Fangires in Paris! Chapter One

A new story that you can blame binge watching Kiva and watching some episodes of Ladybug and Chat noir. Though this will be a part of the shared universe.

Also I have been having a problem with , where I receive two emails for the same thing, two emails for the same private message which is stupid.

Kiva, the people in his class are around the age of eighteen.


:Story Start:

City Park of Paris-Night time-Late summer

A romantic night with a full moon in the sky, with perfect weather that was perfect for a couple to have a romantic night. One such couple was doing just that having a romantic walk as they walked through the civic park of the city of love. Their night was watched by a third party who planned to have them some fun before transforming into what appeared to be a humanoid warthog made of stained glassed. The creature torso was fat, its legs were stumpy while the arms were oversized and lacked fists. The warthog creature summoned a couple pairs of floating fangs behind the couple. As they were going to pierce the couple a metal sewer lid came flying through the air and proceeded to smash the fangs causing the Warthog to scream in pain.

The couple turned around to see the warthog creature clutching where its mouth should be before screaming and running away. Then Warthog in his screaming calmed down enough to shout, "Who dares ruin my dinner!?" revealing a male voice

What came forth was an vanish red and silver armoured individual with chains around the figure's shoulders and around the figures right shin. On the figures waist is a metallic red belt with different whisles on each hip and an upside down golden cartoon bat. The Bat disconnected from the bet and flies around the figure and speaks, "This is the defender of Humanity, this is Kiva. Now prepare for defeat, Fangire!"

The Fangire growls before going to punch Kiva only to be kicked in the back of the leg and collapsing on the ground before the Fangire spoke with a major lipse, "Kiva, you traitor," the male Fangire barely spoke, before Kiva jumped into the air and kneed the Fangire in the face. The Fangire stumbled back before smashing the ground and vanishing from Kiva's sight.

Kiva's head slumped before he walked towards the flower bushes to the side and collected a bucket filled with yellow and purple flowers petals all old and decomposing. The couple returned with a park guard causing Kiva to crouch walk away to avoid being seen. Fortunately the guard was distracted by the metal man-hole cover half way embedded in a tree. Kiva jumps over the fence and reaches a red motorcycle and drove off.

The next day-Dopain Cheing Bakery-morning-Outside

A teenage boy of asian decent wearing a heavy coat, face mask, goggles, a winter cap and backpack, in his hands is a violin case. He walks in front of the Bakery entrence before being knocked over by a half French, half Chinese decent teenage girl with two pony tails, black jacket over a white with black and pink flowers on her shirt and jeans. The girl landed on top of the boy before quickly standing and helping him to his feet before speaking, "I am sorry, I was not looking where I was going," she looked at her watch and panics, "Oh no I am late for school!" before she ran off.

The boy looked at the girl go, before he pulls out a piece of paper with a map printed on it before collecting his violin case and proceeded to follow the girl quickly. Where he see her helping an elderly Asian man in a red Hawaiian shirt with white leaf markings. The boy quickly walks along before reaching the corner to see a blonde boy helping the old man from before to his feet before being taken away from by a man who drove a limo and a woman using a tablet. The boy in the heavy coat stepped up to the woman and struggled to asks, "what-what-what are you doing?"

The woman looks to the boy in the heavy coat with a raised eyebrow and says, "Master Adrien Augstine, is returning home for his home schooling," the boy looked at Adrien in questioning glance before the woman got in the limo and the limo proceeded to drive away.

The old Asian man walked up to the heavy coated boy and asks, "An interesting boy there," he looked to the boy and asks, "Should you not be heading to class?"

The heavy coated boy looked at the Asian man and says, "Weren't you the man who was almost run over by a car?" the Asian man tapped his nose before walking away humming a tune. The boy walked into the school and went straight to the main office of the school walking past a sigh that says, 'College Francoise Dupont.'

Cafe near the Eiffel Tower-that moment.

A fat man with terrible hygiene sat at his regular table with a cup of coffee, a milkshake, fruit smoothie and a bottle of wine. The man then clapped in joy as the waiter arrived with the largest platter of deserts pastries. He selected a chocolate éclair and took a bite causing his eyes to widen before screaming in pain as he clutched his mouth, when he opened his mouth revealing his two top fangs were covered in cracks and cut in half at an angle. The man's eyes were filled with anger as his cheeks were covered in stained glass markings on the bottom half of his face as he says, "KIVA!" with rage before walking out the cafe only to return and stuffing his face with the deserts and then running off.

College Francoise Dupont-half an hour later.

The girl from the bakery sat at her desk as she listened to the teacher as she spoke on the history of France, which surprising lasted only the first half of the lesson as their teacher told them to talk amongst themselves get all the summer energy out of them for the rest of the day.

The girl next to the bakery girl spoke, "Hey Marionette, why were you so late this morning?"

Marionette looked to the dark skinned girl next to her and says, "I slept in Alya, then on the way out I ran into a customer outside my parent's bakery before running to school and help a man avoid being run over, crossing the road."

Alya smiles and says, "Looks like your luck is still bad," her teasing smirk was annoying to Marionette. Alya then whispers to Marionette, "I heard we should be expecting two new students."

Marionette was about to speak one the student behind her spoke, "Any one I should know?"

Alya looked to the girl behind them and says, "Rumor has it that one of the new kids is one Adrien Augustine," the girl behind them gained a frown as Alya says, "What's wrong Megumi, did he reject you?"

Megumi sighs and says, "No, Adrien is home schooled due to his father being over protective. So that is definitely not Adrien as a new student."

The different people were muttering to themselves, while a specific blonde in pink with stylish pair of sunglasses on her head. She was sitting next to a red headed girl in a plaid skirt suspenders and white shirt, with thick rimmed glasses. Chloe, the daughter of the mayor and her best 'friend' who does all her homework for her, Sabrina. Chloe tapped her feet waiting patiently expecting this Adrien.

The door was knocked on to reveal an elderly man wearing a yellow suit with grey hair and heavy beard, behind him was the heavy coated boy clutching the violin case. The elderly man is the Principle of the collage with one of the new students. Chloe saw the heavily coated boy and jumped out of her seat before reaching the coated boy and hugging him while shouting, "Adrkins!" before knocking the violin out of his hands and reaching for his facial mask. Eventually she managed to remove the mask and the boy proceeded to cover his mouth trying not to breath. Chloe looked at the boy before interrogating him, "WHO ARE YOU?"

The principle looked at Chloe and says, "This is Wateru Kurenai, Miss Bourgeois, he enrolled today through an acquaintance of mine. And starting today he is your new class mate, and I am afraid that he suffers from severe allergies to the world," indicating Wateru's red face from holding his breath. Wateru snatched the mask from Chloe and breathed in relief. The Principle Damocles looked to Miss Bustier and says, "He has medical reasons to not participate in Gym and anything that requires large amounts of physical ability."

Miss Bustier smiles and says, "Of course, there is a free seat next to Megumi is free," Wateru collected his violin case and proceeded to head to the seat gestured before he froze in place.

Wateru was shaking slightly while whispering, "Megumi Asou."

Megumi looked at Wateru and says, "You finally left your creepy house!" Wateru flinshed at that before bowing in appologies as he tries to sneak away only to before placed in a head lock and force to sit next to her while he tried to reach for his violin that he dropped.

Marionette looked at the boy as he struggled to reach the violin so she passed the violin case to him and says, "Sorry for Magumi, she has severe impulse control issues."

Wateru spoke over Megumi's arm and says, "I know, she spent her time trying to get me to model with her," causing Chloe to frown before snorting with amusement.

Chloe spoke, "Who would want to see this freak as a model," Wateru nods in agreement while Megumi growls.

Megumi replies in anger, "I would rather have a freak like Wateru then a brat like your Adrikins, seriously he is nothing like the photos make him out to be."

Chloe got in Megumi's face while Wateru got out of the way as the two argued. Wateru crawled under the desk and ended up between Marionette and Alya, he muttered an excuse me when Alya grabbed his shoulder and forced him to sit on the bench between Alya and Marionette. Alya then questions him, "So why did you come to this school?"

Wateru whispers, "My Guardians had me spend my time being home schooled suddenly decided to have me come to public school," the entire time he was searching for a way to get away.

Marionette looked at Wateru's face mask, "Why do you wear all this gear, aren't you over heating?"

"Over heating?" Wateru questioned as he shook his head before Megumi grabbed his cap causing him to lower himself as Megumi tried to remove his mask and goggles to prove a point.

Miss Bustier looked at the squabble before the bell rang, she then says, "Miss Asou please give Master Kurenai a tour of the school," she smiled before grabbing the back of his coat and leading him out of the room while he panicked. Almost missing the large boy who sat behind Megumi got angry at the boy similar hair but half the size of the buff large boy.

Megumi dragged Wateru through the halls until they reached the locker room where she did everything to get him to remove his heavy coat, but when she tried to take his Violin case he ditched his coat and ran away only to end up in the library and into Alya and Marionette. Alya got hold of his arm to calm him down only for her eyes to widen and says, "Wow, you could smash rocks with these arms."

Marionette gave Wateru's other arm a squeeze and had to agree. The entire school then shook as on a security screen in the library showed a stone giant walking outside the front of the school. Alya ran off before the Principle says, "School is cancelled for the rest of the day, please head home or to a safe place with friends."

That was when Wateru saw Megumi running after the stone golem and Alya shortly after her, before the screen went to static. Wateru's problem though, was that Megumi was holding his coat as she ran away. Wateru slumped before he started walking out of the school. Wateru walked out the school with quickly as to avoid everyone until him tripped over Marionette who had stopped outside her family bakery. Wateru's Violin Case was opened revealing a beautiful violin. Marionette looked at the instrument and says, "Wow, this is really well crafted," before she could touch it, Wateru slightly panicked as he checked it to ensure that it was not broken. Marionette watched Wateru before she speaks, "Sorry, I did not see you."

Wateru shook his head before saying, "I did not see you, so you did not have anything to apologize for."

He placed the violin back in the case and was about to walk away when Marionette asks, "Who made it and Does it have a name?"

Wateru smiles behind his mask and says, "My father made it, it is called Bloody Rose."

Marionette then asks, "Do you play?" Wateru looked at her before closing in on himself and closing the case and running away. Marionette watched as the boy ran away in distraught, before entering her home.

Wateru reached the edge of the city and walked up the steps to his family home to find it still empty in a sense, even though it is cleaned every day. Wateru entered through the main gates and walked through the main door. He entered walked up a set of stairs to find a violin work station used to construct and repair violins that he builds. He walked past a violin shaped bird box with a cartoon golden bat inside, towards a glass case with a fur covered violin case and proceeded to open her case and proceeded to place Bloody Rose inside. Wateru smiles before removing his mask and goggles before working on the back face of a violin.

The Cartoon bat looked at Wateru before flapping its wings and proceeding to fly to the small television left in the corner. On the screen the stone golem apparently went straight to the Stade De France stadium and attacked a couple of his apparent classmates. The bat then speaks, "Wateru why aren't you helping them?"

Wateru from his dazed look as he carved the violin part says, "Bloody Rose is not playing," he continued to carve as the television showed images of two apparent superheros succeeding in saving several students and the apparent monster that had been transformed into the stone golem. Wateru looked at the screen and asks, "How did that boy turn into a monster, Kivat?"

Kivat hums before saying, "I remember a tale about a human who could give humans different powers. Prehaps it is something related."

Wateru continues to work on the violin as he asks, "Could this be Fangire related?"

Kivat hums before saying, "You should keep an eye on the kid that was transformed. There was a Fangire that attacked those with super powered individuals. Apparently their life force could keep them fed for several months," Wateru stopped carving as he looked at the television as he was interviewed.

College Francoise Dupont-the next day

Wateru entered the school to see the large boy from the day before, Wateru was going to speak with him but was interrupted by Megumi holding his heavy coat and proceeding to speak, "Wateru, sorry for yesterday, but I really wanted to show you off against Chloe. I could not help it, when you are not wearing that weird gear you leave that apartment of yours. Which reminds me, did you move?"

Wateru nods and says, "I inherited my father's home," he looked over her shoulder staring at the boy who turned into a monster while Megumi got excited tried to convince Wateru to tell her where. Wateru spots the boy getting up and angrily walking away from a group of kids trying to interrogate him. Wateru gets away from Megumi much to her confusion as he followed the boy behind Marionette who spoke to the boy, learning that his name is Ivan, trying to keep him calm and convinced him to write a song for a girl called Mylene. Wateru watched as Ivan got a determined look and left the locker room with a determined look in his eyes where Wateru notices a black and purple butterfly following him. Kivat shifted in Wateru's bag as he sees the butterfly, or was it a moth. Kivat thought on where he had seen that type of butterfly before realising where he had seen images of it before and grit his teeth. Wateru heard Kivat grinding his teeth and kneeled and lifted the bag to hear Kivat speak, "It appears what I thought was similar was actually the same. If the Miraculousi is in use then we need to find the one responsible. Hopefully no Fangires will get any ideas, but the longer people are given these powers more people will be put at risk."

Wateru nods before Megumi places her arm over Wateru and says, "Talking to your bag now, Wateru, are you going crazy?"

Wateru shakes his head and says, "No, I ah?"

Megumi interrupted and says, "Oh, please tell me you are not planning leave school, seriously you have only been here for one day!" Megumi appeared angry while Wateru was cowering on the ground. Megumi continued as Marionette spots Wateru as Megumi continues, "Seriously just because your first day was ruined by a rock monster doesn't mean you should leave school!"

Marionette then spoke, "Yeah, it shouldn't decide your future yourself," Wateru shake his head before the bell goes off before they head to class."

After ten minutes of waiting for the teacher Mylene, the very short girl with dreadlocks made to look like feathers, and had a selection of pins with different images and styles. She looked worried and confused as Chloe spoke, "Hey look everyone, Mylene was turned into a monster," before laughing like an idiot.

No one else laughed while Mylene was on the verge of tears before the stone golem from before smashed through the door before grabbing Mylene and Chloe before smashing its way to the streets below and crushing several cars before walking towards the Eiffel Tower. Wateru stands and walks towards the door, but stops when he notices Marionette trying to tell Alya to take her bag, only for Alya to leave without it and Marionette to run after her. Wateru looks at his violin case before heading to the locker room and placing the Bloody Rose inside his locker. Once that was done, he ran to the exit and sees Marionette looking at Alya stuck behind a car. Wateru watched from behind the corner out of sight as Marionette placed a pair of black ear studs, where a little red and black spotted creature appeared and she says, "Tikki, Spots On!" before her form was covered in light and her form was covered in a skin tight red bodysuit covered in black spots, with gloves, boots and a mask in the same style. On her waist was a yoyo of the same style as her suit, that Marionette used to pull the car away from the wall so that Alya could crawl out.

Alya went to Marionette and says, "Thank you Ladybug. What took so long to get here, Chat Noir has been taken by one of those stone people."

'Ladybug' answers with, "Complicated thoughts that I have been trying to sort out, but I am good for now," she looks to line of stone golems walking down the street, "I better go save, that kittycat," she saluted to Alya before running after the golems.

Wateru quickly walked after Ladybug as she used her Yoyo to fly through the air. Wateru ran along the footpath on the side of the street. Reaches a corner to find Ladybug talking to a blonde boy dressed in a leather suit with cat ears and very long belt acting as a tail and holding a silver pole with single paw print. Kivat comes out of Wateru's bag and after seeing two superheros says, "Damn, So they are both here. No wonder this is happening, whoever has the Moth Miraculous either does not know about the Mazoku races or does not care."

Wateru from his position behind a bus stop asks Kivat, "What do you mean both?"

Kivat answered in a whisper, "The Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous, together they can reshape reality with the power of creation and destruction, but it only affects humans and the world around them. Though a member of a Mazuku race can gain their powers for the short time if their life force was taken."

Wateru nods before asking, "How should I follow them?"

Kivat smirks and says, "Transform and summon Machine Kivaa," Kivat flies around Wateru as he raised his hand and Kivat took bit Wateru's hand causing several stain glass markings to appear under his medical mask as a red belt appears around Wateru's waist and Kivat attached upside down to the front before his entire body turned silver and he transformed into Kiva, with four whistles on his right hip while his left had three with a spare slot, each slot that was filled had different shaped whistles. On the right hip, from front to back, a red bat, a red castle, a golden face and a motorcycle. On the left hip were three whistles, a blue wolf head, a green fish and a purple fist. Wateru had transformed into Kiva, before pulling out the motorcycle whistle and places it in Kivat's opened mouth before closing it. Kivat shouts, "Machine Kivaa!" before a tone sounding like a motorcycle engine. In the distance the black clad boy clutches his ears as he landed on a roof just before the Eiffel Tower.

It took less than a minute that for a red endurance motorcycle with three headlights and a dragon fin on the rear wheel cover. Kiva got on the bike before shooting off towards the Eiffel Tower to see that the stone giant was walking through a road block and when it was half way across the bridge to the tower the stone golem threw Chloe over its shoulder where Ladybug caught her in the air. Ladybug and the cat boy followed the Golem as it started to convulse as it covered its mouth before a swarm of black butterflies shot out of Ivan's mouth resulting in them taking the form of a giant face that started monologuing about how Ladybug and 'Chat Noir' is to blame for all the victims of the 'Akumas' and how they should give up their 'Miraculous' before Ladybug used her Yoyo to collect the Akuma Butterflies before Ivan roars and throws a car at Ladybug shouting, "PURIFY!" as she was breathing deeply in exhaustion. Kiva jumped over the Police cars and used the Machine Kivaa to knock the car into the river and skid along the road.

Kivat spoke to the two heroes and says, "Hurry up and stop him! Before trouble shows up!"

Kiva then drove towards the stone golem at high speed while Chat Noir shouts, "Wait don't attack him or he will get bigger!" Kiva jumped into the air and punched Ivan in the nose but instead of growing he stumbled and shrunk a literal tonne much to Chat Noir's shock. Chat Noir then shouts, "WHY CAN HE HIT HIM AND HE SHRINKS!"

Ladybug then says, "I don't know, but what could be worse than someone being Akumatised?" the answer came from two broken fangs appearing behind her and slaming into her back shooting her forward and onto her face. she rubs her nose with her left hand and her left shoulder with her right hand saying, "Ow, what did that?"

Chat Noir looked behind them as a fat man walks through the crowd holding an oversized chicken bucket and stain glass markings covering his mouth and says, "I smell something good," before dropping his bucket before transforming into the Warthog Fangire and roaring.

Kiva looked back at the two before stepping on a manhole cover and tilting his head.

Ladybug and Chat Noir stepped back, with Chat asking, "Freind of yours?" Ladybug shook her head in the negative as they continued to step back before a manhole cover on its side was thrown between them and at the Fangire.

Kiva jumped over them as the Warthog struggled to get off its back, with Kivat shouting, "It is after Ivan, and you two. So hurry up and stop him!" Kiva got between the two heroes and the Eiffel Tower from the Fangire, Kivat shouts, "Go!" the two heroes look to each other before running to the Eiffel Tower

The Warthog Fangire manages to flip over and proceeded to stand and once it sees Kiva, it growls and shouts, "I WILL DESTROY YOU, FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY FANGS!" the Warthog Fangire rushed forward to punch Kiva who side stepped the attack and kicking him in the back into a tree. The Fangire roars again as it struggled to stand, when it did eventually it sees Kiva taping his foot waiting for the Fangire to stand.

The Fangire rushed Kiva again only for Kiva to jump into the air drop kicks the Fangire on top of the head. The Fangire roars before back handing Kiva through the air and into the Eiffel Tower leaving a dent, As Ladybug lands on the ground via parachute with Mylene. Chat Noir's pole was extended down to the ground before it was reduced to reveal Chat Noir and Ivan. Ladybug was holding the Parachute and two pieces of ripped in half.

The Warthog Fangire stomps towards the two heroes as Mylene and Ivan was placed behind them. Kiva stands and tackles the Warthog Fangire back before punching it repeatedly until the last swing knocked it back. Kiva then took the red bat whistle into Kivat's mouth.

Kivat flew off Kiva's belt and flew around Kiva as he crossed his arms and day turned to night revealing a full moon. Kiva raises his head to look at the Fangire before kicking his silver leg into the air as he crouched with his left leg. Kivat flew around the leg shouting, "WAKE UP!" with a five note tune causing the leg to open revealing red wings with three green orbs from the tip of his foot to the top of his shin. Kiva then shot up into the air with his left leg turning upside down into the air in front of the full moon before flipping and shooting like a missile at the Fangire and kicked it into the ground leaving a bat shaped symbol. The Fangire turned into stained glass as the three orbs on his leg counted down before the energy shattered the Fangire leaving the creature. Kivat looked at Ladybug and shouts, "Hurry up and used that power of your's before another shows up!"

Ladybug looked at Kiva before realising what 'Kiva' meant and throws the Ladybug Parachute shouting, "Miraculous Ladybug!" resulting in all the damage and the Stone Golems to turn to normal in a swarm of ladybugs. She then handed Mylene the sheet of paper and says, "You should read Ivan's song," Mylene blushed as she read the piece of paper before kissing Ivan for the romantic gesture and becoming a couple with an interesting story for their first kiss. Everything was fixed by Ladybug's power except for the symbol that Kiva left from destroying the Fangire.

They then hear a roar and look into the sky at the golden orb that came from the Fangire before a purple dragon with a large castle built around the structure, Kivat spoke, "Castle Dorann, make sure you chew before you swallow!" Kivat then attached to Kiva's belt before Kiva went to the Machine Kivaa.

Ladybug then shouts, "Wait what is your name?"

Kiva looked at her as Kivat spoke from Kiva's belt, pretending to be Kiva, "Kiva, Masked Rider KIVA," before the Machine Kiva shot off and jumped over the police baracade and vanishing into the buildings of Paris. Ladybug and Chat Noir heard a beep each before saying their goodbyes and running off.

Kiva reached an alley near College Francoise Dupont, before turning back into Wateru and sneaking his way back into the College, and went to the locker area and retrieved the Bloody Rose before sneaking back out only for Megumi to suddenly find him and grab his arm and says, "There you are Wateru, come on I will treat you to some coffee," and dragging him out of the school.

DopainCheng Bakery/Augustine Mansion-Shared Perspective (Switching between Marionette's room and Adrien's room.)-Half hour later

Marionette sat on the floor of her very pink room, her black coat and white shirt on the floor next to her she was on her knees in a pink bra as the pink creature Tikki applied an ice pack to the two forming bruises on the back of her shoulders. Marionette asks, "Who was that person who attacked me?"

Tikki answered, "That was a Fangire, they eat the life force of humans and their favourite kind of life force."

"So why did it attack m'lady, Plagg?" Adrien asks a small back cat that looked like Tikki. The room was multi levelled with a half pipe, climbing wall and walls filled with CDs and DVDs, around a high-tech gaming computer.

"Well Ladybug's power lets her create anything, if a Fangire absorbed her life force they create more humans with super powers. It has happened before but the Mazuko who did it did not have the full power to make the entire world fill with superpowers, at least in a noticeable sense."

"What about Kiva?" Marionette asks before flinshing in pain as Tikki jumped, "Is that why he became involved?"

Plagg answers Adrien's question with, "I have no idea why Kiva saved you and Ladybug, but be careful," Adrien/Marionette looked at the tiny creature as Tikki speaks, "Kiva has been the reason for several different species going extinct," Plagg speaks, "Werewolves, mermaids, and several others that were considered traitors to the Fangires."

"Then why did he save me/M'lady?" the two heroes questioned and recived two shrugs from each of their partners, who did not know.

Cafe MaLd'amour-That moment-Across from the Dopain Cheng Bakery.

An indoor cafe, with a wall covered in blue plates for each year since the cafe was built. From the main entrance to the right was a kitchen where the majority of the food and coffee is cooked, straight ahead under the plates was a brown dog lying down after taking a nap, while the right of the main room was filled with tables and flowers, so people could eat while enjoy music and the lovely smell of fresh flowers.

Behind the counter is a short half French and half Japanese man with thick glasses was hand brewing espresso coffee. The Cafe was empty as he hummed away to some Japanese idol group from almost twenty years prior. The man hummed as the espresso coffee was sieved through the filter. This continued before Megumi had pulled Wateru through the doors to say, "Master! Two coffees," the man at the counter smiles and pulls arranges a tray with two cups of coffee before taking both it and the small jug of milk and container with sugar cubes. After setting down the tray he went back to the Kitchen to finish his espresso.

Megumi look at Wateru in front of her and says, "So, what have you been up to since I last saw you?" Wateru did not answer as he just stared into his coffee so Megumi just continued, "Well I have been working as a model for a couple of the local fashion companies, though sometimes Master lets me work her for some extra cash." Wateru nods as he continues to stare at the coffee. Megumi sighs and says, "Wateru, take that stupid mask off," she reached over the table and yanked the mask off before standing behind him grabbing his hands and says, "Deep Breaths," Wateru did just that until She had enough.

Wateru took his cup of coffee taking a sip, as an asian man on a suit came up behind the Master of the Cafe and whispers in his ear, "Master?" the owner of the Cafe smirks before turning to the man in a suit before growling and saying, "Damn it, Shima! Stop doing that."

Wateru heard the name and tries to hide his face as Shima Mamoru turned around to face them. Shima looked at the two and says, "I knew something was up, Megumi, Wateru had a meeting with me scheduled today after his time at school."

Megumi's eyes widened before she turned to Wateru and says, "Why didn't you tell me?" shifting the blame to Wateru that just looked at her in subdued annoyance.

Shima looked at Megumi before looking to his watch and says, "Megumi, your 'lessons' start in twenty minutes," Megumi's eyes widened before she apologizes to Wateru and Shima.

Shima Mamoru sat in Megumi's seat as Megumi chugs her coffee and placed the cup on the counter in front of Master before running off. Shima looked to the owner and says, "Akira, please shut the store for a few minutes," the owner nods before doing just that but taking his dog for a walk. Shima looked at the empty room before sighing as he looks to Wateru and says, "I told you to keep yourself a secret Wateru," before showed him a recording of Kiva fighting a Fangire.

Kivat flew out of Wateru's bag and says, "Attacks are going to escalate, and apparently this man Hawkmoth is going to get more Fangires to appear," Shima looked at the cartoon bat.

Shima sighs and says, "Fortunately the number of attacks in the USA have reduced with the number of Kamen Riders and the sheer number of those with super powers has made it difficult for Fangires to attack." He then frowns and asks, "Why did you help these apparent heroes?"

Kivat answered, "Two heroes working alone against a villain that can make random people into super villains. If Wateru had not de-fanged that Fangire then a girl would have been killed on national television," Kivat smirked in victory.

Shima sighs and says, "That being the case, Kiva is being declared a national hero. Meaning some of those in my organisation may cause some problems in the future." Wateru nods before Shima says, "That father of yours would probably have done the same thing," Wateru looks up at Shima to see him smile. "I will give you a lift home," he hand Wateru a piece of paper and adds, "You have five new orders, though I will send the premade vanishes, please don't destroy them because of a slight fault in colour," Shima smiles before doing just that. They stand just as Akira returns with his dog. Shima nods to Akira as they walk out the cafe and along the sidewalk. Wateru looks up at the roof of Marionette's Parents' Bakery as Marionette sits on the roof. As they turn the corner Shima questions Wateru, "So do you know who this Ladybug and Chat Noir is?" Wateru did nothing to deny or affirm the question getting Shima to shake his head before saying, "Your ear for gossip is staggering you know that?" as they reached Shima's car.

Wonderful Aroura Organisation Japan Branch Head quarters-Midnight

A white armoured indivisual with golden face markings around glowing red eyes, rod a motorcycle through an underground car park before a hidden door opened to an elevator before the it went up to the office block on the top five floors of the office building. Once the elevator reached the fifth floor from the top and parking the bike. The Figure climbed off the bike before removing a strange knuckle duster off of his or her belt that turned the armour gold revealing an Asian man in his early twenties walked forward as another man walked next to him and says, "There is a situation in Paris, it is really complex Keisuke-sama," the man showed the young man a touch screen with a French news report showing Kiva being the protector of France.

Keisuke took the touch screen and snapped it in half while saying, "Evil is Evil, I will destroy him myself." The older man went on about procedures and protocols, only for Nago Keisuka to angrily say, "I am IXA, they will agree that Kiva needs to be destroyed immediately," the crazy look in his sleep deprived eyes scared the older man.

In another part Japan

A man in a dark room watched the screen of a laptop computer as a ninja apparently held it as Kiva was shown. The man speaks, "Hansha, Kivala," another ninja, though with famine curves and a tiny white cartoon bat flying around the new ninja as the figure on the throne speaks, "You will be sent to France, Paris. Kiva is there. Study him and report to us before we decide if this new Kiva is worthy."

The new ninja speaks, "Your will shall be done, Great one," revealing the new ninja was female and very young, as the Cartoon Bat lightly giggles.


A twenty year odd man of Asian descent wearing a white jacket with white pants watched the sun rise, wearing a black glove over his left hand while a laptop had the news report of Kiva paused as Kiva took down the Warthog Fangire. The man straightened his glove as he looks at the sun, deep in thought.

Hidden Location-Outside Paris-Castle Doran-Main Chamber

In a large room under a chandelier near a thrown covered in rose petals with a large portrait of an Asian man with his hand on the shoulder or a sitting black dressed woman of undetermined race holding the Bloody Rose in the oversized portrait. In the room were three men.

The first has wild hair as he wears a basic black suit. The second is very young wearing a schoolboy uniform. The third was the largest of the three wearing a butler's uniform that with a blank serious face. The three were playing a game of cards before they hear a phone going off, causing the wild man to stand and walk over to the stone wall to the side before knocking it with the side of his fist and revealing a rotary phone and says "Hello Shima."

:End of Chapter one:

There you go I finished the first chapter of this story, done in record time. Though that is because I did not make the first chapter ten thousand words, and not having to go to Uni.

I hope you all enjoyed, please review and comment. NO FLAMES for the concept of the story.

With that, until next time...BEWARE THE WRAITH!