A/N I figure you all have been tortured enough by my lack of updated over the past... forever; so i am giving you Mase... again.

Thank Snoopylover60, yea? And my lovely IcarusToSun. Cause these lovely ladies are the reason it is going up here today. Thanks for making me feel like this is worthwhile to pick back up!

Thanks to MarieCarro, who visualized my tortured demon for me, she is AMAZING!


I awoke in a daze, unsure of the time, by this horrible screeching sound, blaring at me from my bedside table. I jerked my head towards the offending sound, opening one eye briefly to locate the source of my torment: my alarm.

Just fucking perfect.

I ran my hand through my hair in agitation and smacked the snooze button; knowing there would only be a mere 15 minutes of peace before the caterwauling started again. My head felt like it had been hit by a brick, or maybe a whole fucking ton of them. Fuck. This was definitely a day I wished I didn't have to work. Knowing calling out was not an option, and dreading hearing that god-awful screech again, I crawled from bed and stumbled into the bathroom; hoping a cold shower would help wake me up and clear my head a bit before work.

The cold water provided little relief to either of my aching heads. My dick throbbed from a combination of morning wood, lack of relief from last night's adventure, and the fuck-hot dream I had about that sweet little debutant from the bar. I rubbed one out half-heartedly, preferring sexual gratification from others over masturbation. But desperate times called for desperate measures; showing up at the garage with a massive hard-on was NOT an option. I dressed quickly; realizing almost too late that I had no mode of transportation handy, with my bike being at the club and all that happy horse shit.

That's what you get for being a degenerate scumbag, Mase.

Knowing my plans for the evening would take me back to the club at some point this evening for my bike, I called a cab and popped a couple of aspirins, hoping it would kill the thumping in my head before I reached the garage. The cabbie was a douche, taking all kinds of "short-cuts". In people terms it meant he was taking the long way. I arrived just as the lights inside the garage went on, meaning I wasn't late enough for Spike to be bothered by it. My boss was pretty laid back, but the one he was a real stickler for was the schedule.

I strolled into the office and eyed the job board for the day, which seemed light for a Friday, and approached Spike, aka Spencer, for my worksheet. He was a freak about schedules, as I mentioned before, and printed up worksheets listing the jobs and details on what the customer needed done to their cars for each mechanic ahead of time, to avoid missed deadlines or incomplete work. This way we didn't have to keep wandering through the office to gather details throughout the day, unless it was a walk-in. It made sense if you were obsessed with being organized like my boss clearly was. He peered up from the coffee machine near the shop door, and grinned, some private joke twinkling in his eyes as he spoke.

"Rough night, Mase?" he mocked. "You look like shit, mate." He sounded like a combination of an Englishman and Aussie, his accent strange yet soothing to the ears. "Good thing I gave you the easy shit today. You might blow someone's car up otherwise." He joked as he reached to the desk and practically paperwork at me. I sneered at him in irritation; I was the best mechanic he had, and never let my indulgences affect my work. I had too much pride to fuck up my clients' cars. I opened my mouth to explain just that when he chuckled, holding his fist in front of his mouth as little wrinkles formed by his eyes alight with humor; obviously he was trying to get a rise out of me today. Bastard!

"I'm fucking with you man. You have a transmission rebuild and an engine knock to look at today, with a few minimal routine maintenance jobs. What's got you so bent? Didn't get laid last night?" He joked casually, while pouring himself a cup and drinking it straight.

I grimaced at the action, not trying to be a pansy about it but that shit is gross on its own. I'd rather do shots of motor oil, and the likeliness of that happening was slim to none. Was it that obvious? Did my stance scream blue balls? I could have grabbed some nameless bitch from the club and taken her back to my place for a couple of rounds; I had several invitations before she showed up. But how could I bring some cute little number home when all I could think about was the hot little princess I really wanted? So, I drank myself into oblivion instead of doing what I had wanted to do from the moment I spotted her: grab her and high-tail it to my place, where I could show her what "my type of people" did for fun and excitement.

I shook off the thought, pissed at myself for thinking about her, again. "I went a few rounds too many with a bottle of tequila last night." I admitted reluctantly, hoping he didn't get pissed about it. The last thing I needed was to be looking for a new job right now, and besides, I really liked this place. The guys were down to earth; real people instead of phonies and posers. The atmosphere was positively charged, these guys were my family than the one I left behind. I hoped he would understand; he had shit of his own going on at home. He nodded slowly at my confession; his expression filling with compassion before he spoke again

"Gotta watch that Patron, Masen. It will kick your ass." His grin popped out once again, quickly replaced by a sarcastically serious expression. "Now get to work, slacker!"

It was almost noon by the time I finished the transmission job, and I was heading to the office to clock-out for lunch when I saw her, leaning against the service counter inside. She faced Spike, motioning with her left hand dramatically, dressed casually in a blue Old Navy T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She was still hot as fuck, and my cock hardened immediately at the sight of her. Her jeans were just tight enough for me to get a nice glimpse of her hot little ass, making me want to bite it, along with other parts of her body. Fuck! How did this small girl turn me into a raving fucking sex fiend? My cock hurt from the throbbing, and I had to adjust my jeans in an attempt to make it at least slightly less obvious. Just great; Spike's gonna have a fucking rip-roaring time with this one. It would be stupid for me to think he wouldn't notice, or wouldn't bust my balls about it later. I ran my hand through my hair nervously and opened the door, rolling my eyes at Spike as I entered, shaking my head behind her at her aggravated motions and bitchy tone.

"How can you expect me to wait until tomorrow? I need that car to get home!" she screeched, her hands now placed on her hips, her right foot tapping nervously.

"I'm sorry, love, but I don't have an available mechanic to check it today. The best I can do is tomorrow. There are other garages down the street…"

"I can't take it down the street. It won't start, and I was lucky to stumble upon this place!" she interrupted, her voice nearing hysterics. I couldn't see her face, but I ventured by her tone she had small pools of tears forming along the bottom of those melting chocolate eyes, along with a pretty pout gracing her full and nip-able lips. He didn't stand a chance against that face; I know I didn't. I stood not even inches behind her, itching to grab her and yank her against my quite painful erection; showing her without doubt what she did to me. Spike would have a coronary however, and getting fired for sexual harassment of a potential customer was not what I wanted to stick on my resume, no matter how much I wanted to bury myself inside her.

Spike's hands rose defensively, looking up to me with this "what-the-fuck-am-I-supposed-to-here" look on his face; fucking priceless. He could make a grown man quake in his boots on his worst day, but he is brought to his knees by a small girl's drama in a matter of seconds. The fact that he couldn't charm her out of her pique was amazing; the man practically oozed it. With his soft lilting voice and intense blue eyes, most girls would peel their panties off and throw them at him, not yell at him like a spoiled brat.

"I'll look at it." I offered, unthinking. She whipped about, startled from my sudden appearance and stared at me in shock as she recognized me from last night. Her bleary eyes widened and held my gaze, her own expression wary as if I was some strange stalker. She then looked me over, her wandering eyes fixated on my belt for some reason. "Hello, baby girl." I whispered to her, as if we were alone in the room. "Miss me?" She sputtered, no coherent words forming on her lips. I leaned towards her, our noses nearly kissing, and murmured, "I dreamt of you last night. In-fucking-credible!" A warm rosy flush spread across her exposed skin, bringing warm life to the cool ethereal hue that made her look almost too angelic to touch, let alone do the erotic and depraved things I was doing to her in my dreams last night.

I have alot of WIP i am obsessed with, and several writers you all NEED to read, if you already are not... what i am saying? OF COURSE you all love BitterHarpy, CecePrincess1217, MissLiss15, MeteorOnAMoonlessNight, Assilem33, and Alyscia! Right? I mean ... right? *** Some of these ladies post their magic on though so yea, maybe find them if you have been blind to their existence...

Reviews are appreciated but please, be kind and constructive. I would never purposely hurt another's feelings or try to hinder their muse, and I hope you all feel the same. I'm a big girl, so you don't have to hide behind a "guest" review tag, get me? If we missed it, or screwed it up, let me know… but I'm human, my loves, please consider that.