Cry Wolf, Little Boy, Cry Wolf

By Priya-chan

Disclaimer: I just realized I've been forgetting about these things. Sorry. I've been stuck in my dreams where I did own Slayers and was raking in the dough.

Cry wolf, little boy, cry wolf. Those eyes will help you no more.

Xellos circled the baby Ancient Dragon with all the interest of a predator stalking prey. So little, so helpless. He gave a canine grin. So unprotected. What was Filia thinking leaving them alone in the same house? He smiled mentally. Her trust, his advantage.

The young child watched silently from his crib as a ruby-tipped staff came to rest on his small chest. His infantile mind not grasping why this man had changed in his mother's absence. He merely looked on, golden eyes brimming with curiosity.

Xellos's smile turned sadistic. Oh how Filia would cry, but in the end she would succumb to him. They were enthralled with each other, they were. He jabbed his staff in the young dragon's chest, smiling contentedly at the squawk of indignation. He grinned again, displaying his fangs as he drew back his arm for momentum. His unreflecting eyes glinted cruelly.

His arm surged forward.

Cry wolf, little boy, cry wolf. Mommy will save you no more.

Xellos jerked to a halt, his staff's ruby tip a hairbreadth away from the infant's fragile chest.

Mommy… No. He eyed the silent child critically. No. There were more interesting ways to do this. He shrank back into the shadows of the house.



A/N: Xellos-muse needs to stop inspiring me the night before huge unit tests. This is the third fic I've written in the past three weeks… On the other hand, he seems to think I've been doing well with his characterization. ^___^

Read and review, minna-san, not read and run!

April 14/03