You're On Speaker - Bruce

Disclaimer ~ I do not own Avengers

*The one where Bruce calls Peter during class*

Science class. The class Peter almost always received a phone call in. Sometimes a welcomed distraction. Other times, like right now, it was more of an annoyance. They were doing a lab today. A rarity where the teachers decided it was a good idea to let teenagers play with dangerous chemicals. Luckily for our favorite spider-kid, nobody had quite reached the point where things could blow up. Yet.

Anyway, once the ringing phone was confirmed to be Peter's, he answered it with a sigh. Beside him, MJ was saying something about who won the betting pool.

"Hey Dr. Banner. You're on speaker," Peter said after checking to see who was calling this time.

Dead silence. His class had completely frozen at his words. Everyone stared at Peter with either shocked or awed expressions.

"Hey Peter. Peter's class. Sorry about interrupting," Bruce apologized.

"It's fine. This is way more interesting than elephant toothpaste," Peter said. He heard Bruce chuckle.

"Don't let Clint hear you say that. He loves the stuff," Bruce said.

"Suddenly I have a great idea for a prank," Peter said smirking.

"I know absolutely nothing about it," Bruce said immediately, causing Peter to laugh.

"Good idea. Plausible deniability and all that fun stuff," Peter said. Before he could ask why Bruce was calling him (Bruce was one of the nice ones. He had to have a really important reason to call during class) one of Peter's classmates snapped out of their frozen state.

"Are you seriously talking to Dr. Banner about pranks!" Tracie exclaimed in shock. Peter nodded. That seemed to be the cue for everyone to start freaking out. Half went into a fangirl craze and were shouting just to be heard over each other. The other "half" really consisted of three students who were the only calm ones. Peter, Ned, and MJ were the only ones not freaking out...mostly because they had already gotten it out of their systems when they met the man in person.

"I'm sorry Bruce! I'll have to call you back!" Peter yelled over the crowd before hanging up. It took a few minutes for the class to calm down and another several minutes to answer all their questions. By the time everything went back to some semblance of normal, class was almost over. Peter's phone (now switched to silent) buzzed with a new text notification. It was from Bruce.

Don't worry about calling me back kid. I was just wondering if you could come down to the lab for some testing after school. I wanted to ask before school let out so I could ask Happy to get you.

Peter smiled. He sent back a reply consisting of mostly thumbs up emojis and exclamation points. He then sent a text to May letting her know of the change of plans. When he arrived at the lab, he'd tell Bruce in person how he was practically royalty at his school due to his research. Bruce needed more people that like him for being a doctor and not because of the Hulk.

Okay, so I know I said the next chapter was going to be different than a call fic. I'm about halfway through it. The reason I posted this one first was because I was already almost done with it and it was a lot easier to finish than the other one. On that one, I still have several things to add to it, but its coming along. It will definitely be my next chapter for this fic. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the week but I can't promise anything. Hooray for pen, paper, and no customers while I'm in lumber. I make so much more progress down there. Yesterday I was on a roll. If I keep up with that type of progress, I'll have that next chapter finished in no time.

I hope you liked this chapter as well! Please continue to Review, Favorite, and Follow! I'll see you all the next update!