Let's do this guys. Unhinged chapter 3. Hope you guys like it.

Previously on Unhinged:

She picked up her foot from the shade and carefully walked away from the glass to the spot where she woke up from, crimson leaving a droplet trail behind her. She hissed in pain and sat down, not even minding at the moment that the dildo fell from her depths and the suction cup for a bottom planted itself on the center seam of her pants. She sat down carefully, feeling the head of it twitch with every movement she made to make its presence known. A sigh released when she saw the blood, felt all too real pain… and then realized what this could very well mean.

"Holy fucking shit."

A scuffled noise reached her ears then, coming from Lucia's right and she turned only to find one of the little Arab boys coming close to her with wide eyes. Shit, Lucia knew even if she told him something in English, he wouldn't be able to understand. Hell, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to talk in English while she was on this fucking blood-greedy planet. "Non-" She started her half-hearted attempt in Italian and made to get up, only for him to turn around and dart away. Probably to tell Imam, her mind supplied as she heard his voice exclaim in his native tongue. Deaf ears would probably be able to catch his alarmed tone, so she sat down wincing with sensitivity as she did.

Lucia sighed, hating that she basically had to wait for a man to help her. Though half of her was happy that she didn't have to wait long, for hurried steps were quick to reach her ears. Turning from behind another cryo container, revealed a walking dead man that look familiar only due to watching Pitch Black so often. He had a kind of oval face, his graying beard edging neatly around his mouth and up the sides of his face to the graying hair on top of his head. Dark, olive skin shone with sweat already due to the humidity outside and spots of sweat were leaking through his double layer shirt. His army pants were unscathed. Zeke. He had a white box, clearly a first aid kit, in hand.

Behind him, a woman came running noisily and immediately the dark curly hair that was pulled back at the top of her head, made Lucia become clued as to who the other woman was before the other woman even introduced herself. "Hello. I'm Shazza." She introduced in English before gesturing with a thumb at her boyfriend. "This is Zeke. We're going to take a look at your foot and patch you up, okay?"

Lucia questioned on whether she should just stick with English but the whispers told her to go with her original plan. That it would be better in the long run, if they didn't know that she spoke English then they may give more information in front of her. "Scusa, non ti capisco." It was clear by the shared look of surprise that they weren't expecting that and when they turned back to her, they were at a loss on what to say. What? Did they honestly think that it was a requirement that almost everyone knew English?

"Scusa." Lucia perked up when Zeke said it, watching him quietly as he broke it down. "It sounds a lot like Excuse. Excuse me. Non has to be mean no."

"And the other two?" Shazza questioned him dryly and nodded when her boyfriend confirmed her thoughts, they didn't know. She hummed thoughtfully, maybe… "Maybe she's apologizing for not understanding us."

Eureka! They had a lightbulb moment, good for them.

Zeke looked at his girlfriend adoringly before turning back to Lucia, before crouching down at her level and shaking the first aid kit lightly in emphasis. His gaze questioning and he didn't move as Lucia watched him in suspicion. She may have a dildo in her but damn it all if she was comfortable with men in general. Shazza, watching her every move, touched Zeke's shoulder that was closest to her and asked if she'd do it. Zeke nodded firmly, after all whatever got it done, and moved so she could take his place.

Shazza smiled softly at her, opened the first aid kit and slowly made to grab her foot. When she didn't protest, Shazza gently grabbed onto it with one hand and reached for the tweezers with the other. Snapping each side together in warning so the foreign woman would know what she was going to do, Shazza used them to pull out the little shards of glass out of one foot before going to pick up the other one. It was a delicate process and even though Shazza was careful, it still was painful beyond words. She proceeded to wrap them both up in gauze, tying them tightly before she looked back at Zeke. "We need to get her where my bag was, maybe it survived. My guess is she changed into her pajamas the last minute before slipping into cryo."

Zeke nodded hesitantly, ready to pick her up but unsure as to how she would react to it. Shazza turned to face her, and gently patted Zeke's arm as Lucia watched, universally telling her that he was a man that she could trust. Not that Lucia didn't already kinda expect that from observing his character more than once during his short life span in the movies. Tilting her head in a slight show of curiosity, Lucia nodded her head, trying not to show that she was excited at the mere idea of clothes. I'd kill for a bra and panties right about now, even if they are borrowed. As long as they're clean, pass them up bitch. After acknowledging the tilt of her head, Shazza stepped aside and allowed Zeke to move forward. Lucia watched with her body coiled as the man before her bent down and moved to gently scoop her into his arms. Shifting her weight with one hand on her back and the other reaching under her legs, his forearm strong and flexing as he stood with her.

Lucia was a little more than jarred by the feeling of the dildo moving as he picked her up, and hoped he didn't feel it as Zeke carried her through the wreckage. If he did, he didn't say anything. Voices that spoke English were overlapping with another language other than her own, they moved past the gathered people just as a little kid looked up at some others and went, "So, I'm guessing something went wrong."

Jack, Lucia's heart squeezed. The shuffle of Zeke's feet caught the girl's attention, and when the two of them locked eyes, the older one smiled softly in reassurance. Sì, little mama. And it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

After greedily putting on the clothes that Shazza offered her - a pair of black pants and a white bra in all of its respective glory - Lucia shifted once more in discomfort. The pants were fine, tight but fine. She had decided to shake her head in protest at the white tank top that the paler woman tried to offer her, because in the grand scheme of things the Lucia knew that when rain fell it wouldn't do well for her to be wearing white. If I end up lasting that long… She decided to leave on her black silky pajama top.

Shaking her head, she moved out of the cargo room that Lucia had dubbed as her changing room on wobbly feet. It hurt, her foot, but she knew she had to manage if she had any hope of staying alive long enough to fangirl over Riddick's rippling muscles and to find out who was sealed in that other cryo container.

As soon as she crossed the threshold however, Lucia's ears caught the echoed scream of, "Get it out of me!" It still made her jump in surprise even though it was expected, and while she heard everyone noisily rush to the cockpit to find out what happened… Lucia made herself stay put. For one, she didn't need to go to know what happened and for another, she didn't want to see a guy die. Especially someone that had fought with that bitch to get them all out of this alive, it hit her harder when she realized that she actually could have died.

If I see her, I'm going to kick her ass and then where would my disguise of not understanding English be? Best try to keep calm and hold off the meeting until the very last minute.

Instead, she moved onward - wandering with tingling pain that she only brought onto herself… before Lucia finally came to the exact spot that Johns had tall, muscular and badass tied to beam. His head turned into her direction, head shifting back and forth slowly to try and get a peak from behind the blindfold. Lucia smiled widely as she walked forward, gathering confidence as he inhaled her scent and tension gradually released from his muscles. Olive skinned fingertips teasingly touched his torso, marvelling at how hard it was even if she should have known to expect nothing less, before they moved slowly upward. She grabbed the opening side of the bit with that hand and reached with the other to twist the screw and get it off of him. After it dropped, she moved a hand to rub the tension out of his jaw.

"Va meglio, no?" Lucia didn't know what possessed her to rub her nose against the bottom of his jaw line, teasing as her hands trailed downward to rest on the hem of his pants, "Riddick." She purred his name as she rubbed her breasts against his chest, an animalistic urge awakening within her that refused to be denied.

He didn't know what she was saying other than the word 'No.' and his name but from the provocative way she rubbed her chest against his… sweetheart wanted to play. Riddick forced his knee in between her legs, they both knew that there were things that could easily break through any language barrier. He also had to wonder how this woman recognized him by name when he could have sworn he had never seen her before. She wasted no time grinding down onto his firm leg, feeling the twitch of the dildo move sinfully within her with every pass. Even if he was the one in chains, Lucia was sure that she only was rubbing on him now because he allowed her to. To Riddick, she smelled like another woman - or the clothes that she wore did - and the animal within him wanted to rip off those borrowed clothes and smother her scent to make it copy his. No… more than that. To have her smell of them from this moment forward. And honestly, he had a feeling that the animal hidden within her would allow him to… anticipation surged within him. It would be a fun task to see to.

The vibration of a purr echoed from within her throat and chest as Lucia used him to take her pleasure, the tip of the dildo moving within her aimlessly for a few minutes before it hit something inside her that made her toes curl more than it had been. It slowly falling downward on its own due to how wet she was, before being forced inward again under the guidance of his firm leg. Back and forth, slowly, and Lucia moaned as she attempted to cling to whatever sanity she had left. Her fingers reached outward to him, gripping Riddick's black tank top tightly after sinking into the temptation to grab onto something. The natural wetness from her pussy sliding downward and saturating a specific spot on his pant leg, the smell making him swallow the greed.

He parted his mouth to speak but stopped short when he realized that she wouldn't understand him anyway. He wished he could grab her, to force the toy out of her and give her something to really moan about. For probably the first time in his life, Riddick was being used and he loved it. He loved that she kept grinding on his firm leg, moving back and forth, taking what she needed… unknown to the audience that they had. Riddick hoped she survived, even though he really didn't care to know the precise details other than fucking her as to why.

"Aye ya." The woman who seemed to hold too many secrets whimpered, her hurt foot forcibly curling along with the other in euphoria. Desire ran hot in her veins, making little, helpless whimpers vibrate in her throat until Riddick pulled his body forward and swallowed them in his mouth. The kiss, wet and filthy, was hotter than anything that a guy before him gave her. Sharp teeth nipped almost painfully at her bottom lip, "Riddick."

He watched her as she bounced on the leverage that his thigh offered her until she climaxed for one of numerous times today. He smirked as her breath came heavy on her lips, enhanced ears picking up her heart rate even as she pulled herself up in an attempt to regain composure. After a few minutes, she smirked coyly back and leaned forward to place her lips at his right ear… left hand on his shoulder to brace herself, her right hand trailing downward. While playing with his dick tented underneath his pants, after releasing a moan in response to feeling the elastic movement that came with moving it gently up and down… Lucia hotly whispered against the shell of Riddick's ear.

"Thank you for the orgasm… sir."

The way she had thanked him for an orgasm was filthy enough without the added 'sir' tacked on. Now realizing that she could very well understand English - the sneaky little woman, he was actually a little impressed - he opened his mouth to demand her name. Before he could though, she giggled softly, moved out of his space and proceeded to move away from him as swiftly as she could with an injured foot. He opened his mouth to speak but just then, slowly, the voices of the other survivors began to reach their ears.

Lucia smirked in the shadowy depths, and before she left the room she turned to Riddick and brought her right pointer finger up to her lips to silence him. Her eyes, unknown to her, flashed pure white for a couple seconds and it left him harder than before, if such a thing was indeed possible.

He looked upward after she left, eyed the damage that shown about him to the pole he was tied to… And smirked. He brought his head back down, smirk still curled, and spoke out to the darkness that cloaked his sight. "Are you going to help me out, asshole? Or am I gonna have to get out of this myself?"

There was naught but silence in answer, making Riddick almost think that the immortal had already left but then there was a firm touch on his thigh… directly on the wet spot that the beautiful mystery left on him. A mark of her own, he concluded with the help of his beast, I can't wait to return the favor. Something fully irritated him though... he didn't know her name. The hand left and was followed by a slurping sound… then a hum. Riddick's arousal gradually heightened once more.

"...Tasty. Nope, I'm gonna leave you here. No hard feelings or anything but you know damn well she'd get blamed for it." A familiar voice spoke calmly though the darkness that engulfed Riddick's vision The animalistic bit was forced on him again when Riddick opened his mouth to speak, "Have fun… I know I'm gonna."

And with a cheeky grin, Eric left having no doubt Riddick mentally cursing the vampyre, searching for the beautiful mystery that called to them both.

It was his turn to introduce himself now.

Thanks for reading. You guys know what to do.