Rising out of the Ashes

AN – Plot bunny that won't go away, after looking at the promo pics for 6.10. I think something like this could happen in at the end of 6.10, or maybe 6.11. This is just one of the MANY possibilities the writing staff could take us. I am sure the writers will take us on a much better journey. Originally a one shot, but now I'm thinking a two/three shot.

I am getting back to 2,199 days, I just can't pick a direction. So far I have 3 possible Chapters 15, I may post something in the next couple of days.

Chapter 1 – Waking up

Eyes open. They are in a dungy room, she can't really turn her head, and it takes her a minute to figure out why. She's bound to the place where she lies. Some sort of wide chair. A man she has never seen comes into her view. "Hey, you're friend is awake" he says to someone, and he turns back to her. The man brings a light to her eyes. "Follow the light" he says. So she follows the light. He takes the head bind off. Then another man comes into view, but still out of focus.

"Push with your feet?" the first man says as he pushes against her feet. She feels resistance. "Good" he says as he also takes off the binds at her feet.

"Good, now, hold my fingers… harder… good" he said as she tried to crush his fingers. Torso binds also come off

"Qui es-tu?" she says.

"You don't remember me?" He asks. She could only shake her head.

"Je suis Gabriel" the man said in French.

"Why can't she speak English?" asked the second. As he said this, she recognized him, it was Bellamy.

"Bellamy!" Clarke almost whispered, relieved that she who she herself was, and who this other man was. She saw him smile at her recognition. "vous avez échappé!" she then said excited, only realizing that she was not speaking English.

"Wèishéme wǒ bù huì shuō yīngyǔ" now speaking Chinese.

"Josephine could speak those languages, interesting… don't worry, I think the language dysplasia will go away soon, I hope, you can understand me right" he said.

"Sic" she said and nodded.

"Latin now… that's… this is the first time someone that was a host has come back, I am not really sure what to expect." Gabriel said.

"Clarke, are you feeling okay?" asked Bellamy.

Clarke just nodded again, she then closed her eyes for a minutes, as if trying to will herself to speak English. She finally said "you kept your promise" she said, smiling that she finally spoke English.

"You did the hard part, I just got you here" he said, as he took her hand and smiled at his friend. He then took something out of his pocket with his other hand, it was Josephine's mind drive.

"I'm free, let me try something… allons chercher nos amis" Clarke consciously switching languages, she could speak French, Chinese, and Latin now. Clarke didn't like this, it was as if a part of Josephine was still in her. In a sick way, she was.

"Not just yet, you need to rest for a few days, you just had brain surgery" Gabriel said.

Someone else came into the compound. She said "laid a few dummy trails, they are not getting here anytime soon…" She stopped when she saw that Clarke was awake.

"Octavia, thank you, what little I remember after I broke the bike, I know I owe you" Clarke said.

"Consider us even, you know, from when I tried to kill you in Polis" Octavia said this very nonchalant.

Gabriel was confused by the turn of events. Octavia had begged him to help save her friend, and now he finds out that one of them tried to kill the other.

"We all have quite the history" Bellamy said when he saw Gabriel's face.

"Is Sanctum still after me? Or should I say dear Josie?" asked Clarke.

"Yea, they are after her, for now" Gabriel said, as he finally moved away.

"Good, I have a plan" Clarke said as she tried to get up.

"Stay on the chair, you need to rest for a couple of days." Gabriel said, and Bellamy pushed her back. "He's right you need to take it easy, we just got you back."

"We don't have time, if Sanctum is still looking for me, then we should let them find me" Clarke responded.

"Wait, let me get this straight, after having brain surgery, you wanna pretend to be Josephine in Sanctum? Are you insane?" asked Octavia. The she directed at Gabriel "did you cause brain damage?"

"Josephine did long enough to fool my own mother, why can't it work the other way?" asked Clarke.

"Because Josephine had Murphy holding her hand, you don't really have anyone on the inside" Bellamy argued.

"Wait Murphy helped the body snatcher? And let me guess, he doesn't need to figure things out?" asked Octavia.

"I don't know what we are going to do about Murphy yet" Bellamy turned to face his sister.

"Shouldn't that be up to me?" asked Clarke. Both Blake siblings looked at Clarke. "What do you want to do?" asked Octavia.

Clarke took a beat, and reluctantly said "I get why he made a deal, when he thought I was already dead, where the problem comes in is that he still tried to help Josie to actually kill me, at the end of the day that's my problem. He was trying to keep the peace, to do his version of better. I also can't forget that you Bellamy, you made a deal too."

"When I thought you were dead, I tried to do what you would want me to do." Bellamy said in a sad voice.

"That memory is how Josephine convinced me to give up the memory, the key to my mind, it's how she knew about the EMP." She told him. "I am not telling you this to make you feel guilty, I am telling you because we all tried to do better, to avoid a war."

"A war is already here, we walked right into the middle of it" said Octavia.

"We're good at ending wars, so let's end it, do the correct version of better" said Clarke.

"I have to know something Clarke, how did you even survive the mind wipe? Do you know?" asked Gabriel.

"ALIE" Clarke said as she laughed.

"ALIE?" asked both Octavia and Bellamy.

"ALIE was the AI that ended the world, she had her own version of a key, which I took. Meaning her code is in my head, and her code command is 'make life better', so in this case was protecting my mind, she created the mind space for me to gather my strength." She looked to Bellamey and said. "There were also projections, and it was Monty who convinced me to fight, to stop this blatant murder if I can. The Primes have to end, one way of another."

Bellamy nodded his head and said "Okay, that's a plan, but not yet, and you're not going back there pretending to be her again, like I said, you don't have a Murphy."

"I have something better than Murphy, I have 200 year of memories" responded Clarke.

"No you don't, Josie is out" Gabriel stated, pointing at the mind drive in Bellamy's hand.

"Alors pourquoi est-ce que je sais parler en français" (then why do i know how to speak in French) argued Clarke. "I still know how to ride a motorcycle, and I know so much about biology, If you give me a brush I could paint, I know information that I never knew before. I think whatever I learned from Josephine, it's going to stick"

"What do you mean?" asked Gabriel.

Clarke responded "I passed the time by going to Josephine's mind's space, and I opened a lot of books"

"We don't know that these memories will stick, the memories could fade the longer you're awake, like a dream. We don't know how long this is going to last, what if it all goes away at the worse possible moment, what if stress if a factor, there are a million variables, and we have no idea what the constants are".

"Then be my Murphy, tell me things someone who loves her knows" she was now the one begging, asking for his help.

"We are your best shot at redemption here, we are your only shot to truly end the Primes, and they have our friends, my daughter, my mother, what is left of everyone I had ever cared about is in that compound, help me get our family back, help me end this once and for all" Clarke tried the impassioned plea.

Gabriel got up and started pacing "this is not a good idea" he whispered as he nodded his head. "On one condition" he said holding up a finger. "Let me guess, we kill all the primes?" asked Octavia said. "No, however you get rid of the Primes, when it's done, you come back here, and kill me" he said.

The two Blakes and Clarke looked at each other, not knowing what to do. "Okay" said Clarke. For the rest of the day, Gabriel spent it teaching Clarke how to fool Sanctum into believing she was still Josephine.

The next morning, Octavia was telling Clarke where one of the dummy trails was leading to. "Hopefully you'll find the Sanctum riders there" Octavia told her.

"You know your cover story. Try to lead them near Shaw's burial ground, we'll keep a look out there, if we don't see you by noon the next day, we are destroying Jojo over here, and we're raising hell" Bellamy said.

"Looks like I am the inside man this time" Clarke joked, somewhat somberly. Bellamy just smiled.

"Maybe we can avoid genocide this time" Octavia said.

Clarke hugged Bellamy, then she hugged Octavia. She shook Gabriel's hand. "Thank you for everything, my life" Clarke said to the man who saved her life. "You know the deal, once all the Primes are dead or gone, you come finish me off, until then, I'll be waiting for your pregnant friend."

Clarke followed Octavia's directions. She had a gun just in case the children tried to get her. It wasn't too long when she heard the riders. She moved towards the sound, and she ran into Jade and a couple of others.

"Jade you're okay, I thought she killed you" said Clarke in a higher pitch voice than her own.

Jade kept a gun pointed at her. "Clarke is dead, Gabriel saved me after all, and yes, he's still alive". Clarke moved towards Jade and forced her to lower her gun. "Thank god! I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that" Jade said.

"Take me home" Clarke commanded her, and got on the bike, behind Jade.

It wasn't long before they were joined by the other riders, her guard of honor.

"Go through the southern pass" Clarke commanded again, and slowly they all changed course to enter through that pass. Clarke tried to keep an eye out for her friends, but she knew she wouldn't see them. They would stay well-hidden until after the riders got in. When they got to the shield, Clarke got off the bike, and passed through it as slowly as she could to give the Blake's as much time as possible to get into position. She entered the new code set up by Russell. All the riders passed, and Clarke waited a moment, counted to 10, and then punched in the code to close it.

If things went according to plan, Bellamy and Octavia were now also in the compound somewhere. Now they all just needed to get in place, and end this once and for all.