking we could go to the cabin today. Get some more of your stuff and...and Hops…"

El's face fell as she looked down at her clothes, having barely anything new to change into. The majority of her things were still at the cabin and while she wasn't sure if going there was something she could face, she knew it had to be done.

She nodded slowly, looking up at Joyce, her eyes wide and beseeching as she thought of something. "Can my friends come too?"

Joyce looked surprised for a moment but then her lips stretched into an understanding smile. "Of course sweetie. I'll call around now for you, see who is free…" A playful glint entered Joyce's eyes, and before she could stop herself she added, "although I'm sure Mike will be free no matter what."

El blushed, she couldn't help the pink tinge that rose to her cheeks as she ducked her head and tried to contain a smile. She couldn't stop the way she felt about him, no matter what was happening. He had her heart.

El was thankful Joyce didn't say anymore on the matter and watched her go to make the phone calls. Her eyes moved back down to the duffel bag and the minimal clothes she had with her. Her fingers carefully brushed over a purple patterned top.

"Do you like that?" Max asked, her blue eyes sparkling with more excitement than El thought she had ever seen in the red head.

El looked around the Gap, her eyes wide and curious as she stared at all the different designs. Who knew there could be this much clothing. A new sense of apprehension filled her senses, and El couldn't help but feel nervous.

"How do I know...what I like?"

Max shrugged casually looking around, "you just try things on…" Her gaze landed on El, it was kind and trusting. "Until you find something that feels like you."

A sense of panic flickered into El's eyes, "" How could she possibly get the choice. How could she possibly choose for herself. She needed Mike's opinion, she needed Hop's approval.

Max smiled, a caring and beautiful smile. "Yeah. Not Hopper, not Mike, you."

El blinked and smiled slightly, as she felt the soft cotton shirt. The time she spent with Max had been something out of a Soap Opera. It was fun and freeing. She had felt...normal. Of course time with Mike was magical, and despite Max's thoughts about stupid boys, El knew that it didn't really apply to Mike, Lucas, Dustin or Will. They were special. They would put their lives on the line to protect her and Max if needed. El had witnessed that.

Just like Max had wanted El to form her own opinion about her clothing choices, she now felt like her eyes had also been opened into becoming the person that El wanted to be. Not Mike, not Max, not Hop. El.

Her fingers clenched around the shirt and her eyelashes fluttered closed as she inhaled a heavy breath. Why did finding herself have to be so painful? Why did it have to involve so much loss? And how would she know when she had become the person she was meant to be? El opened her tired eyes and looked out of the window, watching as the rain splattered the window and slowly slid down the glass.

Who was she now? She wasn't Eleven and she was no longer El Hopper.

A tear slid down her cheek mimicking the rain, her emotions showering her like the heavy drops that landed on the dried grass.

El lay her forehead against the glass of the car window, watching the world go by as Joyce drove Jonathan, Will and El to the cabin. No one was talking and yet it wasn't uncomfortable. Jonathan and Will understood that the two women in the car were processing their own thoughts about going to the cabin. El didn't fully understand the relationship that Hop and Joyce had, but she recognised that blush in his cheeks when he spoke of her. It wasn't too different from the one El felt heat her own face when she thought of Mike.

A rumble of thunder filled the grey cloud filled sky as El looked up and wondered if they were in for a storm. Goosebumps rose to her arms as her mind flashed with memories of the Mind Flayer, the way it moved and the hundreds of sharp teeth as it opened its mouth. She flinched remembering the piercing to her leg, the way it had lifted her with such ease.

Her stomach turned as she remembered clinging onto Mike so tightly that she was positive she had indented his arms with her fingernails. So many happy memories they had shared in the cabin, for that to be the last one. El closed her eyes and swallowed quietly as she tried to calm herself down and clear the blockage in her throat.

She could feel the tension in her chest tightening the closer they got to the cabin. And even with her eyes closed, she could feel the crunch of earth and gravel under the tyres of Joyce's car, meaning they were in the woods now, getting nearer to her first real home. A place she had first loathed for making her feel so trapped, and yet it had soon become her home when the brightness was brought back into her life. When Mike had come over every day, when she had got to decorate her bedroom.

And now it would be in shambles from the attack. It would resemble how she felt inside. Broken and vulnerable.

The car was slowing down, the road that Hop had created making the journey less bumpy. El didn't know if she could open her eyes, she didn't want to see her home destroyed. She didn't want the reality that she wouldn't be returning back to Hop, living her life as his daughter. Just as she had wanted to.

"El," came a surprisingly warm voice making El open her eyes. It was Will, his palm on the back of her cold hand. He had reached from the back seat and smiled kindly at her, with understanding. "Look," he told her.

El bit her lip, her eyes dancing between Will's chocolate brown eyes, trusting them. She hesitated for a moment before slowly turning her head just as Joyce stopped the car. She exhaled a shaky breath as her eyes went to the cabin, but not to the broken structure. To the strong and steady people stood in front of it, waiting for her. There to support her through this.

Nancy, Dustin, Lucas, Max and of course Mike.

El hadn't expected them all to come and found herself beyond grateful as she struggled to swallow the lump in her throat. She tugged down the sleeve of Mike's thin sweater that she wore and dabbed at the corners of her eyes.

Joyce reached over and clutched El's hand, "you are so loved sweetheart," she said through a wavering smile. Trying to also keep her emotions under control, despite how hard it was becoming.

El attempted to hold back a sob, if it was from anguish or relief she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she wasn't alone. She wouldn't have to go through any of this alone if she didn't want to. She had family. They were right here.

"Be careful where you stand honey," Joyce said in a strained voice, worry evident in her voice as she watched Mike and Max help El over the threshold of the cabin. Their shoes crunched over glass as they carefully manoeuvred around splintered wood and broken furniture.

Joyce felt pale as she looked around at the havoc that was the living area and kitchen. Her eyes hesitantly moved to El, who looked devastated at what her home had been reduced to. It was with a heavy heart that Joyce gave people jobs, wanting this to be over with as soon as possible for El.

Jonathan, Nancy, Will, Lucas and Dustin were directed to box up certain items in the living room and kitchen and to tidy up what they could, making the room look a little less war torn. Mike and Max were helping El in her bedroom and Joyce grabbed a couple of boxes and hesitantly moved to Hopper's bedroom.

Her strained eyes looked around the bedroom, the window had been smashed and a few things had fallen off the shelf, but otherwise Hop's room hadn't faired too poorly despite everything that had taken place at the cabin.

Joyce moved slowly to the bed, smiling slightly in tired amusement that the bed hadn't even been made. The blankets were pushed back as if Hop had only just jumped out of bed. She absentmindedly ran her hand across the soft cover, closing her eyes and remembering the argument they had at the cabin. It seemed so trivial now of course.

She sighed sadly and shook her head, trying to focus as she placed both empty boxes on the bed and looked around the room, wondering where to start. The closet seemed to make the most sense, so Joyce heaved a deep breath, her small frame rising and falling as she steered herself towards the small built in closet Hop had made when extending the cabin.

Joyce bit her lip in apprehension as she opened the door, her eyes going immediately to the chequered shirts that were hung up neatly on clothes hangers. Joyce couldn't help but raise her eyebrows in surprise that it was so neat, it wasn't very Hop. She tried to ignore the horrible fleeting thought that she would never get the chance to ask him. Her heart felt heavy and she quickly wiped at her wet eyes, shaking her head that she was getting so emotional over shirts.

She bit her lip to try and contain the wobbling as her hand reached out towards the shirts, her fingers wrapped around the first hanger and she pulled the shirt out. She stared at it for a moment, her eyes quickly going between the closed curtain which was a door separator and back to the shirt. Joyce brought the material to her nose, and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent that was Hopper. She inhaled, her breath catching in her throat.

"What are you doing?"

Joyce startled, dropping the shirt, the clothes hanger making a clanging noise as it hit the side table before falling to the floor. El stood in the entrance way, looking so small and vulnerable that it took Joyce back to when she had sat with the young girl in Hawkins Middle School telling her how brave she was. Nothing had changed in that regard. Powers or not, El was still a strong and brave young woman who was willing to sacrifice for what she thought was right.

"Sorry," Joyce said in a choked voice, trying to laugh but feeling embarrassed as she stumbled to pick the shirt back up. She gathered the material in her hands, "I...I was just…" Whatever lie she was about to tell died on her tongue.

Joyce sighed in defeat and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked up at El, her eyes watery. "I was smelling it," she said, sniffling. " smells like Hop," she added with a small smile. "I'm sorry if that's weird or - "

"No." El said cutting off a surprised Joyce. The young girl shook her head as she stepped closer. "Not weird." She sat next to Joyce and reached for the shirt. "Comforting."

Joyce watched on as El brought the shirt to her own nose and took a deep breath, an almost relieved sigh leaving her mouth as she closed her eyes. "I liked these shirts on him," El muttered. "Better than the new ones."

Joyce grinned looking down at the chequered shirts. "I agree. I don't know who he thought he was trying to be with those other ones." Both women smiled, as they looked down at the material.

"He was trying to impress you," El said after a moment of silence making Joyce turn to look at her in surprise. But could Joyce really be surprised? She had known for a while Hop had feelings for her. And while she worried it was just because he may have felt lonely, she knew now it had been real.

Joyce closed her eyes tight and sighed a pain breath. "I wish I had done things differently."

"How?" El asked quietly, a tone of confusion in her voice.

Joyce opened her wet eyes and looked at the young woman. A sad smile flickered to her thin lips. "He asked me on a date."

"He did?"

"Yeah," Joyce laughed, a stabbing pain in her heart making her chest feel tight once more. Her smile faded as she looked ahead towards the shirts. "But I didn't go."

"Why not?"

"I got distracted. I didn't realise the time."

There was silence for a moment while they both contemplated this.

"Is that...the truth?" El asked quietly.

It took a moment for Joyce to take in what she had said as she turned to look at El who was watching her with curiosity. Joyce opened her mouth to speak but no words would come out as she truly thought about El's words. Yes she had been distracted. She had been at Scott Clarke's trying to understand the mystery of her damn magnets falling off the wall.

But if there hadn't have been that distraction. Would she have actually gone?

"No." Joyce said as looked back at El, staring into her bright hazel eyes. "I was scared. After losing Bob I...he was - "

"A good man." El finished for Joyce, surprising her that she even knew about Bob.

"Will and Mike told me," the young woman explained, picking up on Joyce's train of thought and making her smile that the boys had told El about Bob. "And Hop."


El nodded, "he said Bob was a hero. That none of you would have got out of the lab if it wasn't for him. That he was a kind man. The type of man you deserved."

Joyce didn't realise that she was crying until the tears slid off her sharp jaw and onto her clenched hands which held Hopper's shirt between their tight grasp. She had no idea that Hop had thought that highly of Bob, that he had been comparing himself this much. Did he not think that he too was a hero? That he wasn't kind and caring despite his flaws? That he couldn't have made her happy if she had just let him?

"I'm sorry," Joyce sniffled as she moved once of her hands to her face, using her fingers to wipe under her eyes.

El shook her head, "don't be sorry. I am sad too."

Joyce let out a wincing breath of grief as she reached for El, the young woman receiving the arms that were wrapped around her. They both cried, Joyce letting out the pain she had been trying to hide for so long and El embracing it.

"I miss him," Joyce admitted in a choked sob.

"Me too," El nodded into Joyce's shoulder, her voice wavering and her tears wetting the white shirt that Joyce wore. "We didn't get t-to say g-goodbye…"

"I know," Joyce whispered, her voice anguished as she held tighter onto El.

"He just w-wanted to protect us. Me."

Joyce gasped trying to control her crying. She opened her red and swollen eyes and pulled back slightly so that she could cup El's blotchy wet cheeks. She looked into the sad and lost eyes of the young girl.

"And he did. El, he protected us all and that's all he would have wanted. He just wanted you, all of us to be safe." Joyce carefully wiped at the tears on El's face, keeping eye contact with her. A fire was starting in her chest, a fire of determination and grief to make a promise. Not only to El, but to Hop. "And I promise you I am going to respect his wishes. I am going to keep you safe no matter the cost El. I love you like a daughter, you are like one of my own. I will keep you safe."

El was too overwhelmed for words and nodded, her sobs becoming softer as she leaned back into Joyce's arms and let the comfort of a mother's embrace keep her safe and warm.

Mike wasn't surprised that it only took a few minutes in El's bedroom for her to want to leave the room. He could see from the distress in her eyes and the way she clenched her jaw that she was barely keeping herself together.

Her bedroom wasn't in as much disarray as the living room, but the window had blown, glass sparkled here and there on the floor and most of her possessions were scattered. Mike knew how upsetting it must be for her to see her first bedroom like this.

This had been her very first space that she could truly call her own. Mike would be lying if he said it didn't hurt him too. He had spent every single day here for 6 months. Seeing it in such a state made him nauseous. The Mind Flayer had truly taken El's world and shattered it, and there was no stone left unturned. All Mike could do was try and rebuild it.

"What would you like us to pack El?" Max asked, her voice croaky. She had mumbled to Lucas and Dustin that she had a cold when they questioned her, but Mike couldn't help but think she sounded similar to El and Joyce. He frowned wondering if she was putting on a brave face too.

El had looked around her room, her eyes almost wild as she tried to decipher through the mess that would need sorting through. She looked to Mike and all he could do was smile kindly at her, reassurance in his eyes that all of her stuff would be okay. He would make sense of it all, even if it took him all day and all night.

"Max can you sort my clothes," El said, her eyes vulnerable as she looked at the red head who nodded and smiled slightly.

"Of course. I'm on it."

El bit her lip as her gaze flickered around the room before her hazel eyes landed on Mike. She didn't need to say a word for him to understand that pleading look that pierced his heart.

"I'll sort everything else," he promised her, his eyes determined and his posture strong.

A small smile curved El's lips, her face tired but her eyes sparkling with gratitude as she looked at him. That look was all Mike needed for his heart to race and for butterflies to flutter away in his stomach.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Mike smiled, almost scared to grin too much considering the circumstances. "Don't mention it," he said, clearing his throat, containing the smile as he stood awkwardly, looking around the room and wondering where to start.

El lowered her head, almost bashful before she heaved a sigh. "I will go and get more boxes," she said looking between Mike and Max before leaving the room. Neither of them even questioned her, despite knowing they had more than enough boxes. It was clear she wanted to escape and they weren't about to stop her.

Mike stared at the doorway where El had just left, his eyes glazed over as he sighed, wanting her to truly be happy again. The 6 months of bliss with her had been perfect, everything he had ever wanted and dreamt of. But that was had all been a dream.

"You really love her don't you?"

Mike jumped, his eyes quickly catching Max's gaze. She was sitting down by the bottom drawers of El's dresser, folding clothes for the box that was propped up next to her.

", I - "

Max laughed, shaking her head as she folded a sweater that Mike was sure had once belonged to him. "Boys," she sighed before looking back up at Mike who glared at her. "You admitted it already - "

"Yeah under duress!"

Max raised her eyebrow, "what, so don't you mean it now?"

"Of course I do," Mike snapped, his dark eyes narrowing at Max before he grabbed a box harshly and moved to the other side of the bedroom. There was a strained silence for the moment as Mike tried to control his anger towards Max. Why did she always have to be so negative? So damn irritating.

Mike sat on the end of El's bed and reached down for some of her momentos, his temper calming as his fingers carefully extracted her Valentine's card from under a pile of books, their pages open, the spines slightly wonky.

He held it in his grasp and a smile slowly flickered to life on his face as he remembered his nerves as he handed her the card. He hadn't expected her to know about Valentine's day, had never expected anything in return and yet El had known. She had put it down to Soap Operas and Joyce who had given her the material to make a card that Mike now had in the top drawer of his desk. He usually found himself taking the card out and admiring it when he should be studying.

His fingertips touched the love heart and he sighed, "I wanted her to be the first to know…"

There was more silence for a moment until Max spoke, calmer this time. "That you love her?"


Max exhaled a short sigh. "Well don't leave it too long…"

Mike's brow creased in confusion and he turned to look at the red head. She was still folding clothes and had made a lot more progress with packing.


Max lifted her head from the dress she was folding. Her face looked serious but something had softened her blue eyes. Mike didn't think he had ever seen her this vulnerable looking.

"Because she deserves happiness," Max said simply before a smile, which Mike would only call mischievous curved her lips. "Because despite you being a bit of a dingus, she loves you." When Mike's eyebrows raised and his mouth opened to speak, Max added, "she hasn't told me that she loves you. But it's obvious."

"How is it obvious?" Mike couldn't help but ask, not even embarrassed by how desperate he sounded. If there was even a chance that El reciprocated his love, he needed to know.

Max laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Because she acts just like you do."

"And how is that?" Mike asked frowning. He was positive he wasn't that obvious about his feelings in front of everyone.

Max laughed as she placed the dress into the box. "You both get these love heart eyes and it's like everyone else has left the room. When newsflash, we're still there."

Mike watched Max continue to pack for a moment as he contemplated her words. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes, "are you going to pack anything?"

Startling Mike back into reality he hurried to grab some of El's teddies and carefully place them in the box with the Valentine's card.

"If it wasn't obvious how much you loved El was blindingly obvious after everything that happened…" Max continued, her voice quiet and slightly wavering.

Mike was surprised that Max had continued the conversation, they barely spoke and when they did speak, it was usually only to argue. He watched her for a moment with hesitance frowning his face. Max wasn't looking at him, just quietly getting on with her task. Mike realised being busy right now seemed to suit her.

", how are you doing after...everything…" Mike wouldn't have believed it was him who was speaking if it wasn't for his mouth moving.

Max heard his words, her jaw twitching as she blinked rapidly for a moment before continuing with her task. She wouldn't look at him. "I'm fine."

It was so blatantly a lie that Mike couldn't help but laugh. It was that notion that caused Max to glance at him, confusion on her pained face.

"So I'm not the only one hiding something," Mike said, both of them staring at one another before they both broke out in small smiles of acceptance. They worked in silence for a while longer, this time more comfortably. Mike would ask Max's opinion on certain things to pack, and the redhead teased Mike when he asked if she wanted a hand and she stated that she was sorting El's underwear.

His subsequent bright red face kept her giggling for a good 10 minutes while Mike tried not to take a peak at whatever Max was now packing and concentrated on his own tasks.


"Yeah?" he asked distractedly as he put some of El's books back together and packed them. A lot of them were old ones of Nancy's that she handed down to El.

"I'm sorry."

Mike's face knitted in confusion as he looked over at Max. She stood now having finished packing El's clothes. She held her hands together, her fingers moving slightly as if she was nervous.

"What for?"

Max shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself. "For thinking you were controlling El."

Mike narrowed his eyes wondering if she meant it. He knew that he and Max argued a lot, but that argument probably hurt the most. How could anyone think he would want to control El? Especially considering her past and how deeply he loved her. He wanted her free from it all more than anyone else. However, he knew that he wasn't the only one that loved her.

"I'm sorry for thinking you were using her powers…" Mike mumbled, looking at Max cautiously at first. "I know you care about her too."

Max smiled and nodded her head, "I do. I'm new to this whole best friend who's a girl you know. I guess we both got wrapped up in that. I was on the defense for her and I guess she was trying to impress me with her powers." Max laughed gently, "I mean it worked. But she's totally awesome with or without her powers."

"Yeah," Mike grinned, sighing lightly. "She is awesome either way." His eyes trailed away from back to the box of her personal things that he had been packing. He caught sight of the Valentine's card again and cleared his throat catching Max's attention.

"Did you ask her to dump me? I didn't even know she knew that word…"

Max grinned and shook her head. "I didn't tell her to just dump your ass. I said you'd come crawling back and that if you didn't, and you didn't explain yourself, then she should dump your ass."

Mike tried not to pout too much as he mumbled, "I did try and explain myself."

Max laughed, "you lied remember."

"Yeah well Hopper made me okay?! And I did try and tell her the truth...afterwards…"

"When?" Max asked in amusement as she sat on the bed, crossing her arms.

"At the pool," Mike said, his voice more whiny than he would like to admit. "I came to get the resuscitation dummy and El had it, so I took it off her and tried to make her laugh. Well, that didn't work so then I apologised and told the truth. But she thought Hop was right. And okay maybe he kind of was. I was keeping her to myself, I get that now. But I just - "

"Love her."

"Yeah," Mike nodded, clearing his throat and averting his eyes to the floor. The room was peaceful as the two teens sat in silence, processing everything that had been said between them.

Eventually it was Max who spoke up. "You know that you two aren't the average high school romance right?"

Mike laughed shaking his head in amusement and slight annoyance as he looked at the red head. "Yeah, I gathered that."

Max rolled her eyes and then smiled, sighing in exasperation. "I meant that as a good thing dummy." She looked at Mike for a moment and nodded slightly, "I think you two will make it."

Mike couldn't help the beacon of light that shone in his heart or the large relieved smile that spread across his lips.

"Thanks Max."

"You're welcome dummy."

El hesitantly pushed opened the door to her bedroom, expecting a blazing arguing to be in the process between Mike and Max. But instead she only found Mike sat cross legged on her bed, carefully put her more delicate momentos in bubble wrap.

She paused by the door for a moment, a soft smile on her lips and warmth in her chest as she watched the boy she loved. He was so concentrated on doing a good job, his lips were poised and his face was tense as he carefully wrapped up ornaments. El waited until Mike had put in the sealed item into box before she made her presence known.

"Where is Max?"

El asked her question quietly but Mike still jumped, his startled face only making her want to smile more which was incredibly welcome considering the vast emotions that she was experiencing. Happiness was always welcome.

Mike coughed, clearing his throat, "her and Lucas have been taking your boxed clothes to the car. They just took the last box."

El nodded as she walked over to the boy who watched her with nervous eyes. She sat next to him, not realising how he was staring at her as her hazel eyes flickered around her bare room instead. Her gaze looked over the soft green walls and she smiled.

"Do you remember that day? When we painted?"

Mike chuckled, shuffling slightly closer to El as he too looked around at the walls. "Yeah of course. Hopper bought pink paint but you said you wanted green instead."

"I like green."

"I know. So he came back with the paint, and you and I painted with Will's help of course. He's the neatest." El and Mike continued to stare at the bare wall, their hearts racing.

"And Hop was annoyed that we were all making too much noise," El said grinning.

"So you splattered him with paint," Mike chuckled in response. "And more paint ended up on him rather than on the walls. That was when he had to shave off his beard, right?"

El nodded, smirking. "And then he grew that weird hair thing above his lip."

"The moustache? Yeah...what the hell was that about?!"

"I don't know." El's smile faded slightly, her hand had moved in the small gap between her and Mike. "I miss him. I miss his moustache."

His warm palm covered the back of her hand, his fingers naturally locking with her own. That spark passing between them.

"I miss him too," Mike whispered, hesitantly looking away from the wall and to El. She gulped nervously and turned to catch his gaze.

He sighed, his eyes sad. "I wish...I wish I hadn't been an arsehole to him. That I had actually let him talk to us. I was rude. And the maybe…"

El watched Mike, captivated by his every word. Her eyes wide and beseeching. "Maybe?"

Mike bit his lip and looked straight into El's eyes. She felt incredibly exposed, and yet she didn't mind. She wanted him to see the complexity of emotions that she held. She wanted him to know all her secrets.

"Maybe if we had spoken to him. Let him speak, then you and I would still be - "

It was as if a vinyl scratched and broke the moment as music, loud music played from the living room. Mike and El both turned their heads towards where the beautiful guitar sound filled the air before the voice of Jim Croce singing filled El's ears and her heart.

Well, I know it's kind of late

I hope I didn't wake you

But what I've got to say can't wait

I know you'd understand

'Cause every time I tried to tell you

The words just came out wrong

So I'll have to say "I love you" in a song

Yeah, I know it's kind of strange

Every time I'm near you

I just run out of things to say

I know you'd understand

'Cause every time I tried to tell you

The words just came out wrong

So I'll have to say "I love you" in a song

As if she was sleepwalking, El stood up, Mike's hand still in hers as she walked towards the music, bringing him along with her. They entered the living room and stopped at the sight.

Joyce was stood next to the vinyl player, Jonathan had his arm around her as she dabbed at her tears. Nancy and Max were sat on the counter, Lucas, Dustin and Will sat against the wall. All of them listening to the music.

El's eyes filled with tears but she smiled, listening to the music that Hop had loved the most. She looked at Joyce, grateful that she had filled the cabin with beautiful sounds again.

Joyce gazed back at her, a smile on her face, her eyes wet but bright as she said, "I know the perfect way for us to say goodbye to Hop."

That night the Byers back yard came alive. Max and Nancy strung Joyce's Christmas lights across the fencing, Dustin and Lucas lit a bonfire while Mike and Jonathan set up Hopper's vinyl player at full volume.

Steve arrived with food and Dustin and Lucas provided camping chairs as they all sat around the fire.

El tried smores for the first time, Mike explained the concept as he carefully crafted a smore for her while she looked on in amazement. Max watched them with a playful smirk before demanding Lucas to make her one. It was his seventh attempt at winning her back. It worked.

The storm had cleared, the sky was filled with fireflies and the occasional plume of smoke as Joyce tried one of Hopper's cigarettes, spluttering and laughing at how disgusting she found it.

The atmosphere was vibrant. It was filled with laughter as Joyce told the party stories about Hopper. There was no guilt over smiling, no guilt over filling their lungs with warmth as they shared tales and listened to Jim Croce on repeat.

When Don't Mess Around With Jim came on, El explained how Hopper used to dance to it. With some cheering and encouragement from the party, she stood up, giggling as she showed them the dance. Mike was positive in that moment that he fell even more in love with her.

They all danced, ate and shared memories. It was the goodbye that El knew Hopper would have wanted. And as they lay under the stars in sleeping bags, El stared up at the stars, thinking of how lucky she was to have been the Chief's daughter. She would never forget him. She would never want a world without him, but she had to live.

Well, I'm sorry for the things that I told you

But words only go so far

And if I had my way

I would reach into heaven

And I'd pull down a star for a present

And I'd make you a chain out of diamonds

And pearls from a summer sea

But all I can give you is a kiss in the morning

And a sweet apology

Well, I know that it hasn't been easy

And I haven't always been around

To say the right words

Or to hold you in the morning

Or to help you when you're down

I know I never showed you much of a good time

But baby things are gonna change

I'm gonna make up for all of the hurt I brought

I'm gonna love away all your pain

And tomorrow's gonna be a brighter day

There's gonna be some changes

Tomorrow's gonna be a brighter day

This time you can believe me

No more crying in your lonely room

And no more empty nights

'Cause tomorrow morning everything will turn out right

El smiled, her heavy eyes slowly closing. Tomorrow was going to be a brighter day.

AN: Please let me know what you thought! I think I liked it, but has the surgery messed me up and I'm wrong?! Let me know pretty please with Eggos on top! Thank you so much for reading :-)