Nexus Beasts Chapter 1: Linked by Beasts, Part 1



Red: Robert Nikola

Blue: Claire Singleton

Yellow: Ryan Cooper


Charles Lockwood


Leader: Grizzmo

General: Talonmore

General: Agni

General: FlameWing

Terroroid: Wolf Terroroid

Grunts: Minoids

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Power Rangers, all rights go to Hasbro/Toei. I do however own the characters in the story. Any similarities to real life people and/or events are strictly coincidental.

Without further delay, let's start this once again.

1190 A.D.

Sir Corbin paced back and forth on his horse as he impatiently waited, looking out past the gate walls of the kingdom he fought for. It wasn't often for him to be so focused an battle hungry; in fact, he was usually calm and collected by the people's standards. However, what he and his army were about to go up against was not like any mortal enemy. Corbin then heard a horse neigh before he turned to his right to see his brother in arms, Vincent, arrive to the scene followed by Sir Tristan, another Knight under Corbin.

"Have you evacuated the kingdom?" Corbin asked to the two.

"We have. The kingdom has also been fortified in case we are to fail in battle." Vincent responded.

Corbin nodded, "Good. Have the other groups been sent out as well?"

Tristan then spoke up, "I made sure of it Sir Corbin. All of the armies have been sent to different areas throughout the kingdom to check for any of those evil bastards."

"Both of you have done well." Corbin stated before turning his eyes back towards the army and began yelling, "Soon! We will be engaged in battle with some of our most vicious enemies. I need you all to be behind our cause with never-ending loyalty and honor. If you are struck down, you will go down with pride and be honored by those who you defended with your valiant sacrifice."

Corbin then pulled out a key with a silver blade and a circular red handle with an elephant on the inside.

"They are coming for these keys! And it is important that they do not receive them at all costs. Even if our army comes down to one, you all must promise that you will fight!" He said.

The air was then filled with the sound of galloping, followed by neighs and a roar not of man nor beast.

"They are here. Prepare yourselves!" Corbin yelled to his army, who all put down the visors of their helmets before Corbin did the same.

He put the red key away as his chainmail and white cloth shined as the sun beamed it's rays on to him. Corbin quickly wondered if this was the end of his life; he had escaped many moments that should have been his last, and now he was fighting an enemy he was secretly not sure he was ready for. Soon, things began to bang against the gates of the kingdom, making deeper dents with every hit. The army readied themselves as one last bang brought part of the gate down, filling the area with a bright light.

24 Year Old Robert Nikola opened his eyes and took a glance at his alarm clock that rested on his dresser at the right side of his bed. His green eyes read the red colored numbers. The screen read 9:27 AM. He sighed and got to his feet, ruffling his short blonde hair before starting to make his bed. Afterwards, he walked out of his bedroom and into his kitchen. Robert poured himself a bowl of cereal when his phone vibrated.

"I wonder who this is." Robert said flatly before turning the phone on and looking at the message on it.

Robert was surprised to see that it was not his father as expected, but it was from a company. The company in question was Nex-Tech Industries, top technological and medical distributor in the city. Apparently, the C.E.O wanted to talk to Robert in person tomorrow.

He rolled his eyes, "Better not be a waste of my time." he said before sliding his phone into his pocket and picking up the cereal and walking to the couch in the living room.

As he ate his cereal, Robert's phone went off again. He pulled it out and looked at the screen, rolling his eyes at the caller id.

He answered, "Morning dad."

"Good morning son. How has life been treating you?" Mr. Nikola asked.

"The same as usual. Still just doing my best." Robert answered, taking silent deep breaths.

As expected, his father asked, "Still no job?"

"Dad." Robert sighed, "can we not this early in the morning?"

"We wouldn't have to if you actually made an effort to get one." Mr. Nikola reasoned.

Robert leaned back on his couch, "There's just nothing that I see that interests me in these jobs."

"Having a job that doesn't interest you is better than not having one."

"But if I have no interest, its a waste of time for me personally. I see no reason to work for a job I myself don't care about." Robert said.

Robert's father sighed, "Son, you can't just avoid getting a job because 'nothing interests you'. Have you even went to a single interview for a potential job?" he asked.

"Well, the C.E.O of Nex-Tech Industries wants to see me tomorrow." Robert told his father, wanting to end the conversation.

Mr. Nikola went silent for a second, "When you leave that place, I want to hear that you have a job. No excuses." he said before hanging up.

Robert sighed and leaned back on his couch. He didn't much like speaking to his father because every conversation eventually came whether or not Robert had gotten a job yet despite his obvious annoyance with the continued questions. Regardless, if he could get a job at Nex-Tech, he would never have to hear his father's disappointed voice again.

Claire wiped down the restaurant's table before she looked up at the clock. It was almost time for he to go home and she was pleased by the aspect of getting back to her bed and her siblings. She put the washcloth back into the blue bucket filled with glasses and plates among other things and started to walk towards the back where the food was cooked and prepared. Claire opened her work locker and turned on her phone.

Other than the message from her sister to have a nice day at work, there was only one message. To her confusion, it was from Nex-Tech Industries, and it's boss wanted to see her tomorrow.

"Don't really need another job, but I guess I can stop by to see what this is all about." Claire said to herself before putting her phone in her pocket and picking up her work bag.

On her way out, Claire took the chance to scan her brown hair with her blue-green eyes. Deciding that she looked okay, Claire then walked out of the locker room.

Ryan curled his fingers before putting his right hand forward and his left arm to his side. He took a deep breath as he looked at Oscar, who stood there with a grin on his face. Their sensei looked at them both as he waited for one of them to make a move. Ryan lunged foward for the first move, thrusting his right palm towards Oscar. The other male simply dodged it and let Ryan almost trip over himself. Ryan stopped his fall and rushed towards Oscar, who kneed him in the gut before performing and arm takedown.

When Ryan landed on his left side, Oscar put his left knee on his head and pulled up on Ryan's right arm before twisting it. After struggling to escape in vain, Ryan tapped and gave in to the pain. Despite that, Oscar held on to the hold, a smile on his lips before the two heard a shout.

"Enough!" the sensei yelled.

Oscar lost his smile and let go, "My apologies Sensei Smith." he then bowed to him.

As Oscar walked towards his group of friends, Ryan noted the cocky sneer Oscar flashed him. He sat up as his sensei walled over and kneeled next to him.

"Are you okay Ryan?" Smith asked.

Ryan looked at Oscar and his crew, "Yeah." he lied.

Ryan the got to his feet and walked off with his head down as Sensei Smith gave him a sympathetic look. Later, Ryan walked out of the dojo when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. When he checked it, he saw that it was from Nex-Tech Industries.

"They want to see me? That's awesome!" Ryan shouted with a smile.

"Wouldn't get too excited, you're barely good enough to be a janitor."

Ryan looked to his right to see Oscar looking over his shoulder, reading the message.

"I mean, they probably contacted you because they know everyone else in the dojo is more skilled and busier than you. Or, the just need a new doormat." Oscar said with a mocking smirk.

Ryan looked down as Oscar chuckled.

"Same old Ryan Cooper, not a backbone to speak of." he then walked over to his crew of friends, who were also chuckling at Ryan.

The quiet male walked away from them, pulling out his keys and entering his car.

"A person without a backbone wouldn't of attempted to square off with you." Ryan thought bitterly before starting his car and driving off.

Thunder roared through the purple tinted sky, the light shining off the medieval styled houses on the blackened ground. In the center of this town however, was a castle made of cobblestone that hand patches of moss all over. The insides looked like a dark reflection of a medieval castle as well. Paint was wearing off, cracks lined the walls, and the carpet leading towards a throne was a royal purple that had strands of its material poking out as the gold borders gave away in spots.

On the cracked throne was a figure in damaged grey armor. His black skin contrasted his white hair and sharp white nails as two yellow teeth were protruding from his lower jaw. They were in place of human canines, but could seemingly not be kept in his mouth possibly due to their large size. His white hair was kept down to a tiny mohawk and the sides were completely bald.

When thunder crashed again, the creature slowly opened its red eyes that glowed within the darkened room. It growled slightly before trying to get to its feet, using the sword nearby to assist itself. When it got to its feet, the creature took one step forward before falling over.

"Damnit." the creature said in a rough, masculine voice.

He tried to push himself up, but found his rather muscular body not able to support his weight much to his shock. An orange glow then shined across his face which drew his attention. The source was orange flames that split into smaller ones before lighting up candles or the walls. Behind the wall of flames was a creature seemingly based on a dragon with yellow-green scales and orange eyes.

"My king!" he shouted before rushing towards the black skinned male and helping him up.

"Thank you FlameWing." the man said as the dragon got him to his feet, "Where are we?"

"In another dimension Lord Grizzmo. After our battle, we were transported here." FlameWing explained.

"How long have I been asleep?" Grizzmo asked.

"826 years, my liege." FlameWing told his king.

"Our people!" Grizzmo said in worry.

"Everyone is okay my king. I used a spell to but everyone to sleep, including you. However, I have been deep at work these last few centuries." FlameWing told the king.

"Which is?"

"After putting everyone to sleep, Talonmore and I created a portal to try to find a way to go back." FlameWing further explained.

"And what of Talonmore?" Grizzmo questioned.

"She finished the portal in months time and I put her to sleep after her part was done."

Grizzmo looked at the dragon, "So, you alone have been awake these full 826 years? Doing what?"

"Trying to summon a spell that can open the portal to our home dimension. Unfortunately, the portal I was able to create is not enough to send us all home; only so many at a time can enter." FlameWing said.

Grizzmo pushed away from FlameWing, finally standing by himself as he thought over a plan of action.

"We can still use your portal. Awaken the Fearoids and bring me a Terroroid along with some Minoids."

The next day, Robert parked his red pickup truck in the parking lot of the Nex-Tech Industries building. It wasn't particularly large, only having about three stories, but it was still a nice one. As he looked at the brown brick building, Robert was alerted by the arrival of an SUV. It parked next to his truck and a woman exited and looked at Robert.

"How are you doing?" Claire asked.

"Peachy." Robert said before walking away.

Before he could get far, another car pulled in and parked nearby. Ryan exited and looked to both Robert and Claire, giving the two a shy wave.

Robert just nodded and kept moving while Claire waved back with a smile.

"Did you get a message from this place?" Claire asked Ryan.

Ryan nodded, "Yeah. Did you?"

"Guilty as charged." Claire responded.

Ryan then looked to Robert, "You?"

Robert sighed, "If we're all going to the same place for the same reason, come on." he then continued walking.

Ryan looked to Claire, who shrugged before walking towards Robert, Ryan doing the same soon after.

Back in the Fearoids' dimension, Grizzmo and FlameWIng were joined by about 12 others at a portal like contraption. A woman was working on the contraption, her red eyes scanning over the machine's inner workings. The weirdest part was that out of all the people there, she looked very close to that of a human; nearly identical if not for her snow white hair and eye color.

"Is the machine ready Talonmore?" Grizzmo asked the female.

"I'm almost certain it is my lord." Talonmore answered back.

Near Grizzmo and FlameWing was another person. They had blue skin and was dressed in a silver trench coat with armored black boots and silver chest plate along with black gloves. They towered over the two next to them and rolled their eyes.

"Shouldn't you know if your contraption is ready or not girl?" they said to Talonmore.

"Shouldn't we know if you're a man or woman Agni?" Talonmore shot back without looking at Agni.

Agni thrashed their lizard like tongue around with a scowl before Grizzmo bellowed.

"Enough! We have more important things to worry about than petty squabbles between you two." he said.

"Yes lord Grizzmo." both Talonmore and Agni said.

The machine then sparked to life, "There we are. FlameWing, if you don't mind." Talonmore said, stepping back.

FlameWing approached the machine and summoned multiple rings of fire before shooting some flames into the center of the circular port of the machine. A portal of fire then appeared and FlameWing stepped back.

Grizzmo smirked and walked up to a werewolf like monster who was flanked by nine brown creatures with sharp yellow teeth and red eyes. Grizzmo then placed his hand on thw werewolf's shoulder.

"You will be the first to test what the modern human world is like. Remind them of our power and begin our quest." Grizzmo said.

The werewolf nodded and signaled the nine beasts behind him to follow as he stepped through the portal.

Robert, Claire, and Ryan followed the receptionist as he led them to the office of the C.E.O., Charles Durant. The receptionist then knocked on the door of the office.

"Mr. Durant?" he asked.

"Come in." a voice said from the other side.

The receptionist opened the door for the three adults behind him, "I have a Robert Nicola, Claire Singleton, and Ryan Cooper here to see you." he said.

Standing behind his desk was the dark skinned Charles Durant who flashed a smile, "Welcome. Thank you Peter." He said.

The receptionist smiled before letting the three step in the room before closing the door and walking away.

Charles then walked in front of his desk, "I don't want to waist your guys' time." he said to the three.

Robert crossed his arms, "Then cut to the chase. Is this a job opportunity or not?" he asked.

Charles tilted his head and looked off, "Well no-"

"Goodbye." Robert said, beginning to walk away.

"Hear me out Mr. Nikola." Charles said.

Robert sighed and turned, "Then what is this meeting about?"

"To be fair, possible employees usually aren't asked to meet the boss at the same time if this was about a job." Claire reasoned.

"So then Mr. Durant, what do you want to meet the three of us for?" Ryan asked.

Charles leaned on his desk, "I want to make you three power rangers."

A/N: So ends the first chapter of the Nexus Beasts rewrite. Few notes:

1) Spotspeed (personal creation) has been removed due to him not really having importance since all he really was is a lab assistant for Talonmore, the real scientist and inventor for the villains.

2) GaoGod brought up in his submission of Agni that the character is 'supposedly' male to a point were the personality description has "(S)He" typed in it. As such, Agni will not be given a pronoun that points to either until that is cleared up in the story.

3) Oscar is back with a more important role. He is the same as his original version in terms of being Ryan's childhood bully. However, where as thw original moved away and changed, this one did not and is still Ryan's enemy/rival.

4) Although the Andrews Family Restaurant will not be as heavily involved in the lives of the rangers now, I still felt the need to bring back their original mentor Richard Andrews in someway.

Time for the synopsis for the next chapter.

TITLE: Linked by Beasts, Part 2

SYNOPSIS: As the Wolf Terroroid begins to attack the city, it's up to Robert, Claire, and Ryan to step up and become heroes to defend the city.

If you liked this story, don't forget to review, follow, and maybe even favorite this story. Even if you didn't like it, try leaving me some constructive criticism to tell me how I can make the story better (this extends to the people who may like this story as well).

Special Thanks to:

GaoGod (Robert and Agni)

Ranger Red 2.3 (Ryan)

LovingGinger30 (Claire and Talonmore)

Till Next Time, Happy Reading Everyone ~ Trey-El ;-)