Chapter 1

The lights flickered as the rain was coming down hard outside. There are times that she felt like she was trapped in the tower and she wanted to go outside. She had seen the flash of lightning light up the sky as she closed her eyes. There was something that seemed almost familiar to her when the sky lit up the way it did. She slowly opened her eyes as an old memory flashed through her eyes. It wasn't much, but the lightning made her remember something that felt like a dream. The flash of a face with a long scar crossed her mind and she gasped and fell off the bed.

The door to her room slammed open and her older brother Seto Kaiba stood there wearing only a pair of boxers. His hair was wet and even water slid down his chest. He ran over to help her up as he grew worried checking her over for any injuries.

"What happened, are you alright? I was in the shower and I heard the crash. I was worried that someone had come in here. I wanted to make sure that you were alright. I mean you are my younger sister Christine so there are some who would use that against me."

"She shook her head as he helped her up. She was in a gown as she looked back up at her brother. She just had to tell him what was going on. These dreams that she seem to be happening all started when Ishizu Ishtar had given her the millennium necklace. Since then, she had been seeing strange things and seeing things that aren't there. The strangest thing she had seen was when she had thought were her brother and her friend Yugi Muto kissing. Though the way that Yugi looked, it was different then what she remembered. Yugi was darker skinned and he was adorned with golden jewelry. The big difference was his size. He had muscle on his arms and legs.

She was so distracted; she didn't hear her brother calling her name. He shook her slightly shook her and she looked up at her brother. She knew she had to tell him.

"Seto, I have been having these strange visions since I got that necklace. I know Ishizu said that it rightfully belonged to me, but why? I have so many questions and what I have been seeing just makes me have more."

Seto stood up and set her down on the bed. There was a strange look that she had never seen before. Christine was worried as the look in his eyes was a look of fear. She had never seen that look before and it scared her as well. Seto turned and looked away.

"I have been doing some digging and trying to find answers myself. Like when Yugi told me that I am part of history and I needed to know the truth. I think we need to take a trip to do some more digging. Since Yugi gave me that golden rod, I have felt something strange. I see things that aren't there and I need answers. I don't trust some things that are told to me, but this name Kisara keeps coming up in my mind."

There was a loud crash outside and the power went out. Christine had jumped hearing the noise and Seto held his sister close. He stood up and pulled away from his sister. Someone was here, he was sure of it. He really didn't like leaving his sister alone, but he didn't want to take her with him just in case they were after her. He turned back to his sister.

"You stay here and I will go check it out. I am not going to risk you getting hurt. Someone is here, I know it. I want you to hide in here until I come back. You are not to leave this room do you hear me?"

Before she could answer, he got up and headed out. She looked around in the darkness as she didn't like being alone in the dark like this. Every little noise made her jump and she didn't like being this jumpy. The room began to lighten up, but it was different. She looked around as she was in a palace. She slowly stood up and she looked down at herself. She was wearing a long tan dress and covered in gold and jewels. She was confused as she seen guards run by her.

She went to look out the door and a young male stopped her. He had something draped over his head and he wore the ring that her friend Bakura always wore. She was going to say something, but the man stopped her.

"My queen, you need to stay in here. The palace is under attack and the Pharaoh would be upset if something happened to you. We fear that your life could be in danger and I am here to protect you. I swore to keep you and the Pharaoh safe and I will do that with my life. Your brother would be upset if you were hurt too."

Before she could ask what he was talking about, he was thrown back against the wall and was out cold. She gasped as her path was blocked by the man who haunted her dreams. She gasped and stepped back into the room and the man followed.

"I must say when the Pharaoh said that he took a queen and I would only be his lover, I didn't believe him. I must say though, you are beautiful. I can see why he picked you. I am sorry to say that Atem is mine and you are not going to take him from me."