DESCENDENTS: Hidden Truths and Secrets

Author's note: This is a reimagining of Disney's Descendent. I using some of Maleficent and a few original ideas and characters to create this story. This is my first fan fiction and my writing skills are not the best so be kind in reviews. Enjoy!


It was close to midnight as the figure made his way down to the prison cell. He made sure no one saw him for fear of be expose for his pass. As he approached the guard sees him and bows. "Good Evening King Stephen", says the Guard. Stephen gives the guard a displeased look and reply, "Silence you fool, I don't want anyone to know what I doing here. Keep a lookout and warn me if any of Adams men come." The Guard nods in response as he opens the door to corridor of cells. Stephen looks at the cells, earlier that day they held villains that were sentence and sent to the new created Isle of the Lost. Only one remain to transport, the worst of the wort, the Mistress of Evil herself, Maleficent. If they only knew the truth to the story, thought the King as he made his way to the Maleficent cell.

When he reached his destination he saw, standing by the window looking up at the moon. Her hair midnight black hair fell along her back against the black cloak. The silhouette of her horns made it seems she was as evil and could be. Before Stephen could say anything, he hears, "I sorry farm boy I have no jewels to give you. May the King Adam can give you some." Maleficent turns. Pale white face, emerald green eyes and ruby lips a standout in the moonlight making her angelic. "Silence your tongue you fairy freak" said Stephen "I want some answers and want them now!" "Why not ask Fairy Godmother or The Blue Fairy, or did a slip of the tongue show your true colors?" Maleficent asked as sly cocky smile crossed her face. Stephen wanted to yell, but remembered why he was here and what being discovered would bring.

For the last few weeks, Stephen along with royals from the other kingdoms in the new formed Auradon were holding trails for the many villains and their sidekicks. Some were given probation and a second chance like Anastia Tremaine at the request of Cinderella. The majority thought was sent the Isle. Stephen has suggested execution but King Adam just said, "How can we start a new nation with blood on our hands. We must show compassion and give them a chance to change." Later Stephen laughed at the thought of these villains would change. The trails were moving along, some villains like Cruella had to be dragged in and out. He thought it funny when Jafar tried to ague that being a prisoner of a lamp was already punishment enough. The Evil Queen Grimhilda just looked at Snow White at and started cry and after saying she was sorry. But then came the one being who could destroy everything he had, Maleficent. He expected her to air his secrets to ruin him, but she didn't. All she did was stand in front of tribunal and say she was guilty turn the guard and asked to betaken be to her cell. It left the royals stunned and Stephen confused and now he wanted answers.

"Why didn't you put up a fight at the trial today" demanded Stephen. Maleficent still smiling just replied, "Why waste time trying to prove something I can't." Stephen looked her knowing there was more to it. "Nonsense you would pass up the chance to attack me in a public way now tell me why" he demanded grabbing the bars of the cell. Maleficent kept smiling and sat down on the bed. "The truth Stephen, I did want the fight but after what Cruella did, I knew I would be looked upon as crazy. On some level I probably am mad but it's that madness that made think of all the things this new Auradon has already done for me", she said. "King Adam is clever, bring the nations together as one. Makes it hard for you to invade and conqueror like you Father-in-law doesn't it. Also declaring the Moorlands, a protect magic reserve Under the Blue Fairy protection genius. Sad all those gem stones are part of that. And being elected King over everyone so you answer to him that can't sit well with you", Maleficent listed off each of King Adam's accomplishments as if she was stabbing Stephen with a knife.

Stephen had had enough and turned to leave. "This was a waste of time, you did me a favor. Your going to isle and will never trouble me again. And just so you know I will rule Auradon and when I do, I will personally lead an execution squad to the isle and kill you myself" claimed the "good" king as he left. Maleficent just stayed there looked back to the window and looked at the wishing star. "I don't know if you can hear me or now, but please protect this land from Stephen's hunger for power. You do that and while I train Auridon's next protectors." Maleficent just looked at the star as it quickly changes color faster than any human eye could see. That response lighted her soul a little as a tear run down her cheek. "Thank you, Sister, I hope one day you can meet you niece", she said as she held her flat stomach. Her magic told her she was pregnant and that she was to have a girl. She could wait to see Diaval tomorrow and tell him the news. Stephen may have lied about true love with but with Diaval she found real love and hope to give it to their daughter.

She knew her path that was ahead of her would not be easy. The part of a villain while fostering heroes. A choice she made the day she woke up without her wings. Her friends in this plan her sister The Blue Fairy and a Raven she saved named Diaval. They knew the truth that behind ever evil act she did as the Mistress of evil would lead to results that helped so many. Yes, she was fear by the Moorlands and her follow fairies but it was worth it to protect them all. She laid down closed her eyes and went to sleep. Tomorrow was the beginning of a new chapter.