Clint felt like his tent was a little brighter that evening.
All those stories about seeing Heaven's Light when in love, might not be completely bogus after all.
The Swordmaster sighed wearily as he felt the warmth of the fire… today had not been a good day. The Ringmaster was furious at the day's events, at how the crowd had turned against them, how the Avengers intervened, running circles around them all.
And what's worse, there were rumours that one of the Avenger's friends had escaped from the camp.
He needed to be found.
Days passed, and there was nothing.
"There are a lot of men wearing suits in this city!" Protested one of the acrobats, "They all look the same! Middle-aged men, no distinguishing features… we just can't find him!"
The Sword-master frowned, "We had the entire camp surrounded… someone guarding every exit. There was no way he could have escaped without being seen… unless." He remembered the sound some members of the circus had reported the night of the disaster.
"Unless he had a little help." He hissed.
"Keep your head down Clint." One of the acrobats reported, wincing in pain, "They're not in a happy mood today."
Clint frowned and nodded, not looking any of them in the eyes as he continued to sweep.
He would have been worried, but he knew Phil was probably two steps ahead of the Ringmaster and well out of harm's way.
He really had nothing to worry about.
Phil had the Avengers after all… even if something did happen, they'd keep him safe.
Clint frantically dropped his broom and raced over to the sound, skidding to a halt and keeping his eyes on the floor.
Now was not the time to be a brat.
"Our organisation has been compromised Barton." The Ringleader hissed.
Clint fought the urge to squirm at this.
"The last time one of those meddling… Avengers was seen, was in this camp. Nobody saw him leave, and yet he's nowhere to be found. Not even twenty-four hours later and he was gone!"
Silence, as the man darted forwards and grabbed Clint's wrist.
"I know you helped him Barton!" He snarled, "What? Was he kind to you?! Showed you affection, and you responded like a good little puppy?!"
"I- "
"- You really think he'll be safe, that they'll all be fine in that tower of theirs?" The Ringmaster smirked, "I control the largest team of thieves and robbers in the country! What makes you think I won't be able to get in?"
"It-it's the Avengers Tower! There's no way- "Clint cut himself off as a vicious smirk spread across the Ringmaster's face.
"Oh… I think you'll find that won't make a difference to us."
Clint paced back and forth in his tent.
"I have to warn them." He muttered, "I can't just let them get hurt." He then stopped and frowned, "But what am I supposed to do… go there and rescue them from the jaws of death, like I'm some sort of hero? Like them?"
He thought about it for a moment more, before rolling his eyes, "I must be out of my mind!"
"Welcoming Clint Barton. Please make your way to the elevator."
Clint flinched at the voice that seemed to come out of nowhere, heading where he was told to. Once inside, the elevator set off automatically.
"Umm... I need to speak to Agent Coulson?"
The door opened up before he could ask again, revealing the stunned looks of the Avengers.
"Merida!" Tony called out, dashing forwards and grabbing Clint's wrist, pulling him into the room, "I knew that extra floor I had decorated for you would come in handy!"
"I-I-I'm not here for that!" Clint yanked his wrist free, "I came to warn you! The Ringmaster says that he knows how to get in here and he's going to- "
"- Impossible!" Tony interrupted, "This building has the best security in the city, there's no way that they could get in."
"Still…." Steve frowned, "… we should be cautious anyway."
As Steve pulled Tony to one side, trying to convince the other man to up security just a little bit, Phil made his way over to Clint, smiling gently at him, "You took a risk coming here." He whispered, "Don't worry about Stark, he is grateful, I promise."
"It was nothing." Clint shrugged, "I just wanted to help."
"And help you did!"