In hindsight, I wish I could say that everything that happened after Mike Newton shot me was perfect. In this "perfect world," Edward and I lived happily ever after together; mine and Charlie's relationship strengthened; and I found myself finally able to move forward from years of anger and pain. Yeah, like I said in the perfect world all of that happened, but life wasn't perfect and nothing was that easy. Sure, Edward and I were . . . whatever we were. Boyfriend/girlfriend? That never sounded right.

And Charlie and I were getting along better, though there were still times when I found it incredibly hard to talk to him. He tried, I could never fault him for that, but years of being told that he didn't want me and if he did that he could have come and gotten me, had done it's damage. We would never have the same father/daughter relationship that we had before Renee dragged me off into Hell, but that was okay. When I found myself with a bullet hole in my shoulder, Charlie was sitting next to my bed, holding my hand and telling me it was going to be okay. Really, that's all I could ask for.

The hardest part came when it was time to go back to school. Charlie had insisted that I stay home for the week after the shooting, stating, "You need your rest."

I could have fought him, but he was scared. I understood that. Hell, so was I. The thought of walking back into that building, the feeling of everyone staring at me again, and their whispers following me again had me fighting to keep from losing my sanity . . . again.

High school could be cruel, a mean bully that cut people at the knees. Mike Newton had taken his anger out on me, though it had come out later that Edward had been his target. Nobody knew it at the time, but Mike Newton's father had beaten him for coming home from school after pissing his pants. Apparently, in the Newton family being weak wasn't allowed and Mike's father had made sure that he learned that lesson. In return, Mike took one of his father's guns and decided to take his anger out on Edward. I just happened to get in the way.

Charlie insisted that he was going to make sure Mike got the help that he needed, and he personally went over to the Newton house and "discussed" the situation over with Mike's father. Charlie returned home with a busted lip and bruised knuckles. My respect for my father grew in that moment. He might not have been able to save me from Hell, but in his own way, he was doing what he could.

Upon my first day back at school, I wasn't sure how I was going to get through it all. Charlie reminded me that he'd let me stay home again if I wanted, but I couldn't hide anymore. For too long I'd hidden myself in the shadows.

Walking into the building, I was already prepared for the stares and whispers. And they didn't disappoint. However, Edward was standing in front of my locker, with Emmett, Rose, Jasper, and Alice. Together, the Misfits Club would preserver. Together, we'd find our way through the darkness.

A/N: Thank you for all the reviews and for taking the time out to read my story. Your support is amazing!