Heyo! I hope you're having a great day! I got really sad while working on Chapter 12 of Suicide so I took a tiny break to write this. i hope you like it. :)

The few days after a battle were always a little too quiet for Anakin and Ahsoka's liking. They would always be flying back to Corusaunt or to a nearby medical station on the Resolue. Sometimes these trips back were sad after they had lost lots of men, but days like this were just boring.

Ahsoka lay on the floor throwing a tennis ball against the wall while Anakin was sticking magnets to his mechanical hand.

"Ssssnnnniiiiipppppsssss..." Anakin groaned.

Ahsoka kept bouncing the ball on the wall.


Ahsoka rolled her eyes and ignored him.


Ahsoka bounced the tennis ball against the wall, caught it, and playfully threw it at her master.

"Ouch! Snips, I got a magnet stuck on my hand and it won't come off!" He wined.

Ahsoka snickered and used the force to grab her tennis ball and throw it at him again.

"Meany." Anakin said. "Could you just help me out, please?" He asked holding up his metal hand and shaking it.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and walked on her knees over to him. She grabbed his hand and tried to pull the magnet off of it.

She used all of her strength, but that wasn't enough. "Geez, Skyguy." She sighed, poking the magnet with her finger.

"Why were you putting magnets on your hand anyway?" She asked, reaching down by her hip.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled.


Anakin pointed down to Ahsoka's hand that was reaching for her lightsaber. "Don't use your lightsaber! That's a horrible idea!" He yelled.

"No, what's a horrible idea is sticking a shabla magnet to your hand!"

Anakin frowned. "I was bored, okay."

"Who is the strongest person on this ship?" Ahsoka asked.

Anakin smiled. "You."

She shook her head. "No. I couldn't pull the magnet off. Who's stronger?"

Anakin thought for a moment. "Hardcase."

Ahsoka nodded. "Well let's go find him!"

Ahsoka was a little glad that Anakin got a magnet stuck on him because it gave her something to do other than coming close to putting holes in the walls.


Hardcase was hard at work when Anakin and Ahsoka ran into the room. "Hardcase help!" Anakin screamed. "Anakin got a magnet stuck on his robotic hand!" Ahsoka shouted.

Hardcase stared at them in confusion. "Why does he have a magnet on his hand?" Anakin shrugged. "I was bored." Unlike them, he was good at keeping himself occupied in boring situations.

Ahsoka looked behind Hardcase. "What's that?"

Hardcase looked behind him. "Oh that? That's just my jetpack duck taped to a swivel chair I found in the war room."

That made Anakin and Ahsoka forget all about the hand situation. "Ohhhhh!" They said.

"Can I ride it?!" Ahsoka asked. Anakin lightly elbowed her in the arm. "Ahsoka, that's rude!" He scolded her.

"What?" She asked.

"Can WE ride it, Ahsoka. Don't forget about me."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"Of course." Hardcase said. "Of course! I just finished."

Anakin volunteered to go first.

He sat down in the chair and they used Ahsoka's utility belt as a seat belt.

"Okay General, while you are sitting in the jetpack chair you won't be able to have any control over where you're going and it's kind of risky activating a jet pack in a low ceiling ship."

Anakin nodded. "Just let me FFFFLLLYYYYYY!" He screamed.

"If anything goes wrong either me or Ahsoka will shoot the jetpack and you'll stop flying."

Ahsoka grabbed one of Hardcase's guns and slung it over her shoulder. "I'm a terrible shot." She said in a matter of factly tone.

"Sounds like a good plan." Anakin said. "Now let me FFFFLLLLLYYYY!" Anakin yelled. Hardcase nodded and pressed a button on the back of the jetpack.

Anakin took off and started screaming. Ahsoka and Hardcase started cheering as the chair flew into the air. They kept cheering as Anakin hit the ceiling with a bang.

"OOOF!" He grunted, falling to the ground and hitting his head. "Acckk!" He yelled.

"Commander! Shoot the jetpack!" Hardcase screamed.

Ahsoka aimed the gun at Anakin, but she was a horrible shot, and a moving target was pretty hard to hit.

"Don't worry, Skyguy." She said. Anakin was too busy running into the ceiling and walls to hear her. She pointed the gun at the jetpack and pulled the trigger. She shot Anakin in the arm and the kick back from the gun made her fall over. "Owwwww' Ahsoka!" Anakin shrieked in pain before running into the wall.

Hardcase grabbed the gun from Ahsoka and shot the jetpack, making it turn off. Anakin fell to the ground with a thud. "That was awesome!" He yelled.

Ahsoka and Hardcase were jumping up and down. "Success!" Ahsoka yelled.

"Ten out of ten, General!"

Even though he had bruises all over him, and bloody gashes on his chest and forehead, and a shot arm, Anakin had never felt more cool.


Obi-Wan was trying to relax after a very stressful mission. He was sipping his hot black tea and reading when Ahsoka called him.

"Hey, Master Kenobi." She said in her best trying to sound sweet voice.

"Hey, Ahsoka."

"We kinda need you at the med bay." She said nervously.

Obi-Wan sighed. He didn't even want to imagine what his friends had gotten themselves into.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"Well, Anakin, Hardcase, and I strapped Anakin to a jetpack chair and he kinda ran into all the walls and the ceiling in the room, and then I might have accidentally shot him in the arm, and yeah. It was cool."

Obi-Wan spit out his tea in surprise. "What?! You accidentally shot him?! What the hell is a jetpack chair?!"

"A swivel chair with a jetpack duck taped to it." She said sheepishly.

Obi-Wan facepalmed.

"You might think it's stupid, but it was really cool." Ahsoka said.

"Really cool? Anakin's in the med bay!"

"Geez, Obi-Wan. You don't need to be so negative."

"Negative? You-"

"I'm looking at the glass half full. Actually, I'n looking at the glass all the way full! That was the most fun I've had in months!"


"I have no regrets. Zero! Zilch! Just come down to the med bay please." Ahsoka asked.

Obi-Wan sighed and set down his tea. It was going to get cold if he left it, but it looked like he had no choice.

Obi-Wan walked into the med bay to see Ahsoka and Hardcase arguing with Anakin. Anakin was laying down in his bed with his arms crossed. "It'll be cool." He argued.

"No, it won't be coolbeans, General. It will be stupid beans."

Ahsoka looked over at Hardcase. "Stupid beans? Seriously? That was the best you could come up with?"

Hardcase glared at her. "Well it's better than anything you could come up with."

"I'm already cool and this will add to my coolness level." Anakin declared.

Ahsoka shook her head. "Your coolness level is at the same level as Obi-Wan's!"

"Snips how dare you?!" Anakin shouted.

Hardcase shook his head at Ahsoka. "That was a tad too offensive, Commander."

Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "Hey. I'm right here in the doorway." He said.

They all turned to him and frowned. "What are you guys arguing about anyways?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin scoffed. "The stupid doctors told me to get in the bacta tank but I'm not gonna. I want more cool battle scars."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "No! No I am not doing this again! You said the same thing with your eye and it drove me insane!"

Anakin gave him a death glare. "COOL. BATTLE. SCARS."

Obi-Wan walked in the room and started pacing. "No. No! NOO! They're not even battle scars! You didn't get them in battle you got them because you were trying to make a jetpack chair or whatever!" Obi-Wan yelled.

"COOL. SCARS." Anakin pouted.

"Would you grow up for force sakes!?" Obi-Wan shouted, pacing a little faster.

"I didn't raise you to become some-"

"Macho, coolbeans, tough, epic, stud?" Anakin interrupted, gaining a few laughs from Ahsoka.

"No! A whimp who's scared of the bacta tank." Obi-Wan screamed.

"I am not! I'm a whimp who just wants some recognition around here!" Anakin shot back.

"You tell em'!" Hardcase and Ahsoka cheered. He had gotten them on his side.

"What is my life?" Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin looked down at his hand. "Fuck." He muttered. "I still have a magnet stuck on my hand."

I made a coolbeans reference to Clone Wars Adventures. If you didn't get it, basically Anakin got in this lightsaber fight with Ventress and she cut his eye (it's how he got his scar) and it was all swelled up and gross. He went to

Obi-Wan and he kept telling him to stop being a baby get in the bacta tank and fix it, but Anakin wanted a battle scar to impress people. :)