Chapter five-The End?
It was the werewolf. Students screamed and jumped to their feet. The Hufflepuff's had already jumped to their feet and were frantically trying to get away. The werewolf backhanded a boy that ran past it. The boy flew backwards and landed on top of the Slytherin table. He shakily scrambled down off the table and ran with the Slytherins. I grabbed Hermione's arm.
"Ron! Come on!" I said to him.
Ron seemed to be in shock.
"Ron!" cried Hermione.
Ron seemed to snap out of whatever he was in and we began running.
The werewolf dropped to all fours and began chasing after some of the students.
I pulled Hermione aside and hid behind one of the suits of armor. Ron followed.
"I was right, wasn't I?" asked Hermione in a small voice as we watched as the werewolf picked up a girl from Ravenclaw and sank its teeth into her throat.
The girl dropped to the floor dead.
The teachers were standing up, shouting at the students to leave the hall and to close the door behind them.
Most of the students made it out, but a majority of them were killed. About 20 students were attacked in one shot. I couldn't believe how many that was. The rest of the students made it out safely and closed the door behind them. Hermione, Ron and I were still huddling behind the suit of armor.
"We're going to have to do the potion again," said Professor Dumbledore. "Professor Sprout has enough potion to help this student. We've got to get her to the hospital wing."
Ropes shot out from the end of each of the teacher's wands and wrapped around the werewolf. Once the werewolf was tied, they magicked it to rise up off the floor like they did when Hermione and Ginny were werewolves. They left the Great Hall. The students had all just decided to head up to their common rooms.
Hermione, Ron and I went to the Gryffindor room. Ginny looked up.
"Oh thank God!" cried Ginny as she leaped off the chair and ran straight for Ron. She threw her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. Ron hugged his sister.
Then, Ginny hugged Hermione and I. She had tears in her eyes.
"I thought that thing killed you!"
"No. We're okay," said Ron reassuringly as he hugged her again.
"It was a Hufflepuff student…wasn't it?" asked Ginny in a small voice.
"Yeah. But it's really over now. She's getting help," I said to her.
Ginny broke out into a grin and blushed.
"You sure it's over, Harry?" asked George coming over. He had overheard us.
I glanced at Hermione and winked.
Hermione grinned back.
It was over for good. The girl was back to normal. Once again, the potion had worked and ended the terror.
The end of the year approached fast. Relief, sadness and excitement filled the castle as Ron and I packed our things.
We would be leaving tomorrow, so we left the pajamas out that we'd need just for tonight.
Ron said he was tired and decided to go to bed early. When I checked my watch, it was only nine o'clock.
Hermione was sitting in the Gryffindor common room, reading next years book. A warm fire cracked behind her, casting an orange glow over her face. I broke out into a smile and went over to her. I sat down in front of her on a chair.
"Getting a head start?" I asked softly.
Hermione looked up and blushed slightly.
"Yeah," she looked around. "Where's Ron?"
"Ron decided to go nighty night early," I said.
She laughed and returned her eyes onto the book. I could see her blushing.
"Hermione. When you were a werewolf, you didn't hurt me. You just tossed me like a rag doll, but didn't hurt me. Even when Ron flew by you," I said.
Hermione raised her eyes.
"Oh, Harry. I feel so guilty. If I had hurt you or Ron, I could never forgive myself,"
I saw tears brimming in her eyes.
I went to say that it wasn't her fault, she didn't know what she was doing, but Hermione continued.
"Harry, what if I killed someone? Ginny killed Neville. I think what she did finally hit her. She hasn't eaten in a while, she doesn't sleep and is pale as a ghost. I'm worried about her. I think Ron should know. Maybe he can talk to her. She's always listened to him. I know it's not my fault, but I can't help it,"
She hugged herself and began rocking back and forth a little.
Again, I went to say something, but she rattled on.
"When I meant that it was too easy and that it seemed odd that two Slytherins were killed, but no one from the other houses, I meant that I wondered why Neville killed them. They always bullied him to a point. I wonder if it was for revenge? But still, I didn't want anyone to die," said Hermione quietly, her eyes on the floor.
"Hermione, stop. We know you didn't want anyone to die. This whole thing is not your fault. Okay? Got it?" I said, leaning forward so that our faces were inches apart.
Hermione raised her eyes to meet mine.
Tears streamed down her cheeks.
"The thing is, I knew what I was doing for a short time while I was a wolf. I tried not to hurt you. But then, I didn't know. It was like it was coming and going. Suppose I had hurt you while I didn't know what I was doing? Or Ron?"
She broke down.
I gently put a hand on the side of her face and cupped her chin.
"Stop it right now. Stop. This is not your fault. None of this is. You didn't hurt us. Nor did Ginny. That's the main thing,"
"The point is I could have!" said Hermione.
"Could have! But you didn't! Just stop it. Okay? I can't stand to see you like this," I said, firmly.
Hermione managed a smile through her tears.
I began wiping the tears away with my thumbs along her cheekbone. I just happened to look down at my arm. The scratch had vanished. I felt relief flood over me. The one who scratched me is normal. I won't change.
We stared at each other for a bit.
I moved my face closer to hers until our lips met. I kissed her gently and softly. She returned the kiss the same way. Then, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.
Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me tightly against her. My chin rested on her shoulder; her chin was resting on mine.
"It's all over now. We can put this behind us," I said softly.
We pulled back from the embrace shortly.
"Good night," I said to her smiling as I got to my feet and started toward the boy's dorm. I glanced back at her before I entered.
She smiled at me before I disappeared into the dorm
The next morning, we climbed aboard the Hogwarts Express and were on our way home.
Ron and Ginny were sitting across from Hermione and I in the compartment. Hermione told Ron about Ginny. She had been right. The full extent of what she did hit her and Ron learned Ginny hasn't eaten in a few days, nor has she slept. Her color hadn't returned too much. Ron had sent Pig a head to the house explaining to Mrs. Weasley the entire situation and what happened, and that Ginny was probably going to need tons of rest and reassurance.
"Hey, Harry? I wonder…if that Hufflepuff girl was a werewolf, how come she didn't show up before?" asked Ginny weakly.
"I don't know, Gin. Maybe she was keeping it under control somehow," I offered softly.
"That's possible, but that potion Professor Snape makes is the only way to control it, or at least keep it steady," said Hermione, looking out the window.
"Yeah, the potion he made for Professor Lupin in our third year. But isn't that what they gave you and Ginny?" asked Ron.
Hermione nodded.
"Yes, but mixed with the herb, it stops the transformation entirely,"
"I'm just glad it's all over," I sighed.
"Me too," said Ginny.
We were silent the rest of the way.
Once we pulled into Kings Cross, I spied Uncle Vernon, Mrs. Weasley, and The Granger's.
"Oh joy. Uncle Vernon is there," I muttered.
"Cheer up, Harry. I'll see if mum and dad will have you stay with us next month so you won't have to see Dudley," said Ron grinning.
"That'll be great," I said, sighing.
Once the train stopped, we climbed down and got our luggage. I wheeled the trolley with my luggage over to Uncle Vernon. Hermione and Ron were beside me. Ron went over to Mrs. Weasley.
He waved energetically good-bye to me. I waved back.
He and the rest of the Weasley's began walking out of the station. Hermione stood by me.
"He's right, Harry. It'll be okay if you can stay with them. I'm just glad it's all over now," said Hermione, looking at me.
I stared into her dark brown eyes.
"Yeah. I know," I said, shivering.
She gave me a hug and kiss.
"I'll see you next year. Ron and I will write and let you know what's going on,"
I hugged and kissed her back.
"Thanks. Have a good summer, Hermione," I said.
We pulled back from the embrace and I watched her as she went over to her parents. Then, sighing, I went over to Uncle Vernon.
"Well, come on boy, " said Uncle Vernon as I followed him out of the station and over to the car. We loaded my luggage into the car and then drove home.
I went to bed early.
Dudley wanted to get a drink of water. It was midnight. He got out of bed and waddled toward the door to his room. He opened it up and sleepily took a step forward, only to bump into something hairy. His face was pressed against its stomach. It smelled horrible. The hair was coarse and wiry. He could hear something breathing heavily and low growls.
He slowly took a step back and rubbed his eyes, trying to get them into focus. The eyes glowed a gold color. It was taller than him, had a long snout, thin pointed ears. Dudley swore he was looking at a wolf standing on its hind legs. Dudley cried out when he realized what it was.
"Muuummm! Daaaad!" screamed Dudley as he went to run toward his parents room, but the thing picked him up by the throat. It snarled, moving its snout close to his face. The ears were pinned back. Then, with one violent toss, it tossed him out the second floor window to his room. Glass showered Dudley as he landed on his back in a bunch of shrubs.
The thing turned as Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon came running out of their room.
Aunt Petunia screamed as it lunged for Uncle Vernon. It clamped its jaws around his throat and tugged. He fell to the floor dead. Then, It rounded on Aunt Petunia and chased her down the stairs and jumped on her from behind. It clamped its jaws around the back of her neck. It threw its head up and howled triumphantly.
I heard birds chirping outside. I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying in the living room. The bright sunlight poured in from the living room windows.
How'd I get here?
I wondered as I began looking around.
I felt something sticky on the front of my nightshirt. I glanced down.
It was a red liquid.
Then, I realized it was also on my hands and chin. I tasted a metallic liquid on my lips. I wiped it off. The same red liquid was on my chin and lips.
Panicking, I ran into the bathroom and saw blood all over the front of my shirt, chin and hands. I checked myself over. I wasn't cut.
Who's blood was this?
I saw Uncle Vernon. He was lying in the hall dead. His throat had been torn. Feeling a scream rising in the back of my throat, I ran back down to the living room. There was Aunt Petunia lying the same way.
Where was Dudley?
I ran all over the rest of the house, but he wasn't there. I checked his room. The glass was broken on the window. I went over to it. I saw him lying in a bush of shrubs, dead. Several pieces of sharp glass were lodged in his back and chest.
Breathing heavily, I realized what had happened…
I had turned into the werewolf.