Power, it is the one thing all humans craved. To know that if they needed it, the power would be right under their fingertips, ready for their use. That if they wanted, they could easily control those weaker than themselves because they had the power to do so. It was excellent and worth the effort to obtain it until they do receive it. No longer is it worth something to fantasize about, but instead something they now have and now must control. To feel that power, that they wanted to the point of stepping over others, brimming and raging underneath their skin do they realize that power comes with pain. It comes with loneliness, suffering, and the fear that this power of those could easily hurt those around them. Some people can hide those emotions better than others, but either way, they all feel it. It's the sacrifice of having power — the sacrifice of being chosen as a King.

Humans are terrifying creatures. In the way, they can hide their emotions so easily and well to where no one knows what's going on behind that smile of theirs. They can easily deceive and manipulate everything and everyone around them with simple words and actions; it is horrendous. However, what is even more terrifying are the past events that led to a human being able to do all of that. To be able to hide negative thoughts with a closed eye smile that showed not a lot of teeth, but enough to make it seem genuine. The practice they went through to prove that they are okay, and the walls they built to keep everyone out. Humans are fascinating creatures, or so Dakota believed.

Shizume city was caught in a tremendous storm, one that is to last a week. Lightning and thunder are expected, as well as flooding, high winds, and an occasional tree fall. Nothing too serious, but it was enough to make everyone anxious as they exited the school building. Dakota wasn't one to fear thunder or lightning; she welcomed the chaos that was sure to ensue. With curious eyes, she listened to how some girls would scream whenever the thunder boomed, holding tightly to friends or their crushes when the lightning flashed. One girl was sniffling, drawing a small crowd of students over to comfort her. Opening her clear umbrella, Dakota made her way out in the pouring rain, gritting her teeth when some of the students would run by her and splash water on her tights. There was no point getting angry about it; the clothing was expected to get wet anyway.

On her walk over to the bus stop, she couldn't help but gaze at the people around her. How some were sprinting to get covered from the rain, others sauntered without a care in the world. Children walked in pairs, some in rain jackets and others with brightly colored umbrellas, and now and then there would be a teen walking in the rain without a coat or umbrella. Dakota only shook her head at some of them, feeling bad for the parent that will have to do those kids' laundry tonight. When she reached the covered bus station, Dakota paused when she spotted a familiar redhead.

"Suoh-san." They had the same class and even went to the same middle school. Everyone seemed to be terrified of the guy, and for a good reason. Suoh was known to fight and not to mention his glare was terrifying. Thankfully she has never been on the end of that glare, but others have. However, he seemed like a nice guy just a little rough around the edges.

She didn't expect the male to turn and look at her; after all, he looked like he was sleeping. If there was one thing she had to be honest about, Suoh had the most beautiful eyes she's seen. A molten golden that reminded her of the gold jewelry her mother once wore. He grunted when he looked up at her; he was sitting on the bench while she remained standing, the umbrella still over her head.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Dakota has taken this exact bus since elementary school, and she would have noticed when the redhead began taking it. From what she knew, he and Kusanagi Izumo always walked together.

"Sleeping," He grunted. Dakota was shocked that she even received a response from the male, but wiping off the surprise, she grinned, "Whatcha' doing out here?" She received not a glare, but more of an annoyed look from the male. Not minding it, she continued, "You don't take the bus, I would have noticed if you did." Still no response. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at the incoming bus and back to the soaking Suoh. Shrugging, she adjusted the umbrella to where it was shielding Suoh from the pouring rain. He gave her a confused look when she released the handle, making the plastic umbrella lean on him.

"You need this more than I do if you're planning on walking-" She was halfway on the bus when she looked back, "-just give it back tomorrow." And like that, she was gone. The bus was taking off, and leaving a soaking redhead behind with an umbrella. Mikoto ended up staring after the bus, the umbrella's handle now in his large hand.

"Mikoto, where were- how did you get the umbrella?" Mikoto lazily turned to his longtime friend, Izumo who had on a confused face as he openly stared at the redhead.

"Some girl gave it to me," He gruffed out, his throat hoarse from the nap he took. Standing up, with the umbrella still in hand, he and Izumo began making their way home.

_ ︎ ︎

Mikoto brought the umbrella to school the next day, but the girl wasn't there. He recognized her as being a classmate; he just didn't know her name. However, he figured it out when the only one missing the next day was the girl when the teacher called role call Mikoto caught her name.

"Nishida Dakota?" Izumo asked. It was lunch now, and there was no sign of Dakota. Mikoto and Izumo sat across from each other, the blonde giving a few pieces of his lunch to the empty-handed redhead. Mikoto ignored him and munched on the small tempura vegetable. Izumo sighed and glanced at the empty desk. He didn't know the girl well, but they have had a few conversations. Mainly when someone messed up in English, they would whisper about how that student could fix it. Most of their conversations were in English, allowing the blonde to practice and for the other students to not understand what they are saying. Other than that, rarely ever did they talk.

"Hmmm, I guess you're just gonna have to wait till tomorrow," Izumo shrugged. Mikoto grunted, but he continued eating and waiting. And wait he did, but Dakota never showed up. Not the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that day, it wasn't until the weekend was over that Mikoto saw her again. She was sitting in her regular seat, which was in the second row by the door, and casually reading a small book. Mikoto felt a bit of annoyance that she had the nerve to just casually sit there like nothing was wrong after he waited days for her to show up. Walking towards the front of her desk, he lightly nudged it to get her attention. Unplugging her headphones, Dakota stared up at the redhead in mild surprise, "Suoh-san?" Grunting, Mikoto handed her the plastic umbrella. She seemed astounded, but took the umbrella with a smile, "Thank you. Sorry for having to make you hold onto it for so long." Mikoto shrugged and walked to where his seat was, in the far back. Once there, he slumped in his chair and put his head down. Glancing only once at Dakota, she was back to reading.

"Welcome back, Nishida-san," Izumo greeted the girl. It was lunchtime, English just ended, and now everyone was taking out their bentos or going to get lunch. Izumo found this an excellent time to try and strike up a conversation with the girl who supposedly helped out his friend.

"Ah, Kusanagi-san, thank you," Her smile was soft, gently raising her cheeks to where eyes were almost crescents. Izumo gave a bashful smile back, "Do you want to join us for lunch?" He asked. Mikoto wouldn't care, and it'd be a good chance to get to know the mysterious Dakota. Izumo could see a bit of hesitance, her smile becoming a little unsure as she gently the side of her cheek in contemplation.

"Don't worry about that idiot over there; he won't care." Izumo gestured to the slumped Mikoto, who had his head down on the desk and his arms at his side. It was the look of utter defeat. Dakota giggled, her hand coming up to cover her mouth and her shoulders slightly bounced with sound, "Why not? Thank you for inviting me." Izumo waved off the thanks and assisted her in moving her desk over to join theirs. Finally seated, the two took out their bento while Mikoto stared at the both of them.

"Suoh-san, do you have a bento?" Dakota asked. Mikoto ignored her, opting to instead stare at the food both Izumo and Dakota made. Izumo sighed and shook his head, "He knows I'll feed him, so he doesn't make anything." The blonde growled in annoyance when he saw Mikoto try and reach over and grab a roll.

"I told you Mikoto, you need to make your own food," Izumo nagged. The redhead rolled his eyes, his hand still trying to grab something from the blonde's plate. Dakota laughed at their antics, "Here, Suoh-san, you can have some of mine." She pushed her bento to the middle and handed Mikoto a pair of chopsticks. Without any hesitation, the redhead lunged for the food.

"Nishida-san, you don't have to do that. He needs to learn to fend for himself," Izumo tried to stop Mikoto from stealing any more of the girl's food. Dakota laughed, "It's okay; he should eat rather than starve anyways." She assured, not minding that some of her food was now gone. With grace unknown to the boys, she began eating her lunch. Taking small bites and moving much like a modern-day princess, Izumo was stuck on her etiquette. Her chopsticks never clanked against the side of the bento, and they were always even with each other, she also held the chopsticks with elegance.

"So, Nishida-san, what do you like to do?" Izumo asked. It was a fundamental question, one that everyone had an answer too. Dakota paused in her eating, thinking for a bit before answering, "I enjoy reading." Izumo hummed, that was a called one. Dakota was always reading some book, whether it was fiction, nonfiction, scientifical, historical, or whatever other genres there were, Dakota, read them all. Izumo admired that of her, to find time to put reading in an already busy schedule.

"How about you guys?" Izumo thought about it for a second, "I enjoy making drinks." Dakota's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Like alcoholic drinks?" Izumo nodded, and he couldn't help but laugh at the look of pure fascination that crossed Dakota's face, "Do want to do that when you're older?" The blonde nodded, "My Uncle owns a bar, and he said when I graduate and become serious about being a bartender, I can take over." Dakota's mouth was open in shock, "Wow, that must be nice." She turned to Mikoto, her eyes brimming with curiosity as she gazed at him in wonder. The redhead shrugged, "Sleeping... and fighting." Dakota expected the first one, but not so much the second one. She heard of the rumors of how Mikoto would fight in the streets, at school, everywhere he went, but she never thought he would outright admit it. Izumo looked beyond done with his friends, cupping his face in his hands and shaking his head.

"Maa~ it must be nice to defend yourself." Was all she ended up saying. And like that, a conversation ensued. It was mostly Izumo and Dakota talking, with Mikoto either eating or nodding off, but it was a pleasant lunch. Dakota had really enjoyed herself with the two men, not minding that one of them was continuously eating her food and the other was somewhat a flirt. She didn't mind though, after all, it was one of the few times she could enjoy herself.

Once lunch was over, they returned to their respective seats. Mikoto putting his head down on the desk, Izumo taking out his notebook, and Dakota continued to read her book. While the class continued, Izumo took in Nishida Dakota. She wasn't anything special, her hair was black and cut below her ears with the standard bangs, and her eyes were plain brown however, there was something more to her. Izumo couldn't put his finger on it, but it felt like there was more to her. Maybe it was the way she always wore black leggings, never showing an ounce skin other than her face and hands. Or, maybe it was the fact that she wasn't full Asian that caught his attention. Izumo couldn't place his finger on it, and it somewhat bothered him. She always smiled, showed the expression everyone wanted to see. Overall, Dakota was another face in the crowd that blended in Izumo's mind, but now she was sticking out, and Izumo could only wonder why.

"Ah, Nishida-san," Izumo called out to the female when school was over. The ravenette turned around, the first time her book was down since lunch, and smiled.

"Are you going home?" Dakota wanted to reply, 'Where else would I go,' but that would be rude and she doesn't these people yet. So, instead, she replied with a nod, "Yep, I'm guessing you two are as well?" Izumo nodded while Mikoto grunted. She giggled and waved, "I'll see you two tomorrow then," and like that she was gone. Izumo and Mikoto stared at the fleeting figure of Dakota, neither of them saying anything till she was out of the building.

"Well, she's interesting," Izumo gave a lopsided smile. Mikoto shrugged, continuing the treck down the hallway.