The story thus far: After four years of separation Shiori and Kenji are about to reunite in hopes of marriage. However, Kenji never returned to Japan sending everyone into much discourse. A year later, Shiori has agreed to marry Naruto the man that purposely interfered with Kenji's course to return to Japan. At a wedding party held in honor of Shiori and Naruto's soon to be matrimony, Kenji suddenly appears saying that he is married to Kumiko. Shiori heartbroken and faint at the news decides to go outside but Kenji accompanies her. Through a misunderstanding, Kenji now believes Shiori is in love with Naruto. Meanwhile, Saitou is attacked in the streets and left to die by a strange fighter with the kanji "Aku" embroidered on his back. Earlier in the day, Misao was also attacked and saved by Aoshi, however, he was killed by a well aimed shot. In Tokyo, the Kenshin-gumi also suffers from an attack on the dojo. However, Soujirou appears just in time and saves them from any major casualties. Touma then appears suddenly at the dojo surprising the group with a cryptic message.

And so, our story continues:

Sins of the Fathers


August 10, Meiji 31 (1901)

Kumiko Shinomori had the stubbornness of both her parents, the spontaneity of her mother, and the icy composure of her father. When put to good use the eldest Shinomori made for a charming girl full of vibrancy and just the right amount of absurdity that had everyone's attention focusing on her. Her handsome good looks and a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes accented this mix, allowing her to be the centerpiece to any room. All her life she had been a natural charmer, so it wasn't a surprise that when Kenji left with Shiori that she drew away the awkward atmosphere with her tales and melodious laughter.

However, the dark haired woman was by no means a silly and frivolous girl. Behind her amiable manners and charm lay a mind full of cunning wit that made her and extraordinary woman and an even better kunoichi. So while she gently prided information and chatter from her hosts, she kept a cool gaze and an open ear towards a tall, dark man, the harbinger of her ill will, Naruto. It would be untrue if it were said that she was unconcerned about the pair conversing outside, but her responsibly and sense of justice kept her mind from wondering away from her important task.

Dark blue eyes hardened as Kenji disappeared quickly behind the glass doors leading to the sparkling garden. They then had quickly flittered from the glittering doors to land on the stiff figure of Naruto. The blues eyes changed swiftly from their deep blue to a cool icy blue that burned with fury and rage. The more she thought of Naruto the more the bile raised to her throat. She despised the young man greatly and let her rage burn directly at him, though her smile and laughter lead others to believe otherwise. Yet, as much as she hated Naruto, she hated Shiori more. In the shinobi's mind Shiori was at fault that thousands of scars littered her back, that no man would ever consider her a bride. She blamed Shiori for all that had happened to her and her friends, most especially what happened to Kenji. Kumiko let the memory give her a small shiver, the goose bumps rising as her mind replayed the redhead's blood curling screams. His mental and emotional scars would never heal like his physical ones would and it was her fault.

Naruto internally screamed in frustration. The two men he now was in the company of were foreign officials, connected somehow to his grandfather he was sure, and spoke to the stiff young man as if he knew the politics as well as the old man, or even cared for that matter. It was another reason for him to dislike them, though his main reason was that they were keeping him from chasing after Shiori. The two transparent doors that separated his chance of redemption taunted him from behind the shorter men's head and his heart lurched suddenly. Fear griped his heart as he worriedly thought about what Kenji was saying to the light eyed girl. 'I won't give her to you.' He mentally growled in desperation answering the two men in short, clipped answers trying earnestly to convey his hurry.

He was quite anxious of what Kenji was telling the raven haired girl, but mostly he was frightened how things would turn out. He couldn't even take comfort in the knowledge that Kenji had somehow married another. The threat that he could cause Naruto to lose Shiori was so much that it made him anxious to brush the two men aside rudely. But the insecurity of the moment rooted his feet to the ground as his heart hammered in his chest, the blood roaring in his ears. 'Please… please Shiori stay with me. Give me a chance to explain.'

Naruto took a deep breath as the two men noticed he wasn't really paying attention to the conversation and excused themselves. 'Shiori, forgive me and stay.' Naruto chanted in his head as he bid the to men farewell and taking long, quick strides to the two clear doors. The dark haired youth needed the small woman as he needed air. She gave him peace and comfort. She was the light that shone on his dark world, it changed him into a person who could do no wrong… and for that reason he hated himself.

Taking in a deep, steadying breath the Kumiko smiled shoving the memories of a past year of pain far behind in her mind for the time being and re-focusing on the conversation at hand. The two gentlemen leaving Naruto's company briefly captured her attention. She idly wondered how much time had passed since Kenji's departure and made a small move to stop the hateful man. However, just as she was about to call out to the repulsive man, a commotion in the front of the ballroom caught their attention.

It is said that bad news comes in pairs. Shiori could testify to that. If something terrible happened another equally as terrible or worse would join the first. After all, misery loved company. Yet, no matter how much she knew this fact of life, it never failed to burn her.

Shiori had been passing through the two glass doors in search of Naruto for some sort of comfort in the familiarity. Her world was shaken and turned around so much that she needed something stable to hold onto and try to find her footing again before she lost her sanity. As soon as she stepped into the light ballroom a pair of uniformed policemen caught her eye. They were frantically searching about and yelling in a loud voice so that all could hear them.

"We demand to speak to Fujita Shiori!" The taller of the two cried out suddenly causing the crowd to silently murmur and look amongst themselves.

The golden eye young woman frowned visibly and vaguely wondered what was their hurry. She lifted her skirts skillfully and quickly glided to where they stood, Naruto already there and waiting for her. She gazed directly at the two officers that had come demanding to see her as she answered in a calm voice.

"Yes, what is it?" Her voice smooth and undaunted, not once showing any evidence of the events that had occurred moments ago. 'I will not let you effect me any further, Kenji. I am not weak.' She stood tall and proud next to a very confused Naruto.

"Fujita-san," The stocky police officer looked at his partner before facing the small girl with piercing amber eyes. 'She looks so much like her father.' He thought momentarily before remembering his reason to being there. "Fujita-san…" The officer faltered as he gazed into her sad brown eyes. Suddenly, he didn't have the heart to tell her. "It's… It's about your father."

Her father… Shiori felt her face grow paler and her eyes grow wide as her knees threatened to give out from under her. Naruto firmly grabbed her arm supporting her before she could fall. Thousands of scenarios passed through her mind in less than a second. Her father… what had happened to her father?

"What about her father?" Naruto asked urgently his grip tightening unconsciously as he glanced back and forth between the uniformed men. "Well? Speak up!" He commanded his dark eyes blazing. Shiori felt so heavy in his arms suddenly. Had it been too much? Was the blow too hard? His heart skipped a beat, guilt settling in abruptly. Maybe he should have thought of something else… something else that would have made the loss less painful.

Naruto mentally shook his head. 'No, there was nothing I could have done that would have made a difference. The pain she felt would have been the same.' Yet, in the situation she could not blame him… could not hate him for what had happened. At least for now she could not… 'Would you have done the same Shiori? If you found out the truth, would you become an avenger as well?'

The mousy, brown haired partner gulped as the dark, intimidating eyes landed on him. "H-he was attacked-" He stuttered unsure if he could really continue. He had worked under Captain Fujita a few months ago and had seen the man in action. He was incredibly hard to please, offensive, and crude, yet none would dare go against him. For Fujita Goro was a deadly man with a sharp sword. He was undefeatable. It was a whispered rumor amongst the other officers that he had fought Battousai and nearly defeated him. Yet now… The thin man had seen just how badly hurt the strong captain was. How could he explain this to her when he could hardly believe it himself?

"Attacked?" Shiori whispered her breath catching within her throat. Her father was attacked? It seemed rather surreal and unconceivable. Who would dare to attack her father? By the look on the two men's faces it was almost as if he had nearly died! But, her father was much too strong for that! Wasn't he? The world suddenly didn't seem as stable as it was once before.

The other officer nodded. "He was severely injured." He grimly stated.

"But not dead!" The shorter officer quickly jumped in trying to give hope to the situation.

"Not yet, at least." The darker officer added gravely.

Shiori's world shattered.

Naruto scowled as Shiori shuddered and pulled free from his hold. She grabbed a fistful of the stammering officer's jacket front. "Please!" She shook him a little, fear and worry eating away at her senses. "You must tell me where he is! Please!" She pleaded with the officer willing her tears to stay behind her lids.

Every part of her screamed in frustration as she shook the man. 'Not dead… he's not dead…yet…' The officer's words rang through her head breaking away at her resolve, crumbling the walls that had been so fragilely built. 'I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, father! I'm not strong… I'm not.'

"Koshii, calm down." Naruto pulled the shivering girl into his arms letting the poor officer regain his composer as the other began to give them directions to the hospital Saitou was admitted. Naruto nodded firmly and snapped his fingers at an usher. "Get my carriage ready quickly." He ordered as soon as the man was before him. The two officers moved out of his way as he pulled the shocked Shiori with him to the front of the building.

Mrs. Musabi was pale as she held out the tall man's coat her eyes flittering from his infuriated face to Shiori's solemn expression. "Is everything alright, Naruto-kun?"

"No." The dark haired man stated taking the coat from the Russian woman. "Tell the guests that we are sorry but that there has been a family emergency." Naruto wrapped his coat around Shiori's bare shoulders before gently pulling her once again towards the carriage. "Come, my dear. You will see that everything is alright and those two idiots were misinformed." He helped the strangely quite Shiori into the carriage before telling the driver their destination and utmost haste. A small part of him was immensely relieved that Saitou was still alive while another cursed at the man's resilience. 'If he does not die I don't know what I will do… Shiori…If you knew of my crimes what would you do? What could I possibly do to make you stay with me? To have you understand?'

Shiori watched as the town of Kyoto flashed by at their quick pace and mentally she willed the carriage to go faster. Tears had collected behind her eyes but she batted them away with a blink. She felt so numb and hollow that she did not realize Naruto was trying to comfort her with soothing words. It did not work however, for his words were innocently ignored.

The petite woman was not in the carriage, she was not even back at the party—Shiori was stuck somewhere within her past when she was a small child and life seemed so simple and her father invincible. Why? Why was this all happening to her? How much more could her heart take before there was nothing but an empty shell? She clutched her small hands tightly not caring if her nails pricked the fair flesh. 'Father… please… please be alright.' The carriage speed off into the night the sound of the two horses' hooves pounding against the cobbled street filling the empty silence while Shiori fell into a cage filled with shattered dreams and false hope.

Souzo was angrily pacing the waiting area of the hospital while his mother attended the unconscious Saitou. The young man passed a hand on his tense face praying to whomever heard him that the aloof man did not die. 'It would break Shiori's heart.' The young doctor sullenly thought as he willed the approaching headache to disappear into the depths of his mind.

The tall, brazen youth was afraid of only two things in this world… his father, the man he never knew. He was afraid of his rejection, disgust, and revulsion. The other was one little girl that he had promised to protect; or rather it was the part of her that lay hiding within the darkest part of her heart… the cold, detached, vindictive wolf.

To a world that didn't know her, she was the 'perfect' daughter/fiancée/sister, whatever role she possessed. However, behind the polite smiles and easy going nature there laid a very flawed woman. The petite girl had many insecurities and well as many idiosyncrasies that others would detest and avoid. Shiori was malicious, manipulative, and carried a stubbornness that rivaled her father. She was constantly misleading people about her strength and intelligence, reaping in the advantages. Souzo knew the dark haired girl often used him purely for the need for her to look weaker in comparison to him… but he feared her greatly because behind those sparkling eyes was an intellect and a will that often caused a cold chill to run down his spine. Her mind was something he feared greatly, but he feared more the sacrifices she would make to see the end result pull through.

Souzo sat down briefly on a nearby bench as officers flittered about talking about the absurdity of Fujita losing in a battle and what kind of monster had beaten the man. Search and information parties were constantly coming back in divulging whatever information they may have thought useful to capturing the perpetrator to the investigator in charge. Souzo bowed his head as he let his ears hear their words and tried to memorize each small detail. The petite woman would want to her them, he was sure, but what would she do once she had that information? Souzo gave a small prayer in hopes that the hand of God would step in and stop the storm that would approach.

The male Takani wasn't someone who looked for fights, they often times found him. He did however believe in helping those who could not help themselves. When Shiori had first proposed that he work with her in helping others, in bringing others happiness, he agreed. They began to help lost children find their mothers, save kittens from trees, stop brawls from getting worse, find the pickpockets and return the stolen money… then things became more difficult. The pickpockets were part of small yakuzas that sought them both out for ruining their business. In the end, he and the small woman would dispose of them and turn them into the proper authorities. Of course, this was all done without word pointing to either of the two renegades, as no one would appreciate the fact that the Chief of Police's daughter was running around bashing criminals senseless. But it wouldn't stop there… murders, convicted criminals, drug dealers, arms smugglers began to appear on young wolf's list. Each time he saw a little part of her slowly die and be replaced with something that took over her.

It wasn't easy noticing this. In fact, Souzo had not noticed the dark side to Shiori until the night before when they saved a group of kidnapped children from being sold as slaves out of the country. Truthfully speaking, he could attest to saying that in their endeavors they never killed anyone, not that people didn't die but that they didn't start the action. Accidents happened and they both were highly skilled at avoiding death as much as they could. However, that night… when Shiori had discovered that a small girl child was about to be raped… something inside her snapped and she nearly killed the man… almost… if Souzo had not stepped in the raven haired girl would have succeed in her goal. The worst of it was that he knew… he knew that Shiori would have smiled through it all, enjoying it till the very end.

Souzo shuddered and willed the image of a furious Shiori out from behind his eyes. Her eyes had turned from the soft honey color to a cold harden gold. It was a look he had seen on Saitou's face countless of times when they had been traveling in Europe. It was a look of pure anger, the instinct to protect something, the need to kill—bloodlust, the will to bring out justice no matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice.

In that small moment, he didn't know who the woman he held back was and he silently prayed he'd never see it again. This game of switching masks she did so well made him wary in her presence. But most of all, it made him want to break it.

Souzo was a young man that had seen a great many things, but in the end his loyalty never wavered nor did his kindness ever dwindle. His strength was not in the muscles he had earned over the years, but in the love that kept his heart beating.

"Where is Fujita-san's room?" A loud, baritone voice broke his thoughts and Souzo immediately stood up at the familiar voice, desperately looking for a head of shiny, obsidian hair.

"I'm sorry sir but you're not allowed—" A thin, wiry man in a blue uniform stood in front of the hallway, blocking Naruto's path.

"Get out of my way you fool!" He growled out and hugged Shiori tighter against his tall form. "This is his daughter! Now MOVE!" The dark eyed man shoved the officer out of the way and pushed Shiori forward as Souzo appeared walking briskly over to the two.

"It's alright." Souzo nodded towards another officer who had appeared at the commotion. "Shiori…" The tan youth said timidly as he went to place a large hand on her shoulder in comfort, but stopped. The fair skinned woman had her head cast down, crystalline tears falling from her pointed nose, her full lips set into a straight line, not a sound escaping the small figure.

Naruto paused in his tirade of berating the two offending officers as Shiori stiffened in his grasp. Slowly he turned to look at her briefly before offering a bewildered glance at her stepbrother, a handsome young man whose aura and presence commanded great authority.

Souzo merely looked back at the husband to be with a look of concern as he carefully pried the tiny woman from the warm hold. "He's still alive." He said gently, pulling her forward, leading her towards the closed door where his mother was watching her father.

Shiori wasn't sure why she had stopped just that suddenly her feet had become part of the ground. The tears she had been so frantically been trying to hold back rushed over her cheeks without her consent. Her heart beat thunderously in her tight chest and the roaring in her ears didn't hear anything that was said to try and ease the pain. The plain and unmarked door was largely imposing on the young woman. A silver knob was the only thing that glimmered in the dim hallway, taunting her slightly. She was so afraid to open the door, to see the worst of her nightmares come true.

'I—I can't! I'm not that strong!' She mentally screamed as Souzo murmured something to her and reached for the glowing handle.

'Stop! Souzo stop! I don't want to see! PLEASE!' She faintly heard the click of release as her surrogate brother turned the laughing object and pushed the heavy door open.

Slowly it swung open with a loud creek…

'No! No! NO! STOP!'

In a moment of panic Shiori reached for the doorknob and shut the door with a slam that caused Souzo and Naruto to jump. She shook with fright as her large crying eyes widened in shock. Her knuckles turned paper white at the tight gripe in which she held the door closed. Shiori's breathing was as erratic and irregular as her heart beat. She choked as bile began to rise in her throat, the urge to vomit suddenly taking over.

Naruto was trying to talk to her and calm her down while Souzo tried to force open her fingers from the rigid grasp it held on the door. She merely shook her head at them both, not registering what they were saying, not wanting to go inside, not wanting to leave the world of illusions she had began to believe in. Sobs and choked coughs garbled her words as Naruto hugged her tightly from behind and pleaded into her hair. Souzo massaged her arms, coaxing them to loosen.

'I don't want to be alone!' Her mind was shattered and her senses lost in a whirlwind of emotions. It was so hard for her to focus and darkness rimmed her eyes trying to drown her. 'I don't want to! No, I don't want to see him like this!' She frantically fought against the two older men with a strength that surprised them both. 'I don't want him to die! Please don't die, daddy! Please don't die!'

The door opened suddenly and standing in the doorframe was a very tired Megumi. Her sharp, dark eyes roved over the Shiori's pale face and tear streaked features before she closed them, letting the thick dark lashes briefly kiss her cheeks. When she opened them again, a soft, warm smile was painted across her luscious lips as the tall woman merely held out a single, inviting hand towards the shivering girl. There were no words said, just the doctor's eyes willing Shiori to come and accept her hand.

It took just a single moment. Not one of them ready or understanding of what happened next. However, Shiori knew why… but even if she explained to them… they would probably never understand why it was she ran away.

"Hello, father… It seems there is much we need to talk about."

At those words, Enishi almost collapsed on the ground. His son… his son was staring at him with the same dark eyes he had seen in dreams. To the white haired man it was hard to believe and the rapid beating of his heart could not have been the adrenaline rush he had just incurred. 'My son.' It had to be an illusion. It couldn't have been real. 'My son.' He chanted repeatedly as his legs finally began to move.

It was slow at first, the ground persistent in attaching itself to the teal eyed man, before gradually breaking into a run. When Enishi was finally reached the engawa, he paused.

'What if this is just a dream?' He shook slightly as he reached out a hand.

'What if I wake up as soon as I touch him?' A prickling sensation danced behind his eyes, as his chest tightened and he held his breath.

'What if it's a ghost…?' He closed his eyes; very much afraid that it was some cruel joke his mind was playing. Slowly, very slowly, his fingers reached out, praying, and touched flesh. It was as if an electric current passed through his fingertips causing his eyes to snap open.

"My son." He choked out before grabbing Touma into a tight embrace. "My son." He repeated into the soft brown tresses. Enishi kissed his son's hair, cheek, forehead and held him tighter and tighter, not wanting to break the illusion and savor the warmth and feel of his son's strong hands wrapped around him. 'My son. My precious child.'

"Dad." Touma replied hugging his father just as tight. Part of the young man always felt a slight envy from his sister whom always had her father's attention. In the past, he would have given anything for the same type of affection that she received. However this moment was wanted, the circumstances that brought it on were not as greatly appreciated.

Kenshin stared at the father-son reunion with tears as he looked past Touma in search of a head of red hair. He sent out his ki thinking that he would be able to find his beloved child's presence that his eyes could not see. Nonetheless, there was nothing other than Enishi's son. Shaking his head clear of the thoughts that wanted to run into it, he turned to Tsubame whom held an unconscious Kaoru in her lap.

"Is she okay?" He softly asked as his eyes roamed over the kendo instructors' body. There was nothing wrong with her physically, he could see no blood pouring out of her soft flesh, and even her chest rose in even breaths.

Tsubame merely nodded and shook her head as tears came to her eyes. "She-she just fainted I think. But… but you're bleeding and Shin'Ya…" The soft spoken woman trailed off. The shock of seeing Touma had made them forget about the injuries.

"I'm okay mom." Shin'Ya said with a painful smile, trying to calm his mother down.

Soujirou stepped up at the collected few. "I'll go find a doctor."

"I'll notify the authorities." Yahiko said quickly and the two ran off in search of assistance while Kenshin merely sat down tiredly near his wife. Tsubame in turn gently laid down Kaoru and stood to bring bandages and anything that could be done to help.

"Dad." Touma began as he pulled away from the warm embrace. "There's… there is much we need to talk about."

"I know." Enishi replied and then began to look around the young man. "Where are the others? Kenji, Kumiko, and Tomoyo?" He asked hopeful that when he said their names the trio would magically appear.

The dark haired young man merely shook his head. "Kenji and Kumiko are in Kyoto right now and nee-san…" He paused and looked away sadly, causing Enishi's heart to clench tightly. "Nee-san is in America." He breathed out softly.

"What happened?" The white haired man demanded as he griped Touma's shoulders. "What's going on? Why?" He asked his voice laden with sorrow and pain. "Why didn't you contact us? Why was there never any word? Do you have any idea how worried we were? How terribly frightened?" The words were so simple but came out choked and rushed out with each heavy intake of air.

Kenshin and Shin'Ya waited silently wanting to hear what had become of them in the past year and what they had been doing.

Touma sighed and crouched down holding his head within his hands. "It's not as easy as you think it is." He said softly before he looked up at the man he admired the most. The man that loved his sister beyond his own life, the man that he wanted that kind of attention from. "As far as the world knows it… we are all dead."

"What?" Kenshin's heart thundered in his chest rapidly as his mind tried to comprehend the words so easily spoken.

"But we're not dead." Touma said quickly as he locked eyes with his uncle. 'Kenji really takes after his father…' Dark colored eyes roamed over the familiar yet foreign face, pausing slightly on the cross scar adorning his left cheek. 'Even the same scar…' The young man's eyes narrowed as he peered at the scar causing Kenshin to squirm under a gaze he'd so often seen painted across Enishi's face.

"That doesn't explain anything." Shin'Ya muttered as he sat down on the engawa with a flop.

"It's not that I don't wish to tell you something to make you all understand… it's just that it's not as easy as it sounds." Touma ran a hand through his thick, brown tresses. "We were… were sold of as slaves and prostitutes." His face flushed red as the words came out. "They made us take drugs and narcotics so that we could fight against them. It was hell!" The young man covered his face in shame. He and Kumiko had been spared the cruel fate that Kenji had to endure… and Tomoyo… they never found her. She may have been dead, alive and broken, happy and safe, scared, cold, they had no idea. Finding each other had been lucky at best and that had taken a long time as well. Tears seeped out from his tightly closed eyes as warm hands wrapped themselves around him again.

He was safe now. There was no master to torture him, no drugs to make him helpless, no whip to sting his back. He was safe. Safe at home. Safe in his father's arms. Safe.

Kumiko keeping a close ear to the gossip and noisy chatter of the guests, was able to find a out a little bit about what had happened in the ballroom before Kenji and her exited. From what she understood and seen, the pair of police officers had come to tell Shiori that her father was dead. Inside a small part of the young woman was satisfied with the idea of Shiori suffering over her father's death. To her if felt like equal justice.

In the coach, they were both silent, Kenji glaring off into the distance and Kumiko glancing at him from time to time wondering how to bring up the situation tactfully.

He seemed very angry, angrier than she had ever seen him before. Her curiosity gnawed away at her wondering just what the smaller woman could have said to throw the handsome red head into such fury. How far had the little child driven him? How much hope should she have?

"Kenji," Kumiko paused as he ignored her. She placed her hand on his forearm to catch his attention. To just look at her for once! As soon as she did that small gesture Kenji snapped his head in her direction and growled, as he shook her hand off. It shocked the blue eyed woman at his fierce reaction but mostly it hurt her to her very soul. Would he ever understand just how much he hurt her? Would he ever realize that she was the one for him not that ninny of a girl?

Kumiko glared at him and snapped her slim fingers before his vicious expression. She was not one to show her pain so easily. "Hey! There is no need to take out your anger from her on me!" She spat out waggling a sharp finger at his perturbed nose. "I was going to ask you what happened but it is obvious that things didn't go as you liked." She smirked a bit and sat back in her seat.

Kenji snarled before turning away from her with a pout. He knew she was not the object of his anger and that she didn't deserve it but he had no one else to throw a tantrum on. "Things went disastrous." He explained vaguely not wanting to indulge her curiosity.

Kumiko just rolled her eyes at his petulance before crossing her toned arms before her chest. "Well, Mr. Attitude, were you or where you not paying attention to what was going on as we left? Did she mention anything about her father being sick or anything?" She prodded her voice cheery.

All the youngest Himura did was raise a dark brow at her in question. He didn't understand what the wolfish man had to do with anything at all. "What are you babbling about now, Kumiko?"

The kunoichi waved her hand about idly as the carriage bounced along the long drive way of the mansion. "When we were leaving, didn't you listen at all? There was a huge commotion." She blew out her breath exasperated with the young man beside her before looking out the carriage window. Riding beside them out of the drive way were the two officials whom Naruto was speaking with when Kenji and Shiori disappeared into the garden!

"Kenji!" Kumiko exclaimed, pointing and grabbing the disgruntled redhead. "look! Those two men were talking to Murasaki! There were going on and on about the business deals in Australia!" Kumiko turned around to face the youngest Himura, startled to find him so close. Her cheeks flushed a soft pink as the young man leaned over to look out her window.

"Did you hear everything they were saying?" He asked gruffly while opening the cab window to the driver to ask him to follow the two gentlemen.

"Not really." Dark locks sashayed as she shook her head. "They were… they were to far away m but I do know they were saying that they hoe that the business plans they agreed upon will pull through."

Kenji sat back at his spot and gave the raven haired female his full attention. His golden eyes focusing solely on her gave her a chill of pleasure and danger. She shivered wishing that his eyes would always turn to her and only her.

"You think that they maybe working with him?" He whispered into her ear so that the coachman could not hear. His hot breath on her ear made her nerves tingle and her heart quicken. She would give anything for him to love her.

"They might be." She finally breathed out a bit breathlessly. "We should keep an eye on them and make sure." Kumiko licked her lips nervously. Why? Why couldn't he just forget about that short woman? Why couldn't she be the one?

The redhead looked down at his partner momentarily and smirked cruelly. "Don't forget dear, that these games are merely that. Games." He sat back on his side a frown on his fair features. Kumiko's affections annoyed him to no end and though he was cruel to her she still cared for him. He did not understand why she persisted through so many rejections, but her attention was sorely unwanted and a reminder of the things he wanted from Shiori but could not have.

"Where in the world are they going?" Kenji muttered and asked the driver to slow down. The streets had become more narrow and he did not want the other carriage to think they were following them. The area of Kyoto they were currently in was run down and poorly kept. It was certainly not the place where two prominent officials would go unless there was some shady business happening.

Kenji and Kumiko glanced at each other and told the driver to stop. The other carriage moved a bit further before also coming to a pause. The two men stepped out and it drove off without the officials. Suspicious the two both left their own carriage giving the driver specific instructions.

The two gentlemen began walking off to a more secluded area with Kenji and Kumiko following behind in the shadows of the alleyways. Adrenaline rushed through their veins with each step they took. This could very well be the break that they needed! The lead that they had been waiting for to capture Muraskai Naruto and keep him in jail!

It had only been a matter of months when they were approached with the term conspiracy. It seemed that there was more to Naruto than just a lovely set of eyes. The lines between business and politics often blurred as people meet and promised each other things in order to gain something. The question always was… what had Naruto to gain? What was he looking to achieve in all his deals and transactions? What was his goal?

Whatever it was seriously put Japan in danger of crumbling and many lives in precarious positions.

As the two followed the men they hid behind a corner of a shop. Though they had been following behind it seems as through they had already begun. Kenji and Kumiko watches as a large dark clothed man appeared from their vantage point. It was hard to discern any features other than they seemed to be wearing ninja grab.

"Do you think that are shinobi?" Kenji whispered in Kumiko's ears. She shook her head once, as she had never seen such a uniform before, not even the government spies directly dressed like that. However, it did look somewhat similar to the Oniwaban uniform.

"I can't hear what they are saying." Kumiko murmured and Kenji shook his head also not able to hear from such a distance. However, they could see very well and it seemed as the group of ninjas and the two men were arguing quite passionately. The two spies looked at each other again making small motions to get close when suddenly the ninjas attached to two men.

"Let's go!" Kenji commanded rushing out of the alleyway and towards the two politicians. Even if they had suspected them Kenji couldn't let anyone get hurt, most especially if he wanted to ask them questions.

Running in Kenji leapt up high into the air and sent a flying kick to the first head he happened to land on. The man who had been unfortunately been in the way of his kick fell down instantly surprising the other men including the tall man the youngest Himura assumed was the leader.

"Sorry to interrupt," Kenji said with a smirk. "I just love parties, you know?" He chuckled as his golden eyes gleamed in the darkness of the street and watched the leader carefully. He was of Asian decent but not Japanese as far as he could tell he looked more… Korean.

"Get him." His words were simple but the manor and tone in which he spoke them made Kenji's hair stand on end in delight. This guy was strong and it only made Kenji want to crush him more. But first… he had to take care of the lackeys.

They fell easily to both Kumiko and Kenji's quick and powerful attacks. All that were left was the leader with three men for support and the two gentlemen. The two Australian diplomats looked highly frightened and relived at the two young warriors and moved to the side as to avoid the battle that was to ensue.

Kenji snorted and cracked his knuckles, suddenly wishing he had a bokken in his hands. He was good at martial arts, very good but he preferred the feel of the wood in his hands than anything else. Kumiko stood at his side with dignity, her back straight and poised as her icy blue eyes glared at her enemies. The three shinobi balked a bit in fear but refused to back down and admit defeat to a mere woman. She smiled, displaying her brilliant white teeth in a cruel smile. It was time that the Kunoichi to prove them wrong.

Her first strike was so fast that it was not until the first man fell that they even knew what had happened. Kumiko's quick movements were a blur as she danced through both men avoiding their kicks and punches. When she was in the middle of the two masked men, they thought they had her caught and simultaneously attacked with a roundhouse kick. However, the dark haired woman could tell what was going to happen and even anticipated it as she grabbed their out stretched legs and slammed her palm into their knee caps, effectively breaking them with a loud crunch. Both men cried out in pain and with drew their legs to try to attack with their hands. However, that alone would not be able to defeat the tall woman as she caught their arms and once again forced their elbows with her palm to bend in an unnatural way. At their cries of agony, she felt pity for them and knocked them both unconscious so they would not have to deal with their pain any longer. A job well done, Kumiko turned to see how her partner was fairing.

Kenji had been locked in battle for a few minutes already, dodging and striking at the taller man. It almost seemed as if it were a choreographed dance as the two men moved around each other, side stepping blows and attacking with swift movements. They were at a stalemate with each other, evenly matched in their attacks. However, this only served to irritate Kenji moreover as he tested and tired the other man's defense searching for a weakness.

The man grunted as Kenji dodged yet another kick and tried to return one of his own. The lack of advancement within their battle was frustrating him as well. There was nothing that he did that Kenji did not dodge or block and there was nothing that Kenji did that he himself could not avoid or stop. Still… there was something so very off about the boy that had the taller man cautious. Something… something was brewing behind the guarded, golden eyes that made him slightly nervous. It wasn't predictable, like a knowledge or idea forming to try and get the upper hand. It wasn't fear or frustration or any other sort of emotion sliding behind those pools of gold.

It was the lack of any of those things that worried him greatly.

As he dodged yet another attack from Kenji, he moved back placing some space between him and the young redhead. Surviving the area he could see that the rest of his troupe was already defeated and that the young woman was waiting for him to drop his guard. It seemed that he would have to wait to find out what was lingering behind those dangerous eyes for another day.

He shifted his attention from the two young warriors towards the two gentlemen behind them. "You have been warned." Was all he said before he and his three other comrades disappeared into the night.

Kumiko ran towards Kenji confused as he was before turning her attention to the two cowering men. "Who is he?"

Shiori silently sat within the bathtub, a blank expression marked upon her face. Golden eyes looked forward unseeing as tear stains marred the pure white skin dripping quietly towards the cold water. The moon's reflection rippled across the dark water of the bath with each drop and heavy breath. It was as if time had stopped for the young woman. Shiori's heart had shattered into a thousand pieces leaving her numb even to her own suffering.

The raven-haired woman raised a heavy hand watching the water run down her callused skin in rivets. The hand was glaringly white and shone under the light of the full moon, ethereal in its beauty. 'Chichihue…' Another tear dropped down with a loud plop as the image of everyone's shocked faces fluttered across her vision. 'I'm so sorry… I am not… I am not strong enough…' A loud sob forced its way out from her lips and she violently crushed her crying eyes with her small hands, as if attempting to hold back the liquid that seeped through her thin fingers. 'I'm never strong enough… gomen…gomen…'

She let out a cry of anguish. It just wasn't fair! Why her? Why did everything happen to her? WHY? Her heart ached each broken piece piercing the soft flesh around it like a thousand needles, tearing and destroying everything it touched. She howled with pain as her muscles constricted tightly as if trying to crush her bones, to squeeze her soul out. When was enough? How many times did her world have to break before God thought she was done? How much more could she bear until she was nothing?

She screamed angrily slapping her hands down in the water letting the cool liquid slip over the marble sides like silk. Rage filled her, seeped into her blood, boiling it until it burned her within. When was it enough? When would her pain stop? When? She screamed some more as frustration bore into her soft flesh. Madness swam through her head as fear and anger clung tightly to her heart. When? When did it all end? When would she be happy? Where was her happiness?

A dark, strangled cry wrapped around her angry howls. She was so tired. So tired of trying to find happiness. Tired of trying to fix everyone else's world only find hers broken and shattered. Tired of protecting others happiness when she had none. Was it always going to be like this? Was there always going to be a hell she had to live through? Why had fate dealt her such a blow? Did happiness not exist for her?

Kenji… Souzo… Naruto… they all had such hard lives and looked to her to make it better… looked to her to smile at them and tell them it would be all right. Couldn't they see? That she was just as broken? That she was just as scarred? Burned by life and its disappointments? Who would comfort her now? Who could solve her problems? No one. Shiori had nothing now. There was no one she could run to… no arms that could wrap around her… no voice to tell her it would be alright… just alone… alone with her pitiful, weak self.

Shiori snarled viciously as she clasped her hands tightly into fists. Her sharp fingernails drawing blood from the force on the water softened flesh. She had always worked so hard to better herself… to not be a weakness… to not be a burden. Yet she could not help but feel as though she had been. 'I've dragged you down so far father… If only I was stronger… then maybe… maybe…'

Shiori's body shook dangerously before each muscle stilled suddenly and a new silence enveloped the small form. There was no movement from the forlorn woman. Her blood slowly dispersed around her and she stared at it momentarily. It ran down her arms and into the water snaking around her drawn knees like red thread. Binding her to the darken waters that engulfed her pale form.

Shiori's heart started to beat faster and faster leaving her lightheaded and faint. There was something about watching the blood swirl around her that left her feeling hungry for more. She pricked her skin more watching as more of the enticing red liquid joined the blackness, lighted only by the silvery moon on her back. But it was not enough. She wanted more. She wanted revenge on those whom hurt her. She wanted to watch their blood run through her fingers like the softest of silk. She was the avenger now… the hunter… A lupine grin carved its way onto her face as frozen gold eyes glittered in the darkness.

As the last walls fell away, something new stirred within the small body. A raw, uncontrollable rage bleed into her skin smothering her with its hate, trapping her within its red thread, fastening her into the shadows. Shiori drowned underneath it, her heart and breath stopping as they filled with darkness. Blood swirled around her bare skin, kissing the white flesh softly, tenderly stilling her thoughts and instincts.

And then…

Shiori was no more…

Outside a lone wolf howled at the large, silver moon.

Deep in the hearts of men there was a darkness that was overwhelming; shadows that covered their good senses and lead them down paths of destruction if they indulged these dark pleasures long enough. Within every city lay the breeding grounds for such evils, covered by the brightly colored lights of life and pretentious people. Within these darkened hearts, where the lies and truths of life. The ability to create and destroy it with one single breath.

"I want her dead." Derek coolly explained to the raven haired male kneeling before him. "I want to see her still beating heart in my hands." He stared manically at his empty pale hands, imaging the soft tissue motionless as blood dripped down to the floor. He paused regarding the eleventh member of the Jupongatana with cold eyes before hissing out the last of his order. "Do not fail me."

"Yes, Derek-sama." The kneeling man replied before rising and walking out of the room a bored stride to his walk. He would complete this mission and be back to eat some of Rika's sweetest cakes. This mission was much too easy.

It was a moonless night and the chamber Himura Kenji dwelled in was just as dark as the sky outside. Heavy droplets of rain tapped rhythmically on the glass windows of the young man while lighting streaked across the sky attempting to light the forsaken world below. There was only one small candle lit within the room and amber eyes watched it tremble as if frightened by the harden gaze.

The memory of the night still haunted him, and the adrenaline rush that had kept the youngest Himura running was slowly ebbing away leaving a long, stinging headache in its place. Everything had begun horridly wrong and then slowly got worse. A realization dawned on the young man... Shiori did not love him. She never had. After that, things began to take a plunge into hell leaving him angry with himself and her. Bitterness and hurt filled him causing him to strike out in some sort of defense, to defend himself against the words that were constantly swirling in his mind.

"He's worth every bit of my love."

He had angered her, yelled, and even thought to strike her down just so he could stop hearing those words. But Shiori had stood defiant, her golden eyes sparkling in the darkness, defending her lover—and Kenji just crumbled. Things became hazy after that, the fight afterwards an excuse to release his stress. The cut on his hand serving as a reminder of how desperate he was to erase those haunting words.

The young redhead shifted his gaze to his bandaged hand, staring at it while wondering where it had all the illusions of happiness gone. Where was the hope that had started this all? Himura Kenji had died so long ago that there was barely enough life to feed his soul. And as a fool he believed that Shiori could revive him, give him back his being that was stolen from him. However, there was no hope, no existence to be given, he had finally died tonight, whatever life he had left taken from him by those cruel cold eyes, eyes he had hoped for, eyes he had survived for...

Kenji shut his eyes slightly, crushing any tears that had wanted to fall. He gasped loudly trying to control his ragged breathing as memories swept through him. He thought he could escape in the darkened hallow of his room. Yet, even with the small amount of light was he was still afraid of the dark. Because that was where they found him… always finding, reaching, pulling him into the shadows… always… in the dark…

Kenji curled himself into a ball trying to calm his shaking nerves. But all he could see where the hands… hands reaching for him. Hands that threatened to do things… things he did not want to do… things he did not want to be done. It was a battle between himself and the unseen threat, an invisible enemy. He knew it was there and knew that its intentions were not good. Nevertheless, they reached him, they always did, and they touched him, always touching, groping, sliding against him, using him against his will for their sick, perverted pleasures.

The young redhead felt warm liquid slide down his left cheek and he placed a hand over the area dabbing it slightly. When he pulled the hand away, Kenji watched as red blood trickled down his slim digits in fascination. Dead. They were dead, all of them. They could not touch him anymore. They could not touch anyone anymore. He made sure of that. The fire he had had caused was merely a way to cover the dead bodies and to give himself a new life.

Kenji took a deep breath. He would not sleep tonight. The memories were too close to the surface. Too easily seen as soon as he shut his eyes. He had hoped, wished, prayed for days for the torture to end, for the world to make sense. Kenji had many chances to give up and end his miserable existence but it was a pair of golden eyes that made him continue to live, to hope, to love. But now…now they would never know the difference they made.

He fumbled in the dark for his handkerchief he knew he had placed in his pocket… the same one he had used on Shiori so many years ago. Kenji crushed his fist into the arm of the chair he sat in. Naruto was a cruel and dangerous man that hid behind a very charming façade. Shiori had to be unaware of the danger she was in and who knew what he had planned for her once he married her. The overwhelming need to protect her surged through him, because no matter what Shiori felt for him, Kenji would always love her. No matter how much she hurt him he would always run towards her. She was his hope, his breath, his existence… he would always cry over her.

The young redhead knew that she had yet to find her true happiness, the words she had spouted did not sound as they were filled with happiness nor did her eyes reflect that illusion. She could not die yet, there was so much she still had to live for and learn. Kenji, however, did not have such aspirations. He was dead and she had been the one who dealt the fatal blow… Yet he still loved her. He would always love her.

Kenji sighed grabbing his head in frustration as a pair of lovely, sad honey colored eyes danced behind his closed lids. At that moment Kenji made up his mind, it was fine if she did not love him—it hurt but it was fine. Nevertheless, he would protect her from danger and love her from the shadows until the day his body rotted away. He would protect her from Naruto, and others like him, no matter the cost. He would protect her happiness.

----to be continued----

AN: I know that it has taken me forever and a half to get this chapter out (2 years was it?) and there are no amount of excuses I could possibly say for it's tardiness. However, this chapter has been sitting on my hard drive long enough, so I posted it. I have no idea if I will continue or not, really it's up to the reviews (as bad as that sounds). This story was never much for my pleasure but for the readers, in my head I've already finished this story and therefore do not need to flesh it out. However, if there are still readers who care about it and still wish to find out what happens to our two lovers, then maybe I will sit back down and finish this till the end.