

Hopper tried to close the trunk. He made every possible move to shove the bags in the back, but it wouldn't close. He'd move things, he'd taken out belongings, he'd even double checked their necessities. Yet it wouldn't fit. Frustrated, he backed away for a minute and rubbed his temples. Joyce noticed his frustration and went towards the back.

"Everything okay, chief?" She asked.

"The trunk doesn't want to close," he explained," It's like there's some kind of force on it. Wait, where's El?"

"She's getting ready to leave," Joyce looked to the trunk," Are you sure we didn't overpack?"

"I counted the list twice. We should have everything we need. Including wedding invitations- which I wanted to talk about. I think Murray's gonna be my best man. I mean, he has been helping with the cabin since-"

The woman pondered for a second. While she was listening to Hopper, she looked to the porch. Eleven was standing there, hair tied back with a scrunchie and with a smiling face. The woman winked to her daughter, who let go of her force on the trunk, while Joyce slammed it down. Hopper stared at her, unsure of how she'd done it. She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

"Murray's the perfect choice," she said as she whistled for the kids.

While Hopper stood there, Kevin came driving down the road. The kids, too, were packed in and ready for their summer in Hawkins. The Byers- soon Hoppers- got in their car and lead the journey to their old home.


"Are they here yet?" Lucas asked as he walked around the station.

"They said by five," Robin reminded as she fixed up Mandy's hair," What time is it?"

Mandy checked her watch and found that it was past 4:30. The families decided to meet their friends at the bus station before their summer kicked off. The two Wheelers were more than excited to see their significant other. They had a lot to say in a matter of minutes. Steve did too, as he waited on the brick wall with a sunflower (said to be taken from Mr. Potter's front yard, but he didn't really own them). He tapped his foot as he waited for both Deborah, who he'd talked to since their meet up, and Dustin, who was nowhere in sight. Until he came zipping in on his bike, in a shirt

"Where have you been?" Harrington nervously asked," I've been prepping by myself and I'm a little freaked out…Wait, are you wearing my tie? I was looking for that!"

"I have some big news," Dustin interrupted," Do you remember how Mr Clarke wanted to start a science club this summer? And how he sent out a notice to all fifty states?"


The group saw something coming in the distance. When they noticed it was only a bus, they groaned and leaned back. Dustin adjusted his tie and looked to the door. The group gathered close when they noticed the boy smiling. They knew what was coming even before they saw a smiling girl hop off of the bus.

"Dustybun!" Suzie exclaimed.


The others smiled at his happiness. They'd never seen her before, but they were glad to. Before they could introduce themselves, Dean saw two cars coming in. He called for the others, who waited impatiently for their friends. As the cars pulled up, Eleven hopped out and into Mike's arms. They embraced for a while, glad to have a summer to themselves. Jon and Nancy shared a kiss as they stood together. Rudy and Will were welcomed with open arms as well.

"Did you have any strange dreams?" Lily asked Will, to which he shook his head," that's okay. We have a lot to catch up on."

"Same here!" Rudy laughed," You wouldn't believe what happened on the last day of school."

As they talked away, Deborah got out of the car. She could finally stretch her legs and forget about the long drive down. Steve saw her and panicked. Robin and Mandy looked to each other and rolled their eyes. They were thinking the same thing, having had a connection and- since their relationship started on New Years Day- it grew. They knew what they had to do. They hopped up from their spots and looked to their friend.

"Would you just ask her already?" Mandy laughed.

"It's weird though," he admitted," you know we've only talked over Cerebro. We haven't been face to face since October. And what if she rejects me?"

"Steve 'The Hair' Harrington finally faces fear," Robin said," I never thought I'd see you get so worked up. Here's how I asked Mandy on our first date. I went up to her, asked her to the movies, and she said yes. Then we got together. Just stop panicking and think about the good."

Steve nodded and walked over to the girl. She was busy stretching her feet when he walked over. The sunflower was clinging in his hand, his fear spiking and decreasing every few seconds. When he approached her, he straightened up and smiled at her.

"Hello Debs!"

"Farrah," she said with a smile" It's good to see you again."

"You too. Actually, I wanted to ask you if you've seen Short Circuit, or Top Gun, and if you didn't, I'd love to go with you. But if you don't want to that's cool."

"I'd love to go."

"Oh! That's great! Which movie do you want to see? I mean I'm good with either or but I…"

"Well, if we like Short Circuit, maybe we'll like Top Gun."

"...Aren't those two different movies?"

It took him a while to understand what Deb was getting at. As they set up for their date, the adults had decided to head to the cabin. They left their kids standing there, ready for the summer adventure to begin.


The facility was small, for now, but it was ever growing. They had much to think about when it came to those monsters. At least General Hubbard thought so. That's why he'd been panicked as he walked through the halls. The cells held many dangerous creatures, their claws large and screams louder than 4th of July fireworks. He sat in his office, debating how to keep everything safe, when Private Deeds entered (with permission).

"Sir," he said," we've tested the sight fully. There is no way a normal citizen could get into the facility."

"Good, good," the general sighed," I still worry, Private. You saw what happened in Hawkins, you know what's going on."

"Oh, if the people know what's good for them, they'll stay away. Besides," he walked towards the doorway," no one in their right mind would storm Area 51."

Thank you guys for reading. I really couldn't have done this without your support. I hope to create two different series of one shots- one after Beyond Hawkins, and one about years later- then maybe a bigger fic about years later. Thank you again!