
This is finished, guys.

After three months of work and 55 pages in my Google Drive, it's done.

Thank you for staying with me through this story, through the ups and downs, and for supporting me with your reviews. It means so much every time I see one and I just want to thank you for reading this. I am please to announce that there will be a prequel and sequel. Anyway, please enjoy! Love you 3000.

20 | Forget About It

A week later, Avri still hadn't gone back to the Tower, even though Peter had invited her. It wasn't that she was scared, more of just avoiding everything. Including the drive, but that was normal. She preferred to be in cars as little as possible.

She hadn't gone back to patrol yet either, instead focusing on her homework in school. Avri was still trying to stave off panic attacks before she did her homework, hoping that they would die down soon. Thankfully, the number had decreased over the last few days, which was better than it had been.

So it was safe to say that Avri was surprised when she came back to the center to see a brown bag on the bed.

Tony must really like doing that.

She closed the door behind her, since her roommate wasn't coming back for another hour. Avri had already checked in with their residential counselor and said that she was back. Narrowing her eyes, she stepped towards it. Written on the bag was Enjoy the suit.

Signed with a TS.

Avri put her backpack down on the floor, picking up the brown bag and opening it up. Inside was a white suit, the legs made of a black material and creeping up the sides. She looked at it, admiring the pale blue accents running along the sides of it.

It wasn't like Peter's, as it was made of a different material. It wasn't spandex, instead something slightly thicker and baggier, but still a suit. She looked at it, pleased to see a hood. Tony had really been paying attention to her outfit.

The eyes were shaped in a slightly anime style, with black surrounding the white inside. They were the same kind as Peter's, with the black shutter around it.

She smiled, carefully folding it up and placing it under her bed with some of her other, personal, belongings.

The door suddenly opened and Avri froze, halfway out from under the bed. "Oh! Hey, sorry!" they said and Avri stood up.

"Sorry," she said, flustered and basically tripping into the conversation. "Uh, were you looking for someoneā€¦?"

"Yeah, is Jeslyn here?" she asked. Avri still hadn't looked at her face yet.

"No," Avri replied, chancing a glance at the other person's shoes. "I- uh- she won't be back until about an hour." She looked over to the left, fiddling with her fingers.

"Okay, thank you," she said. Avri could feel a bit of confusion from her, probably from Avri's unusual behavior.

"Sorry," Avri repeated. But the door closed and the person didn't hear it.

She sighed, sitting on her bed. It was time to just put everything that happened in the past week and a half behind her. She had a new suit, some new friends (maybe), and a fresh start.

It was time.

Her time.