Obey, I don't know the meaning of the word!
Summary- Harry has always been different then what the wizarding world wanted her to be. Never the delicate obedient young lady they wanted the only daughter of the Potter family to be like. Never the compliant little golden girl they thought she should be. Why would she be so after finally defeating the mad man that had been after he all her life? Obey, screw that, she didn't know the meaning of the word. But now the world has gone to hell, and the dead are waking up hungry, how will this effect Harry's wish for freedom? What will happen to her, along side the woman she had long since called a sister? Will she be forced to learn to obey? Or will she be able to keep her freedom? Female Harry in a Harry Potter Walking dead Crossover.
Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the walking dead nor do I make any money off of either one of them.
Chapter Prolog
Harry didn't know rather to curse or laugh at the absurdity of it all. Hell, she wanted to do both as well as start firing some spell like curse while she was at it. Maybe then she would be able express exactly the way she was feeling. With several rather painful spells hitting certain people while she was at it.
But at the same time as she felt this way, and as she did her best to repress the urge to show them exactly what she thought about they had said. Then again, even as she did this, she figured she really should be used to it by know, and honestly should have long expected something like this to happen.
As Harry knew she was never one for confirming into what others thought she should be like. And knew that she would never be one for it anyway, not in her entire life past present or future, despite all attempts to make it otherwise.
But when you female, six feet tall, having fought all your life and looked like you fought all your life on top of that. Not to mention when you really took after you own father in regard to height and muscular structure, opposed to her much smaller and daintier mother, it made it hard to confirm into what others thought you should be.
And it was not helped in the least bit with the fact that she had regularly called either the amazon or wonder women by your friends. Both in the way she looked, and because of the rather vicious temper she had; something she seemed to have in common with all the females that had been in her family. So no, Harry wouldn't ever really fit into the mold the others seemed to think that she should.
Especially when it was what the wizarding world thought she, should now be like. As now that she had dealt with the threat for them, while they had been all burying their collective heads in the sands. They now thought that they could all order her to do what they wanted; order her to be what they wanted her to be like. Which was, as they worded it, becoming a proper woman. Becoming the Lady of the Potter how that she was supposed to be. That she honestly should already be given the fact she was the last of the Potters; along with several other families most of them had no idea about.
Which as Harry had quickly found out meant, that they wanted her to become the lady of her family's house. Marry someone of their choice, or at the very least someone they approved of, let that someone take control over her family political power as well as all the money that her family had. While she simply bore a heir and a spare to her family line, while all the while listening to every command that her husband may give her.
Basically, they wanted her to give up everything that she had worked for, everything her friends and family had died for, and become everything she hated in society. Wanted her to change everything that made her, her.
To Hell with that, she had fought too hard and too long to simply stop and become like that. There was no way she was ever going to change herself in such a way that she started simply obeying them. And worst yet, become nothing more than an arm piece and a child barer for someone who didn't even have her respect. Never, at least never of her own free will.
And even if she did want kids, it wasn't certainly now that she wanted kids at, she had just turned seventeen for crying out loud. She felt she was much too young for that; even if intelligently she knew that there were a lot of woman who had children at her current age. Her mother being only two years older than she currently was when she had had Harry in the first place.
It was just that Harry had so much she wanted to do before then. Before she even thought about settling down and starting a family of any sort. So really when it came to doing what the Ministry wanted her to Harry's only reply had to be. No way obey screw that, she didn't know the meaning of the word. And no wizarding world, or anyone else for that matter, was going to force her to do otherwise. Not as long as she could help it and had fight left in her they weren't
Harry would honestly like to see them try to force it, as every 'proper' wizard they had attempted to set her up with so far, and that she had reluctantly gone along with until now as it was her so-called best friend's mother who had been doing the setting up, had been utterly terrified of her in one way or another.
Be it because she was six foot in height and therefor taller than a lot of the 'men' she had been set up with. Or the fact she had notable muscles in her arms and legs, more so than the majority of any of the wizarding world did anyway; be they male of female.
Not to mention made just that much worse, in the eyes of those she 'dated', because she looked like she was very willing to use said muscles on them if she got to angry; having done so before during the war against those that attacked her.
Or it could be simple fact that she was much more powerful than them on a magical level and knew how to use it on levels most other witches, or wizards for that matter, ever decided to learn. Something the death eaters had been horrified in learning as it seemed she was a natural in both battle magic as well as the wide destruction spells that most Black's where rather famous for knowing.
To put it simply everything about her normally intimidated the hell out of anyone who was trying to date her, and she doubted with the fear they had of her they would ever be able to teach her, her so-called place. Or what they believed her place to be at.
At the same time, no matter how much she wanted to stand up and scream at them all to try and see how it goes for them, Harry knew that it would only get worse for her if she stayed; or if she tried to actively fight against what they were going to try to do.
She knew without a shadow of doubt in her mind that fi she did stay and did try to fight them on what they wanted, she would end up being more and more tempted to lash out at those trying to control her; in a more deadly fashion.
Which would only get more people fearing her and only add to those who thought she should be controlled in one way or another. Not only that but would make it so the Ministry felt that they had more of right to being her under their control; and could gain them more people agreeing with them because they feared her.
And while Harry knew she was skilled and powerful, especially for her age, but she wasn't arrogant enough to think that she could take on multiple people at once; well multiple trained wizards all at ones. All of which knew how to work as a team, and would all be ready to target her.
Especially not when she considered just how many people that could be sent after her at once, and who those people may be. Meaning it could be the very people she had trained with during the war, had fought alongside of, and who all knew her fighting style better than any of the death eaters she had been against had.
No, she really couldn't be arrogant when considering that. Not when it was her very freewill on the line; if she was wrong about her skill. That was just something she wasn't ever willing to risk; not for something as silly as her own pride.
Knowing this and knowing that at least here she'd always be at risk for something happening that would have the wizarding world crying out for her to be brought to heel. As Harry knew her temper and her reactions when she was lashing out because of said temper. Harry decided that it'd be best for her to just leave the wizarding world, as it wasn't like she owed them anything at all.
Not when you consider everything she had given up, and done for, the wizarding world over the years. Not to mention everything she had lost when it came to helping them either. Like her Parents, her godfather, her best friend Hermione, her adorable little godson Teddy and so much more. She had painted her hands red in the blood of the death eaters for them; and it still didn't seem to be enough for them.
But she wasn't going to let them have any more of her, not any longer, she had a right to her freedom, to decide how she wanted to live her life, and no one, was going to tell her otherwise; greater good or for the better be damned! She was utterly through with it all and had long since had enough of all their utter gall.
But before she did leave Harry knew she had some serious planning to do. As she had long since learned that be was best to try to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. And that it usually ended badly if you jumped into something without a plan; something that had taken Harry longer then she would have liked to learn. Not to mention something that had ended up being very painful for her to learn as well.
But learned it she had and now Harry knew that being under prepared or assuming things were going to well, was just asking for things to go straight to hell; at least in her life it was.
This in mind Harry decided that for the time being she was going to act like nothing was wrong, and that she wasn't planning on doing anything. That she wasn't utterly enraged by what the Ministry was trying to do. Starting first with going to Gringotts; after all she was going to need money for whatever she was planning. As in today's time it really was gold and money that made the world go around.
Something that may change in the future, but hadn't as of yet, so until it did Harry need some cold hard cash to get everything in to play and to get all her other plans into action. After all she had a lot she needed to do if she wanted her escape, and bid to keep her own freedom, to go as smoothly as possible. And as she walked off her magic began to slowly burn the letter that had set this whole thing off.
Lady Harry Lilian Potter
It has come to the attention of the Ministry that despite the fact you are of marrying age you have decided against doing so. This isn't proper for a lady of your standing. And while you have proven to be a large help in recent times, we at the Ministry do not feel that it is right that you are going against years of tradition.
After all lady Potter, every person of the wizarding world had their place, and that is how we have been able to keep thing running as smoothly as we have. Because of this we must urge that you do what is expected of a young witch in your situation and do the proper thing by marrying a wizarding gentleman of the right degree.
We at the ministry may understand that this could be difficult for you given the past you have had. But fear not, the ministry is always here to help its people and in the second page we have made a list of all the wizards we feel will be appropriate for you to marry.
Expecting an invite to you upcoming marriage and hoping all things are going well.
Minister Cornelius Fudge