He sat numbly on his bed looking around the richly decorated room. He was vaguely aver that he had gone into shock, easy to guess from the numbness he felt and the heaviness around his limbs. His mind was wrapped in a thick fog, thoughts spinning in a hurricane, unable to process what happened.

Then he felt a tear escaping from his eyes.

And then another and another.

A chocked sob escaped his throat and more followed. He tried to repress them, but with each shaky breath he took it became harder, until he just gave up. He fell to his side and buried his face into his pillow and let it all out. He sobbed and cried and wailed, unable to think about what to do.

This couldn´t be true.

It just couldn´t!

It had to be a lie!

Yes, it was a lie, he realized. His whole life had been one huge lie, created to control him and make him that damn old man´s a pawn. Nothing more than a pawn willing to listen to its master… So many had lied to him. The people he held dear… The people he loved with his heart… The people he cared for… They all lied. Nothing of it was true. They fed him nothing but lies during the years. It was all the scheme that bastard made. Even his own godfather lied to him! That backstabbing bastard!

It all started right after midnight before his 16th birthday. He woke up in incredible pain that wasn´t caused by his uncle. Not the belt marks or the beating he received that day. No. This was a new level of pain. It felt like his body was burning. Every single once healed broken bone, torn muscle and scar felt like the first time they happened. He was unable to let out a single ton, a single word. He just twisted and squirmed in pain, until he passed out.

He woke up again some time later, at Gringotts´ healing rooms, where the goblins explained everything to him. Apparently he came into a rare creature inheritance and they felt it in the bank. They brought him here while his body was adjusting and healing properly the badly healed wounds from all the years of abuse. The reason of his pain were the reopening and reclosing wounds. Including his famous scar, which was now completely gone, much to his shock and happiness.

He got another shock when he was brought in front of the goblin in charge of his family´s accounts. He nearly choke on air when they told him that what he saw up until now was only his trust vault. Then came the eye-opening revelations in form of his parent´s wills.

Many things came up.

Many things were explained.

And each revelation left his heart more and more broken.

Soon it become too much and he couldn´t take more. The goblins were nice enough to let him stay at one of the few rooms provided by the bank while they look into things further and inform him the next day and then…

And then what?

What should he do?

What can he do?

He had nowhere to go. With his newly awoken creature inheritance, he became nothing more than a thing in the eye of the wizarding world. A thing that surely will end up sold to the richest buyer interested in him.

He couldn´t go to his friends who… weren´t his true friends, just jailors paid to watch over him. New wave of tears and pain hit him, when he realised that his friends, people with which he lived through so much, were in fact thieves that were with him only for his money. They were paid by Dumbledore to be his friends. To drug him with potions. To make sure he was the loyal Gryffindor he was supposed to be. And on top of it all, they were paid to do it by his own money!

His godfather was also a no. The only person he thought that would be there for him… and he secretly wanted him to become his father. Even going so far that he and that damn werewolf made a marriage contract between him and a girl that looked just like his mother of all things, which made him nauseous(thank whichever deity above it wasn´t signed, yet, and he got rid of it in time). And he was so much under that old manipulative bastard´s influence, that he believed him over his own godson. And that toothless werewolf was no better, so caught up in his fanatical love and respect to the old man that he was blind and deaf to everything but the said man´s will.

He was alone in this.

As he cried himself to sleep his last thought was a wish for someone to help him.

He apparated with the sound of thunder in front the British branch of Gringotts, the goblin bank. He briskly walked up the steps and into the beautiful marble building, ignoring the people startled by his sudden appearance and he also ignored the people who stared at him, when the goblin guards bowed to him respectfully as he passed them. He didn´t stop until he stood in the middle of the bank´s main hall and waited. It didn´t take long before one of the goblin employees approached him.

"King Ghidorah," he bowed to him, "To what do the Gringotts own the honour of your presence, your highness?" he asked respectfully, as gasps echoed through the hall from the present wizards and witches.

"I have some personal business here and I need to speak with the Head goblin of this branch. It is important so the sooner the better," said the king motioning for him to stand up, completely ignoring the whispers that began around them.

"Of course, of course, your highness. Please, follow me," bowed the goblin again and turned around.

Ghidorah complied and let the goblin lead him through the labyrinth of halls. As he walked behind the small creature, his mind fell back to the small presence he felt in the back of his head. It wasn´t small as in weak, because he could tell that it was almost as powerful as him, which in itself was something. No, it was small, because he could tell it belonged to a more… delicate and timid being. A being that was surely very gentle by nature and caring by hearth. And from the emotions that kept flooding him, he knew it was in great sadness and hurting. It kept calling him, wanting help and longing for safeness. He knew why he was receiving this call and that was why he came here in such a hurry.

I just hope they are alright, he thought as they reached the office doors of the bank´s manager. His goblin companion knocked thrice, before a subtle "Enter," came from the other side of the door. At the motion of his companion Ghidorah nodded at him and entered.

"Your highness, it is an honour to meet you," bowed the goblin sitting behind the large mahogany desk. "I´m Ragnok, the Head goblin of this branch."

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Master Ragnok," nodded the king and sat down to one of the soft furnished armchairs the goblin gestured to.

"How can Gringotts be of help to you, your highness?" asked Ragnok once his client was seated.

Right to the business as always, thought Ghidorah with an inner smirk as he said: "As I mentioned at the main hall, I came to take care of some personal business and I need your help to deal with them."

"May I ask, what business we talk here about?"

"I need to know if your healing wing or any other rooms there host a young person that recently came into age sixteen and to their magical inheritance, possibly a creature inheritance," answered the king.

The goblin blinked at the odd request, before frowning and he seemed to study the elder noble man. "With all respect, my king, but this information is something I can´t give you just freely. You see, by our laws we at Gringotts can´t just give away information about our clients. Even to someone of such a high rank as yourself. I need to know your reasons for wanting to know this, before I can give you an answer, whether positive or negative one."

"I understand, Master Ragnok," nodded Ghidorah before he looked into the goblin´s eyes. "The person I´m searching for here is my soulmate."

At this the goblin´s eyes went wide in shock, before a serious expression marred his wrinkled face. "I see. In that chase, are you sure you can find them here? This is the place, to search for them? This is not something to be taken easily."

"I know that and yes, I can feel that they are here. Right in this building," replied the king patiently, before he added softly: "I can feel their magic calling me, Master Ragnok."

"I understand," said the Head goblin and snapped his long fingers and a stack of papers appeared on his desk. "I will need you to be more specific about your mate, your highness, so we can narrow down the possibilities."

The king nodded. "As I said, they are young, no older than sixteen and I´m sure that they are male. They came into their inheritance not later than a day ago. I think that they were recently injured, because I could sense a great pain coming from them about a day and half ago, which made me perform a special ritual that allowed me to find their exact location. And I can say that they very powerful, just as they are delicate and submissive, which means that there is a possibility that they are a bearer…" The king was interrupted when the goblin in front of him cursed in his native language and send away a piece of parchment.

"My apologies, your highness," began Ragnok seriously. "But there is only one person currently in our bank that fits your description. And if it is him, than you could help us to protect him…"

"To protect him?" repeated Ghidorah and his voice gained a dangerous undertone. "What from?"

The Head goblin hesitated, before he asked. "Are you familiar with our Ministry´s policy about bearers?"

Ghidorah shook his head.

"Well… to explain it simply, a bearer must be turned over to the Ministry so it can be ´taken care of´." The goblin prepared for the worst as he continued: "And by that… to be blunt, I mean so the bearer can be contained and made a breading machine for the noble families that can pay hefty sums to ´ensure that their descendants are strong magically´."

"WHAT?!" roared Deszaras in outrage, his magic swirling around him dangerously like lightning.

This was absolutely horrible!

How could somebody do such a thing to a delicate being like a bearer? A magically blessed male that can perform the miracle and give life to another being. It is true that they can bear magically strong child, because while inside the mother the said child is surrounded by pure magic. But that power boost only applies if they sire it with their mate! In any other scenario the child´s magic will be average at best. They couldn´t force themselves upon a bearer to have a strong child. This simply didn´t work that way.

"I know, my king, we at Gringotts find it just as appalling as you! And that´s why we did our best to hide it from the local ministry. So far they are still in dark, but it won´t apply for long. Your coming here and being his mate came is a blessing in need," replied the goblin sweating buckets, hoping that his answer would at least partially calm down the enraged king enough to hear him out.

"Where is my mate?" asked king Ghidorah with a growl. He might have calmed down, however his instincts were screaming at him to get to his mate and protect them at all cost.

"He is resting in one of our rooms," replied the head goblin and when he saw as the king rose from his chair, clearly about to go searching for them, he quickly added: "However they are many things you need to know, my king! It is important!"

"What can be more important than protecting my mate?!" snarled the king his magic cracking again.

"That there are people, other than the ministry, that would try to hurt him and use him! And you need to know what happened to him so you can protect them better!" said the goblin firmly. When the king was about to protest, the goblin said: "He went through a lot. His own family wanted his death. He was alone, betrayed by those he trusted. You need to be patient with him and learn a few things to understand his situation. Please, my king, try to understand that we both want to help your mate. This is important."

Ghidorah thought about it before he sighed. "Very well."

Harry woke at the sound of somebody knocking at chamber´s door. Groggily he sat up, wiping away his still wet cheeks as he called "Come in" in a hoarse voice.

His account manager entered and with a short bow he said: "Lord Potter, there is somebody who would like to meet you."

The young wizard frowned, before he shook his head. "Right now I don´t want to see anybody, Master Griphook. So I must decline."

"Please, Lord Potter, this is important. Both I and the Head goblin think that, this person carries the solution to your… difficult situation," said the goblin seriously.

"Unless they can make Fudge, Dumbledore and Voldemort disappear, than I doubt there exist any way they can help," whispered Harry looking into his lap.

At this point he was ready to give up all hope for a miracle…

"If that´s your wish, than all I need is your command and they shall perish," replied a deep, rich voice, making him look up and his breath catch.

Right behind the goblin stood a tall man like no other. He was rather handsome. Very tall, standing easily at seven feet, with muscled frame that spoke of great physical prowess. His features were so unusual, his skin the colour of chocolate and his shoulder length straight hair very light, almost platinum blonde. At the fist glace his posture screamed with authority and power, which invoked respect and great amount of fear to anybody who saw him. His clothes, which consisted of gold dragonhide boots and armour, decorated by a pattern of black Chinese dragons, over blood red fabric and a golden crow decorated by red stone, only served to strengthen the effect. However what caught Harry were the man´s eyes. They were red like rubies, cold yet at the same burning with fire. And currently as they looked over him, filled with such a care, sadness and something he couldn´t identify just yet.

"Who are you?" asked Harry, unable to tear his eyes from the man.

The stranger raised his hand to stop the goblin from saying anything. Instead he flared his magic and Harry let out a gasp, because his own magic reacted too. While Harry´s magic become stronger after his inheritance, it strongly reflected his emotional state, so it was shaky and unsure, every second expecting to be hurt or worse. The stranger´s magic however was like a storm, wild and strong, reflecting his confidence, when it met his own and then reached for him, much to his shock. It warped around him like a warm blanket, giving him the most unusual feeling he ever felt – safeness.

He wasn´t aver that he close his eyes until he opened them as a hand rested on top of his own. He looked up to see the stranger sitting next to him on the bed. When their eyes met, the ruby ones softened and a small smile adored his perfect face.

"I´m Ghidorah Morgenstern, one of the three Rulers of Magic. And I swear on my magic and life that I will never allow anybody to hurt you," the now named stranger said and the younger male gasped as he felt magic seal the promise.

"H-How can you just swear something like that?" Harry´s voice was barely above whisper. "You don´t know me…"

"What I know is enough, dear Harry, to make me want to protect you with all I have, even if the circumstances were different. And I was bound to protect you even before the oath I took just a few moments ago," answered the king as he lifted his hand and gently caressed his cheek.

Harry subconsciously leaned into the touch, which surprised him, as he usually never let anybody touch him. He always tensed or flinched, if somebody did so, but this man´s touch was different.


At his question king Ghidorah leaned forward and whispered: "Because you, Lord Harrison James Potter, you are my soulmate."