phillynz: definitely and I hope the fight scene was up to par, I needed it to work out just right.

Guest (1): here you go.

bitbit2084: thank you, maybe you'll like this one to.

SailorCC: yeah perhaps it was so that's why I'm writing this out for you guys. Hopefully it puts a nice bow on it. At that point, there was no fight really between mamoru and Diamond to be had. At the end of the day it was Usagi who Diamond had stalked and escaped prison for. He was always after her I this little series. Yes he killed Mamoru's sister and drove him to becoming a cop but in the end she needed to have the fight but Mamoru and his father got the final kill. Sort of justice for everyone. But I did make this little epilogue for everyone as a final send off so I hope you all like it.

NikkiBC: hope you enjoy the journey your about to take. I really do!

5 Reviews, for this one as an extra epilogue that I initially didn't plan but decided to write for the viewers I give you the sprinkles on top of the ice cream…so to speak, let me know how you like it. The new story will be up hopefully by the first week of December so be on the look out.

Obsessed and dangerous: New beginning


Usagi POV

I couldn't believe it. Our daughter it turns out was quiet the ballerina as she danced on stage. A school play that gave her a chance to express her creativeness with dancing. Mamoru and I were within the first few rows as I held our son, already asleep in my arms from the first few acts. Our other daughter was sitting in his lap since it was high up enough to see her sister perform on stage. She watched happily and sat with a patience that would make any other child her age gawk in mute fascination.

I smiled as Mamoru held onto her to keep her from falling from his lap and the other hand on his phone while he recorded the whole act our little ballerina did on stage. We were dressed nicely for the evening as the dance was coming to an end. She didn't even trip up either. She spent months practicing for this show. Tirelessly to as she worked hard. Once the show was over we all clapped as our son woke up.

Her little sister smiled because she knew what she would be getting soon. A promise to the kids that IF they were well behaved, they would get a special treat after this. So they were on their best behavior. There were no arguments, no yelling, no constant shifting around as let's face it, any kid is prone to move around a lot in an uncomfortable metal chair with no padding. Any adult would be to.

They were well behaved. Something that I knew was baffling the parents sitting next to us that quirked their brows and had even given us irritated looks when we came in and sat down. When there were several children sitting for a long stretch of time it usually meant noisy kids to distract away from their kids on stage and yet ours were silent as anything. Mamoru and I waited as the parents started to try to get out of there fast.

Wanting to avoid getting caught up in the rush and getting stuck in it anyways. Once our six year old came up to us, her sweater on over her ballerina uniform and shoes switched out for gym shoes for easier walking and relief on her feet we greeted her warmly. "Did you see?" she asked, I couldn't help but smile, "My darling you were beautiful up there. All your hard work paid off you did great." She beamed with pride.

"I've even got it all on tape for auntie's to watch." Mamoru held up his phone as indication as he saved it along with the other videos of the kids he saved on there. "Oh I can't wait to see it!" she was so happy as she took my other hand, still holding her baby brother who had just turned two recently, as we walked out of the school gym where the play was held and into the warm air as we headed towards our car.

As Mamoru situated our daughters I got the youngest in his seat and got in myself making sure we didn't forget anything, pacifiers or bibs or anything as we got in and set off for the ice cream parlor that had become a family favorite. As the girls talked animated in the back, only being a year apart at that I looked over the program for that evening and saw the date that now I merely reflected on with 'I cannot believe that happened' thoughts.

I still couldn't believe it had been nearly seven years since Diamond's death. Those events would live with me till the end of time but what had followed would remain with me forever. Today marked the anniversary of when he was shot by both Mamoru and his father. I hadn't known at the time I was pregnant with our daughter but I was. I went through all of that and came through with her on the other side.

I remembered asking Ami about it at the time as she told me the female body was meant to handle a lot of things done to it so it could carry out a full blown pregnancy. It was when we the female lacked in doing the right things for the fetus that we weakened ourselves in the process or sometimes genetics was unkind to that particular females body. In this case our baby girl was tough and while I fought off Diamond that day she felt that strength and fought to. That's what I'd like to believe anyways.

I felt Mamoru reaching his hand over as we heard the kids squabbling just a little bit in the back of the mini-van we had. We ended needing to get it when my car we decided needed to be traded in for the bigger vehicle. I hated it at the time but it also loved how convenient it was and how useful it was to have. Especially when we got pregnant with our son. Mamoru decided to get things snipped down there after the third one.

In his opinion, condoms got to be expensive and after our eldest mistakenly found one after a romp we had that resulted in our son he waited till he was born then got the snip. He wanted to avoid anything like that happening again. I watched as we reached the ice cream parlor and went through the drive through. Having moved to a suburban area we weren't to far from the school nor each of our parents places.

Just as we planned. I got my cone dipped as I saw someone with white hair walk by. For just a second I was reminded of him till that memory would flash before my eyes. I knew it would take a while to leave me but perhaps its better that it doesn't. Mamoru certainly seemed to not mind recalling what he had to do. He and his father talked about it once in a while, about once or twice a year to be certain.

That day had been more therapeutic for all of us than him being in jail had been. Mamoru's parents seemed to allow her room to be emptied of her things, mostly, and decided to stuff it with two beds for the girls for when they came over to visit them for the weekend. Something to give us as parents a break at least once a weekend. Our son would get to sleep in Mamoru's old room down the hall with a baby monitor in it just to be safe.

This weekend however it was us as a family. I felt like sometimes my thoughts ran away with me whenever Diamond came to mind. Like I was trying to think of something more pleasant or replace it with a better memory. Truth was once he died and we got past the wedding and got back, I found by accident the woman he landed in a coma. She had woken up and they couldn't figure out why.

I had a strange sense of feeling so I actually went to visit her. She barely remembered that night and only recalled how strange he'd been. I explained to her and those who loved her what happened to him and while she seemed a little shocked she also looked at peace. It seemed once Diamond had died all that negativity died with him or those who were affected went through the final stages of healing.

For us as I licked my ice cream and as Mamoru ate as his chocolate cone, the kids busy eating theirs in the back seats, and under strict orders NOT to make a mess if they want to eat in the back like this again, I felt I could reflect back on that with fondness. Yes I t had been right to put him in jail but after all that had happened sometimes it really was necessary to rid the world of evil…in its many forms.

His may have been form from childhood issues he never dealt with but it didn't give him permission or an excuse to do as he felt he could. We had been living our lives free of him for so long. Our kids were in good schools and did well. We were even granted better positions at our respective jobs and the kid's aunties were very happy in their lives to and with their men in them as well.

Mamoru was granted a permanent desk job so that he could get more time at home with me and the kids. Minako finally found a man over in England on a job that could get her to want to settle down. She had a baby girl herself who was in her spitting image. Makoto and her boyfriend married a year after Mamoru and I did then had a son while she became the official owner of the bakery when the actual owner retired.

Rei became an executive at her job and makes more than she ever dreamed she could and while she finally found a guy she likes she definitely made him work for it. He's already told Mamoru he plans to ask her to marry him. Ami ended up becoming head of the nursing staff making more money than some of the doctors in residency over at the hospital. While part of her does desire to have a family she feels for the time being she's better off with just being an auntie to everyone else's kids.

It came as a shock to most of us but that's how some women were and some men. We told her whatever she choose to do it was up to her that we would support her. I think personally that since her job eats up so much of her time she feels she wouldn't be able to be there for her kids as we are for ours. She has been seeing a fellow doctor though so who knows perhaps there are wedding bells and future progeny on the way at some point.

I myself have had great success at my job. The position I was at became permanent and I now am an executive on the board of the company. I never dreamed of getting to these levels of success but it seems that when you get rid of the negativity in your life it makes a resounding difference. As we pulled up into the drive way of our home and saw the lights were on thanks to the timers I smiled.

This was what I had always truly dreamt about. A lovely family, a loving husband who never even batted an eye lash at another women even after I popped out three kids, a good job that helped to provide well for our kids and – I had to laugh. I could see the bouncing face of our dog jumping up and down from the inside of the garage as he heard the car pull up. "You get the dog I'll get the kids inside." I ushered as we spilt the cuties.

Mamrou turned off the car engine as the kids were done with their dessert. Our son passed out after eating his cone as I pulled him from the car again had our youngest daughters hand to as I gave the keys to our oldest to unlock the front door. Mamoru hit the alarm code to silence it before it would wake our son as we went inside. He went to the door to the garage to take him out for a quick walk to relieve himself then to come back inside.

I put the kids upstairs to bed and tucked them all in, making sure the rest of the house was secured when I got back to the living room and found him unbuttoning the top buttons on the tie he wore to the performance. He smiled at me, looking me up and down asking, "You know how beautiful you look tonight right?" a smile broke out on my face as I smoothed out my short dress. It wasn't short, short but knee length short.

"What in this old thing?" I chuckled as he pulled me towards him. A loving kiss that reminded me still to this day how we had three kids and WHY he was snipped. Not a day went by that we didn't have passion within us for the other. It was we were first together in the beginning. Those feelings of love and passion never once diminished over the years. If anything having our kids and making sure we made room for date night and had weekends to ourselves helped to certify and fortify our bond together as a happily married couple.

"Hai…" he muttered after he ended the passionate kiss. "The kids down for the night?" he asked, his hands on my hips pulling me towards the large ass family couch we had. It was perfect for movie night but boy was that a bitch to get through the front door when we first moved in here. I felt his hands feel up my dress as he found my panties. I couldn't help but smile as he collapsed onto the couch and took me with him.

Our relationship never once lacked for passion or for love. No matter how many times I cried 'how can you love a fat pig?' when I felt I had gained too much from the pregnancies and felt the stares of other women that checked him out. The times I felt after the fact that I was being unreasonable with different things I ordered of him. Asked him to do for me that seemed at the time reasonable but afterwards I knew was a hormonal fit.

No matter how much I felt like I gave him reason to want to leave he not only stayed but he made sure I knew how loved I was by him and how much he loved our family. He didn't bat an eye at the other women. If anything he was only proud that his seed was growing in me. He was only too happy that he was going to be a father. His encouraging words only made me want to work out harder after each delivery.

If he was going to put in the effort into our relationship, into our marriage to make it still strong as day one then I would be damned if I didn't put in the same amount of effort. I kissed my loving husband as his hands roamed about on me. No the passion between us would never dwindle, for people that loved each other as we did the passion only burned brighter with each passing year.