Chapter 6: Sleepover, Alice Cullen Style

I know what you are all thinking, where is my darkward?! He is there; he is just trying to keep a handle on himself right now. I felt weird exposing his violent tendencies to Bella right away. We don't want to scare her off, do we? This chapter is about the sleepover at the Cullen's.

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyers is the owner of Twilight and all the characters involved. I just screw with their lives a bit, like toys. We love you Stephenie!

Love all my reviews, please keep them coming. The more I get, the faster I write! And huge virtual hugs and kisses to BitterHarpy and EdwardsFirstKiss for making me readable! :)


My gaze keeps drifting to Edward as his sister spoke to me. I cannot explain what the hell just happened before I was practically drug away from him. And the complete 180 from earlier at school; we are talking Jekyll and Hyde shit here, folks. I literally feel dizzy from the tornado of emotions he has embodied since the moment I first saw him. I can't quite explain the draw, however. His physical appearance is mesmerizing, but it isn't just that; there was an invisible pull, urging me closer while simultaneously warning me away. His mannerisms and body language are fluid, almost frighteningly graceful; stunning but eerie. The moment he had spoken tonight, his voice nearly hypnotized me. I can't seem to get a clear thought in my mind until he broke eye contact. That smile is absolutely toe curling!

Listening to Alice, I realized "dazzling" must be a family trait, because she has the same draw, yet hers is slightly different than Edward's. She's sweet, dainty, and childlike, with a personality completely genuine; making me willing to follow along to her chime-like twittering. Her smile remains constant as she intermittently giggles like a small child; her attitude is refreshing, considering the long and confusing events that have taken place over the past 24 hours.

It's nice to sit and talk to someone who's interested in me as a person, without having any fakeness or ulterior motives. She invites me to their house as an alternative to going to Jess's. I was going to refuse, but her "Please?" kept echoing through my head until I finally nod, feeling compelled to comply.

Never a dull moment, Bella. Will this night ever end?

The party is dwindling and as I see Mike leading Jessica to his car, I realize I have made the right decision to come with Alice. The last way I want to end this day is as a third wheel. I head over to explain my decision to them, as Alice goes to get the car. When I tell them, I am leaving with Alice, Mike frowned at me.

"You sure you want to go to the Cullen's house, Bella?" Mike practically whispers, leaning in towards me as he speaks. "They're kind of a … well a bunch of freaks?" He mumbles as he speaks, still apparently stinging over my earlier rejection. Men! You have a half-naked girl hanging on you and you are bitter about the one that "got away?" You have got to be kidding me.

"Alice seems very nice, Mike. I don't think you are being fair. Just because they are different doesn't make them freaks!" I quickly reply. "Seriously, what is your problem?"

"Just be careful, ok? You seem too nice, and people tend to take advantage. I don't want to see you get hurt," he replies while chancing a sideways glance at Edward, who was standing over by Alice, waiting. "Cullen creeps me out. He looks like he wants to eat you." Edward glares back, like he heard what Mike said, which is not possible considering how far away he is standing.

Rolling my eyes, I wave goodbye to Jessica, who promises to cover for me if Charlie calls.

We reach the house quickly; it's fairly close to the beach. We could've probably walked, but that would mean leaving Alice's car behind, and it looks pretty expensive. I can't imagine leaving it at the beach if it were mine either. The Cullen's house is incredible, with huge windows taking up most of the wall space. It's nestled in the woods, like an ingrown part of the forest landscape. Moonlight caresses the side of the house, causing it to glow eerily.

Alice leads me into the house for my "tour" on our way to her room for our late night "fun". She shows me the basics, the kitchen, bathroom, etc. As we head upstairs, she points out the upstairs bathroom at the top of the landing, and motions to the rooms on her right. "Edward's room is down there," she waves her hand towards the end of the hall. "The room next to it is his studio. That's where he spends most of his time." She explains, like it's something I need to know. "He's artsy," she confides. "He's always trying to find new ways to explore his artistic talent. There is a bunch of different crap in there, I am sure. It's off limits; he keeps it locked." She says with a wrinkled nose; obviously she has tried to explore it, apparently without success.

I can't help laughing at her expression; she looks so forlorn about it; mischievous little sprite. Upon entering her room, the first thing I notice is her closet; it covered the expanse of one entire wall. How many clothes did one person need? I glance over at the figures in her curio cabinet; it's full of winged creatures: butterflies, pixies, fairies, etc. This did not surprise me, as Alice looks like a pixie come to life. Lastly, I notice a lack of something that usually is synonymous with a bedroom, a bed. Who doesn't have a bed in their bedroom? There was a Grecian-style couch and a recliner in the corner, but that's it.

"No bed Alice? Where do you sleep?" I ask automatically.

Alice looks up quickly, taken aback. "Oh!" she exclaims. "The bed! Umm…." she seems unsure how to answer me. This is odd. Maybe Mike was right; things are getting a little strange.

"I sleep on that." She motions to the couch. "We all have them. Multi-functional furniture," she claims as she smiles at me. "I have too much energy to sleep much," she whispers to me, as if in confidence.

Ok, where in the hell am, I supposed to sleep, I wonder? On the floor, perhaps?

"You can sleep on the couch in the living room, if that's ok." She states, as if reading my mind. "The couch is really comfortable down there, and no one will bother you. But no sleep yet! We haven't started your makeover!" she exclaims as she giggles.

"I am not a big makeup kind of girl Alice." I admit bashfully. I generally avoid male attention as much as possible. Lately it hasn't seemed to be too possible, I think with a frown.

"Don't frown, Bella. I am going to make you look like a supermodel." She practically floats into her closet, rummaging around in what seems like an entire family's worth of clothes, and pops back out with a blue halter top and black exercise pants. "Sleeping clothes," she explains. So, I was going to look like a supermodel going to bed, eh? I roll my eyes and prepare to be beautified.

I change as she exited her room, mumbling about makeup and hair products. Surprisingly, the clothes fit me perfectly. I glance in the mirror, wondering how that's possible.

They must be loose on Alice. She is definitely tinier than me. And prettier.

I sigh, wondering why I bothered coming here in the first place. I should have just gone home; I am only a little bit drunk and for a cop, Charlie is pretty laid back. There is no real explanation why I needed to come to the Cullen's, except that Alice wanted me to, and for some reason I wanted to do what Alice asked.

She comes back in with her hands full of all kinds of items: curling iron, hairdryer, makeup, jewelry…. What am I, a play with me Barbie? I sigh, and she looks up surprised.

"What's wrong, Bella? Did I go overboard?" she frowns, looking at her arms with dismay. "Rosie and Esme won't let me play with their hair do their makeup or dress them, I hope you don't mind." She said quietly, while she shifted back and forth on her toes.

"No, no. It's fine. I've never had a sister." I admit. It is nice to have a girl to confide in. Immediately upon my approval she got to work, torturing my hair and applying all kinds of different products to my face. I wince as she accidentally burns me with the iron twice; obviously she is not a master of the art of hair curling. I imagine looking like a circus clown when I am done; maybe that is why the other girls in her family steered clear of her beautician's abilities. She looks me over, seeming quite pleased with the results, and hands a mirror to me.

"Viola!" she exclaims as I look at a stranger's reflection. My once loose curls now spiral down my back, like ribbons falling from a spool. My features are amplified, but not overly done, giving me a fresh but sexy look that I can't imagine belonging on my face. I smile in appreciation; this makeover has turned out to be the best part of my day by far! I wonder what Edward will think if he sees me like this.

OMG Bella get a life! He is so hot, he could have his pick of any girl in the continental US, and he is gonna go gaga over a little makeup? I think not.

I shake my head to rid myself of thoughts of Edward, which isn't easy considering he is sleeping three doors down from where Alice and I are. Where did she go anyway? I look around for her and see out of the corner of my eye a flash of something white, just before being hit square in the face … with a PILLOW! Where did that come from? I open my eyes wide with surprise, seeing my new friend, once again behaving like a small child.

"PILLOW FIGHT", Alice screams, laughing hysterically. "I have always wanted to have one." She tosses a pillow at me and swung again. WHACK! Ow, that one kind of hurt! She is strong for a little thing. I grab the other pillow and chase Alice around the room with it. Swing… Miss! She is a nimble little minx! She turns around and whap! Right in my face again. That's it! She is gonna get it! Obviously, she realizes my intended chase, and flew across the room, pillow in hand, opening her door and running down the hall while screaming, "Can't catch me!"

I immediately grab my pillow to give chase and run to the now open doorway. I have just cleared the door and turned the corner, brandishing my pillow like a sword. Right before I reach the staircase, the door in front of me opens, and I ran headfirst into none other than Edward Cullen. He stiffens immediately like he's been burned, but grabs a hold of my arms, and pulls me back towards him. A slow mischievous grin spreads across his face, as he takes in my altered appearance.

"Well, hello again. You have a penchant for running into men, don't you?" He furrows his brow like he's thinking of something unpleasant, and his grip on my arms tightens slightly as he shifts me closer to his chest. "Alice has been playing dolls with you, I see." He murmurs, his face relaxing once again. What is he, bi-polar? His mood swings faster than a pendulum. His grin returns, and he stares down into my eyes as if he's searching for the answer to some unsolved mystery.

It's then I notice what he is wearing, or not wearing, I should say! Sweet Jesus, he is in a towel, soaking wet! Water drips off his hair and runs lovingly down his chest, then soaks into the towel draped around his waist. How quickly I forget that the door he emerged from was the bathroom Alice had pointed out on the way up. Dear God, he is practically naked!

Blushing profusely, I stammered, "Uh yeah… she wanted to play beautician tonight." I glance around nervously, hoping for Alice to reappear on the stairs. "We were, ummm… having a pillow fight." I finish lamely. It's impossible to concentrate and make an understandable sentence pressed against him this way. I step back a bit, freeing myself from his grip in the process.

"Yes, I see that." He replies softly, still staring into my eyes. He looks like he wants to say something else. He breathes in deeply, stiffens again, and heads past me towards his room. "Sweet dreams Bella." he says, looking back at me over his shoulder. His back muscles glisten with droplets of water, which sparkle in light as he walks into his room. Once in his room, he immediately drops his towel, not bothering to close the door, giving me a perfect view of his muscled rear. My mouth drops open in shock; Dear sweet Jesus, he is completely perfect! Heat floods my face once again; I can't tear my eyes away from him. He can't possibly be real. No man looks THAT perfect.

"OMG Edward, are you trying to make me blind!" Alice screeches from the stairs. I hadn't even heard her come back up; I was so fascinated by Edward's ass. I look guiltily at Alice, hoping she doesn't think I am a raging pervert.

Edward laughs from his room, "Aww Alice, you ruined all my fun. I was just about to turn around and give her something to really stare at!" he huskily adds as he shuts his door. So, he knew I was staring at him? How embarrassing! Smacking my forehead with my one hand, I glance at Alice and realized she still had that damn pillow and a gleam in her eye.

"Show's over! Don't mind Edward, he is shameless!" she giggles. "Time for pillow fight, round two!" she squeals as she hurls her pillow at me. I race into her room, running for cover. She is almost impossible to hit, but I get in a couple good whacks with my pillow before the game is over. We goof around until midnight, and finally I crumble into an exhausted lump on the couch, ready to call it a night. Unbelievably, Alice is still wired. Unable to keep my eyes open any longer, I drift off to sleep before she has even headed out of the room.

I awaken to the feel of cool lips on mine, nudging them open. I part them slightly and feel a soft tongue flicker over each one before darting into my mouth, searching for mine. I comply by running my own tongue down the back of his, savoring the feelings slowly warming my body, my nerves tingling with anticipation. I hear a groan in reaction and suddenly the kiss changes from soft and slow to demanding and deep, our tongues dueling as I feel him leaning into my body fully.

One hand tangle in my hair, as the other roams freely across my face, down my neck and across my chest, cooling my overheated skin, causing goosebumps. The feelings that hand is causing deep in my stomach is exquisite, I have never been on fire so badly in my life! I feel like a million butterflies are trapped in my stomach. I moan as his lips leave mine and begin to follow the path that his hand has, first kissing along my jawline, then lowering to lick the curve of my neck. There his lips stop their decent, and his tongue swirls around my earlobe, sucking it in his mouth for a brief moment, while he moans lowly into my ear.

His tongue then dips back down my neck and runs across my collarbone in a slow adoring way, then back up to the other side of my neck, where his lips begin sucking on my skin. It feels so incredibly erotic, I lean my head back to give him easier access. Suddenly he stiffens, pulls on my hair tightly, and yanks me up so we were eye-to-eye. Edward. His eyes are wild as he whispers, "MINE!" kissing me fiercely, taking my breath away. His lips continue their assault on my mouth, now roughly and more demanding than earlier. His tongue traces every inch of my mouth, as if branding it as his. He continues without stopping for a single moment, making me light-headed. I try to pull away, just to catch my breath for a moment, but he growls in response, gripping me tightly against him. The next thing I know, I am slipping into unconsciousness.

I wake up disoriented, not sure where I am. Oh right, the Cullen's. I sit up on the couch, thinking about the strange erotic dream I had last night about Edward kissing me. Maybe I had drank more than I thought. I feel like I had been hit by a train last night. I look around cautiously, wondering if anyone else is awake. My head and lips hurt, and my neck stung like I have been burned. I scurry to the downstairs bathroom to ascertain the damage. Looking back at me from the mirror is a wild-haired, hung-over Bella. The stinging from my neck is from a small mark near my collarbone. The curling iron, that had to be it. Alice had burned me a couple times last night in her attempt to beautify me. My lips look a bit swollen as well. Maybe I am allergic to whatever lipstick she used. I'll have to ask…

I stop mid-thought. Wait, what if that wasn't a dream? Could that mark on my neck be a hickey? My lips swollen from kissing. I shake my head, trying to make sense of last night's dream. Why would Edward come downstairs to kiss me? He didn't even really know me!

You don't know him either, yet you are dreaming about steamy kisses and staring at his ass, getting wet every time he glances in your direction.

I am definitely attracted to him. There is no doubt about that. But there is something strange about him too, as well as the rest of his family. There is something frightening about the way he looks at me sometimes, like he is ready to hurt me. The worst part is the pervert in me loved every second of it. Was I completely fucking mental?! Here I am in a strange guy's house, hanging out with his sister, dreaming about him molesting me in my sleep!

Bella, you need to get out more, girl!

Can you believe she still thinks she was dreaming last night? Silly Bella. I wonder what kind of art Edward has in his studio? You may find out in a chapter or two, but maybe nobody cares what is in there… hehehe