Here you go guys enjoy this next chapter. Remember no pairing as of now unless people want to vote. So if you really want a pairing decide either gay or straight I will give you a week to vote. Also should Naruto have a dragon? If so What kind pm me ideas and I'll make a poll.


"Normal speech"


"Demon speech"

'Demon thought'

"Dragon speech"

'Dragon thought'


Its been weeks since Naruto woke up, he had been hearing the dragons talking about people hunting them while they were out hunting and looking for more dragons. Walking up to a random Nadder " Whats this that I am hearing around the island? Someone is hunting you guys?" he asked with concern and slight anger.

The nadder Looks at him and bowed her head "I didn't know you could hear us old one, there are people calling themselves dragon trappers. They attack me and my group while we were resting from our flight. The outpost is about 2 islands that way." She tells him and points towards the west with her wing.

Nodding his head, " Thank you I will take care of them but I will need a ride as I don't want more people seeing my dragon form." He says to her rubbing her muzzle and then walking off to find Valka and CloudJumper." Clapping his hands he releases a ring of chakra and sends it out to locate them. "There they are" He says and in a flash of orange he appeared infront of them. "VALKA!" He yells scaring the hell out of her and causing her to comically jump about 5' in the air.

"AHHHH, GOD DAMNIT NARUTO" She yells out at him and throws her staff a him hitting him square in the face. "Do Not Do That!" laughing at the fact he scared her he let the staff hit him and let her get it out of her system. " Now that you got all that out I need you help."

This stopped Valka from hitting him again and she looked at him funnily. "What would you need my help for?" She asks. "I need you and Cloudjumper here to fly me to this trappers out post, I want to find out whats going on. " Naruto tells her.

"As long as you don't risk Cloudjumper's life then I will help you." She tells him looking at cloudjumper with happiness.

Naruto nods his head, "That is understandable then we need to head west, lets get going. " He says jumping onto Cloudjumper. "Just fly me over above them outside of the weapon range okay?" He tell the dragon getting a nod.



Eret was walking the edge of the outpost, then he heard the sound of flapping wings. Looking up he sees a storm cutter in the air coming towards the outpost. "MAN YOUR AREAS WE HAVE TO GET THIS DRAGON FOR DRAGO!" He yells running to the nearest net launcher and priming it. Just as the dragon came into range he sees a foreign looking man jump from the the dragon and straight at him. ' is he crazy or something that fal is going to kill him' He thinks until the man hit the ground in front of him causing a small crater where he stood and he was completely fine.

Backing up Eret took out his dagger and held it in front of him. " Get back! What are you? How did you survive that fall?" He almost screams outt in fear.

The man looked at him and chuckled, "Cause I am just that awesome now tell me why are you hunting my friends pack? Who are you and who is in charge?" The man said letting out a slight bit of killer intent and making Eret lock up in fear.

"M-My name is Eret... S-Son of Eret and I do not appreciate you wrecking our outpost." He said trying to gain his confidence back in front of his men.

Sighing the man appeared in front of him and grabbed his head causing him to freeze. After wards the man stepped away, "So this Drago Bloodfist is the reason the pack is so hectic. ?"

"How did you..." Eret tried to speak before he was interupted. "Why are you working for this man, I sense that you have courage and sensibility, you know what you are doing is wrong. I he forcing you to do this?" The man says

"Yes, I have no choice none of us do or else we face destruction by dragos army." Eret tells him not knowing why he was telling this man the truth.

"Then come with me, drago can not fight me and win trust me I have my ways of defending my Island." Naruto offered him, but was expecting him to show him proof.

"How can I trust that you could protect us?" Eret asks getting a chuckle out of the man who then jumped an amazing distance into the water. A few seconds later an island sized dragon appeared.

"This is my proof human, would you say that I am enough?" The dragon spoke in a booming voice as the trapped dragons they had captured earlier bowed to him in respect and the trappers dropped their weapon in fear and shock.


Sorry for the cliff hanger but I don't want to start writing dry give me a week to write more down and finish my semester and you will get a few more chapters, while we wait make sure to vote.