The Doctor put his fingers in his mouth for the third as the TARDIS shocked him. "Oi," the Doctor complained. "What was that for?"
Instead of answering him the TARDIS flashed the lights to the corridor at him. The Doctor frowned in confusion before he suddenly realised that he could barely feel Rose's emotions through the bond but the ones he did feel were pain and anguish. He heaved himself up from under the console and ran for their room. He barged through the doors but Rose wasn't in their bed that's when he heard the muffled sobs coming from the bathroom.
He entered and found the shower was so hot that the bathroom was filled with steam. The TARDIS sent a blast of cold air to clear the steam and he took in the state of Rose. Her skin was red with how hard she had scrubbed herself and she had curled into a corner and was crying.
The Doctor stepped into the shower, ignoring the fact that his suit was getting wet and water was pooling in his shoes and he knelt behind Rose to hug her. "It's alright, Rose," he assured her. "Your allowed to be upset."
Rose couldn't hold it in anymore as she turned into him and released all the tears that had built up over the last year that never was. The TARDIS turned the shower off and placed a couple of towels on the vanity for them. A couple of hours later and Rose seemed to have calmed down so the Doctor pulled one of the towels off the vanity and wrapped her in it before lifting her out of the shower. He never said a word as he placed her on her feet so he could dry her while sending her comforting thoughts through their bond. Once she was dry he picked her up and carried her to their bed, settling Rose on her side of the bed while he went back into the bathroom and grabbed the other towel.
He took off his wet clothing and shoes before drying himself then he got into bed on his side and pulled Rose into his arms. He placed his fingers on her temples so he could help keep any nightmares away for her as they both fell asleep.
Rose woke the next morning to find the Doctor gone, she reached through the bond and found him fixing the TARDIS. She grinned, last night was the first real sleep she'd had for the last year and she knew that instead of fixing the TARDIS like he should've he came to help her. She sent a thank you to the TARDIS who sent her the equvelant of a mental hug before getting out of bed.
The TARDIS had placed a lovely white summer dress out for her with TARDIS blue flowers all over it. She raised her brow as she asked the TARDIS what was wrong. The TARDIS seemed to not want to answer her, like she was hiding something. Rose just shrugged and figured she might as well wear the dress. It might be awhile before she was ready for an actual adventure. Once dressed she headed to the console room.
The Doctor sent Rose a grin as he saw her emerge from the corridor at the top of the stairs then his mouth dropped open when he saw what she was wearing. He was about to comment when the TARDIS pitched suddenly and he had to grab hold so he wasn't thrown to the ground. He quickly checked on Rose who had grabbed a strut before turning knobs and pushing buttons to try and find out what was going on.
"Stop that," the Doctor tried and ordered the TARDIS. "Stop it!" The TARDIS finally stopped shaking so the Doctor sent Rose a relived look before turning his eyes to the console. "What was all that about, eh? Eh?" He questioned the TARDIS.
Rose watched as the Doctor started slowly circling the console to try and find the problem. She had to blink a couple of times before she realised that there was another Doctor on board.
"What's your problem?" The Doctor questioned the TARDIS again.
"Right," Doctor five stated. "Just settle down now."
Rose had to place her hand over her mouth to stop her laughter as the two Doctors bumped into each then continued going.
"Oh, excuse me," Doctor five apoligised.
"So sorry," her Doctor apoligised at the same time before moving on. The two Doctors finally noticed each other as Rose let out a snort of amusement. Luckily the Doctors were in too much shock to pay any attention to her. "What?" Her Doctor questioned as he looked at the other man.
"What?" Doctor five repeated.
Rose sighed as her Doctor stated yet again. "What?"
"Who're you?" Doctor five questioned to Rose's amusement.
"Oh, brilliant!" Rose's Doctor stated as he sent her a quick grin before turning back to his counterpart. "I mean, totally wrong, big emergency, universe goes bang in five minutes, but brilliant."
Doctor five seemed to be getting annoyed. "I'm the Doctor. Who are you?"
Instead of answering the Doctor nodded his head. "Yes, you are. You are the Doctor."
"Yes, I am," Doctor five confirmed, getting more and more annoyed. "I'm the Doctor."
"Oh, good for you, Doctor," Rose was still holding onto her laughter as her Doctor kept digging his own hole. "Good for brilliant old you."
Doctor fives look turns to confusion. "Is there something wrong with you?"
Rose couldn't hold in her laughter any more so she let it out as tears streamed down her face. Her laughter drew the attention of Doctor five as her Doctor continued. "Oh! There it goes, Rose, the frowny face!"
"Yes, Doctor," Rose agreed. "I remember that one."
Doctor five seemed to go a double take as he realised who Rose was while her Doctor grabbed Doctor fives face as he continued babbling. "Mind you, bit saggier than it ought to be. Hair's a bit greyer, don't want Rose seeing that," he insisted before explaining. "That's 'cause of me, though, two of us together has shorted out the time differential. It should all snap back in place when we get you home," Doctor five hadn't been listening to him, instead he had been walking closer to Rose. "Be able to close that coat again," Her Doctor finally realised that he wasn't listening and followed Doctor five, trying to get his mind off Rose. "But nevermind that, look at you! The hat, the coat, the cricket-y cricket stuff the stick of celery," Rose huffed another laugh as Doctor five stopped right in front of her. "Yeah, brave choice, celery. But fair play to you, not a lot of men can carry off a decorative vegetable."
"Shut up!" Doctor five insisted as he took off his hat and had a closer look at Rose.
Rose grinned her toungue touched smile at him. "Hello, Doctor."
Doctor five pulled her into a hug before holding her arms so he could peer closely at her. "Are you alright, petal? This idiots not annoying you, is he?"
Rose speared a glance to her Doctor and saw him pouting before turning back to Doctor five and shaking her head. "I'm alright, Doctor," she assured him. "But I'm almost positive there's something wrong with the TARDIS that needs to be fixed soon," she tried pointing them into the right direction.
Doctor five sighed as he moved back to the console and placed his hat down. "Yes," he agreed. "And it would help, it really would help, if there wasn't some skinny idiot ranting in my face about every single thing that happens to be in front of him."
"Oh, okay," the Doctor agreed, his enthusiasm diminishing. "Sorry Doctor."
Doctor five sighed. "Thank you," he agreed as he turned to the console and tried to figure out what was happening.
"Oh, the back of our head!" The Doctor couldn't help but complain about.
"What?" Doctor five questioned.
The Doctor held up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, sorry. It's not something you see every day, is it? The back of your own head. Don't suppose you could keep your hat on, don't want Rose seeing that."
Rose snorted out another laugh. "I think I've seen you as old as you could probably look," Rose pointed out before a pained look came over her expression when she inadvertently commented about the year that never was. Her Doctor walked up and placed his arm around her while sending her soothing thoughts.
Doctor five stared at them in fascination, he's sure he very faintly felt some sort of telepathic communication pass between them but Rose was human. He was distracted when he realised something. "What have you done to my TARDIS? You've changed the desktop theme, haven't you?" Doctor five accused. "What's this one? Coral? It's worse than the leopard skin."
"Leopard skin," Rose blurted out with a questioning look to her Doctor.
Her Doctor just shrugged as he answered Doctor five. "Rose loves it." Her Doctors enthusiasm comes back as he realises her and bounces back over to Doctor five as Doctor five puts on his glasses. "Oh! And out they come, the brainy specs! You don't even need them, you just think they make you look a bit clever."
"Ha, I knew it," Rose pointed out as she pointed to her Doctor. "I knew you didn't need them."
Before either Doctor could respond an alarm starts blaring through the room. "That's an alert!" Doctor five pointed out as he took his glasses off again. "Level 5, indicating a temporal collision," he explained as he started turning knobs and pushing buttons on the console. "It's like two TARDISes have merged, but there's definitely only one TARDIS present," the Doctor casually walked around the otherside of the console from Doctor five and leaned against the monitor as Doctor five continued. "It's like two time zones at war in the heart of the TARDIS. That's a paradox, it could blow a hole in the space-time continuum the size of . . ." Doctor five broke off as the Doctor showed him the monitor. "Well, actually, the exact size of Belgium," Doctor five finished with a confused frown. "That's a bit undramatic, isn't it. Belgium?"
The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and offered it to Doctor five. "Need this?"
Doctor five just shook his head. "No, I'm fine," he insisted as he started typing on the monitor.
The Doctor rolled his eyes at him as he sent Rose another grin. "Oh, no, of course, you mostly went hands-free didn't you? Like, "Hey, I'm the Doctor, I can save the universe using a kettle and some string. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable."
Rose for her part was enjoying watching two Doctors interact.
Doctor five stops what he's doing. "Who are you?"
"Take a look," the Doctor urged.
"Oh," Doctor five sighed as he realised something. "Oh, no," he denied.
The Doctor nodded his head. "Oh, yes," he insisted.
"You're," Doctor five swallowed. "Oh, no, your. . ."
"Here it comes," the Doctor grinned. "Yeah, yeah, I am."
Doctor five sighed. "A fan."
"Yeah," the Doctor agreed before he realised what Doctor five had said. "What?"
Rose let out another laugh and as Doctor five grinned at her she realised that he was having the Doctor on.
Doctor five moves back around the console pressing switches and pulling knobs. "Level 10 now, this is bad, two minutes to Belgium."
The Doctor was still stuck on what Doctor five had stated. "What d'you mean, a fan? I'm not just a fan. I'm you!" He insisted.
Doctor five held up his hand. "Okay, you're my biggest fan," he repeated. "Look, it's perfectly understandable, I go zooming around space and time, saving planets, fighting monsters, an being, well, let's be honest, pretty sort of marvellous. So naturally, now and then, people notice me.
Start up their litte groups," Doctor five looked the Doctor up and down. "That L.I.N.D.A., lot.
Are you one of them?" He looked around pretending that he had only just realised something. "How did you get in here? Can't have you lot knowing where I live."
Rose shook her head as she laughed again. "One other thing to add to the list, the ego is carried between bodies."
The Doctor rolled his eyes at her as he tried to convince his counter part who he is. "Listen to me, I'm you, I'm you with a new face!" He starts tapping his own checks. "Check out this bone structure, Doctor, cause one day, you're gonna be shaving it."
Rose rolled her eyes as she corrected him. "I think you'll find that I'm the one that shaves it."
Doctor five had been looking between them with a questioning gaze when the sound of a tolling bell could be heard. "The cloister bell," Doctor five breathed out.
"Yeah, right on time," the Doctor agreed. "That's my cue," he explained as both Doctors started pushing buttons and pulling knobs.
"In less than a minute, we're gonna detonate a black hole strong enough to swallow the entire universe!" Doctor five pointed out.
The Doctor leaned around the console to look at him. "Yeah, that's my fault actually. I was rebuilding the TARDIS, forgot to put the shields back up," he explained. "Your TARDIS and my TARDIS, well the same TARDIS at different points in it's own time stream collided, and there you go, end of the universe, butterfingers. But don't worry," the Doctor assured Doctor five. "I know exactly how this all works out. Watch," he insisted as he continued working on the console. "Venting the thermo-buffer, roaring the helmic regulator and just to finish off, let's fry those Ziton crystals."
Doctor five realised what he was doing and stopped him. "You'll blow up the TARDIS."
"Only way out," the Doctor insisted.
"Who told you that?" Doctor five questioned.
The Doctor raised his brow at him. "You told me that," the Doctor explained as he pulled his hands out of the other Doctors and pushed on a lever. There was the sound of an explosion and a bright flash of light then the TARDIS shook a bit before settling.
"Supernova and blackhole at the exact same instant," Doctor five realised.
"Explosion cancels out implosion," the Doctor agreed.
Doctor five looked to the Doctor. "Matter remains constant."
The Doctor grinned back at him. "Brilliant."
"Far too brilliant," Doctor five stated as he again looked the Doctor up and down. "I've never met anyone else who cold fly the TARDIS like that."
"Sorry, mate," the Doctor dismissed. "You still haven't."
Rose walked upto her Doctor then and he placed his arm around her and pulled her into his side. "I don't know, I could probably give you a run for your money."
Doctor five again looked between them as the Doctor poked his toungue out at Rose. He then looked at how his own self was holding her. "You didn't have time to work all that out, even I couldn't do it," Doctor five insisted.
"I didn't work it out," the Doctor shrugged. "I didn't have to."
"You remembered," Doctor five agreed.
The Doctor nodded his head. "Because you will remember."
"You rememberered being me, watching you doing that," Doctor five continued. "You only knew what to do because I saw you do it."
"Wibby-wobbly," the Doctor started.
"Timey-wimey," all three of them finished together.
Both Doctors grin at her before the sound of a horn starts blaring. "Right, TARDISes are separating," the Doctor explained as he let go of Rose long enough to push a few buttons and pull a few levers. "Sorry, Doctor, times up, back to long ago. Where are you now?" The Doctor questions as he moves back to Rose's side and positions his arm around her waist. "Nyssa and Tegan? Cybermen and Mara and Time Lords in funny hats and the Master?" Rose cringed as he mentioned him and he sent her an apology through the bond. "Oh, he just showed up again, same as ever."
"Oh, no, really?" Doctor five complained. "Does he still have that rubbisch beard?"
The Doctor shook his head. "No, no beard this time. Well, a wife," the Doctor explained.
Doctor five started fading in and out. "Oh, I seem to be off. What can I say?" Doctor five was again looking between the Doctor and Rose. "Thank you, Doctor," then he grabbed Rose's hand and kissed the back of it. "It's nice seeing you again, petal."
"Thank you," the Doctor responded as he tightened his arm around Rose much to the amusement of Rose and Doctor five.
"I'm verry welcome," Doctor five grinned.
The Doctor flipped a switch to bring him back again. "You know, I love being you," he explained. "Back when I first started at the verry beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young," the Doctor explained. "And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted. I still do that, the voice thing. I got that from you, oh, and the trainers," he stated as he placed his leg on the console to show him before lowering it again. "And snap," the Doctor finished by putting his own glasses on. "Cause you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor."
Rose leaned forward suddenly and kissed Doctor five on the cheek. "And your all my Doctor," she insisted as she watched a blush form on Doctor fives face.
Doctor five grinned suddenly as he raised his hat to them. "To days to come."
"All my love to long ago," the Doctor agreed as he took his glasses back of and kissed Rose.
They broke apart when they heard Doctor fives voice projected to them. "Oh, Doctor, remember to put your shields up, and you better look after petal," he warned.
The Doctor was just about to do that when they heard a horn blaring and a ship crashed through the side of the TARDIS. Rose landed on the jumpseat and the Doctor landed on the grating next to her. "What?" The Doctor questioned. "What?" He continued on as he got back to his feet then helped Rose up. A bell starts ringing as the Doctor picked up a life preserver nearby and read what it said. "What?"
Rose sighed as he kept repeated the word so she peered over his shoulder and read. "Titanic."