[AN:] A 500 words fic about Rangiku sad about Gin one drunken day, which I made from inspiration after I read HisagiKuchiki's "Challenge Crave Entries," which, might I ask, was a good reading so far and I suggest to check it out if you like GinRan and/or ByaRen.

Prompt: Alcohol, how it tastes, and the Moon.

Hope you readers enjoyed this short bit.

It was very bitter, yet very sweet.

The taste as the moonshine traveled from the sake-cup to her mouth to her throat, as usual, lacked any definite description to give.

It had a burning-like aftertaste as if it were a medical drink, and yet it was so nectarous that she felt like she needed to drink water, as some of the liquid stuck to her throat.

Rangiku sighed. Renji and Izuru were passed out on either side of her. To not wake them up, she softly got up from her seat and made sure not to trip over the beer and vodka bottles on the floor.

The busty woman also moved carefully in order to not mess up the already scattered out, alcohol-smeared documents and portfolios on the floor a foot away from her.

She had a headache, and by the time the two fellow lieutenants woke up, she knew that the room would still be in shambles. The shinigami wasn't looking forward to Hitsugaya's lecturing and yelling she'd most definitely hear in the morning.

Rangiku walked towards one of the windows that was to her side and eyed the moon outside. Her pale blue eyes squinted in a sentimental tone.

In either moments of being sober or drunk off her mind, the lieutenant constantly thought of one person:

Gin Ichimaru.

The former captain of the 3rd Squad of Gotei 13. Her childhood friend who betrayed all of Seireitei, especially her, when he decided to work with Sosuke Aizen, the brown-haired puppeteer behind it all.


'Why did you do it, Gin?'

Matsumoto wondered if the male would ever go towards a window and think of her. If he wondered about why he did what he did, why he didn't just tell her what was going on?

Why couldn't he of at least given her a proper goodbye?

She sighed, swinging around her sake cup.

Since she thought of him during the night when the moon the same shade of his hair appeared, she had to wonder most of all:


Did he ever think of her when the sun was bright, big, and flashing its orange rays?


...Matsumoto doubted it.

She whirled around the almost empty sake cup in her left hand once more, and used her other hand to pull out the ends of her necklace that rested between her large breasts.

Shaking off the little bits of aqua that tried to fall down her cheeks, the lieutenant drank the rest of the alcohol. It was still as astringent to her tastebuds as ever—Abarai and even the meek Kira had complained about the taste.

Strangely enough, though, when she told them that it was also pretty sugary, Renji was confused and Izuru slightly agreed but overall denied that it had a sweet affect.

'What a perfect double entendre,' the orange-haired woman half-jokingly-cause-she's-drunk, half-somberly-cause-it-hurts-hurts-hurts thought to herself before sliding down the wall and closing her eyes.

Some things were better left as drunken-riddles, she supposed to herself before slumbering away.

Hope you all enjoyed that little bit, GinRan lovers.

Fun Fact: Both meanings of the word "moonshine" play into this fic.

...Welp, ciao. Check out HisagiKuchiki's work if you have the time, really.