A/N: In this story, angels grow similarly to the way humans do, only at a much slower rate.

Banishing The Devil

Chloe watched in horror as Lucifer began to drink the wine laced with the sedative she'd gotten from Father Kinley. A big part of her wanted to scream for him to stop, not to drink it. This felt more wrong every second that passed. But she couldn't bring herself to stop it.

Lucifer's eyes rolled back into his head seconds after he took a sip of his wine and he collapsed.

"I'm so sorry," Chloe cried before taking out her phone and dialing Father Kinley. He answered it on the first ring. "It's Chloe Decker. I did it. Get over to Lucifer's."

As she waited for Father Kinley, Chloe wrestled with what she'd done. She tried to think of all the stories Father Kinley told her and the evidence he'd shown her, and it helped a little, but deep down, all she could think was that she'd just stabbed her partner in the back.

Father Kinley arrived just ten minutes later and smiled when he saw the Devil on the floor. "You did wonderfully, Chloe."

"It doesn't feel that way," Chloe cried.

"I promise you; this is for the best. You can leave if you'd rather not witness this," Father Kinley said.

"No," Chloe said. Oh, she wanted to leave. She wanted no more part in what was about to happen, but leaving would be the coward's way out. She chose to do this, whether it was right or wrong. She damn well deserved to stay and watch the results, even if it broke her.

Father Kinley knelt down next to the Devil and began preparing for the exorcism. Once the preparations were done, he began chanting to banish the Devil.

Chloe watched as Lucifer began to convulse and scream in agony, even in his unconscious state. It lasted a good five minutes while Kinley chanted. Then a blinding white light appeared and disappeared within a span of thirty seconds.

Father Kinley gasped once the light disappeared and he saw what was left behind. "Dear God."

Chloe covered her mouth to hide her own gasp. She'd expected for Lucifer to completely disappear, but he didn't. At the same time, it wasn't exactly Lucifer anymore either. Instead, a young boy with his facial features remained. He looked to be the same age as Trixie, if not slightly younger. "Lucifer?!"

The boy groaned in pain as he began to come to. Everything hurt badly. He didn't know what happened to him, but he knew he was in danger. He brought his wings out to cover himself.

Chloe turned her gaze to Kinley. "What the hell just happened?"

Father Kinley stood up, still staring at the boy now cocooned in a pair of large wings. "I don't know. It was supposed to take him back to Hell, not reduce him to this. But we will have to improvise," he said before pulling out a knife.

Chloe watched Kinley in horror. Before she could stop him, he'd made a swipe at the boy's wings, causing one of them to bleed and the child to scream and leap to the other side of the room in the blink of an eye.

Chloe grabbed Kinley by the arm. "Stop! What are you doing?! He's just a little boy!"

"I assure you, he's not. He is the Devil. He must be stopped," Kinley said.

"No, I don't think he is. The ritual worked. I think the Devil is gone. I think all that's left now is an angel," Chloe said. She believed that the ritual must have reverted Lucifer back to a time when he was still innocent and an angel. What she didn't know was whether or not the rest of him would ever return. The answer scared her either way.

Kinley looked back at the boy whimpering in pain as he hid before returning his gaze to Chloe. "Perhaps you're right, but it doesn't matter. Deep down, he is evil. He must be neutralized once and for all," he said before pulling out of her grip and stalking menacingly towards the child, knife pointed towards him.

Chloe pulled out her gun, cocked it, and pointed it at the priest. "Get away from him!"

Father Kinley turned back to Chloe, shocked at her reaction. "Chloe, but the gun down. We must stop this creature."

"If you take one more step towards that little boy, I will shoot you," Chloe warned. She'd made a mistake by helping Father Kinley. She knew that now and she couldn't take it back, but she was not going to sit and watch a defenseless child get murdered, let alone her partner.


Get away from him and get out now, now!" Chloe ordered. She would arrest him if she could, but she could not bring Lucifer to the police station and introduce him as a victim like this. Child Services would be called, and that would end terribly.

Kinley looked like he was contemplating what to do. He thought of lunging at the boy. He was willing to sacrifice his life to stop the Devil. But even if he connected with the boy before Chloe shot him, he'd only damage his wings more. He wouldn't kill him. So, he put the knife way and raised his hands in surrender before walking towards the elevator. He would have to figure out a new plan to stop the creature.

Chloe kept her gun trained on him until he disappeared into the elevator and the doors closed. She then put her gun away and tentatively approached Lucifer. She didn't want to get too close so soon. Lucifer was scared, and she didn't know what he could do. He was just a child now, but she didn't know what kind of power he had. "Lucifer?"

The ball of wings flinched and pressed against the wall. The boy was crying quietly from pain in fear.

"Lucifer, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you," Chloe promised. It seemed laughable as she said it because she already hurt him. This was happening because of what she did.

The child didn't respond. He continued to cry.

Chloe looked at him. Well, she looked at his wings. That was all she could see of him. There was blood staining a part of his right wing, and it kept oozing out. "Lucifer, you're hurt. I want to help you. It's okay. That man is gone."

He tentatively lowered his good wing and poked his head out from under the injured wing.

Chloe nearly broke at the sight of his face. There were tears in his eyes and he looked hurt and terrified. Those were looks that should never reach a child's face. "Hi. My name's Chloe. Would it be okay if I come closer? I promise, I won't hurt you."

He looked at her warily, but nodded.

Chloe slowly approached him and knelt down next to him. "Hey. Everything's going to be okay now. I'm gonna help you, Lucifer."

"Th…that's not my name," the boy stuttered.

Chloe frowned at first in confusion, but then she remembered some of the stories she'd read about Lucifer in Rome. Lucifer wasn't his real name. He'd taken the name when he became the Devil. "Right. Sorry about that. Your name is Samael, right?"

Samael nodded. "Where are my mum and dad. I want them."

Chloe was certain Lucifer had never uttered those words before, but he wasn't Lucifer anymore. He was the angel, Samael, and for all intents and purposes, he was a scared, injured little boy. Naturally, he just wanted his parents to take it all away. "I'm sorry, Luc…. Samael. They're not here right now. I'm gonna do my best to help you though, okay?"

"Who are you? You don't have wings," Samael said. He didn't understand. Every being he knew had wings. How could this lady not? What was she? Had his father created a new species?

"No, I don't. I'm different than you," Chloe said. She could understand his confusion. Lucifer was very young. His memory likely predated humanity. He'd never seen anyone like her before.

"My father created you, yes?" he asked.

"Yes," Chloe said. It was technically true. God had created all humans. "You're hurt pretty badly. Will you let me help you?"

"I don't think you can, unless you know how to heal, like my older brother, Raphael. He's learning to heal now, but he can't fix this. Only my father can," Samael said.

"I can't heal you, but I can try to make it stop bleeding. I can help you feel better," Chloe said. She hoped she could anyway. She knew general first aid, and he wasn't cut too bad, but she wasn't sure how different it would be healing a wing.

"Alright," Samael said.

Chloe stood up and motioned for the boy to do the same.

Samael got up. He folded his good wing into his back and it disappeared. The other one drooped and dragged on the ground. He groaned in pain as he followed the woman.

Chloe brought him to the couch. "Sit down here. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"There's nowhere for me to go. I don't know how to fly yet," Samael said. Even if he did, he couldn't do so with one of his wings hurt so badly. He wished he could. He didn't feel very safe wherever he was. He knew he wasn't home. He thought of praying to his father to come and get him, but he guessed that his father knew where he was and wanted him there for some reason. Though he couldn't see his father letting whatever that creature was harm him. But Amenadiel always told him that their father knows all and does what is best.

Chloe had gone down to Lux to get a first aid kit from the bartending. She was back within ten minutes. She knelt in front of Luc… Samael. As much as it pained her, she had to remember that this was not her Lucifer anymore, and that was her own fault. She also grabbed some towels from the bathroom before kneeling in front of Samael. "Samael, this might hurt a little, but I promise it's to help you."

Samael did not understand how something could help and hurt at the same time, but he saw no reason to doubt her. She had made the one that hurt him leave. "Alright."

Chloe pressed the towel to the boy's wing to stop the bleeding. She made sure to do so very carefully. She could tell that the edges to his wing were quite sharp.

Samael yelled out in pain.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I have to stop it from bleeding," Chloe said.

"It hurts! I want my mum!" he cried.

"Shh. I know. It's going to be okay," Chloe said. She held the towel there until the bleeding subsided enough for her to see exactly where the wound was. Then she took gauze and wrapped it as much as possible. It wasn't easy because even at this age, Samael's wings were quite big. She was only able to wind it around part of the wing. Luckily, it fit around the injured part. "Do you feel any better?"

Samael sniffled a bit. "I little, but I don't like how it feels. It's tight."

"I know, but it'll help. Uh, I think we should leave now," Chloe said. For all she knew, Kinley would come back with a dozen more priests to finish Lucifer off. They needed to go.

Samael nodded. "Are we going back to the Silver City now?"

"Not right now. I'm gonna take you back to my house," Chloe said. It was the only place she could think to take him. She had no idea where Amenadiel was right now, and frankly, she was glad for that. She didn't imagine he'd be happy with her when he found out how this happened. "Can you tuck your wing back in like this?"

"I'll try," he said before standing up. He whimpered as he moved his wing to his back and it disappeared.

"Good job. Come on," Chloe said before grabbing her purse and leading Samael to the elevator by the shoulder.