What happens when you have a small group of Demon Slayers together, and let them stay at the Butterfly Estate for some well deserved rest? Well, normally the same thing goes as always, some Shenanigans of teens, and such. But, today was different, weird emotions formed from unknown reasons, or perhaps they were always been there. If that being the case, Inosuke didn't understand what this new feeling was in the slightest.
Chapter 1
Down at the Butterfly Estate, there was some on goings as one would think out of the small group of what you could call clowns, they had just gotten done with a mission with a group of lower class Demons from a village nearby. Though, there was a lot of them swarming around, so it made fighting a bit harder over , they all managed to get out of there, with some gashes and bruises! Which is new, since normally someone comes out of this with a broken bone or two! While everyone was resting in their respective beds, Nezuko was gently clawing at her brother's bed, almost in a worried dog manner as her big pink eyes stare over at his light crimson ones. Tanjiro would smile at this action, reaching a hand out to pet through her locks softly, making sure she knew that this was a reward for fighting so well that night. "Nezuko, you did so good, I'm proud of you, everyone was safe." His tone soft, since that's the tone he normally spoke with in general. As Nezuko made a small grunt noise, moving her head a bit more into the hand, the wholesome interaction didn't last very long as the door was slammed open. There stood Inosuke covered in bandages around his stomach, and chest from where he got slashed at. The boar mask on his head, the cold dead blue eyes staring at the pair of siblings, and even over to the left spotting Zenitsu watching Nezuko, probably. 'What a weirdo.' Was all the feral boy could think before making his way over to the rest, apparently he needed different treatment due to how deep his wounds were, but nothing too serious. Quickly, he would launch himself to Tanjiro's bed, and land right on his own chest at the end of it. Is body bends forward, letting his legs hang over his head, it looked rather uncomfortable to say the least. But, not for Inosuke, no, it felt like nothing at all. However, the other's could not say the same, while the demon girl looked on rather blank as normal, Zenitsu started freaking out from how someone could even bend like that, and worse with wounds. "HOW ARE YOU EVEN DOING THAT!? YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO BEND-YOU MONSTROUS BOAR! EVEN WITH WOUNDS!"
He yelled, pointing at the other, as he would find himself tearing up from just emotions alone. That's when a hand rose, and would be placed on the other's snout, giving a squeeze as Tanjiro stares down with a worried look over his face. "Inosuke, you shouldn't do that sorta stuff, you know it's not good for your wounds. You're still hurt you know." That kind, and gentle tone caused a spark in Hashibira, as always. Quickly, he sits up, placing his hands on his thighs as he would find a blow up right away, raising his arms up waving them around. "I'M FINE! I CAN BEND TOTALLY FINE, NOTHING EVEN RIPPED, LOOK SEE!?" He would try to go pat at his stomach, but Tanjiro quickly catches his hand, applying some pressure so he couldn't move it as much. "Don't do that! You shouldn't be messing with your wounds, it does you no good, but cause more pain!" He states yelling back. Zenitsu held his hands up to his ears, not able to understand how they both could be so loud like this, and consider it normal. "OI, OI, YOU GOT A PROBLEM TANKORO!?" "It's TanJIRO!" Raising his voice a bit, and would catch the boar teens other hand since it was going to the same place, now holding his arms above his head. This was very childish, but what else did he expect from Inosuke? Meanwhile, in the brain said Inosuke, he would become dead silent. Only letting their breathing become the only sound in the room, under the mask, the green orbs stared intensely at the other, almost in thought about what he should do next. However, he grunts a bit from the wounds, and moving around to much and goes limp on the spot. "GAHH! HE PASSED OUT!?" The blond yells clinging to the blankets under him, Nezuko makes a confused humming noise as she tilted her head to the side watching. All the while, Tanjiro loosens his grip a bit, and his eyes soften. "Don't tell haven't slept at all, have you? Since getting back here, you've been awake.." He mutters, even though the other two would be able to hear him, that didn't really matter. Now being focused on the knocked out boy.
"Mmnnh.." For what seemed like hours of being out, Inosuke had begun to stir and wake finally. His body felt horribly heavy at the moment of awakening, not really able to adjust as fast as he normally could have. Though, something was off, that being the boar mask, no longer hiding away his face. The soft black locks, that faded into blue would curl around his oddly soft face. His eyes flutter a bit more, taking a second to take his surroundings. "Ah, you're finally up, I figured you would eventually." That kind voice rings into his ears, causing a small surge of energy, he would get up quickly, and hunch over in his spot. A wild look crosses his face as he would stare at Tanjiro who was across the room from him. "Tsk, bastard, you put me here didn't you!? What kinda plan was this to let my guard down!?" However, he was met with a small chuckle, causing him to choke out a growl and his eye twitches. "What's so funny? You really want to fight, eh?" Though, that oddly drained feeling took him over, and would hold onto his head when trying to get up. Even before that, Kamado would move over to Inosuke holding a bowl of water, with fresh bandages. A small smile on his face, though his eyes also held worry in them. "You shouldn't move so much, here let me-" The wild slayer would make a noise scooting away fast, and would jump onto his feet. Now wearing a yakata, who had time to undress him!? Ghh, he snarls moving to grab the wall, and try climbing that to escape the torment of being patched up. But, that didn't last long as the back of the yakata was grabbed and tugged back with a strong force that could only belong to a certain male. "Why are you so damn president!? This is stupid, I'm fine-!" "Inosuke, please let me heal you! I promise it won't take long!" After that, it went into this weird silence, the dark haired teen looks over his shoulder with an unreadable expression for once before puffing his cheeks out huffing."...Fine! But, just because you being my underling, and being so worried.." Voice trailing off for a pretty good reason, this always felt weird to get this sorta treatment from people, he's still not used to it.
Inosuke was now rested on his knees, and would stare at Tanjiro for a second, he felt no shame when slipping the clothing off of his shoulders, slowly sliding it down his form so the top half would pool around just above his waist. Showing off his upper half completely now, the look he gave was almost grumpy, uninterested. However, the red head was giving a beaming smile over his face, placing the bowl down next to him as a rag was held. "See? This isn't so bad." Now reaching his hand out to start wiping at the blood, taking his time gently dabbing at the marks, cleaning off the dried blood, and making sure everything was okay. "Does it hurt still? I think they put ointment on you before, but I didn't know if it's still in effect or if you need more." Even though the words, and voice came out of Tanjiro's mouth, Inosuke couldn't hear anything, finding himself too distracted by the other's kind features, the red eyes, how they held different colors in them yet managed to keep this fire tone in them. Though, he'd never admit he could feel it, but the kindness and purity could be felt from the male in front of him. Causing his chest to do something weird, to tighten, as his stomach was in small knots. The rag making contact should have stung, but it seems the ointment given did the charm. Not his concern though, because now his mind was cloudy with different, new thoughts. Thinking back when Tanjiro would smile at him, obviously any other time it would piss him off, make him angry. Not this time, it was doing something weird to his body, now causing a small tinge of pink to start dusting over his face. Just thinking about how the other would help him, be kind even though he didn't deserve it. Inosuke was getting annoyed, it made him angry, more of not understanding what this feeling even meant! Why did it make him feel all hot, and sick without actually catching a fever. The hand on his shoulder was about all that knocked him out of his weird state of mind.
"Huh?" Green eyes met red, as Tanjiro would tilt his head a bit. "You're getting all flushed, and you smell different. Is everything alright?" Moving himself a bit closer to try to decipher what the smell might actually be, to pinpoint what he was getting. Past the Earthy tone, mixed with spice, there was a hint of sweet thrown into the mix. But, one with a confused{?} lingering, he wondered if something happened while Inosuke was dreaming, before anything else could be asked, a small hand is shoved in his face and shoves Tanjiro back away or was trying to. "STOP GETTING SO CLOSE, YOU'RE NOT THE ONE MEANT TO GET INTO OTHER'S SPACE, CUT IT OUT, YOU CONFUSING BASTARD!" He yells, looking angry, as the skin was flushed with a darker tone of red now, his eyes widen as he looked shocked by what was going on. "I'm fine! When am I not fine, look at me, I'm so great!" He starts laughing loudly, quickly though, his mouth was covered by Tanjiro's hands. Placing another finger to his own mouth, causing a shushing motion. "Everyone is've been out all day, you have to keep your voice down." And just like that, Inosuke does listen to the other, but prys the hand off as he sticks his tongue out a bit. "Why should I care? But, fine, I'll do it anyways." For some odd reason, he listens to Tanjiro a lot when he tells him things, maybe since it wasn't that bad? Not the problem here, there was a new issue raising now. "Inosuke..your hands.." "Hah? What about them?" Raising a brow, while furrowing them too, seeming confused by the other's actions. "You got a damn problem with my hands?!" Oof, that was a weird nerve strike for him needless to say. Kamado would blink a few times, before snickering and intertwining their fingers together. "They're just smaller compared to mine, maybe bigger than Nezuko's. But, small to mine.." That fade from the other's voice, he almost seemed breath taken by this little fact, that look on his face read into so many different emotions, he seemed in a stuck state. However, Inosuke wasn't having it, he groans shaking his head a bit, trying to pull his hand away. Face nearly on fire at this point, unable to hide this now. "L-Let me go!" A stutter, Tanjiro felt a weird twinge to his heart, he would make a small cooing noise as he would squeeze their hands. "Hehe, I don't know, do you not wanna hold hands, does it make you nervous?" Almost sounding...smug? Ooh, that sparked the other male, stopping his struggles for a huff, an animalistic noise as a reply.
"I'm not shy, nEVER IS THE GREAT INOSUKE SHY, I'LL SHOW YOU!" That's when his other hand came up, grabbing Tanjiro's other hand, and stares at the already busy ones. Taking him a second to figure out what he was doing, before trying to replicate. It didn't work the first time, taking another try before locking them just right, there he gives a smug grin, with a sneer as he felt proud of himself. "See!? I told you so! I can totally do this, and it be better than what you do!" Another small laugh passes, however, Tanjiro would just stare, that feeling creeping back over. Watching how the hair bounces nicely around Inosuke's face as he laughs, the way his lashes would flutter with every blink. Seeing him happy made the slayer feel weird things. A small blush dusts over his cheeks. 'How cute, has he really always been this adorable?' Before much longer, the laughing stopped. Hashibira was staring at him for now with a blank expression, realizing that Tanjiro had been staring at him in a weird way. He makes a weird noise pulling his hands back finally, and into his own lap. It felt like steam was coming off his face from this whole interaction. "Ah..I should leave you to heal, hm?" A hand reaches out petting Inosuke, scratching a bit at his head, as a bewildered look crossed his face. "W-What the hell-" "I figured you deserved some pets, as a reward for doing well today, and letting me help with your wounds a bit more." He said, finally pulling his hand away and moving to stand up. "We should go back to the room where everyone is, yeah? It's been awhile, they're probably knocked out." Inosuke had huffed and grunted getting up, not bothering to fix his yakata as he followed behind him. It was seconds before returning to the main room where Zenitsu was fast asleep, and Nezuko was curled up on Tanjiro's bed waiting for him to get back. "G'night Inosuke, we'll be able to recover more tomorrow." Saying tiredly as he felt a wave of sleep wash over, noting how long he was up waiting for Inosuke to wake up. He would crawl into his own bed, and gently move his sister to the side, and pull her near him. He pets her gently, causing the girl's body to react, curling against his side and breathing softer than before. Now clinging to Tanjiro's clothes finally feeling easier at rest with her brother here. The wild teen was watching them for a second, wondering what it was like to have something like that, bluh, what a stupid thought to have. He didn't want to think about pointless things, he was fine being on his own. HUFF. Inosuke moves to his bed, not wanting a lot of cover over his body as he finally shoved his face into the pillow to get some more rest. Though, it's hard to focus on sleeping when that damned Tanjiro's smile was stuck in his head, making this night a little rougher for him. What does this even mean, god damn it.
Author's Notes:
This is my first time writing a fic for this series, and I'm not very far in yet! I stopped at chapter 34, but, also tried taking note and better look at the characters where they currently are at for myself! Once I manage to fully catch up, they'll all be written better and more clear for the future, for now I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this short series!