Beady obsidian eyes blinked back patiently at the pair of educators staring at him with a myriad of emotions fleeting across their faces, but the most prevalent of which was shock.
"You can't be serious," Aizawa finally states, his voice taking on a hard tone as he failed at keeping his anger from seeping through.
"On the contrary, I'm quite serious," Principal Nezu states bluntly. "These boys need to understand how to work together effectively if they're ever going to succeed here at UA, or in the future. This exercise will only aide this process."
"YO! DID YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM WHEN THIS WAS DONE TO ME AND ERASER?!" The rodent and hero beside him noticeably jump at Present Mic's abrupt disruption of the otherwise silent, tense atmosphere.
Nezu recovers and answers, "Although I was not here when my predecessor was running this school, he did pass on the information of what happened during you and Eraser's first year here, yes. And from what I can gather, it seems that his plan was a success! Not only did you both go on to graduate highly in your class, you two are still close and work together fabulously so many years later. You don't think this would be beneficial for the boys, going through the same experience you two did?" Nezu asks, one eyebrow raising, a soft smile on his lips.
Eraser and Mic share a worried, knowing glance, both understanding that their situation was a bit different when they were Bakugo and Midoriya's age.
The two men had just hated each other because they were quite possibly the definition of polar opposites, what with Mic being obnoxiously loud and commanding attention, while Eraser would love nothing more than to blend into the background. They had gone through this trial due to their inability to respect each other and work together to get assignments done. It had begun to hinder their progress to become pros, as well as their classmate's, and so their teachers had decided to take action.
Now that Aizawa was recalling the past incident it did sound rather similar to his top two student's predicament now…but, "It isn't the same," the Erasure hero finally states, "these two don't just not get along, they've got a past, and from what I can tell it's a long and complicated one at that. What they need is a counselor, not some little experiment that just so happens to have a high success rate and sample size of ONE duo," he finishes sourly, narrowing his gaze at the small mammal in front of him.
"I believe you are greatly underestimating the effect this 'experiment' had on you and Mic's relationship moving forward," Nezu replies calmly, "and while I would much prefer for you to be on board with this, it is not a necessity for me to continue forward with this plan. Ultimately, I am the one running this institution, and I won't stand by to allow these two to ruin their bright futures or slow down the progress of their classmates over this petty feud."
"I'm just letting you two know," Nezu continues, "one, because Eraser, these are your students and I don't want you to be blindsided by this, and two, because you two are the only ones here who would understand what they're going through. Guide them. Make sure they learn from this experience."
Nezu moves from his spot in the front of the classroom, passing between the two heroes, to the door pushing it open slightly before turning back and ending the upsetting conversation with a smile and tinkling laugh, "I'll make the call tonight!", he singsongs.
The door closes as the analytical mouse steps out into the hall, leaving the childhood enemies turned partners alone.
"Yo, Shota, this is insane! Yeah this worked on us, but who's to say this will be beneficial for them? We barely made it back to our own bodies and we didn't hate one another nearly as much as these two kids seem to, you know?" Mic claims wildly, arms flailing as he recounts their past traumatic event.
"I know," Eraser replies blandly, "we're definitely going to have to keep an eye on them, there's no doubt about that, but I'm not in the least bit interested in dealing with him again."
Mic shudders at the mention of their old tormentor, the memory of the man responsible for their suffering so many years ago…
"Yeah man, he's so creepy! And scary!" He exclaims, now visibly sweating, "I had nightmares for months-"
"You're a grown man now Mic, act like it." Aizawa snaps, cutting him off, before rolling his eyes and sighing heavily. He worked to keep the bored expression on his face, though he too has begun to perspire, and his lash out didn't hold nearly as much bite as he might have liked.
"Why can't I ever just get a moment of peace? These next two weeks are going to be ridiculous," he grumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose to ward off the beginnings of a what was sure to turn into a migraine; heading toward the door to make his way out of the room as well.
"Wait up! We need to come up with a game plan!" Mic hurries after the other man, throwing out idea after idea about how to best aid the two aspiring heroes on what is sure to be one of the most unnerving experiences of their young lives. Aizawa walks beside him silently, worry and irritation etched into his features.