On a dark coast. A barren, lifeless and melancholic coast that the only source of light seems to be the broken moon's radiance. Two figures can be seen. One humanoid and one disfigured although humanoid as well. Fighting like starving beasts on the verge of death, attacking its prey with reckless abandon.

One of them being a humanoid monster with a head akin to a skull of a skeleton, sickly pale skinned with defective butterfly-like wings, intestines coming out of its stomach and wrapping around its torso. He seems to be wielding what seems to be a giant, weaponized placenta as he glared at the opposing opponent, leaking murderous and malicious intent and its eyes full of anger and hatred.

The other one being a completely normal human with an unzipped black leather jacket with sleeves pulled all the way to behind his elbow which reveals a fingerless gloves reaching his elbow. Dark navy blue shirt tucked in his pants with unbuttoned collar along with black jeans with knife holders on both of his thighs loaded with throwing knives that has a black handle along with a black sheath, wearing a black fedora and black battle boots that matches his attire. A battle cloth that completely hiding his face but sharp and monotonous blue eyes could be seen.

Carrying a folded wooden handle on his back, his right hand gripping a long curved sword tightly and on his left is a long barreled silver pistol almost resembling a shotgun.

The Orphan roared with all his might as the child smash the placenta on the ground, forming a crater on the ground around the attack.

The hunter swiftly dodges backward, but the Orphan immediate lunges at the Hunter but the hunter instantly countered by kneeing the orphan on the chin that left him staggering back.

The hunter immediately went to the offensive and lunges at the Orphan but the orphan quickly went on the defensive and readies the weapon. But the hunter stabs the newborn's bicep and immediately pulls his weapon out, drawing an immense amount of blood that proved to be critical.

He then slashes vertically on his stomach, a deep incision embedded into its body. The orphan staggers back in an attempt to gain distance but the hunter slashes his face vertically, cutting the nose and left eye.

The Orphan can only roar in pain as the hunter continues his onslaught, and attempts to lift the placenta, intending to crush the hunter but with the hunter's immense speed and precision, that proves to be a vital mistake as the hunter immediately slipped past his defence and stab the Orphan's stomach.

The hunter instantly pulled his blade out, grabs the left arm, and brought his blade downwards to the shoulder area, rendering it useless as it was severed from the orphan.

The Orphan starts to cry as he was brought on his knees. His body violently shaking blood came out of his injuries which is on every part of his body.

The Orphan shrieked as the burial blade in its sword-like-state rammed inside its chest.

The squelch of flesh being torn by sword and bones being shattered could be heard alongside its gurgle.

The sword transformed scythe got pulled out aggressively before it pierced the infant's neck, making the child chokes on its own blood.

The sword this time got pulled out slowly and gracefully before it got swung to the side to wipe the blood off it.

The infant fell to its knees in anguish. Tears streaming down its blood-drenched face and its hands wrapped around its throat, desperately trying to gather any breath it could. Eventually, the child fell to its side unsuccessful, still choking out the blood that had built up in its throat, coughing roughly and periodically.

The hunter saw the miserable display of survival and remained stoic. He looked straight into the child's mournful eyes and said nothing. He saw through its regretful soul and still, the hunter didn't bother to give words of closure. During the child's turmoil, it managed to turn its head slowly to stare at its murderer and its mother's corpse. Despite the hunter's cruel actions beforehand, he decided he should finish this on the child's terms.

The hunter remains undaunted even as he bent down and buried his arms under the orphan, gripping tightly to its legs and side as he picked the newborn up from the dirt. He trudged the gravel shore with slight haste, making sure to complete his objective before the child died in his arms. He gently let down the Orphan as he made it to the corpse and watched as the orphan stared at its maternal figure with a clear look of pain and sadness.

The newborn started to break down, its Sobs and wheezes are getting louder before he turned to stare at his soon to be vanquisher. The Orphan then looks towards the ocean and pointing a shaky finger towards it, the child's face reads 'desperation'.

He looked at where he pointed and nodded, this time having a gentle look. The hunter once again bent down and buried his arms under the orphan once more as he picked them up from the gravel shore and sprinted towards the ocean.

He made it to the ocean bank, stepping into the fluctuating waves, deeper and deeper until his knees were drenched in the cold cloudy water.

He stopped suddenly and looked down to the Orphan who was struggling in his arms, coughing exceedingly more ferocious than before until the infant fell out his arms and struggled to the last of its breath to swim out into the ocean.

He stared as the Orphan swam like an amateur in the ocean. Once he's far away, he aimed evelyn towards the swimming infant and pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunshots could be heard. And then it was all over.

The hunter gaze at the sky to see the broken moon and its radiance but the clouds seemingly blocked the light from reaching him. The hunter could no longer see the broken moon hiding behind the curtains until it dawned on him: the moon was no longer in the sky and he sighed in relief.

'You can truly rest now, Gehrman. May you find peace.'

The hunter relaxes his tense shoulder and his grip on his weapon loosened. Looking so tired and weak as he fell to his knees, not caring if the water made his attire wet.

His eyes become watery as tears stream down his eyes. His lips quivering, his body shivering, but no voice could be heard as he breaks down, only shaky wheezes and sobs. A strong gust of wind blew past his face and dried the tears from his eyes, blowing away his black hat and revealing messy, unkempt black hair with a long ponytail, and small beady eyes previously hidden by the shadow of his hat.

He slowly and gently unveiled his battle cloth and took deep breaths, inhaling with his nose and exhaling through his mouth. Breathing in the destressing and therapeutic air.

His sight is met with tired his tired yet gentle blue eyes reflecting back at him as he stares at the waters.

'It isn't fair... it just isn't fair...'

Kos, the Great one that willingly surrendered her immortality out of love for her child and perished in the process of granting her child life.

Only to have the child butchered less than a minute after its birth.

'You are born in a truly cruel world, child... You don't deserve this. Many of us don't actually.'

He clenches his eyes to numb the pain, sorrow and guilt swelling in his heart but that did little to no good to stopping it. He then sighs, knowing that it will not go away easily and also knowing that the best source of action is to ignore it completely. Better not to dwell on it.

Will it be over after this? No. One of humanity's wicked deeds has been erased but the outcome of it still remains.

Did he right mankind's wrong? No. Erased would be the proper word. All he did was ease the burdens and wiped out what is better left forgotten yet still remains. His endeavors did little to help but he will take anything at this point. The result is permanent and the best choice is to adapt and grow from the result.

His fate was sealed long ago. After this, he shall continue being the devil's tool to be used again and again and again...

'If only there was a way...' A way... a way to save everyone- Anyone at least, from their tragic fate. But of course the impossible shall remain as such.

That was the reason he pursues to end the hunt after all... not to transcend it, but to help people. Save them, make sure they don't have to suffer fates madmans have planned from them. So they can be happy...

While the blood can do many miraculous things, it cannot resurrect the dead.

The miraculous healing blood... Strange... why did he even accept the contract in the first place? He can't remember... was it because of fascination? Because of an incurable and unbearable sickness or injury? Or perhaps Just because he wants to find out if its true or not?

He doesn't remember anything from his past after he signed the contract. Only his name.

And why suddenly dig deeper all of the sudden? Since when did he think about himself rather than priorities others' life and happiness? That's right... when was the last time he priorities himself..?

He shook his head and turns it to look behind him and saw the lamp to take him to the hunter's dream on the coast very far away.

After staring at it and contemplating for awhile he then decided that he was way too tired to walk all the way over there, both physically and mentally. So he decided to use another method to get to the dream: Death.

The hunter fell on his front, letting the waters fully envelope him, also letting the currents pull him in deeper and farther into the ocean.

While in the waters, still having his eyes open, he could not see anything but darkness.

Drowning... he's drowning... can't breathe, his lungs are starting to hurt and he starts to feel drowsy. The unbearable cold feeling is starting to make his body go numb and can't see anything but the darkness around him as he continues to go down in this seemingly bottomless ocean. He heard that drowning is one of the most painful ways to die. Perhaps this is one of the most fitting deaths for him.

He then looked up, and saw the light of the surface getting more dimmer as he slowly sink down the ocean.

He gazes at it until it disappears completely and then closes his eyes.

'Nyata? When will you come home?' The voice of a child echoes in his mind.


'Please come home...' The voice pleaded.

'Who are you? Who's this Nyata you speak of?'

Nyata? He never heard of such a name, much less know the person. But... why does it sound so familiar?

Nyata... Nyata... What was his name again? Ever since he dreamt, he never used his name. All he was ever called was the hunter or Good hunter...

Ah, that's right. Rin, Rin Venatores. That's his name. Not Nyata. It never was Nyata. But he doesn't find it strange to be called that. That was proven just now by the voice. That voice is calling to him. It was trying to reach him.

'Hello?' He called out to the voice.

'Why did you call out to me? Who am I to you? Why can't I remember you? Please, don't abandon me like this. Please don't leave me alone. I beg of you, help me... please...' He begged to the voice.

'Your name is Rin Venatores!? I thought it was big bro Nyata! This whole time that was a nickname that I made up when I tried to pronounce your name as a baby? This is such of a revolution!' It speak out again.

'This is a memory... Yet why can't I remember?' That's right, he can't remember anything but his name ever since he started dreaming. That was truly the reason the journey become harder.

What was the point of pursuing the journey if you don't even have a reason to?

'Mom had a name too!? I just called her mum! And dad too!?' If he wasn't drowning, he would've chuckled contentedly. Out of all important memories that are yet to be recovered, these are the first that came back to him. Now that it has been said, he wonders about his parents. What about them?

Who are they? He doesn't even remember their names. Do they worry about him? Do they even love him?

'Big bro... please, don't die... don't leave me alone, I'm not ready to be separated from you yet... I love you, I love you so please don't go... I'll behave, I'll never be naughty ever again, I'll listen to mom and dad too, please, please, please stay... please...' The little girl's manage to beg between sobs and deep breathes. She also sounded a little older this time.

'Ah, so i died.' Rin thought vacantly. His death is a thing of normality now.

'Hn, no use trying to dig deeper.' Not too long from now, he is going to black out painfully and awake in the hunter's dream. He is going to resume the hunt once again although knowing his mentor can rest in peace now. It truly ease the pain of carrying such devastating tasks.

He's already on the verge of death, unable to think of anything anymore and his senses have dulled and his numb body finally giving up on him but before he completely passed out, he felt his hand being held.

He focused on the feeling on his hand as he clenches it as reply, feeling nostalgia and comfort from it. Deep inside of him tells him who's the person that holds his hand right now.

'This is you, isn't it? I'm sorry i can't remember you. But just know, I love you as well. Thank you, for being with me.' He doesn't know how, when and why he suddenly feels this, but he isn't gonna complain. He enjoys this feeling.

'I'm also sorry because I don't think I can come home, ever. I just can't. It's also impossible. But if I can, I'll try. Believe me, I'll try. I have done unspeakable things for an ungrateful city that hates us, just imagine the things I'll do for the people I love.'


The pronounciation of Rin Venatores is: Rin Ven-ah-tore-rease

Fun fact:

1.)Do you know that Nyata is indonesian for Real?

2.)Do you know that Venatores is actually latin for hunters!